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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jan 1966, p. 3

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THUI ille Assessrnent Up$29777'3 11.1101 Peter,f Sir M'alter Scott said "One crowd- The continuied prosperlty of A strkig Commuteer comned ed hour of glorious life is wortb The fire that caused an estirn- the town of BowmandpI1 was d o Mayor I-obbs, Reeve S. 120,~ 0Wan age witout a nanme." We know ated $35,000 dam-age to a store in stressed by Mayor Ivan Hobbs li andl Deputy Reeve Wesley ie %n preached moments' so full of mneaning and Milbrook Christmas Day wras not his address at the town council's was naired. ha-ppiess, so satisfying, that we accidentai, according to the Fire inaugural meeting last week. Couýndil wiJl mieet at 8Sp.. ýu qva remninder w, dno hne hmfr years sMatrsh l offieoin tee nta.rlio- His MWorship said the increase the first AMonday at 7:30p. !Mîbiot this one ýof lesser experience. Keats said, setrDlHoeo h nain x assessment in 1965 over 1964 the third Moda ach ot t9cone day î IFreIarhl1 ffc"silieasws $297,773. The residential as- The board of ¶vorks coxýnmttee w-;M WhWsand years, "A thig of beauity is a joy for- ibe deterinied that there mes sessmnent mas $6,150,095 and the meet at 7:3o p.m. Cnte lastI Tutes 1 às one day,"; ever: nothinig in the imimediate area commercial-indust rial assessmient day, of each month. uts îoveiness increases; il wilî where the fire startedi that would \vas $2,839,96'. The total unrevised asar- nee 1ccdently start the blaze. He said isesnn e 89008i 95 The clerk was au-thorized ssing of lime. Pass mbt nothingness; but stili there wvas defiitely a human el- The residential percentage of the i8ssue four chqe duing I, ick and decide wvill keep ement involved. total assessment was 68.4 and the each in the amount of 810 i ,onderful momi- A bower quiet for us, and a sleep The Chita a iecm cmercîal-induslialî percentage cover the rent of the newýý publie nly flot so won- Full tif s-weet dýreamrs, anid health' 33.lirYbudng pletely gutled the drug store own- realize that ini and quietbrahn. ed by Yvan West and lefI three Mayýjor HIobbIs recalled that in Third reading was given a ý by- iome of b ejo-ýT is what eternal things are famailles homeless. Fire Depart- his in7auguiral address a year ago law to auîhorize the cntut~ *oexprssioen is like. A child may feel an hour imimontýs from Bewdley and Plort ho had sted the per capita tax of a works depariment buldiug tsomie of thle a, long, slw ime when his nmoth- HTope assisted the Millbro-ok fire levy in Bowmanville in 1963 was and to provide for t hbrrowing Our Soripture er is awvay When she returns he department in fighting the blaze $10188. The latest reports showed of $531737 by debentures for ha. gie asorgeets lier -with a shout of wî that ai limes threatener the con- 1tis figuýre had dropped to $100.17. purpose. It OUr' dificlty ore as ifshe hadi been awyapete business district of the il V"ewmunicipalities in Ont1arlo Authorization wnsalso ient e(for instance, lhousand yenrs. lage. have ever roduced their per cap- the borrowing of $751,290 b ove ýf Chirist or the f!,a Police and tho Fire Marhsh la ta ax levvy. We hope that we wiIl current expenditures uintil taxesý anote oerthoadyes" aybtan office report that no arrosts have be able to continue this," hie said. faîl due. ot be ver- ýas yet been mnade but that onie per- Ceo that our at- mean hat God's wnya-- of felngi son lias entaken 10; the Ontarlioj lime is not the ilike our. f odl feels as we do, Hospilal at Wvhitby for - eamna of time. God's lkwhtGod mstexperience lion. Il is not knowu xj1whethera ietic. The great wbn e consider Josus' words, charge ofý arsoni would be laid uin- uale Trl ae Bhold, f stand îat thecdoor nnd litorslî fteeainlohwI u Uteuattend th OhL M!ýAiiol 'y athmaics kack" I mut eem lik aare known. Plolice and the Pire1 theî Lord as, a thoi u sadyasb odhheta Marshnl's office would not divule towe mao eforo we o 'Pen blie the mian's nmre but he is believ- door, in a flash, in a moment., we e 0h ilro eîet lined to think ko h joy of ceaueslihsl ;t an infinîitely how ý,,long ' ci ulseem10 od c1 Inspector Hope stated that 1ihe Ltntmr s- bec wailng oulside he do- of fore in the dr)ýug store was luin Mt kind of ex- lie mwhhn«AEed t sforgveness, way relnted in the fire lu the Ca us us look at lime whchle caiuil fes Thonl van Townshp Hall which is direct- ar1md n w nnmore think -of1 the joinligtoslycoste street. ý inister sliouled, thal floods the iife oCf teprofAweibfootodugsoe,ýv*~.*. go to heaven who opens il IhefJo o,1 od's for- ie10le gr ledn I bt oe mn. iveess laa mmen heexpri-dance in LAe Cavan Township hall asked, "Johnece hehpeo teags ere forced b fiee the building go U)haen" I teOd etmnt, itho sto7y wonfirgulted the clork's of course, but 1I of Jacob speaks learly of lime. fic.The office was siiluated dir - e Y4(cresi0fndeord(lsplays T~ , ~ -en 've-' s +hi hnt leOCYlv onw woa telen-rs .4~by ovet- 200 Canad tan, I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,hr the~*6p.~~-", rîtr eî,,iiu u lit." FI e wanled j igh"t Ihave Rýacel, onl 1find lie measure -imie ini ýhad received Rael'Us sisteýr. Jacob miakes a 'bargain wilh Lba, bis fallier-in-law, tb work another sev- en yoars for Rachel. We rend1 how Jacob says that il seemed untoi Sh imi but a few days. such was bis !lve for lier. Looking abead i failli and ex- poctalion,' Paul exclaims, "Ouri light affliction which is but, for the moment, workebh for us a fa" more exceediing and eternal weight of gIory." This fact that 1a long period of lime mnay feel oseem short can enter religlîous hinking lu two wa.ys; one is tbe unfolding of God's purpose, then1 the climax li the lf e of Christ. eOr il may ho lu relationship bt God's mercy and comp)assion. FOr' heScripluýre teils uis, -1 am Ho Ihat blottelli out lhy transgres- sionjs, for mïy Namie's sake, and The fire marsýhal's office staled the f'ire in this buildling w ,as def- iritely accidlental but they staled Ibhere were two possibilitios and they were not ln a position bo re- ease the cause bo the press. Conýstabl!e Robert Cnrney of the Mifllbrook Dêtachment of the On- tario Provincijal Police stated that the drug store was definito]y t-he work of an arsonist. Ho stated that the fire was stili underi- vestigation and would renin ln that position until the rei lsof tho doctor's examination of the suspect were released. ~U!'4 ~ rr ~or ~ B 014C0 EC K~ ~ . d ~--fpSN RQ ~"'~ A 1.~.SCOUT fi anýïufacýturers. New frrnmýich mes - New Kndustria qu men - New duainlLectures, Coý)nferences, onventon andi Social Functons ,usnigs-cafterias and snack barn ský- ,cur farm ejuiprent dealer for- *ee admisson tckets. Dpey 10 AuM.-nô P.. iy * 'L ~ WImywaiff*roeprumg T he wise ones take advantoge ofwntr Skilld mon are reodily avoulable e wînerim-rody10do your repoirs and renovations when you wont tke.m. Moterials are in generous sup-ply too, ond your renovatia1ý budget will often go further in winter, thonk, tb off-season discounts and extended paymont Plans. You conr borrow up ta $4,000 with up 1 to n yeairs 10 reoy, ut iow intorest rotes, vvï'h ocgo)vornment- sponpsorod !NHA Homoe Improvoment LoGn fromr your bank. if you're the owner of a smnoll business, thoni you may take odvontage of speclal SmanIll Business Loans avoulable ut your bank. And fairmers con quo.lify for up ta $15,000 with ton years ta repay with ai Farm tImpravement Loan. So you see, there cire awhe lot of very good reasons wlmy you should have that work done around your homo or place of business during the winter, D~o if now! Everybody benefits when winter work is încreasd Fo dvice and aesietance colt 'YoutN~oi" EmapIoymee4 Offk. urs, days, weeks, as stroluched out. Yet -f4. ' q ~-If 4' 2 Petersaeys tat aL (iu way o es uring time is not the same as ourms." We ree~d Ioknow smfin abouit the way God measures lime. Foroe tbing tlme flows on, you cannot chop ixl mb lithoe bits or pieces. The section of lime you are lookziiýg aI includes something of the paýt and sometbing, of the future. You caunot select one niote ini a tune by itsoîf and ident- îfy il as part of a lune in a mean- ingful way- We appreciate il as part of the lune inked 10 whnt cornes before and whiat follows, so perhaps we can hardly think of a piece of lime, without thinking- of a1î. of il. Time is far moro t'han the swing wvil1 nol remiemiber thy silns." In of the pe.nduflumn. Whatmaes a moment a ifelimie May ho for Peter isý no' whether lime is chlanged, 11ew per7spect'ive gvn long or short, bu't what il Cotains. and a nwseýnse of well beiag One hoiur may not have nny grent and fulaiess experienced. One day vaubut another lhour baeh aswo t housanldyears if il is ilebyteclash ofni great evýen1ts. Jived luI fellýowship witil iGod, enl- ("nemmn n lioldluil n rîhclyiedbychaityand litup by quick UnrobLofemotion, a liundred hope. A, th-ousnnd days of si alind mîugld meorie of opesand smsame m nlathe glory fGo' Ir. lisanaeu lsh Of mercy, be forgoben one day intýuition oesi t~ vMn eop eob aad deliverance. a rent discovory The- ngrand re-arnide rï suI-fr nhr mnmyoa-ly hb- bin o emdrfo reen by ploddtig labour thog ie od~ adPtr D a lifetimontWhat mtrsi f altask frgetAiGoWamnures timfe lu taeslogIfitis doue, ien we adffrntwy han maa doe" are pot gonag 10 lhink of fimes en- hoetebrn-al quaïlilies labo hc tirly u trmsof long or short? od sCeeks b lead us, blioul Wlal dofes it mater if ngood life Jesus Crsare the thiugs tblinI la short? Can we snay linI orle 1f e cuntbc esrd but --luafls 11s ý lOnorter shlort, Thlhigl a mnomient, ln a yenr they mnly bliI enlycoutsiswh the tal be ePerecdIethîngs blinI lim-e is rich la loviag and noble spýenk f, future glory,. As we ex- deeds. There is 11111e truli i1sy-po1oce ih n athis ifetimThiak ihg that a party lasted throe hours we do as Pautl suggests, "ha or n song liree minutes. The rel- upon the thiags that are good and ity is js htit -'as n apapy t piriual uniiesandtbhey be- parby or;7 ovl song. The imt- - corne a joy forever; a lovelintss prtant fact abouLt this year which pure and !-o,)Y," we open the dloor is finish-ing, or the next yýear w ichlacreasos; somnethaag îc whih ie bfoe sis its happi- doos- not pass awnýy firom uts. nless, u1sefulaneSs, th'eloviagid uess put mb t, Mthe laOur for others, the tlianksiing 10 Godi the prayers. Real hfe is concru eyC n r c ed ith love and Trubli andi Beauty - these are the thiugs ! lxCrutes ... which have eternal quality. Diham ,, se Ilt te nt+* The text admits that il' ouirex- perionce one day can feel ns a thousnnd yenrs, or we eaui have the ox-perionice of a lhosd years ;lu onoday. 0f Course, Ibis will be relabed to the way we are aýssociated with God. A brief span of tlime may seexix long because il ïS fui of anoveineut and cololur. 'Water Resources Commission bas awarded a contract ta Faulkner Well Drilllag, Company Limîted of Peterborough for the installa- tion of Observation WeIls in the B1owmaniviile-, Soper and Wilmot Creeks Draiage Basin-. Tbe a ward price fojr the contraet was Qtfttdi&lhemp a s il look hac had, ils wc gwith m )ters wMil ment and perienced. ours, we trutb ro' ae râ: ik of We )lia jus iLs i if 1, mi îoo c~ stand i The dioni"'l Jiohn's thougit !Gadf moret mir1ulIb

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