S-In, S. ORQNQ WEEKLY TIMES, TIV Rehind TeOrange Curtaiin Thisneppr reported last /\tfca Ic week tat prep,,arations areben madie for thle 1966) Element'arY (Conti ,nued fromn page 1) PulcSpeaing ý Contest in Dur- hami Couinty. interested in the project are comi- This m_-eans that nîl the budn leting, the installation of the yong orators throughout h pat ýounity are coîîecthing material ]Baring further delays the plant for thei*r speeches, arrangi1-ng their could corne into service later this ideas, revisin, m remorizin adcoming week. polisýhing their style of delivery Orono Hydro expect to have the to ttina slvrytongt1ed exýcej- three phase Uine cempleted to the lence. rink during this coring week. In gtheingfacs cncenmgat the, rink and a lîne erected their chosen topic. we remind thie along- Park Street to Main street. pupils that thlere are go refer- Teln a e ob ie na enc sorce atth Lirar; fr ain Street to gi-ve thie necessary advice onspehiaig there is srie Toaîsts and the Chairman's Gie b-y Stemp and Shackleten. I n u This book, deals with thtle quali- J'~ uc ve tn ficatlions of a succeý2srOsulseake, (otn from page 1) preartin;f the speeh, rd e- $2,402M35Io the M T& M F'und. The livery. ank banforcurn expenses as Th iuhr es -that0 Cler f cmbr 3lst, 1965, rested ahn ng i essenial t o clarnt $1 000,00. speaing an emhasze tis oin Duingthe year the Building by quonga taesnwh aid F'und b ani of $50,000.00 was re- that thlere are sm aes whoducd"bv$6000.00 jto $44,000O. have neot the least idea Of what . n1 eetn tebde o they aegoing to say whien t!heC-y 1-196- Seadsuooe foer- Stand Up, of wha thy aesyl-ainxese f$,712 hc when.1they ares-k"g(rofio hy$,000 or hnin wha teyhave sad bhe -tey195.Tjih i budrüealso icudda sit own proosd $,00.00repaymnent 0on alngAil Literary TCrities tebul i analong wvith in- teetof $2400-00. This is an invi1tation for uest Rcit for curý,rent expenses cumsfromi our readers. Ori V5b 1673 ý,Ven re i b over 964 hile thle uilding Fund heeiadeietshrschacpt decreased bsi-y $470 10 rewrdig xpeiece it oter, Ude ne1 bsinssthe Meeting er Co-versel, ýo aal up rt ed a prop)osýai todecrease piee o ltertue t wan riedsthe Commnittee of Stewards term te sve teir yesiht.Of office fromn three yastno one. Hlere 18 nopportuýnity for You The meigas rcmeddto to anie auoo On haern, ain in.terchangýe services wt te~~~ acliinnto e dmire, we\castle lai 965during July and or voice your opinion on- any sub- Ne August. TheOro Church unider ject of interest to fellow Iibrary jthJe prop)osal will be ciosed during members. Jly wý ,ili services then being heid Mail your miast'er'pieee 0Mrýs.'in Newcastle. Gerald Rýobinson, Orono P1ost The mneetingc also adopted the fie. e elom thestue.clu prînîn of the names and a- aany time inthfure mouints of contributions. This list Caling Afil embers lis to be inchided with the annual It is tiine te renew your Librnry repot and presented to ail mem- miembership. For the usual SMa11 bers of the Church. fee, you mnay enroli again, and re ev. Long nccepted the. invita- celve a 1966 berrower's card *tion to continue as the minister 4' for the Oreno circuit. 'Non-mnembers are urged to sîar thle new year righnt by becming active miembers ef the Orono Li- brary. Cail in soon. CONTRACT AWARDED ýFOR POST OFFICE1 CalUing AIl Art-LIevers Russel! C. Honey, MP for Dur- F~rom commnents over-heard, we ham, announced last Wednesday realize that the fal display of thlat the contract for the niew painigsfo tearùr-i a Dominion building to be built on whole-heartedly appreciated. We Johnr St., Port Hope has been a- are pleased to announce their ,varded to Chemong> Construction works for a winîter showing, at the1 of Peterborough. The contract LibDrary are: Aliee Cobbledick7, price is $377,9ü6. Bud Grant, Doreen Powell, Laura 1- The contract requires thiat the Hazeldene, Normia Lee, Clair1 completion date be 10 months Grant, M-vargaret Rickaby and Arniy omnow'. 'Van den H-er-,vel. The bid vwas the lowest of seven S incere t-hanks te hs peopleteded for adn such heauty to the Seýond l ow bidder for thie work decer of the Library. asEastwood Construction o De.rothy Rwbinson L-ttd. of Peterborouigh at $407,618. <ste jeu~ ~{-~.<>e~v.to..OOeofoaobofoeofo The ~ ~ ~ j v(rtineet fyur elgistefed Pasaes s te comkpoun-d your~wÈ detrspecitoswt rfsinlpreckin te ShB"op At STUTT'S ÎPharniacy OPONO. ONT. PxONU 1055 --------- ILocal News Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Ransberry, 'Montreal were iitr with rela- tives over the wevekend. Mr- Jas. Rickaby is a patient in S.Michael's Hlospital, Toronto, having1 had an operation on bis eye. 1 1 70' 'x90" 80' 'x90" Unit 5,IC\ ' uary 11tih, invitîng all to take p Unit 5 held their regular mon- Thien fQleiwed sýomje dsuso thly meeting Tuesday, January 4, as toc a . money raising prejeet foýr 1966. The Meeting was held1 in tecnigyear'. Mrs. Long sulg- the F riendship Roomi of the, ese having Christmas cards or Chrîstian Education Building with hat nts rnedwthapit" NraLong,, the leadier., pr i-of the inside of the church. ing. There were il memnbers ans- wered rol cail. Anotlier s jsion wa Hlymn "Trust and Obey" was sung. Dorothiy Bailey being in charge of the Devetienal, openled wýith a prayver followed by a rend- inge "Resolutions". Dorothy ment on te say that the Bible is the miost p)oputlar book in book stores, it bas the highest sales rating oh' any book. Isabelle Chalice read the scripture and Dorothy rend11 a verse for- the New Yenr thený ciosed with prayer.i. thlat we sponsor a supper put o by a ment. packing,,cempany nnd advance tickets would have te beý solci. Aise a) hat show was sg gested. Isabelle Challce suggýested,, individuai talent projects. Nx meeting a proeeetMili bcedede on. Ruth Aluni invitedt the g-roup t-,- meet at hier hiome for the next. meeing whvlieh wiil be February7 lst. This meeting will cormmenceý jMinutes of the last mreeting at Six o'clock and will be 1-n the w,,ere read by Joan Convier. Tt was ýform of a Pot Luck supper. Jmoved by D-i]othy Bailey and sec-1 onded by Joani Couvier that we Jni oisadJyeSae ask the C.G.I.T. leaders to ask the J feme towphon the members girls if they would seli the Birth- each monthl to reminid themi of theý day calýendars around towvn. The meig girls can earn their group ten cents for each calendar they seli. Temeigcoe fe hc Norm-a announiced the Pot Luc-k a tatylun-ch was served pýy N supper which is to be held 'before maý Long and a social haîf hour the annual meeing Tuesday, Jan- was spenît. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B3ailey s»ent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ?Maliolm M7cKenzie, Kitchen- er. Mr., Norman iky left Sat- d1ay by plane from Malton to take up tachig duiesin Bermua for six, monthis. Mrs. Lucyý Penw.ardlen, Long Sauflt is visiting wî'th Mrs. Esie Mr. HrtHonc ecently putr- cha ed h uligand deln on Minl Street owned by Mr.' and( Mrsq. J. Garden. Mr and Mrs. N K ýennýed(y have ptirchased the homne of Airs. C. Powers on Malin Street EXPADN GOODVEAR Announecemen)t has been made by the Gcoodyear Rubber Company of a $1- million expanision program for the Bowmaniville plant. urn thsye'ar a n le'w belt curing press willfbe installed at11 Bowmnvile t acost of $1 Mil- lion. OronO pastoral Charge Miniater Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 CHIURCE S'ERVICES Orn ~11:15 a.m. Leskard - 2 p.m. 1XfrbSY - 9:45 a.mr. SUNDAY SCEIOOL Orono- 10 a.m. Leskard- 10 a.m. Kirby - il a.m. i U RSDAY - F RID A Y -SATUR D AY - JTA NUr ,Y l1C, 14, 15ý YOGI ER AINESATURDAV <Coor) (Adit) Stephenï Boy,ýd, Omar Shariff SUN. I MON. - TUES. - WED. JANUABY 16, 1--, 18, 19( BAPWABY "li'T H E RIN MUST FALIL Adilit Èntertainment Steve McQueeni, Lee Remick The Mouae That Rociredý .Peter Sellers per pair per Pair$4 7 .BLANKET Firs t q ualit y Fa Annel1et t e Bankiet-s iin two siýzes, Wh1itewthpnko bIdbodrandamae Special while they lasi Cash Price OnIy ARMSTRONG'S. B o wnanvill 6 2-3-r-558 9 YA L