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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1966, p. 1

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urono -OLlUME 2?r, NUM,ýBERÀ 2 ORor kly NO WEEKLY TIMES, THTURSDAY, JANUARY 27th, 1966 Propose Meeting To Discuss Off -F7tireet Parki ng InOrono The Orono Police Trustees on, -rîeoxmendation ùf the cliairmnan, ~.R. Woodyard- are to arranIge1 nmeeting to dtiscuss the estahlis h- ment of a parking lot in the area of the business section. Ahl prop- ,ety owflors and businessmen in the business block alongc witbi ,Yieeve John Stone and Counceil are1 tebe invited 10 toattend tbe rmeet- Mr. Woodyard who lias under- iékn la'uVing and parking re- TwIirted at tbe Trustee meeting, on Môkndayevening, tliat bh ad d1eûked finto the ofif-street park- '>ifg in a anuijkr off neiglibouring îcwns and cities. He stated thatî ,ýhe Village cannot put in a park- Ml1g lot witbout assessing those ihat. it services. "We can't mnake il ireex parking by assessîpg those ý'hrcughout the Vilage tb main lâin it," lie said. The chairman cited three op- ioswhîcli could be followed: 1) Estab!isli a parkingloan asse5s the area (the business area) lhe-costs pn taxes. 2) Establisli a parking lot with rater tlien tliose t1hat use it pay for tt. 3) Merchants chili togetlier to ýýay for1 and estahlisli a parkinà loýt te lie used free of charge. Mr. Woodyard furtber stated 1lîýât . everyone knows that somne- tý,%àîgliaslo be done. 1). M. Simpson stated Ihat if -ierchants woifld clear off theiri àald sheds tliere would lie lots of Iroomn for parking. board and that thîs board shoufld be interestedl in the problemi. -Have theyv ever submitted a plan" lie asked?ý Mr. Simpsoni said that LUk c, ln the Planning Board liad started ojut like a bouse on fire but lpI N *P, C M I lacked the support of CounilAt ta4t times, lie said, they have lookedi to the Trustees for support. MNr. Simpson also stated that te The artificial ice plan Chaamber of Commerçe lias jmýade ne-aringc comp1e-tiaoj 1 suggestions to the Trustees but some small pa irts of thec then sit back and watt for results bas delaved the onerati( nianit for 'omneto weeL eo vit is nlow old-ups la îon of the pks. It now Michael Carman To Represent Orono School In Speakinig On FridaY, January 2lst the Or- ruary 8th- The winning topie wag ono Public School held their pub- "The Eartb". lie speaking contest in the base- Evelyne Browni was the second ment of the Orono UJnited Churcli. place winner in the senior division Eight students competed in the speaking on "D)ogs". Other speak competition, three in the junior ers in this group were Caroline divisin and five In the senior div- Johnson, Marie Yeo and Sally Michael Carman, a gradle eight Evelyn Brown will represent student was the winner of the the Orono Sehool in the Senior senior division and will represant ElemientarY speaking contest be- the Oroïio Public Sehool at the ing, sponisoredl by -the Canadian Le- Township contest sponsored by gon. L ilbe lield in mid Febru- the Durham- County Teachners and ary. Ratepayers' Association. This con- In the junior division on Frîd1ay tfest is to be held in the Orono Richard l3unting placed first. Car- 'United Cliurch basernent on Feb- (Continued page 4) The Cliairman stated that the a," "v U O ~ lot would have to operate 24 hrs. go1 into operation t-iomn a day. F'urtlier, lie said, parking we - regulatiqasý wouild have to lbe en- The brille was PlacP . J. the S i e lo w R e ti n forced tbrougliout the Village, pipes last Saturday. Those shopp ing in Orono sliouldi he able to park on the main street, Financially a sum of $73610 1 lie said. 3,r. Wio4yard is to en- bas- been contributed to the artiW%Éâ O4%@o10 deavour to have a written report fi&a!l i-'e, fund along with an ad AS r Iln Cip t P r Hp on off-street parking before the diýt'0i n ot of $335ý00 in general meeting with property- p1ied,'es. Tbis brimys the total re- owners and businessmen. Ha fur- ceints, when the rledges are pai Tlie principal of Port Hope dlegree in gencral science in 1932, Lher stated Ihat thex'e actually wasto an amiount of S7696.00. To date High School sînce 1954, P. J no sueli thing, as fr-ee parking., $6,864.93 lias been naid on the Eigclow, lias announced bis retire- Hie then lauglit psysical educa- I _____________________________________________eç irenl and simun1e5 eaviný a ment to be effective during June Ition and aerlsinea b ______________________baaceof$81.'7 Otsanin .ofthsyear. h~ school in Wingliaîn for two bills for transforniers, wiring etc. i wll akemoe t~anIh baanc lTe announcemient liad been 1934 to teacli the samne subjects. wrhlsToPa hen paid. There is now a nleed piatl ad o h ura e was appoinlted vice principal for more money to compîelteîv District 111gh Scbool Board somie ,of Port Hlope bigli scliooIla 1953 nDay the fîrst stage of the arlificial wveaks ago. and became principal in 1954. lu ~ iM YSie installation. Thew stage. to lie ir His resignation was accepted uingtes er fIi nia compfleted this coming, week. will witli ,reat reglret and al of the 1Drn h i er fte nriovile tbe facilities to mnake ar- odme ervicdbgirast Second World War Mr. Bigelow tificial ice at the Orono rink. th d ediesvicaon t the teching was given leava of absence and lie ice ineroneo rns e toythe for ote e sn ,ýerved from 1940 to 1946 wilh the profession ohichi bad been dis- iCadinaybolaIhm ad lcinereto ensaFeli- flydby Mr. ftîgelow durîng 43 andianerseas. thoe n ruary 2 d to face tlie NHL Old 1 playeds Timers. The game is being lield la ithroili praclices and at least oie vyencrs. of teaching and administr'a- the Newcastle, AreaLdis be- bexhbtion ga p 'favci at Ii nl t liheleo yseIofn- 1e left active ,service witli the spotiseled by the Newcastl J Il Oofornor ring lasI m pro ficial Ice Association. Duing hts prindpalship ia f oted to Lieuteant-Colonel i n Th]NHL Il Timeirs will in- Port Hope tlie higli scliool grewth lthMîiaGop Cndn Mr odadIenpttdet The Orphans have been con di- clude sucli stars of former years in size u ntil at th e present time Ila teToahip had a planning tioning themnselves for tlie gamie as Bill Goldham, Sid Smith, Harry the student body numbers well During the war years m ucli of Iht h Watson, Cal Gardner, Danny Lew- over 1100. hbis service was with the, 1st.Bat- -icki Brian Cullen and others. MrBgeo isantvofD- talion of the MidlMnd Reginwent. ~~~~~~~Mr. Bigelow is a naieofDr n sarember of Gamie lime lias been set for 8:15 bam coi.nyhvn idbserl rni3,RylCn ian Legion Preceeding the Orphan-NHL OlH home at Kirby. Port Hlope. rT ru st e.,es T o E te ii d Timers game will lie a Pee Wee_ He began lis teaching career at 1e lakes an activa interest in ganie startingc at 7:15. Town Lea- Kirkland Lake la Seplemiber 1923 !lie 1Boy Scout mnovemnent and lias guec OId Timers will presentieradfrfvyaslugiatcn served as presidant of. the Port 4~~r~~ Inn 'F* oversion a t 9:00) p.m. inalon-a&public schools i pnad~stifscus suuw~* i I .un mUnortliera Ontario. Bi 0fliws pas for, lisaemdnf Mr TheOroo Plic Trstes, t prkig aoun th Orno inkat hNwaili staîle it o hkey In lhe f aIl of 1928 lie entered numiber of lhings lie would like 1 TicOroo Plic TrstesaI arkng rond he ron rik I thesN asteAen onetsQueen's Uiversity aI Kingston1 do including the possibilily of their regalar meeting on M\ondayT and "No Parking" sigais are tobcleWd0dy and was graduated witli a B.A. somre travel.' eývening, acceplq)ed tie resignation erecled by tlie fire chef la fronit _____________________________________________ ofthe secretary, G. E. Simpson. of lie bulIding wlere parkding ex- %Mr. Simpson hadl been asked to ist s even on the sidewalk. Proper fu reconsider lis resignalion but lias medical and application forms are lodteatn eceayta cito lie supplied 10 the fire départ-, Tila oe tn nWa ,vihe toreiii.Th Trstesare rment 10 ha used wennew mm tEo meet on Salurday 10 consider bers join tlie force. The Trustees ýidv ertisirg for applicants b f111 are also 10 cail a meeting with tbe ,he position. J fire marsliall. Two lelters were received fromUeo h uicplbidn 0 > f Bir th Contro C in c ~Mr. J. Major and Mrs. M. Gerryiwas granted bo the Orono Public o>n the placing of a streetliglt on iSehool for 'Wedinesday and Friday elain Sreet bet,,een Princess and aflernoons aI a charge Of $1000 The Criminal Code of Canada nature. Medical advancement is tuis changce was aiso supported by Victoria. They1 have asked that a weck. stands in the way of establishîng oae factor in creatling a stimulant the Roman Catliolic Churcli. th ih cmvdfarther soulli. Ms'ootyRbnonwsr-educational prograins or dlinics for population goll.Ten tb fi£- the ~ ~ ~ rs lili le ovdonbiîl cnro.ohiifcnwsss-ten ersag dses hd lve- As a resull of the Criminal ~This was referred tb tie street lappointed 10 Ilie orono Library enabishd aIthie'sscu wssoen ngaf ec onpopalion. Tahis il Code Ilie local IHealîliUnît cannol liglit commlittea. Board. A grant of $759-59 was also tGroup da li e eOn Unisdcuriniowgeveeconpuaioncreas ngîyset up ia birti control 'ciale nor A habler wuas also received from allotted bo the Board. lasI Thursday evening. The open hess as médical science exlands can any nurse give information Miessrs. 'Be-auiclaip, Walker and tMr. D. Simipson presented a eti«ng birti conîrol. If Mrs. Touclibura asking for a plan proposal for the installation of Carsse Iorna tendd po puatinexposand. xenu anyone sliould a sk for sucli infor- to lie draw,,n up by the engineering rtweiva new sîreet liglits la Orono Calotoore f the United mnopuhateion explosion.urse firmr of Marshall, Macklin and hsyaar. The proposal was ac- Counlies Healîli Unit. Dr. Horner lanlier stalements can onfly refer bhem 10 -a medical Moûnagian for their properties cepted by lic Trustees aI a cost la The group at a prior meeting pointed out that some other coun- doctor. vest of Main Streel thenrile egbul Oof $l,000.00.ý discussed the population explosion tishdaesrdalI at ia ,f tle Village. On motion of 1Two new ligits wil libe piaced on which lias extended bo associated did Canada. Canada, she feil, did Il was lie feeling of tlie dis- Woodyard and Nicholsonl ths boli Centre Street, Somerville 'problems suci as birth conîrol not liave 10 worry about popula- cussion liat bîrîli control lînies work is 10 lbe donc at a cosl of Drive and Churcli Street Souh. and birti control education. This tion explosion and this viewpOint tirougl dispensing of proper la- $300.00. Furtlier consideration is Furîlier lighîing willibe carriedi resuited in an invitation bo Dr. was also carried by some of those formation could reduce abortions -Inol egve10leaa in the out in front of the sehool, George -Charlotte Horner to attend the 1 enîering blie discussion. This view- land also reduce tie "Batlered norh-as sctonofth VllgeDunlops, Harold Hoocys, Victoria meng as Turdy Hvigpnt was reverse of Iliat of the1 Chid Syndrome" wliich exists. oni whicli<a plan bias been received and Ducbess streets. now discussed population explo-,,previons meeting wlieatle gen-jTuis reduction would follow as 1w heTrstes.Mr Wodyrd Mr. Simpson also recommended sion from lie medical viewpoinî eral opinion appeared 10 lie liaI those not wvishingc chlîdren could fat that Ihese plans should lie tie remodelling of lie Hydro of- the group are bo explore the polit- of cocer.gan rope rinformralo on ltrl registered andj theoe Village fice witi new ceiling and floor ical aspects of the problcm, if suclicnrlhr onras one re-surveycd. This, lie said, wouîd hIle along wth wall panellîng. problemi doas exist, and ara bo Dr. H-orner informed lie group tout Ilial relardation exisîs more lie a big asset 10o Orono. Total cost cf, lie project, lha faît, invite Mr. Russell C. Honey* M.P. of conditions in lie Criminal Code comm-only wiîb tie younger or' woud le l li ncgiburhod f thr et metig l Feruay.of Canada whici does. not permit older moîber. Here again dis- Mr. G. Duva- nbhî o i 600.This proposal was lefI t enthe advertising o aeo o pensirxlg information could have ils Orono Fire Ciiefl, submitled a ist over for another month. Dr. Horner outlined lie Healti Iraceptives or items causîng ali- rewards. o,' ninem ný ,a!mes as firefighters Consideration is also o b le given program wiicha is carriad- outIghç-I ortions. Ilvas lier opinion liaI o1, lie fr eaîet 1esi Iiruse3,aeorig Pbally, across Canada and tirougi- ichanges lu ths act wcre goin1g to Tic question arose if teen-agers one officer liad yet 10 lie appoint- lic Utililies whi.cli would conducl ouI lha world. This program lias !have 10 lie "faced up 1."codatedbrionolcacs edand -jtwo firefigliters oblainied- lie busness of boli hydro and increased the ife-span of man 1 Tic' Couancil or Churches have Coieawas also expressed on water in lie Village. and is la effect defying lie law of1 asked for a change la tuis act and (Continued page 8) TU*e

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