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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1965, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIJRiSDAY, DECEMBER.30th, 1965 - - - DIEDBIT K RENELT, Otto-At Women's Col- IT Sday, December 23, 1965, Otto baIl) wish to announce the arni- U Reneit. Beloved husband of Mar- val of a baby daugliter, Nadine fiRE A L ES T ATE tha oebmann, dea father of Claudette, December 18, 1965.a- gIIE 0. Amann) Toronto and Mararet - g Û (Mrs. B. Fox) London, Ont. Rest- 13 2 KING ST. WEST 1 ed at the Barlow Funeral Home, 0 Orono for service Monday, Dec. ENGAGEMENT 13 owmanville 623-3393 3 ember 27th at 2 p.m. Interment Mr. and Mrs u ilo n . ~ ron Cemter. fouince the engagement of their ~ auliter Catherine Marie to ~ .,James Burdge Williams, son0.of Mrs. Williams and the late MA.iH *11 0g f1 t iWilliams of Haijfax. Themarago 0HALL1 , IPE bRKciý, a CMILN&CO. Chartered Accoutants 3½King St. E., Oshawa 725-6539 Kinag St., B'ox 245, Newcastle 987-4240 Partniers: Williamr C. Hall, B. Comm, C.A. David G. Perikini, C.A. J.Grahlam MjacMillan, C.A. Electric Hleating Plumbirig & Heating o I W KA LCET, .A. I and Service I Phone 33R11 DArrister - lB.A..g jPHONE 245 OR 10412 fOoo naj lu the Offices of gÇOrn, nalo.c c oco =o R. R. Waddelî Q.C., MAIN ST., ORONO 1 ~ Telephone 1," Orofl rneEeti DOUG SIMPSON g PHONE 129 g& SON CONTRACTORS FOR g Phone Orono 21 FARM Iand IIOIJSE 1 ANIN.I0Pî~&1 WIRING 0EXTIPV"lt ~MERRILL 9. BROWN ree sima1Â BILINGH4GIIG ATTAILDiro-, eUPBOARDS& B.S.A. B.A:Sc: :L:S: 1PrmtadGraeeRpir 2EMODELLING g Propt ud uaantèd eparo FURNITURE REPAIR &' pFUSI),. ENGINEER'p to ail kinds of Electrical MNi g (Civil) Equipment and Appliances 0 ~ 1S Ontalo and urvyOr Such at M1etors - Water Heatersg AND ALL ODD JOBS Ontario LadgST.Ve o Radios - Stoves - Irons 0 j?' I1Queen St. Box 16591 Bowmanviile, Onta1rio ù anadBa Telephofle 623-72,51 ggPLUMBING and HEATING0 - 3 SaIes-ami -Service 1 c24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEc L.JKAIE g g~Low Interest Rates A iê 13hones: Chrerd4ccotintafl -0 Happy g0 HamPton CO. 3.2288 0O' 3ld5Watr St13e Tyrone CO. 3-2650' PETERBOROL (-iw--1--: Phoine 742-5482 o Ueou Generl Pr:WATSON'S Marine New Yearand Cycle INSU R ANCE <13 Orono Phone14 SEEto ail g MCULLCHOATS 13 13CHAIN SAWS FRED LCT Repafrs to ail makes of Lawn 0U Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONQ 1 Enginés Phon 1216 OL 2616o O OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY JACK ÏREID 10a îtn _______ Auctionee2r and Valuatui BUYING OR SELLING Speci-alize in Farm and Box 133 MO. -355 Furniture Sales xnMOU8-352TREA Consuit me for berms Stafford Brothers RL L L UI j and dates jLimited Phn y1 rn 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. A. J. McGiLL s Manufacturers of RA SAEBEOKER ti T EL) J ACKSON ( elnetery Memorials hn:roo10 Aucioneer cx-andlatoL"î Dae nOshawa 728-4285& CondetsAucion ale ofail Dornestie & Foreign Graites I sizes au traoal ates and Marbies - Inscriptions Cnt ___- Commnicae wih hl at and Cemetery Repair Work Monw i Bildig a Ouse? PUMPNG UTt-~ ainlv ~ ~nr~IS tor emoellng our presenti Our quality ad ser.vic0 enves Ep T AN1-4KSl nothinlg to b e d esr ed one, then contact Ask the pesnwobugcht from WRIE ASIN SABESus, a nefighboýur fiend or relative Bert Tompkins~ The IRUCf TTER RN FodNihlo COIV:P-1NT "ûLargest Dslay lu Southeru Oâtaril'________________ will take place on January 22, 1966 at 3 o'clock ln Kirby United Church. a-p COMING EVENT J. A. MacDonald, Ridgetown, will discuss the. "Storage and Util- ization, of the Corn Crop" and Harvey Wright, Lindsay will dis- cuss the county projects at the Durham County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association Annual Meeting la the Oddfellows Hall, Orono, on Wednesday, January Sth. 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Lunch supplied. Everyone Welcome.', a-c NIEW YEAR'S EVE. PARTY New Year's Eve Party to be held by Orono Hi-C ln the base- ment of Orono United Church on December 31st, 1965 at 8:30 p.m. Registration: $1.00 per person Everyone welcome! Also -Candie Light Service to be held at 12:00 p.m. New Year's Eve in Orono United Church. 1Everyone welcome to attend., b-49-c NOTICE The business office of the Com- munity Telephone Company Ltd. in Orono will be closed on Mon- day, Jan.uary 3rd, 1966. - NOTICE Meat cut and wrapped for freez- ,ers. Cali C. E. Miller ,1 Orono 2233. GARBAGE COLLECTION Garbage collection in the Vil- lage of Orono will be picked up as asual on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 3, 4, and Sth starting at 8 a.m. by Albert Pos. a-c WANTED House or apartment to rent by February lst, 1966. Apply Box 500, Oro-no Weekly Times. t-f UNWANTED RAIR Janished away with SACA-PELO. SACA-PELO is different. It does iot dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of UNWANTED HAIR. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B.C. d-49-U W"hen Buiyineg or'Slîn cai Jo.ckRicard I REA LTOR Il 'King St. E., Bowmanville- 623-250-3 leprO'w d ~r'~ FOR RENT SnackBa for rent, Hfighway 115 and 35. Applly Býox 63, Orono. b-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHE RS All persons' having dlaims against THE ESTATE 0F ROSS STAN'LEY LANG, late of the City of Chicago, U.S.A., who died on or about the 28th day of Nov- ember, 1964, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the lOth day of January, 1966, after which date the Estate will be distribut- ed, with crear only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have nioice, and the under- signed wil41 not. be hable to any person of w7hose dlaim he shall not then have notice. DATED this lOth day of Dec- ember, 1965. AYLWARD LITTLE, c/o Messrs. Mackenzie, Wood & Goodchild, 80 King Street'West, Toronto 1,, Ontario. c-49-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F EDWARD SAMIS late of the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham, Retired Farmer, deceased:. All pîersons having lafims a- gainst the Estate of the said Ed- ward Samnis, who died on or a- bout the 2nd day of November, 1965, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executors or their Solicitor on or bef ore -the Third day of January 1966, their names and addresses and full par- ticulars of 'their ,dcaims and the nature of the secunities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. ImmeiJately, after the, said Third day of January 1966, the as- sets of the said deceased will be distributed among the pensons entitled thereto having regard 0,11Y to th'e caims of which -the Executors. or the undersigned Solicitor shaîl then have notice. Dated at> Orono, Ontario, this l3th dlay of December 1965. GEOR GE MELVILLE SAMIS, Newtonville, Ontario. REGINALD FRANK WOODHAMS 87 Exford Drive, Scarborough, Ontario. Executors WI. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. c-49-c NURSING HOME Orono Nursing Home bas ac- commodation for bed or up pa- tients. Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 371. 51-e PART.l'-TIME RDIO TV REPAIES ElH-FI - Stereo Record Players -Anitennias - Towers -PA Syste-m for rent Ail parts amid-labour guaranteed IRIYWiERSlqA Phorie 1731) Orono Ilho seli,Instali J~~ý <m urltees I PLUMI VENG-HEATýING PHONE 143 ILYCETTg Urvlîle Ihaiterton El,,ectrical Contracting NI

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