Pmepl Orang:,e or Pineapple Grapefruit Frozen .- Shrin-p Cho,,w AMein; Chicken g Freli el, ekeTChW M -N DINýNERS 1,4 oz pkg 59C HZospitality Lemon Dempsters RO I Faily Size 55C Pkg. of 12 A1 48ý oz. Tins Maplýe L.eaf Peaýr Shaped Isr COFFEE Royal Guest 1 lb. bag 75c Green Giant 'NIB 'LET S C0 R N 1 lb. bag 79e 14 oz. Tins 2f q.r 37c IGA Fanc TOMATO ûjUÙICE 48 oz tini 29C IGA Faniey- Sliced - Cbnnks , Tid Bits PI1NE"nA PP LEi 20 z in33e Grae "" Pedrsse -Ready for the Oven - Youing 20 imb6 -14 Grade "A" a ee d.YOUBng TABLITETURIKEYS 20 lb & up 43C TABLE-RITE Canjada's Finest Red or Blue Brand Beef - Boiîeless Round S T EAK o r ROÇ)A STîo r ïRUùlM P RO'A SIT 6-14 lb av 49cý lb 89c 1Prices Effective Decemnber 28, 29, 30, 31, 1965 We Reserve the Right to Limiit Quiutities e0000u000.000.o..000 "PARTY TIMES" Hlun*4ty Dunipty POTATO CHIPS reg. 69e plçg only- Cedarvale ,Seafood COCKTAIL SAUCE 8 oz. Sze ------ DeJean I'MediuminDEVEINEB SHRIMP -4¼ oztin ------ MeLarens ïManzfila STUFFED OLIVES 12 oz. jar ----- M1illionaire Biln SARDINES - 3 oz. Tin - ------- Party Tyme COCKCAIL MIXES - 25 oz. Size Tuffys NUTS & BOLTS - 7 oz. Pkg. ---- - Beaver MIXED NIJTS - 14 oz. Tin ----- ------ McCormieks .Cileese, Regular, Faitcy Dipis SNACKERS .2! for - -- ------ ------- Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING - 16 oz. jar 39e 89e 8oz, Pkgs. -55C ------- - 3 9e Florida Seeilless -White~ or ruby red Ge*RýAPnFRUVIT Size 96's, 10 for 59e Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. i Grade Florida - Vrisp, Green, garden fresh CELERY size 24 ea 25c Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade lmported cC ;,umBE RS.- 2for 36c Produce of U.S.A. Canada -No. 1 Grade Imported ICEBURG LETTUCE size 24 29c SAVE THIESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS OR EATON MERCHANDISE i CERTIFICATES RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WITH -.Coronation COFFEE M1ATE il oz. jar nec Renose orange Pekoe jTEA1 BAGS Pkg. of 60 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4,00 'FAPE WITH -Weich's GRAPE fUICE 24 oz. size SWIte Swan - White or Rainbow SERVIETTES Pkr. of 60 IRECEIVE AN EXTRA $?-00 TAPE WIT H IFrozen Sunlkist - ReguIar or Pinik oLEMONADE 6 oz.T'lin -Swifts Brookfield pure Pork ISAUSAGE M,.ýEAT 1 Mb. rol I SPrGduce of U.S.A, Canada No. 1 Grade C ~ELLO TOMATOES 14 oz. Tube ---------- Decelilber this year mnay have set several records in the amouiàt of raial etc. but tw'o days wJ.11 be remiembered ar-e Sundl(ay -the l2th whn evrytingwas a glarè Of ice, and Chrl'istmals Day when1 the rain of Christmnas u-ie turned I hih wnd1. In acthe wndiV"ý hi tht olyone b-alf of a lca e ~r f ice ricyth everthos tht wailed t!li Sun- Miss Marga,,ret S enle S of Otta-wa spen Chistas ithher sisterý Mrs. eg. Eliottand fmily ofitt aie Mu1ýrray G en oson Ifew days. C,-atherinre TaIima, daughtejfr of M. Ah Ms, Jerry Taim is la Bowanvllehospit-al. Mirs. Wm. lloy's sister M\,ary is in Port Hope hospital. Mr. a-d 3Mr]s. Keith Woodf held 1Chr-js1Îmi, at thei2r home. fier fat'her M..James Hoy wias there' and Mlr. and Mrs. Len Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. R. Manning- spent C1'.lrstmais jWIhthîe ir daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barkhouse and family. Their son Mr. John Man- ning and famîiy of Cobourg took them up to Scarborough. Mrs. L. turwash and Miss M~. McBride of Cobourg spenit Christ- aswith their sister MNrs. C. Thompson. This neigýhbourhoodI was sorry to hear of thie passbg of Mr. Cecil. Burley who served' the Kendlal lcominuintv as garageman so will- ingly for many years. White Gift Suxnday offering was nineteen doF'ars. This was onfly half the amou-nt given by our Sun- day School last Year, perýaps be- cauise Chuirch wvas élosed on Dec- ember 12 a dparents dfid !not know ahieadi of time. This moniey is used to hIl P thie poorldre ýn of, the wrtoo b-ad not to de About ,120f)teenagers atteningi. a hrhdance i n the Cavait Townýýshiip hall in Millbrook, es- c-aped unhurt Wednesday evenlng, Decemlb er 22r(l when a fire was di<'vereld fin a cold air duct. Steve Cutmore and Steve -Meddi, (wo studfents who attended the dance, stated the fire was first noticed at approxim~ately 10:30 p.m.. just before lunch w fs to, be served.. "Somnebody yell4Kîý lire' and we ail started for t4ç e its," they said. The two -bo$s statedl there was inot mueh palli except for a f ew girls who startecd screaml- In g. Fire Chief Lloyd Byam of the village's 16 man force stated the fire department was on the~ scenle within minutes nfter the blaze'was discovered, fie stated there was no appar- ent panlie among the teen-agers whien he arrived. Fie said they were al out of the bujilding, and standing on th~e sldewalk. HTe said thie fire apparently started in a cold air duct. but he was not pre- pared to say what caused the blaze. Kathrine Ulard, who wvas also nt the dance, stated she firstý smelled smoke and then saw sparks comi4ng up the cold air register. She stated that where she was there was no panie. "Whenl we g«ot out of the build-. ing the flamnes were conming out thc- windows on the main floor." she saiçl. Most parents of the teen-agers who attended the dance were i a state of shock at what almost