'ears eve was very fogg eof the local side rondIs making uip following the- Wei d'ma, C', kl, X LenFrà F, ?rk Tfasty Fresh pork Cooked Meats Royal Guiest Rin4dles Sllked SiQ ,E BÀ0 ' lb 65e lba 75c 6Oz2l1c 1lFiat lb 89C Ayhner <Save 25c) FANCY PEAS 4 fg Purex - Ail Coloius TISSUEILWS PkgI 4foi Juniior (Save uic) H einz FOODÛS 6 t California nit Can.ý No. -1 Grade Loc-al Grown Size 138s 3Ible Can. Noý. 1 Grade Bradford Growni Cell CAROTÀ3lb25 10 oz. Tins IGA Faiwy (Save 6c) 15 oz. Tin o 49c Apple Sauice 2 for 29C s.)f 2 RoIls Kraft Canadian 8 oz. Pkgs. Ir 8C Cheese Suces 2 for 63C 8 oz. Jar Frozeni - Federal Goverument Lispected or$1Cod Fllets lb 39Îc Bravo (Save 6e) Ment or Mushroomn SPAGHETTI SAUCE 15 oz. tiu HEINZ KETCHUP ( Save 13c) 2 Il oz. bottles Lyons (Save 10c) DISCOUNT TEA BAGS Pkg. of 100 Lancia (Save 13c) SPAGHETTI or MACAROINI - 2 2 lb. pkgs. 3 Varieties (Save 10c) MANNINGS BISCUITS 2 lb. pkg. Beaver CARAMIEL CORN - 2 8 oz. pkgs. Beaver WHITE PO1PCORN - Reg. 29e pkg. - 2 for Chiristi*es CHERRY TURNOVERS Pkg. of 9 Mdonarch PARCHMENT MARGARINE 2 1 lb. pkgs. Prices Effective Januiary 5, 6, 7, 8, 1966 We reserve the right to Quantities. 27C .45e 69e 59e 49e 49e 35e 55C Limlit IIEALTUI AND BEAUTY AID FEATURES Mfigbty White TOOe-JTHïPASTE giantf 49c SHAMPOO $"1.49, deal 99c, liMr. and Mrs- Ligg,ýett and thre,- psons who live on the former Wmý. Reid fairii-,were goiniý homeate ~~~o ~ ' fçvanedown th sixh un The father hewentehe bopeessl boged dwn.They re- fained i te cair tili onig Surly omewaringcold be put ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v hewnr uha,"rvlat Vour wn Rsk". verydaypo- would be acentennial pro ject worthCaryngot M.1Joe Lucovite aroundf this neigbouroodon Decem-ber 20.« T-is parents Iived on the farmnove owýned b1,y Mr. R. 7 Manning.. MAr. Jamnes Tyrre'il is in Toronto General Hsitlsuffering -from trouble in bis jaw1ý. Mrs. Laver-ne Patterson is aký ptetin Bowmnanville 1Hos-pital ufeigfrom a1 slipped disc in ber back. Mârs. Hferb Mercer is aise in thec Bowmanville losp 'il f or several weekhs. We hope that thiese folks will soon be well enough tc come home. The United Church Women will hold their Januayy meeting at the bomne of Mrs. R. Foster on Tues- day afternoon, Jan-uary eleventh at two p.m. Everyone wielcome. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fonk and sonis were New Year guests at thse home of hier parents ?Jr. and Mrs. H. Foster. Mir. and Mlrs. Malcolm Burwash and Joan of Otw were New Year guests on Sunday with Mlrs, C. Tbompson. M[,-rs. Flornce Foster of Port HopeentrtanedMr. aN rs . G.;-, Ctcrontheo ýccas ion of so w~ealo uests movcd into the houen 1the nort Flealth Unit FrmPagle 1) inicte 1 new'ý defects, 3 re- tssof precviouLs defects nolw 1nor- ýmal and 7 previous defects stili ipresent. Environmental Sanitation Funeral parlours are inspected annually and reported on a Cer- tificate of Approval by the mnedi- cal officer of health. The embalmi.- ing room mnust be easily maintain- ed in a sanitary manner and ad- equately equipped. Ten such in- spections were made and one ap- proval witbheld. Sixteen semi-annual reipQrts on pasteurization plants were sub- mnitted to The Officer-in-Cliargce of Food Control in the Provincial Departmient of Health. AIl such inspections are to determine the conformity with Regulation 513 under The Public Healthi Act. In preparation for winter house construction, 64 lots were approv- ed for prîvate water supplies and sewage disposai, and 149 inspec- tions of private seweragýe installa- tion-s were made. Mlent Inspection 0f 998 animais inspected by a veterinarian> duringl the month, 12 Iwere condemned; in addition 12 portions were condemned. General Remnarks The Medical Officer of Health attended a~ two-day conference at Niagara Iiis on the Aftercare of the Psychiatrie Patient, This con- ference, sponsored by the Cana- dian Mental Health Asýsociation, wvith the co-operation of the On- tario Chapter of the College oi General P1ractice and the Ontario Public Health Association, wa S under the chairmianship of Dr, Paul Christie, suiperintendent of Onitario HoLspital, Toronito. The Nuirsing Supervisor attend- ed a 41/2 day Faîl Conference at Vineland for supervisors and dir- ector-s of public health nursing in Ontario. The principal topic was planning for changes in publie health ïnursing. SAVETHES EXRA TPESfor FREE GIFTS or EA TON M1ERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES RECELIVE AN EXTRA $10,00 TAPE WITHI Carniation Instant POWDERED MILK 3 lb. pk. Rgaror Suiper KOTEX pkg. 0of 12 REVEAN EXTRA$60 TAPE WiTHi Y0rk I.BE.J. PEANUT BUTTER i1lb. jar Ready to Servne QUAlKERZ OATM-ý7EAL pkg. of 10 ECIEAN EXTRA $2.410 TAPE WliTH- Frozeni Carnation FRENCH FRIES 2 lb. bag Table-ite WIEINERS 1 i lbv. P Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade CELLO TOMATOE17S 14 oz. Pkig.