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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1965, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY MIMES, TIIURSDAY, DECEIMBER 30th, 1965 niae\ew ear>'s resollûfions. AMay f ugs his resoluifion: 1I hereby reslvéf0join tlhe Orono Public Library. Happ NewYear! Loc 'Q' w s Ri1ng out thle 01d(rin in lhe~, M r. and Airs. Weldon inchl, Rig9 hpp î, across 'heCarol and Bill, Weston; M ïýr. Bihl srio v; MeNauil and Miss Audrey Billings, The year is going, jet hlm go; Oshawa' were guests on Chrisfmnas Ring oufthÉe false, ring lu the day with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Bill- frue. ns Pr-om "Ring, Ouf, Wild Belîs" i r.T isnspn hita byV AirsfT.WdloTennyson.stii Now' is hflim îe vwhen we miens-wiMr. and AMrs. Fred Moffashed taly eviw hepast year, andanfmiy Simicoe. Plan11 ahead wtJ new hope for the MssAim-aCtel spenlt Christ- coming., monflhs of 16.Som1e of mas with MAr. and Mrs. Henry us are even opfimîsfic enoughit p uk r, Petn ________________________ ChistmasDay gutesf s wijtb r an r.Wm. I rwin were Mr. and Mlrs. Fred Lyceft, Mr. andl Mrs. Donald Lyceff and Mr. Doti-ilas, ILyceft. Ah. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper and I Mr. Carl Tennanit spent Christ- I 1'mas dlay wifh Mr. and Mrs. 0. - MFagan and famnilyv, Markham. Also W e n ut n2 present were Mr. and Mrs. Bob youtur 21 Cooper and fam1ily of Birmingham, you're no longer cov- IMich. e red by your parenîts' Hospital insurance. To keep insur'ed, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospit al1, or from the Commis- sion, WED? The 'fa mily' Hospital Insurance premnium mnust now be paid to cov er husband and wife. Notify yo--ur ~group' withoutu-e-. lay OR, if you bo'th pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. N EW JOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on, the Hospital Insurance Certiif icate of Payment 'Form 104' that'yoùr present employer is required to give you on leavîng, Your Plan Ontarir omiontal Mrs. Johin Leishman spent the long Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn. iMýrs. Milton Tamiblyn called Ion ýMr. and -Mrs. Harvey Briton, New- castle on Suinday being the occas- ion of the 45thi anni-versary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and family, Kent- Mýr. and MIrs. Les Aslett , Chris and Susan ml-oved this wveek to Hagersv-ille where MIr. Aslett has a position. Important (Coantied fromi page 4) the Messiah, thie Son of God, the Sav-,iour," We ought to be saying the saine thing, but can we?. This year we should ask ouirselves, 'Who do we really fhink Jesuis is and what is Ris importance in our lives'?'" it is one thing to talk about Him- but it is another thing to ac-ept Hlmin. This question puts us to the test because if we say, "You are the Christ, the Saviour, webelieve this withi ail our hearts," then surely Rlis answer to us would be "If you bave accepted me as Saviour, why do you do somne of the fhing-s you1o ad if mny love filîs your heart, how,,can you be separated fromn your fel- low Christians? Why is tiiere not a oneness?" Who do you say that Christ i1 Î?9You must answer foi yourself . I hope that most of uis have, answeredI it honestly, but if we have nof, then we oughf ft o considerif again. If we say, "He is Christ," then w,,e are bound to- gether as a local congregation and one with Christians throughout the world. We will be one ln Ris Spirit. So ln the preparation for Christ- mas, we should ask ourselves three qutestions. "W'here does God fit in?" I say do not try to fit _-Wi in, let Hlm be a natural part of everyfhing in your life. "Who do !men say tliat Jesus is" Beware that our expectafions are not too liow, as mnany persons are. "Who do YOU say Christ is?" If He is your Savîour, then love Hlm withb all your heart and follow Hlm wherever H-e leads and He wl make you one 'wifh other Christ- lians wherever they are. Why Pay More..... AVE ON PREMIUM SA I ULT FUEL OIL PIOINE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DX FUEL uOhIL Serving Orýono~, Newcastle and District BehndheOrange ut i uN1TED cHur4cB Charge Rev S. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1966 CHURCU SERVICES GOno - 11:15 a.m.j Leskard - 2 P.m1. Kl-rby - 9:45 a.m. SUNDAY SOHOOL Orono- 10 a.m. Leskard- 10 Klrby -ha.m. OAINGEC TI Bingoutwildbeils, fo tfe c wild The year is dying in) the ngt 'R ing oufwid belîs, anld let im die. 5- Froin Al 0f Us At ARMSTRONG'S Guests moi e te oliday ek end wîth Mir. and Mr'Ls. Donald Muriel't!pesPort Hop"e; Mr. andf Mrs. Frank Stenger, Ennîis- kilen ndMr, and Mrs. Warren Watt, Roxnna,- and Andrew of Peterborough. Mr. and MArs. Albert West en- tertained their family and grand- childrenl to a Christmas Party in theOdelo' Hall Friday even- Christmas (dinier guests wt Mr. and N'rs. Ronald West and f amily were M'r. and Airs. Albert West, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forrester, Elaine and Nanicy, Mvrs. Williamn cCarrnnd jon, Port Hope. Mr. Hiarry Ncosn Port Hope. Mr. Clîff LongI, Rev. and Mrs. B. Long, MNrs. A. YounghIusband and MHrs. A. Gerry spent Christ- mas with Mlr. and Mrs. Phil Long and Todd, Oshiawýa. Guests on Christmias Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bd Grahiam and Terry were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bur- nett, H1awkesbury, Miss Sharon Tamiblyn, Airs. Harry Bailey and Mliss Lynn Bailey. 1Mr. and] Mrs. Norman Andrews and fam ly enterfained on Christ- mas day Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mjof- fat and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jakeman, Mr. and Mrs. R. MUerrili and Mr. Fred Andrews. 1Sunday evening dinner guests1 with Mrs. Harry Bailey and Ly,;,nu were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moffat_ Blain ai-d Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey. Mr. Cllff Long, Rev. and rs B. Log vistedïr. and mrs. A no LogLkeiedon Sud' nMonaBoxin Day, Mr. MrshW. Stutt spet hrtasadrsW.Moffatenrtne weeen wth Mis. Fred Kly h I anly: Mr. nd IMrvS.Grt Mrs. C. M-aartlense nd 'ifftadf miOkville: M.r' dgteKiingso;Ms ajreiadMs lcMfa andfmly Tyre1l Coour ad Miss Lînda Ms. JackMofatand TyriToronto spent iChristmýas fain ly andciMr.~ Lawrence Squair, with iMrs. C. B'. Tyrrel, Salem; ýMr. an ri Ls. N,;,ii Came'r- Mrs .F7ote pn h on and daughtfe r s and Master rs. N. . Portr speDathe dTMoff'at Gf Keene. Chr istmfr-as weekend wdih MraIn d Mr-s. Jack Bail1, Johni and Barbara. Mr. CarlKimett spent Christ- M\r. and Mirs. z)rthur Drumm-iiond( mas holidays wdih hs parents, r sp)ent Christmas weekend with Mir. and Mrfis. Mýanley Kinmmett, -Nap- and Mrs. Alex DumnTor- anee, YcAL Bwmn'ýrvile 623-5589 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - DECEMBER 3,1, 31 - JAN. 1 lidl-ig«ht Show December 3lst A Hard ays'Night Ail Color THE BEATLES SUN. - MON. - TUES. - WED. - JANUAîýRY 2, 3, 4, 5 MARIAGE ITALIN STYbm-&LE a Sophia Loren, - Color NOC)T ICE TUE NEW WINTER TErM AT THE OSHAWA BUSINESS C0LLEGE'ý' OPENS M1ONDAY, .TANUARY 3, 1966 NINE-CAItEER DESIGNED COURSES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. SPECIAL CLASSES ALSO FOR HOUSEWIVES, SHIFT- WORKERS AND IVEGULAR EVENING CLASSES JUNIOR TYPING CLASSES SATURDAY MORNING FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FROM GRADES 6, 7, & 8 GET F'REE LITERATURE - THEN ACT REGISTRATION IS LIMITED O>SHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE A COLLEGE WIHERE CAREERS ARE BORN 10 SIMCOE ST. N., Oshawa HIAL, 725-3315 -4,-s-,,-

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