ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, UNIT NO. 2, U.C.W. 'Unit 2 mnet Tuesday, January 4th in the Upper Chriîstian Eu cationuBuildingith 13 nmembers rid ', visiter present. Our new leader Mrs. Jean Du- val -jÜ)CWComd everyoe andcp hiymn 111, "Anywhmeewit Je- su"was sun. R l auan fe and aprvedA Vsisto hospîtcals numïber-ed 10; teome 17. Mat- yhew 7v th chiapter was read. The ùevotional wvas ,ver-y capably taken Qy Mirs.A. Loucks. Wewere tien eavoured mith a tro by Mrs. L. obbedikMrs. H. Wood and FrsE.Irwin "-A Pohîsh Carol". The Study bookCod and flse Pur- pose pas given by Etta Irin, Mmeswere asked toj take slesert and bot casseroles f0 the nalMeeting and Pot Luck Supp"r Tuesday, January 11%h A motion by Mrs. Cobb-ledick'ï,- seconded by Mrs. -Robinson- that lue continue the 10e a week bags ond our birthday box was carried. Our closing hymn 155 and the kenediction brought our meeting foa close. Refrcshmcnts were served by thie ladies and a social time en- joyed by ahl. UNIT NO. 1, U.C.W. Unit 1 of, Orono U.C.W. mnet oni ~Januaty 4, 1966 at the home of Mrs. F. Lycett. Hymnn Sadn at the.Portal of the Opening Year" was sung with Mrs. R. Berry as The Unit Leader Mrs. C. Fisk ehose "New Year Thouiits" as the theme of the Devotional. She said much ep-ended on our atti- tude and vary*,ý ingmofions as to how we wll meetw-echallenge 4f the Newv Year to o forward to greate-r fiG-n196 At the fhresohd Gd stndsrady t enter wiflius.w e edtotk stock of our hvs ihselections Jrom Il CorintianýsanEpeis referencne was maeIo Pulsex- peineon fie Dam)ascusRod ,in, site of isa-ppointments he wet n to an ul changed but _ieher and more rcwarding, life. BacI day can be sp,-ent wisely or -!ust wasted. We can ask for and hýave God's guidance and hep and we will feel an eagýerniess ad assurance as we open the dioor of eacli day in 1966. Pray er was followedî by the sînging of Hym111 263. During the business period 12 niembers anisweredi the roll cal j with a special wish for the New Year. Ten visîts w,,ere reported toi sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Carson and Mrs. M\iller a- greed toý prepare a seheýdule of -îiembers to Plan each meeting of ,'he year and to have it in use for JIlic next meetinig. A motion was made: to get the cwstuidy book "Jesus Christ and âli Christian Life". Mrs. R. Berry1 agreed to continue as pianist and Mrs. S. Moffat as Secretary. Annonceentwas made of our Congcregational meeting Tuesday, Pk, wrcd-iscussed (iregarding wa-îys cf raising funds and this w;as tabled. As our- group is re- .'ponsible for flie flowers ln the church for January, rs Miller was appointed. Plas P e mneedfe atr -ng fo- -a Sandwich Luncheon te -The So;usad Crop Improvementf i ,rour> with Mr's. Fisk, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Miller in charge. Forfuflmn of duties se faithfuflly and suc-eessfully for two, years asunî1t LaeMrs. Lycett was pi esnied w~itli a cup and saucer. rluier reply of thanks Ethel said f if ad been very re- warrI 1ga-d she had been very happ.y te do if. Mrs. ulre's ivita Io te i groun to ber home frth, eb, ruary '-eet!gwsacetd s ~ c1osd fluapart of the meefl wth prayer. A scilbour, aenjoyed in a Cliistma setin the living- romwtia eilfu lunch. Tlie 1 ,Mebr xi sed+erape - v~.Lct for the h1os- pitallity of ber home. INews 1Fromn page 1) UNIT NO. 4 thing to say of our growth. Wo- OnTuesday evening, January men's orgsanizations and 'Joe Citi- 4,unit 4 met in thie main audi- zens' describe the development of toimof the Chulrch wý,ith seven repetitious housing that is provid- ebespresent. Mrs. 'Bill Reid ing conditions in which whole ar- oneed he eetng itha pemeas -could beccîne, degenerate. ard ath Arstrng ollwedEven the bestian'-,nng, lie said, wI-hthedeo!tional, its theme be- uproots trees, defaces the land- i'-i1 "Tie" scape and clouds the area with a Th-esertran treasurer's re- 'mass of wires. Ar-cas, he also said, pors er tengienby Kathy are often. too smiall, creating con- Armsrong andAima Mitchell, gestion, problemns of transit pas- colcto akeni and miiemberships sage, inadequate sehools and mix- paidi. îng areas of industry and housing. Mrs. Re'd then lead the discus- Costly Corrections ision of further plÎans forthe Hly. The speaker stated "What we idro cooking demonstration to be are doing today may take 100 .held in Mardi.11 years to correct" Those correc- 1 We read together Chapter 4 of tions, he said, are costly -and that the study book after first listen- many of todays costs to the rate- îng to the questions from the payers are costs of correcting guide, read by Mrs. McLaren. former mistakes. Ail sound plan- During lunch, served by Mrs. ning, he said, saves money in the Tyrecli and Mrs. Porter, plans long run. There are, however, - eemade for the February mreet- some costs initially, to do proper ing and a social haîf hour en- plann5ing, -he stated. "Sound plan- joyed. ning is sound economies."1 GROUP 3Process of Planning Mrs. Drummond( opened our In outlining the Process of plan- meeeting by reading,, a poem ap- ning Mr. MeAdams sýtaited that re- propriate to the New Year. This i searcli andl survev wvas first essen- was followed by singing three tial. This, he i, is often for- verss o a hmn.gottien but is a mnust to be able The study was on a chapter of to define tic obýjectives of plan- God and His Purpose entitled inîng and to establish the physical "The Gospel of a New Li"fe." Je-' and social atmosphere of the sus came to bring "good news" a-1 municipality. bout the "new if e." Jesus was1 The officiai plan, stated Mr. a real human being but lie was a; McAdamis, is a plan on how we new kind of man because lie was want to develop. "It is our muni- sinless. Çàd was in Christ and cipal plan." This plan he said can Christ was in God. Jesus was Per- be eitier simple or complicated fectly and completely divine. fie and here he referred his audience lienod theguprme. He oflveevn to on officiai plan, a document of ent to dyin orus. f e hregd onone street whicli was used in a cam rth as a pian uanowownregardmunicipality to outline their de- Hlm rom a sirital oin ofsire. Then lie referrcd his audi- view. This great miracle of a new ence to the five hundred page ife comes only by the power document of Metro Toronto. wiich is personal faitli Faith is an energy that comes from God Researcli aind ai plan are nec- himself to 'enable us to surrender essary before proper planning ourselves te him. We once more can be carried out, he stated. have Mrs Drummond to thank for In out1lh'ing, the work of the bringing the higliliglits of this Central' ntri Planning Board cliapter to us. he sid l thia't te ncxt twelve MrsGa played the pianio as mnth1swod be talken up with we angthrc hmnsaftrwhchresearcli in detýail of thýe area to,) sh sng'here is nosecret" and e LMî,,;3iýilislc4nw tfr- "Just a Little Talk with Jesuis" es have cuedisgrowti!, type These solos were.very much ap- of populatfinklind of housing, preciated. physical aspects anid many other During the business pcriod a fin- points to give better direction to ancial statement of the past year the future. Sucýh investigation is was read and a discussion on how so vital, he ýsaid, and cannot be money is to be raised this year hit and miss. was ield. Collection and member- Planning, he stated, is dealing slip fees werc taken There were with people . . , the same people eleven members and two visitors who create the problems. lresent. The speaker was tlianked by Sixteen home visits and ten hos- Mr. R. Forrester. pital visits were counted We ail enjoyed a tlioug"ht-pro- close by singing a hymn and re- voking poem read by Mirs. Drum- peating the Mizpah Benediction. mond, "The Story of the Christ- A delicious lunch was provided mas Guestï" and served by Mrs. Cochrane'anid The meeting, was brought to a Mrs White. j CANADA ELECTION ACT ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F D URHAM' Surnmary of Return of I Election Expenses There is below set out, as required by Section 63 (5) j g of the Canada Elections Act, a summary, signed by the of- ficial agent, of the return of election expenses made to me f by him on behaif of John Anthony C. Ketchum, one of the g candidates at the recent election of a member to serve in the flouse of Commons of Canada held in the above-mention- j I ed electoral district, which said return is on file at mny office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there Sinspected and extracts taken therefrom at any reasonable jtime during the six months next after the llth. day of Jan- uary; 1966, being the day upon which the said return was ,furnished to me. Dated at Port Hope, this llth day of January, 1966., CARROLL NICHOLS, Returning Officer SunXmary of Return of Election Expenses of John Anthony j Cheynne Ketchum RECEIPTS Rleccipts, contributions, etc.------------- PAYMENTS Candidate's personal expenses--------- T clegram s ------------- ---------------- P ctty daim s - ---------------------1--- Hire of prem ises ----------------------- S erv ic e s - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Travelling expenses and lire of vehicles G oods supplied ------------------------- A dvertising-; ---------------------------- Total $2975,87 ------$ 557.64 ------ 3.55 ------ 12.18 ------ 190.15 299.80 ------ 459.33 861.75 187.13 $257 1.53 Dated at Port Hope, this llth day of January, 1966, ERNEST DENT, Officiai Agent FOR PONTIAC ACADvIAN CARS and GOODWILL USED CARS Contact (Formerly of MeQutenis Motors, Bowmniville) at PETER ST,REET, OTHP Phone Res. 623-7166 Bowmantviile Bus. 885-2445 Port Hope NOTICEi The Orono Police Trustees are asking the co-operation of the Village Residents to keep sidewalks clear of snowf. Elderly people who must use them are depenîdenit'on. you to make their- walking saf e. gO i TO 5 G.I.C.'s Savings Acoounts Pa-id A 1 janad Compounded Quartery 42 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Investment Funda Estate Planning Executors & Trustee8s Open Friday Nights and ai day' Saturday CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 23 Ring Street West, Bowmanville - BUUCK Why Pay More ...... 1 c S AVE OQUALITY 1 FUEL OIL ga PHONE 'NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DX FUEL QIL Serving Orono, Newcastle and District - I 723-5221 J>_