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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jan 1966, p. 7

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PîofebsionaI Directory HALL, PERKIN, MAcILLAN & CO.- Chartered Accounitants 38ýý King St. E., Oshawa 725-6539 KLing St., Box 245, Newcastle 987-4240 Paytners: Williami C. Hall, B. Comm, C.A. David G. Perkin, C.A. J. Graham -MacMillan, C.A. ~DarIstr -SoAlitor, ýî In the Offices of g RR.WaddellQC, g MAIN ST, OROINO Telephone 1,W Orono [ PROFE (Civil) Ontari Land urveyor g S11Queen St. Box 1659t] BowmnvileOntario j Telephofle 62,3-7251 L.J. SKAIFE Chartered Accoutaot 3-15 Water Street PETERUO1ROUGH phone 742-5482 IU RANCE FIFD 1LYCETT OFFICE v- MAIN jST, ORONO Pone 12516 lies. 2061 Auctioneer and Val5tua-tux Specialize in Farm and Consuit me for terms and dates phone 5 r 18 Oon TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator 'Conducts AUCon Sales of al szes and at reasoniabbe rates Coimmunicate with hlm at Port Perry, Onitarlo PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompkinsl Phono 786-2552 W. FRANK' SREAL ESTATI g LIMITED t [j 21 KING ST. WEST gBowmanville 623i-3393 0 0 0I--0=-c =>c >0c iOrville Chatterton Eleetrical Contracting I E!ectric Ileating and -'Service jPHIONE 245 OR 10412 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric PHIONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and flOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIÂNCE SA,)LES Prompt and Guaranteed RepaIrs to ail kind ofEl9t1ca Equi*pment and Aplances Such at etors - Wiater Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons ýHaMitons Insuranceg oAuto,g 0g Fire I Package PoUlis g Fidelity Bo)nd, ý jý Liability Life O First Mortgage Loans o g Phone 1-R-16 Ooo t - 78 - Ê1I Box 133 IStafford Brothers J Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemnetery Memorials Dealers lu Domestic & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cnt and Cemetery Repair Work Family MmoriaS Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bough.t from us, a neighbour, friend or relative n.he RLJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario street PORTIHOPIE "Largest Dis5play la Southra CARD OF THANKS ENGAGEMENT Mrs. 0. Renelt and chlldren, MAr. and Mrs. John~ Maarteuse Ruth, (Mrs. Otto Amann) and Ot- announce the enlgagemfent of their to Jr. and Margaret (Mrs. B. Fox) daughter Christina to Williaml wish to extend sincere thianks and John Stapletcin, son of Mr. and appreciation for the many mes- Mrs. . J Stapleton of Kenlal. The sages of sympathy, contributions marriage will take place on Jaýn- and beautiful floral offerings uary 28, 1966 at 7:30 ln Kendal from relatives and friends in our United Chuirch. a-P recent bereavement. a-c LYCETT gPlumbing & HeatirigG g Phone 311 g Orono, Ontario u 0 DOUG SIMIPSON g t] Phoino Orono 2OA g PAINTINO -i(i POI 0EXT7',r- f4g PAPERIJA 1ýNGING g ' BUILDIN'< .IUPORD OFURNITURE REPAIR&g ON DAUL ODJOB Barne'l.and Byam g' ý 0 PLUIMBING and HEATING0 t] saies anid Service [ é?44 HOUR BURNER SERVICEa 0 BA FINANCING [jLow Interest Rates ~/U P]hones: 0 ampton CO. 3-2288 O G Tyroue CO. 3-2650 îand Cycle i Orono Phone 146 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowïers and 2 and 4 cycle Elngines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE A. J* McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Phonos: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 ANNUAL MEETING OROINO CEMETERV COMPANY The regular annual meeting ùf Lot Holders in the above named cemletery, will be held ini the Town Hall, Oronio, on Monday, Janruary' vl7th 1966 at 2:00 Receiving1 reports, General BusFin- ess, Election of Board for ensuinig year. b-c -NOTICE The Senior Citizens will meet in the Oddfellowvs Hall, Thursday, January 6th-1at 7:30. Everybody a-p LOST Brown leather key wallet, con- tains a number of keys. Reward. Finder contact Orono Weely Times.a- FOR SALE China Cabinet for sale. Phone 2443 Oronio, after six. a-p FOR RENT Snack Bar for rent, Highway 115 and 35. Apply Box 63, Orono. b-p NOTICE Meat cut and wrapped for.freez- ers. Cail C. E. Miller, Orono 2233. WANTED House or apartment to rent by February lst, 1966. Apply Box,500, Orono Weekly Times. t-f NURSING HOME Orono Nursing Home has ac- commodation for bed or up pa- tients. Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 371. 51-ec Use this s-pace to turn tose spare items into cash Real Estae Buidin aHoue? w en Buying or Seling cl WI1E Rawke or remodelling your present IRep rni one, then contact Floyd Nicholson PHOINE 2191 ORONO Jaick Ricard REALTOR 71 King St. E., BowmanvMie' 623-2503 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board -I U.C.O. SALES PASS HUNDRED MILLION MLARK Last year United Co-operatjives of Ontario sales skipped across the $100,00000 mark. Profits were almrost the saine as la 196-5 -$710,000, with net savlngs $527,-1 00M The balance sheet shows the tax, payale as $183,000. Howevei, on-ly $8,050 will be forwarded lo Ott1awa. The balance of $174,950 is being earmnarked as tax to be paid il future years. UCO will make u-se ofÉ this mioney withoiit payinig interest on it. Actual sales figutre for the year was $104,682,350. This is cilseto $1!2,ü000,000 higher than in 1964. These sales include $42,000,0 worth of livestock sold onr comi- m.-issionl. Duringl, the year UGO feed ton- nage sales leaped 31 percent. At the same timie man)ufacturipýg costs w,,ere slaslied by 25 percent --due nmainily to increased voluire and botter plant efficioncy, Leen- ard Mamn eneral manager, told the ai-muaI meeting ila Tor- onto last month. Mr-, Harmnan told deleý,gatecs -that m-Iong mnfctrr Climinatod al profiýt from hsdpatet U o owns 5fàtii rplants, Althoug-h UCO s stililelrgely a whiolesale 0-cgan--ization selling to local con-operatives, it has started sellingý directly to somne large farmers. These direct sales start- ed over the past year and accouat- ed for 2 percent of the central!'s volume. UCO selîs direct to 50 f armners. Last year 16 localcooeave merged with UGO, Mrn barman reportod. These co-ops handled 1.ý3 .percent, of UCO'S wholesale vol- Urne. PART-TIME 'RADIO TV rtEPAIRS - HI-FI - Stereo - Record Plyers - Antennas - Towers - - PA Systorn for vrnt AUl parts and labour guaranteed HAIRRY WIERSMA Phone 173U Orone Callyour licensed Pluminbing& Mechanical Conrvactcir who seils., instalhs 1 ed <uarant-ez CARMAN PLUMBING-HEATINÇ, PIRONE£ 143

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