G VOLUME 27, NUMBER 5Z E ORONO WEEKLV TIMES,' E. R WooyardChaim ~Busy Session For T rustees During- the business session of m ieet wt the Trustees to brief the Police Trustee meeting on themi on the op)eration, manage~- SMonday evening a number of jet- ment and other factors pertaining teswere received. to the local water system. 0f OrQntedPolicetrurteesir tweAIM Simpson referred to an Polig Trusees h~ OSIAWA RESJ3TERIandOVR 229FAMILES The letter in whch no charge whtsoeve on fodalc iia 1tb UNITED CHURCH WE11ENIS USING MUNICIPAL WATER 'mittee. ispronkmer against Curvply for jýýrasotsioy n teardy pike service. He said this a- ~1ter n nhort sssioi~ the Boar ju the correspondence i a ree~ws. otary t0te r*esduntil sevein O'lock in EXECUTIVE IMEETING fn speaking with M4r. E. Dent Ilearned that a sum of $12,63 1.04MuipaAcanddprvea theevei~ he ge~ra bi~as t Jaray lth.196 te Oh-it was learnied that village resi- lbas been paid in prepaviment of bonuis to Curvply. wsdiscussed and committee, awa rPresbyterial ntd Cuc t r e us fr o 2,0 a-fot. ad~neto hre ~chaimel Upnited mChueutv metngmecih of wýater a day fri the Mun- fo0r the Orono Water Svstemn. This K . Woodyard referred to an- E. . Wodyrd as ppointed iAlbert Street United Chiurche om ia WtrSvstemn. Aýltogetheraontasbntuecovr E EUOý,ocy ronoPoicw1 t 3pamBx unhe wre hr aenw vr25 aiie 1h n tari Was nt[uir eto ther section in the Act which, oronoPolic 110a.in.to 3p.m. oxesocheces ehe stated, did give authority for TrtesŽaona i othe hD Siis * noyda heno iorwfthehand husin-ess properties coiunected Cis,,,ision. 0te Triistees to enter into agree- Trses nmtino~ .Smpo noyda tenon ~ ~ e ote uiialssem ete ro .&j.Tnallt ment for the supply of water for -anti F. Nicholson. i lies from the church suppiying oteMncplssei 1Alte o- ) ldelicious cuip of tea. T-sport questioned the charge poetn ih anv ilidivid- In appjoitýing committee chair- Mliss Milicent Luke, president, o ae oncin ttlilt1-a ,'>cprîjý.I( irbp * fen he f oiiowin g will head the topened the meeting, withi Bible c- IIIfl oi Station Street. It wvas sýtated Jin sadta <'wxnvhd adfo àqrou epartments: readfing and prayer. _Mrs. Win. the letter that uno coninection ex-1 this se'rvice ani *h'1-qthe agree- Allin, secretary read the roll cail Winter sports are now !in full -sted at the lot. The letter was re- m"t did nMr-v' anv bonus Watr ystmaU oad Mm-of officers and presidents. oprtn tteOooRn.Pb erreti to Mlr. E. Dent. in is operations. "I riiistion the !es.Sp)lend0id reports 'were received lic Skating is being held every bc çes" h aid. "in designinfg Rloads, ail Board Memibers. from- ail comnittee chairmen. MIrs. Monday from 7 to 9; Saturdayý 7 to A letter from the Unitedi Count- te~se with a six incb . " J. Gray made an appeal foir more 9adSna afternoon fro 2:30) les Ilealth Unit approving the use iý,-Wodvr alsro doubteti that Finance, ail Board Memribers. clothing tIo be forwarded toei100 to 4:30. 0farfuge disposai area on the one couîd eall the eiglit inch main Fire Beutiicaiontre re SicoeSt.,TorntoforOvesa The Orono Figutre Skating Club propert of M.A Pos was brief-ovring moalan iatigFoy Nchl Relief. operates every Tuesday and IY dîscussed,.1D. Simpson stated ,,,valandpiatin, FoydNicoi- Mrs. G. C. Pirie, presenteti the Thursday fromi 3 to 8 'clock. that hie understood t he Township "'Have we the authority to tell ~~on. I ~financial report and Mrs. M. E. Five local hockey teams are op- wne oetbihadsoa r h Township Assessor what be Sidwals, tret igbs ad Las reortd o aloctios. raiunder thle Athietic banner. ea o0' their own in this section of will do?" s-id D. Simipson. H liniplBuilding, Dong Simpson Mlrs. Lloyd Pegg, nomination sec- These teams range fromn the young the Township and wanted the Vit- Ithlen stateti that thle Township bas retary reportedi on several výac- Atoms through the Pee Wees, Ban- lage to go in with them. This mat- Isa id th eY willass the sprinkler Planning and Parking and Li- ancies 'in the preshyteriai execu- tams, Midgets andi Juveniles. Thet ' o odsuseiwth the svstemn. To this Mr. Woodyard rary, E. R. Wootiyard. ttive for the comning year to bec Orono Atomas play their home Townlship Council. eýsaiti, "They could have a Iawsuit TheTrstesacepeda eterfilleti and wished co-operation in games at the Orono rink from 6 The Trustees are to contact mr. ;)ilthieir bands."l uIrsgainfrom thoe secretary, this endeavour. to 7 on Saturday evening. Fridai K. Lycett regarding property _Mr. Woodyard then stated that lie SMr. Gordon Simnpson. Douglýas The Oshawa Presbyteriai Unitedj night is agaîa hockey niglit in Or- o-wned by the Municîplity and 1'understoodl the agreement was simso wa tmpoarlyappointp hrc W.n'1nul etn ono vwithteAospaying a contained in an extra widtIh of 1made with the knowledge of the adsecretar o hoBad to be held in St. Andrews Churcli, gamle at Ï30: the Bantam s at 7:30; lroadl in front of Moessrs, E. Bow- O W ý.R.C. D. Simpson couintereti Oshawa on February lSth, 1966. the Juveniles at 8:30 anti the Md-en's garage, G. Smnith, Chas. Arm- that nothing to this effect had Th Tutesar o l ter nthe afternloon a draina from gýets ait 9:30. Honckey practices are t trong and Flyd Ncholsn been puit in wvriting.' -igular nieetings on the fourth Kingston wlll be presenteti andi to heldc Tuesda-y eveninig, Wednesday The secretary is to write the "Why was the wvater systerm put *~da o ec mnt cmmn- ppocat this dramia the ladies ýevening and Satuirday mornings. i0.Wý.R.C- to have a representative (Continued Page 8) .,ng at 7 u'clock. were asked to reati the Book of The chairman, Mr. Woodyard, Jonah anti if possible the modern b~tdsome proposaIs which tanl i l the evening the V I irere adopted by Ëthe Ail speaker willliel Mrs. Geor fN e-: ilhe future! tu bo submitted to thle worthwhie message. %êard in writiug. Also the new Delogates were enlîstoti to at- 'Ïhairman ctpaliet for a better sys- Itend the General Confereflceo 1% lem of f ilin.g tlian that nox in use., whichi will be hostod this year by The files of the Police Village are 1HarmonYUitdCuc nMrh o r F r mn W t i 0 DYs Il bc kept in the Orono Hydro of- 22nd anti 23rti. lice where they will be available After the adoption of the re- kr al meetings. ports the mneeting was eloseid. Mr. Harvey Partner, acting as cal examination shal ho - complet- Woodyard clarffieti this statement spktsmn _n ehfe 1t1-r--en a ever tnre year-,aomZ-- - o sy4g;-e aynk-sop First Blithdayv firefig petitic the( Mondï fili Trustc coipL tuate pront Fire miltto as )rc tentin stated Ibe do steni1 [sidere ýghters, wbo bad signed a men, present at the meeting, saidti tings but are not now in a pos- ion, prosonteti the pdtitien to that they hati bad no medicai. ition to tiiscuss themn." Orono Police Trustees on 'Mr. Woodyarti stateti that there It is common knowiedgs that a ay evening. The petition may bave to be some changes new siate of officers was annorunc- a complaint with the Orono imade ln the fîre by-laws. He aiso ed 1)'y the Fýire Chief at the lire- tees in which the firefigliters saiti that the petition had 1t the men's January meeting and fr«om Iaineti that the Departmont Trustees at an awkvard time as it the generai discussion at the Trus- not heing operateti in ac 'was their fist meeting. Mr, Part- tee meeting it would appear that nce with the by-laws and u!er stated that tbe firemnen were these pw officers are currently remiuneration was not nde- lawaro of this anti lad given thirty the officors of the Departmoent. for damage to persona1 days for an answer. rty. The ptitioners asketi a Further the chairmnan comment- At the noon session a motion 1o n these two miatters witb- ed that hoe was not so sure tînt tby D. Simpson ani F. Nicholson rty tiays.i the petition shoulti not have fir.,it 1r(comntiedec that the Chief set gone to the Fire Chief. To this up a temiporary siate of officers ýor to h1earing the petition the Mýr. Partner saiti that the petition to operate îth the Department eeLs glave audience to the had0 been shown to the Chief prior utflil permanent appointments are Chiof, Ross Mercer, in comi- 10l this m-eeting,. "We feel we cani matie. e. The ptitioners asketi for 'halve a gooti department" saiti Tecara se h e hiear-ing in open meeting,,. Mr. Partner, ";f it is properly or- operaia of the firemen until the answoring the moaning, of re- ganiizeti." matiter, is settleti anti also saiti 'ration for poersonal proporty Mr. Partnier thon asked the ta the Trustees ex-pocteti the Partner st-atedf it referred 10) Trustees if tlhe olti officers hati Chief to co-operate with thie fire- geL to clothing anti such itemns bo imist r fte siti i mon for the next thirty tinys. okn ritwachs hleat ffice. To th's -M\r. Woodyard first iThie Trustees are to establish rig fîmeq. E. R. Woodyard eîei that the Trustres knew a 1etn ihterslctrt d he was not sure what coulti of no change as they bati not re- discuss and ciarify the by-laws one under the voluniteer sy- ceiveti an officiai report from the po.rtaining te the volunteor fire but that this woulti ho con- Chief in this mnatter. Later Mr.,rgae ed.1 <'~~$ in commenting on thoe Depart- p " mnt not being operateti in ac lyt he Spirit' By D ra'na C u Woodyard saiti that thiss not '~; exactîy 100 percent true. " can I Bo v a vi e T ur . C S~ïuntierstanti where somie aspects of Ir o m n il ,T u s - a-'. *::.--4sthie oporation aire nlot in accord- *-'" nc wth om sctons of the by- The Bowmanville Drama Club Condimmne, entert.aining an eccont- aw" production of Blythe Spirit is in ric lady medium (Doroon Kitney) : Mr. Par-tnor stateti that the f ire(- its final stages of production anti who in the course of seance, sum- mon wre apoineti ome wpomises to be a fine evenig f mes ack tesii fCais earsao on a probationary b\- asis. entertainnient. Jfir),s wife Elvira .(Sylvia Tucker). 'We have nover been infom-ii This is onoe of Nooel Coward's Coulti any situation ho more in- j eaeofficiall, firemen." lhe bost liketi plays, filleiwt httrsig niwa 'n fat sati Te y-aw i wssaiti, stat- special huerfo --ih ho is so rai bigamyv is thiis? Also in the cast M.- . .etil that aprobationa1rY perioti of woll known, anti under MrgýotI enDnirsCapelnt six moniths must lio comiplétoti ho- Samuiei's d1irection, his clever lida Gootiwi'n, each! proviiing their ltir.Hîrc Biaschko of Sindel- fore acceptanco is matie. Also firo- I omodyv is doevelopoti beautifuflly, ausing character studios and inger, Germnany anti Mr. anti Mms. mon shal hophiysically fit anti de- anti carnies tot its hîlarieus cotiu inimmoasurablo.ý to an tusseîl Sutcliffe, Lesknrd. Hler siiring te ho on the firo depart- conclusion with well pacoti zest. excellent ail-roundl performance at reit grantimother is Mrs. Mabel moent shah mrrake application in On stage are Bob anti Jean Bomn ville Town Hiall January utcliff e of Port Ferry.wiigt h he.As ei Sheridan as Charles anti Ruth 20, 291, 22. '7M