iii gt~ u wsflV'T ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBRIt30th, 1965 PLAN SUR VEY Iserions. The report further states velopment takes place. ~f4 l b oo H as Se on ad(Continued from pae1) that intially the two eul-descs 1 Thereport so neudd the north into a portion of the school up with litie expense and these tests. property.th nara would be followed by the develOP. Developing Costs The plan retainsth aul ment of the loop roads. A niaino eeomn waercourse with alignment at A niaino eeomn Mfqa.1or Fi'ýre 111 Four D ayslb,k of lots or road rights-of-way. The second\stage would be the costs of paved roads ihdces _______________________The road pattern pemits the southern loop and cul-de-sac. De- sidewalks, watermains and stream secnd ajo fre n furvelopment could proceed begin- realignment to serve the propôsed day lasreuledinaninvst- ARERCAH HOTAE lopngofmuicpa wte sp_ nin with the opening of the plan of development was sub- gats ias by tedntaio Fireash- LRPOR BA UDITHORSG in stages of economical develop-,'eqtern portion of the southern mitted in the report. The costs ai's officpMyrmn.Ra lnt skp oIanHbstl ebr minimus by using two cul-de-sacs lo through lots on Church street 'can be considered only approxi- MaspectornDeUbHopeoof the On- opposite Dickson- street west to mate as accurate estimates would Inpeto- el that heOn !fthe Twm unilaudios hae Stff illg of eelo entthe loop road running north from require a, detailed engineering tario Fire Marshal's office in ta h uiia uioshv týJk«o eeomn Centre street. This latter area study. Believille was in the village of reported greater cash shortages The report states thatthe north- hsn rudwtrpolm Millbrook to investic-ate fires that than the amount for which resti- crn loop should be developed first hs e o groun ter podbe 3.70sna ee f2'pvmn severlv damaged the Cavan Town- tuition was made. since it appears to have the bestandetme t$6,9.30fe o 1The letter from the auditors potential for residential use. Also encouraged to_ develop this area e5'smaed at$1,175. 3700 eet of ship 1 l ' w ,eIl as the building inpr:tegonwae1rbe sîs residentially if in the interests of5'sd ak$1,7. atmin 'tated inpart:_the ____________________ i he Vlae od s.satdteincluding connecting to present across thie street which was gutted Ou jtrpriglttri h ilg ed o t dtei mains along with necessary hy- by fire on Saturday. "Or astreoringleterinGIreport. dat n avs$470 ae icated cash shortages known at ConclusionUNG drananveos $2475t.eWmten Satudays fie cusedan sti- 1tatdate fo he $17.529.66. On Nov. (C'ontinued from page r1) CTnclusorhoustconnetionsfromete mai The report tates thatthedareaeIto the street lune $10,800. Stream maed $35.000 da9mage to a drug , 165 , erpre oyuta iultradgadagter, andudrstyba strandteaatet bv.~ ition65, ai een med for o thîs 1ute a roo ahsnd and th e rresdntias good potenial 're-alignment $4,200. Total estimat- str adte prtet aoe a1"smon libyteerk-ra ue r, 5riile'sgrandb so o rsietildevelopment 'with cd cost including 10% contin- amout b theClek-Trasuer, ril's gandon.the exception of the apparent 'gency and 6%- engineering fee FiPefîghters From Port Hop)e, ,Tack L. Reid. Many Patients and nurses were 1groundwater problem. It recom- I flO,260. Bewdley- and- Millbrook fought "Subsequent investigation md ,)-resent during the ceremony as mended further detailed study in A cul-de-sac is a short dead end the blaze that at times threatened cated that further cash shortages --1 as many close friends of theth ohenscinbfr d-sre whatu-bu. the entire main street of the Vil- were involved. In the vear 1963. bride and groom. __________________________________ lage. shortaqes of $14.144.23 have been A delicous buffet ]uncheon was determined resulting from unre- ',erved by the hospital staff. Rev. --- Last Wednesday a fire in the orded receipts in the books' and Long p roposed a toast, to the Cavan Township Hall caused con- recordis of the Town. Approximat- ,ope n M.Knight replied. side'rable damage to the clerk's of- ely $500.00 in other unrecorded .Wbile the guests mingled with fie an cased120 teen-agers receipts in the vear 1963 are being v~ The'"e Vilatones", en-I who were attending a dance in onufirmed current1v. terta»ned with many favoiirite i the building to evacuate. "In the yea, 1964, the amount ISongs. of shortages which have been con- "TeVlans" reteM- The Saturday's fire apparently firmed totalled $11,656.71. A fur-Icua Dvstrophiv Group that gave ....... started in the rear of the drug ther $1,997.96 in shortage is sus- ar -nng netanet eei store op)erated by Ivan Gray, pected. -but at this date r an N venîge ntrtinefohrei There i,-j Oii in the bilding un-on firmied. 0f the total ~1Nvbr .jfo at the trne. Tw'o apartmients on shortages, $5,350.00 was included alarma system bhas been extended the second floor of the building in the amount for which restitu-1 to the new indlustrial area. were also extensively damaged. tion was made." Coi lorniloopemv map bea The fur fre dpartents Counillor Wesley Fiee moved 1the fr lr ytm mpb that council re-affirmthe contract filed in the clerk's office. Coun- fougt te blze or sx hurswith Police Chief Bernard R. Kit-1 cillor Hughes, scne h o and wo irefghtrs, on eidney for the transportation of pris-1 tion, and on behaîf ofconi ad Lrry ibbswereoveromeoners to Cobourg, and that a copy thanked Counillor Hooper fo nfti contract be again provided bisý work in preparing this map. anI Iug u by smoke as they fought the fire fo h he fP~Ç ~ Hoe tated that hea d th o g t but were- not taken to1 hospital. Counillor Hooper, in regard to had also supplied the Fire De-,j4j,~ N the extensive work on the fire partment with a copy of the maP. L e ±ev ieai Although the fire dîd not reach alarm system done in the last DeputY Reeve Ross Stevens the apartments above occupied by two years, presented counecil with stated that the town shouId also Mr. and Mrs. William Louth, Nor- a map -of the system showing the have a map of the Storm sewers. ma le n r.S. Little, route of wires, and'ail other de- Reeve Sidney Little said that a Russelil C. Ho ney l there was, extensive water dam- tails. He pointed out that the al- detailed map of the Storm sewers age. No one was in the apart- arm rings in the homnes of 17 bas already been completed, and. ..F R D R A ments at the timne of the fire. firemen, the town's major indus- is on file in the Works Superin- X P O U H b tries have alarm boxes, and the tendent's office. ýail farmemlye joi 2,00,00 other Ont rioworkers with co,,,mpleÉte protecetionl I.unj-%der - Workmen's Compensatio With the co-operation offarm em- clude ail medical expenses and pen- making a special application to the ploye rs throughout the Province, the sions for permanent disability. Workmen's Compensation Board. Ontarico Workmen's Compensation How about the worker's family?. And his Fanmily? If they work on Board i3 now able to provide fullIJn death cases there are allowances the same farm and get a stated wage, compensation protection starting for funeral expenses and pensions they are automatically covered, as January lst. for widows and children. is the Farmi Employee. Protected how? With benefits up Is this the samne Workmen's Is there a charge ýto the Farm to- $86.54 A-week if anemloye s C mpnsaio tht ,000,00-en mplo ,e or hisNo.Far em