ORoNO WËL Theéatù-ts- Scripture Lesson - St. Luke 2: 1-20. j1 Taken froin a sermon preached by Rev. Basil Long. In 'nelit.masip f0 the gjff s whiclý wc give ope anoflier, whldh rmean,ý mo-eelijoym0flt, pleastire, ïaisÉàctiou fo uis - to give or to receive? Christmas ihwolves Jioth, As w, thi nk of Christmas in ferms (i! the coring of Jesus Christ, our Saviur, it concerns not only giv- ing, but receiving. If conceras not only receivinig, buit ginýg. prof ects if. Jesuis tnied to show us thaf if we sece i truffli of life and the need of man, if we can realize liow heiless we are, and trust in God's salvation through Ifini as a littie child trustsso - one else for its survival, then H1e can corne into aur lives and fi us with Ilis power. Another wonderfuI dliaracterist- ic about a littie dhild is that ifs life lias not becomne cluttered up witli fhings which raise a Wall befween that soul and God. As wef «mrow obAir na .i n qhali ingIe U oç i 1, ire vepa4LLileUt.. 4 beci-n wifli I think if is unfortuni- cf e thaf af ail flic good flie De- partment does flic only tinie fley rate ha flice front page is to ne- T port some apparent dissent ion. t Also flic fwo members present af t[he meeting lad individual coni- plaints and werecafo in any way a deiegat ion o! the Fire Deparf- mient. If is also uinfortunat e fa cause any unnecessary anxiety f0o the Village or Township residents regarding Mn. McGill's stafemient 'Wbein sonmeone is choosing a thns1 !egntohv about the truck leaving the ha-Il gift for~ another, if there is a meani- Oi, i ai ýý1 i Od s without first substantiatingc his iigful relationship hbetween themi, powerful?, Does 11e care?"" The dcaimn furthler as the Fire Chef then it is desired that they should doubts begin to raise a wall and an- tlatago ubro e fïndl the idleal gift. As parents we we experience disappoint- dio not feel such a condition ex- ,hop for a baby they want to be mn n eettewngosit ree i xs xeti abe o ettht hih s es adhigier-. So Jesuis is sýaying that tu ,omne iminds. Mr. Mcf(Gi'il and Mr. thiey go from store to store con- j esyu a ok1wyfomteePartnier apparently f elt tlle state- sidering thle quality. In giving t hnsdlo to o s aiment of thie Chief1 \as serious the child tliey want to sec a look ather and trust inHm as a lit- enougýli to bring before the Trus- iof happiness up)on his face, so an tccidlost i'prns tees, liowever, when 1 aýýkedC themi ol2Jct uitbleforonewho i iten you iss ftle greatest gift w,,hy they d'idIn't mentiontiso bjaby is echosen. taGolisogiethe Chief at the time, as being This1ýoe on arliChilfiiii,ý, Ftirefï,ghters they should certain- Ths oe o echClritms- Threis ia fulniesýs of timie in ýly be concuerned, Mr. Partner stat- Cle. The baby bcne a boy. our lives parallel wil te grow- ed it was nonre of hi s busns 'l'le parents shiop w ýith the samie spiitthesam deiretha thy ng knowledge of Gdrv aled nd1r. M1,cGill didn't give a rea- Inihtchoseth iiea gft Thrc, in thie Old Testament. Th'le trust son. thightaiooseetheideal if. l Threlas to be re-discovered. We have in answering Mr. Partiner's cnit- iS te sme onsdertio ofqua- t grw u flrougli the baby stag, iimo h rsesItl i îtfy but thiis tume the gift is dfif- -h ' lioghyon m lod r hn afd thepet ti ayt ferent, for lthe child has rmatured 'ug oanio,« no pr tua efn fandît1 wit oter s u to i to a creater extent. maurlty. nhflic funeos of tuiefi lecnd bte o o Again the scene changes and Christ comes into Our life ad e fthe amlount l(Of moneyý ($7500 per they àare sho-,pp.,ing for a young ýkn.ow 11e is our Saviour; wve vknowe zain, ithir son. The same spirit is 1E peaceverythin-g begins toyar and the work, involvdtle there, the samec care in -cli'oosing ak o a diffe'rent look and wehesiudofrisnm frte a- gift, one suitable for a yugsece tingwth a truer IperýspLet-poion nan- Then he grows toIbe a mnive. jTrue qsom.e diýssentlion mýay ex- îlire mn and lstili the aensseek SoGod gives f0 uis the gif f s t wthnfI ir epartm-ent ,lo findfrhrhteiea itasJssChrist and watis Jesuzs,'qas undou Wltedlyexst in any or-_ §ar ais maferial things arecon-giffto us, 1He camie anîd vda- ian-afi ïonr, hwv ïf as nmuch) cendqo allirul h hldsmn ie nd befor,0 e ,1 mJt effïort w-asptinito c-prto lie we choose tioe higswhch aa csi,"ypeace I give -as is put inito- finding -f aults we wefeel are est in miaterial unto y0u. Not f ie oldg ves,0old etainyhve vr e tings. ïctLet u not overloop the gieIunto you". Jesuas giveýs u rbes faict ibtatltceideal ift above al alvatonwic(h we can dsrb e others is lesus Christ. If we ne- 'as peace.. Thaýt is fiic eanngof As f0-'Mr. Forriester'"s sItement glect the greatest of gifts, which Christmais. The peace of Je-ss tha)t the Trusesha sedfo is of thie spirituial natuire, then we 1doý)es not mile an absence f rom eraiatolu adnfsn have lnot been wise prntbe-1 troubleo.Te world offers esap cioned flicdmoigofofies caus maeril ting fae, assfrom nespnsibilities; Jesuis offers sice nio one on thle Depren away, but sp)irital iug-Is re- involvemnent as al Way to peace. hla d been permanently appoint^d mnain andcig'v ppesetive in Jesus' peace is not dependent on anl officers wronytm rary life. outadcrusacs 1 ffr n couild be mnoved about accord- a peace 50 deep, so rich, that eveni ing to the Clhief'is diseftion until As -We thll~k Of flleiclidel gift, thougli we are caused owl e a aifidwfith1esn asi Ias no lethouglit Of trougli the troublesome times of nel and recommen-ded permanent spiritualtins let us think of Ïife, there is a peace beneath it appointmient. As I will still be a Cod throug,,h the ýenituri-es. Froinial that "passef i understandinig". Trustee, in 1966 I ara quite anxious the beginning the Bible teils uS This is thie real ift of Christma1s, oscayp'lm nteFr that God wias concernied about but have we receivýed it?1Have e Departmient cleared up so0 we can mian. But ii the beginonfg man reaclied out to take wliat lias been concentrate 100%; on the, job it- 'Vas in lis infancy as far as unr- offered? *> self. 1 feel witli the propcr atti- destndngof God was concerni- Jesuts said, ,It is mlore blessed tude and co-operation thlis soul cd Ise omnth ito togie tlian to receive." 11ow be no great pr-oblcm. HIowever, I flic Patniardlis - Abrahamil n es sfran otin ct tl eethe paper should 'not o! aih nd igit Isac Jcob J- is happiness is to be founid in print haîf thle facts in these mnat- sepli and Mssand ma,1stru what lie receives. As e think of ters as a public flot fully informe gngon in his own way in dark- jour relations-hip) to God's gîft inl can. be caused unnlecessary on 1ess, sometimnes sees a littie flick- IChrist, GOd'7s :Joy' is great in giv- cern or worry enr of lilit - ofteni oppressed and ig Ours ough t to bec ret, in Tutn h e ersalb doften depressed- As h lmtrsrciin,but the greater joy gfreehof Neprobl e ai sul a thsc Goi(d sends Ilis gifts again and a- cornles freenowe begin to give remain, gainst away. Christmnas remninds us that God1 Douglas Simnpson, There wais the gif f of lie lead-sent Jesus Christ as our saivation e-rs we know as the Judg'es and andasorpaev atrthat the Propfliefs wolad a-u pae et toexri COURTICESUD T dee isili itothetrtl o lfeence Cliristmias, in the truest REPRESENTS DURHAM1 seneca olyconeas we reacli AT BOYiS' PR MN andth naur ofGo. "Trogl out to receive. TIen wili coirne rwin A.Haitn age 17, aÀ 'thir peaing techig ad c- te reater jay of taking Christ Grade 12stdn at CourticeHgl apemen receiv;ed moicre of Godi's Out into life whiere His blessing1 School reprened DurlamCrun gifksfor teni. ay lbe shared by otliers. This is 'ty last weck at the 45tSeso Tlheni in the fuflness of fimne, the mneaning of Chiristmas, thlat it !of the, Ontario Oldler Boys Parlia- God senit Jesus Chirist intlo tfli s more blessed to give than ta ment Lid at Queen's -University, worl. "he ulnss o tie" uu-receive but that receiving is absol- Kingston. H1e is a son of Mr. and gecsts the fact that man lias mnat- ufly necessary. Mrs. A.E. Hamilton, 1.1. 5, Bowi- u1red to tlle extent thatJeu C-hrist could corne in a m1eanlingPfu.... w;ay, to revei the( love and the pecace of God. One mristake we Al maki!e is to tlhink that GodC's fuil I blessing camnes to uis Just býecause I J7esus camle, eveni thougli -we do(10. n"ot profess faitli in Tirn.ý Cer-tain- Ir' flAL r ly we are ble-ssed, but whiere fIe * *1 11 fin u r s-pinif lias filled mn-an, manlias kno0wn a fulncess of lif- fliaf is flic greates-t of gift s. God gave Uis son, but iany did nof receive -e 11rirn. Uow do) we receive Ilii? Je- sus pointed OUf, anc important beccome as litecide you o sHî not enter Alntheli Kingdorn of 1eve.Ê Jesuis was not say- iýng ta be "hlil. There is foc inucili hiidi'shness in any of uIS îoCali ou1-rselves mature. !No, Jesus was taiking about a "child- hIle fil Think of flic power of a baby. 1 if 15 com pie-tely d'ependent u lpontiý oie nebut ifs very lielplessne-ss, SPECIAL INVITATI 'VI 1S IT BALLET'S LADIESWE Port fHope Annual Clearance Sale THURSDAY,JAN, O We Clean Out.... Ylou Clean Up! WONDERFULBAG BALLETT'S Ladies W 73 Walton St. Port Hope IONS u i i p p JNS I i ear 885-23~T2 ~ sor at ow THE MOST FASHIONABLE BEDS IN CANADA WEAR DOM tN OCN T E X TI E CO0M PA NY, ILt iiT E D, MO0N TRELAL In Room Lots SeOurz New Stoc.-k PHONE 14312ON . . . . . . . . . . . . .