Y~ TIES, a t Wo rk has beeiln ùderway the ______________past two daysinuling liglit standards at both the south and atTusaevnngbwep heaiee nothentrances ino Orono. I asthe hursday seven din etwee n Ted samei V'tri. 1Ficte salainof underground cables thehs infte Vnlandie tree gIc a ofled i liealth for the past bar ain o îgng ethkenentrnces were broken into by an unknown ceflar. Several lliani F. Ficeedied at int o Oon.the or thieves,1 coins wvere s for Dec. 29. Shie was Entrane was gained nto the 1 n abx tae car. She had,Mlved on Waycmlit ae eniv oýo r.adMs .Jhs n aage ts c t, Osaa o mn iedoe the , arkness atthese MiJ.HI Stree t trough a bedrooml ýroii a entran es which ap aenty Wdl uwinoweven thougli te dowrs proa ~ er Alberta Louise be cor-rýct[ed in the near fuueieeulocked at tHi time. Those fAsuin ofS ceased cas a daugliter ýwith the instalation of lHts. gaining entra'nce lused a wr cut- with a new ue billi and Sarahi Kel-lter taken from the garag--e of M11r. ,vas to nfr lie had 18een a LloPUyd Taylor. The only item taken and Mrs Lor f ad or n 50 a revi- !rom the housewa a ncw spin-corner- of Soi dafr 0ye-. rv ning reel. A cash box was broken Alain Street.E ad Iived in the Bou- A R "f~ faft Ioen but i only cotained somle \j was mjade thri iShe was a miember InopceGat l personal papers which wern left The break-i IChurch. i seatterecI aover ~ct. i th, byb~ u~bad Mr. Alex, Carruthers, 1955, Mrs. Fiee. Durliami, advises thiata SOI, mll'n; ou iais heen given by the Hon son, ~ ~ j IVitn orJR. Simïonett, TiIster0 and four great- i gyand Itesoutrces Manai i~for a provincial crant f ',200 uto Conser- for ,' 1 Outl'ines Russeli C. Honey ý, MP for Dur- a new7 post office ladl been selec- ia, l ias utincd many atvte e.Tata ate ofconistru i. the riding bu 1965 in which tion is not certinc th»e Dominion goverumenýntwain Dmlion fth ste fte new Domninion bidn in Poýrt Througlh the muneiciadeve1 'Wo blas beên complieedThe opmnent and loan board esabis-tenders ha1ve been let and receiv- ed by the LbrlgoermeNt,lie cd, and only,, tlie offic-iai none Ïrew attentrion to the fact tliat ment of wbidh il ie accpte e-ertainý sumýs haýd been àdmier- remains before constructin cari 'pd il-, urliam Conty.çgn In Bwmnile $4168 Mia Grnàtsotlling $W4210were ueen provided for the addition4to provided as an aid in consucin the Lord Elgin PblcSuehol anldi of tciial-ICndvocationa( L train- $24,01 twards constrmr ructn nding w ing t Couirtce and jCrest- eqtuipment of tlieliry.oo composite scliools. $3.5,75û i. The ,as aid. Arrangements are still in the planning stages for a contribu- tio-n of $250,000 for reconstructionl of tlie hole- in-wall at New,ýcastle. The re-building of the govera- ment wharf and approaches have heen cornpleted at Caesarea. The armory buildings at Port Hope and Mllbrook were sold to the respective municipalities. The ec S T*ectîul)s hptts At four cliest clinies tlily,ý 75 persons rci being used for Icistxry Drn sscias t he fwo niew caý;s e wee101) in Prt Hpe.of these lpeingctvea ve dï1 grg eIn e r inactive. TwIo persor, *aCite cmeca fish1iwng vess- * is M.Hoeyetîatdthat this Afi liis ed nf ladben te ostexensvedred- Unit offices and in sdhools gin hee snce192. culdencompl)eted the initial iles of Quad vcie and 39 re Mail crrierservie was pprov ed areinforcing dose:_4563p cd orBowanile. hi rercceived a einforcing do0s petdto start early in 1966.. Triad (Dipthecria, tenanus, polio, 60 receiýved1 a booster Assstnc ws providedl in ex- of tecnanu -s and( polio, and 55 pendinig the -nnounicemnent -of a tet(anus booster. There were new Elgin St. bridgle in Bowmian- primary sm-fallpox vaccini ville. The ie is to be Coni- and 280 re-va eci nations. sticedl 1966 by the Canadian Pacific Railway. In connection withi the Ti culosis Control prog-ramme, Hleaf tests we're given durin., As part of the Colombo Pllan,' month in secondary scliools. financing of approximately $1,_ 500,000 a- an atomie fuel order Nursing Service was placed with Ca adian West- The total numiber of stud ing-house of Port Hop o n a nrolled in elementary and sE dia atoice power projeet. ests Adding Fluoride Municipal Water t Planning U: Area a 1 tors) began to scream. But of mdcto, tho' not Asscin t ochi nj course it was too late. Other near- ýthe addition of Cllorine, aluim, Ansoci8 by (and.- intelligent) communlities land (as Supt. Joce IHowson states> eangibl *t left the question to referendum;futenoheihmiasinote ception eand in one- the seat of a large mujnicipal water suppîy. cpie ;.State College - fluioridation lias1 rzw. rbeen rejected repeatedly -- mudli One of the very first comimui. distict to the disguist of aIl of the dent- tics to luse fluri des was Brantford, TI tii ~- st, hyican, roks Memiorial ýwhere Dr. Lorne Nidliols introduc- tests to t Hospital Staff, and the faculty ofediinteatl2'sHirposecht 1-îthe University. In comparing mny whid appear from time to timie judges. y, charts of teenagers as compared l I Trnopaes'nnnte eei to corresponding charts of tw,,enty d. ental orab st eldealz- Direct Oyears ago, I findthIat caies ((tot n.Hepoal i l etal wiîîMma ýececay) in that age group lias de- hýeal n fici i-that city; v:and if m)ents f( a linedl y at least 75",o. We are y\our viage wvas at ail ntees ei ss,fil now examining dc!ldlren wil;lohaein thie euture, could fill in vwitli ga 'r lad thc benefýits (in one wyor f voluinoulsdetails. întow, cerely, Vestf ield,N ït ,, e -, Ja -ý*gan