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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1966, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, ORONO WEEKLY. TIMES (Authorized as Second Clas miail, Post Office De-partrer.t, ottawa) Eslutblishaed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C, Forrestler - 1Editor and Manager Pubiished e-ery Thursday at the off ic# f publicatàm Main SLreec, Pions 109, urono, untia Miss The Boat? Six municipalities to the west of Clarke Township have formed a Centrai Ontario Joint Planning Board. These miunicipalities, Bowmanville, Darliugton, Oshawa, Whitby Township, East Whitby Township and Whitby, have through the Joint Planning Board hired a planning director, MAr. Aic- Adams. Plans are now underway to initiate a regional plan- ning program. The question arises, "Shiouldl Clarke Township have en- tered into the regional planning area?" Taking iuto consideration that area government is a coming reality andc no doubt will be legislated by the Province wti a few years, evcry municipality should now býe considering and evaluating the future course of their municipality in regard to area government. It is considered by many circles that areas now de- signed1 as planning are-as fil i the future esýtablish the boundaries for area goverument. If this is se then the area of the SK i unicipalities to the w-est of Clarlke w01, eventu- ally bcm a distric-t for area goverument. If area goveru- * ment is carid ot hroughout the Province th-en Clarke could conceivably bc lu an area to the east. Clarke Township has dloser tics with municipalities to1ý the wvest both ecouomnically and poliically. This is esp- ecially so with such centres as Bomanville, DarlingIton and even shawa. At the present time Clarke iintly participates in financing a hospital with other municipalities to the west. The majorty of residents in Clarke work in the area to the wvest and many are more associated in other ways wvith this western distriKt Last week the budget was presented to the Central Ontario Plannringi Board and accepted. This budget amnount- ing to 52.4c per persan will p)rovide a sum of mnoney to staff and commence a dctaiied study of the area. This study will include researcli, data collection, survey aud analysis, --syn.- thesis and determination, the composition or combination of the indivihuil research studies, the deterniluation of the needs and desires of the area aud proposais, thie determin- aition of a suitable "formn" for the future developmnent of the area. If Clarke Towuship had joined this area planning scem tey would noiv be ou the threshoid of having this study made within the muuicipaiity. It would blend lu with adjacent areas and as the areas deveiopedi to the west Clîarke would aiso be considered lu this development. Clarke ,wouild net, ns it possihiy may, becomne a dormiatory for the ureas now expanding industr.lally. The cost lu 1966 for snch services to Clarke wouid Isave beeu a little over $2,000... a mere sumn that could save thousauds iu the future. Did Carke maiss the boat? Th7eLiteWrd It does appear logical that three words uow cou- týainedJ in a certain section of the Criminai Code should be~ remnoved or at leaýs tthe section should be amended. These threvords prohibit, Canada un ,1aing iL - t h- f Iiý- natt~ni îd fû~ h t cntrol as well as making it n uulaw- fIact to seli any drug or article or present instruction as a method of preventing conception. Th-e section presently reads, "Every one commits u offencýe who knowîJng-ly without lawful justification or eýxcuse, offers to sell, advertises, publishes an advertise- m-rent of, or lias for sale or disposai any means, instruction, medicine, drug,, or aricle intended or represented as a m-ethod of peetn conceptio n or causing abortion or The Planned Parenthood Association as well as the Caouucil of Ch-urches and othier groups are asking that thrcc w,ords"peetn conception or" be removed from the particular section. This would not interfere wth the con- ditions no-w set forth cnenn abortions or mniscarriages. Dr. Charlotte ilorner, lu speaking at the Men's Dis- cusýsion Gupdid say that the becalth Unit would weicome t.he opportunlty to set up Birth Control Chieis but at the preseut, time wcere unable to do so. It bas becu statcd that more and more Canadians are beeomiing aware of the ueed for planned parcnthood serv- ices- and ase wllingý to support these services if the legal barriers to the dissemnation of information about bijrth cointrai can be cleared away. A1,Board of-^thýe Unitedi Churcli sec the nleed of change iný the Ciia Code and with repeal the law would, then al- oweducation thnus reduclng unwantcd pregnancies, illegal abor io and the decrease of the battered clhid syndrome. Interest Mounting Fi tion changed. After ail my interest is lu sen ing industry start new branches ýhere: and if this legisiation is netýi the best thiing sfor municipalitesý which are working, then Ii -ntenýi to see what can be done to chang A lot of "spontaneous interest" Mr. blecs cited recent eape is being shown by organizations verse lucentive for municipalities of RCA Victor's color eevso and individuals favouring the lo- like Cobourg. pltant which was attracted to MiM- cation of a Community Coliege "We're dloing al we can to al- 'land by the dlstressed area adt in or near Oshawa, says George tract industry but the distressed vataeswad rmtien Cr Roberts. ~~~areas have ncw companies laid lund u opu hc a e iously considerlng locating in the Mr. Robert, head of a 13 man tLheir laps by the goverument Cobourg area but Iter moved t committee of the Central O)ntario simply because they have been a designated municipaiitiy. Reý,;inailee Council, said re- designatedi distressed areas," he cently, a brief wiil be prescuted said. ~ Mayor Heenan bias said that ue-ý to a board of regents for the col- ,In other words, it's better for gotiations with Armnstrong hadi leges bef ore February 2ud. us to do absolutely nothing aud reached the point whcre purchas(' Educatioii Minister William Da- be desigcnated ourselves. Then lof a particular picce of industrWi vis says the board of regents wiîî 'maybe the goverument will start ]land was being closed. scan applications for collegesdog something for us," lie said. from miore than 70 Ouitarlio corn- tMr. Hees, in an) interview, said "We thouglit the deal was co munities on February 2nd. ýthat the legisiation is discrîmin- ed, but the uext thing we kniew, Mr.Robrtssai a ub-ommt-atory and unfair. He said he in- wc read in the newspaper it hiad Mr.Roers ai asu-cmmt-tends to ask questions at Ottawa !bought land eisewhere, thie imay(or tee, has met to compile informa- 1ihave ohvngtelgsa ad tion and write the brief. vta iwt vnghelisaSi. [The college council carlierin vited wvritten commient from indiv- iduais and organzations lu support of a clle-ge in the Oshawa area. "W&'eve been g1etting some very interesting,, support", said Mr. Ro- berts. r vorect"asi Crop Insurance A crop-insuirance plan for Ou- tario warý forecast in the speech from the thr-one readi at the openi- ing of ffhe Provincial house ou Tuesday. AMILtough1no details were given it w-as said that the house wlIbe presented with a comprehensive prolgrani to meet the needs ofOn tarioj farmers and Ontario produc- tion condtos It wl,5e predicted on an ar- rang,,ementi to bc effected with the government of Canada for the a- mneudment of federal crop insur- aue legislation,. the speech added. SThe plan apparently is an out- growth of farmners' troubles last year when many areas were hit by droughit, Ina àuother field of farming thIe speech aninounc(ed an epn sion of acviiesuder the fdr eral Agricuitural Rehabilitation anid Deveipqment Act. Regifonal developmnent officers wili be appcointed to work with the county agricultural represenita- tvsaud lu-al county ARDA coin- mitees, and senior officers exper-i ipeced in rural economics and liv- ing conitîdums mili be p, >ne to stren 'gtLen the ARDA deveIop-ý ment staff. Consolidation of abandoned or uneconoic farmn units under A.- DA will be contnued lu Northeru Ontarjo and the program "where anuicbl",will be extended to eastern Ontprio. ýCritical 0f Aea Act The 'depressed area' legfisiation introduced by the Dominion gov- erument four years ago is dIiscri- minating against municipalities. which are working for new indus- try. This charge was nilade recenitly by both Mayor J. A. Heenan and Northumrberland member of par- liament, George Hees. lua ïmeeting-, with Cobourg's industrial ,c(mmiJssioP, _Mr. FHees waKod thait industries are at- tracted to m-uicirpalities which 'ae q; itigbe and doing I avrHeenan s;ald later that theh"isatonis providing a re- CANADA1 ELECTIONS ACT Electoral District of Durham Election Epne There is below set out, as required by Section 63 (5) of the Canada Elections Amt, a summrary, signed by the of ficial agent, of the return of election expenses made to nme by hlm on behiaif of Garnýet Rickard, mne of the candidates at the recent election of a memnber to serve in the fluse of Commions of Canada ld iu the above mentioned electoral district, which said reiurn is oun file at m office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there iuispected and extracts taken therefrom at anyv reasoniable timie during the six months uext after the llth day7 of January, 1966 being the day upon which the said returui was fu'rni.slied to me. Dated at Port Hfope, this 18 day of Januar, T1ý66 CARROLL NICHOLS, Returuing .ýOfficer Summnary of Rleturui of Electiorn Expenses of Garnet Riekard RECEIPTS Receipts, contributions, etc. Total PAYMENTS Candfidate's personal expenses-- Services - .--- --- --- Goods supplied -- --- --------- A dvertising ------------ ------- Total Amount Numaber of persons fromj wliom reiceivec $3094.66 3 -$3094.66 8 - $ 750.53 85.02 ------- 1651-83 ----1357.81 1 -- ---- --------$3"45.19 Dated at Port Hope, this 18 day of January, 1966. Wmn. BONNEVILLE I Officiai Agent.ý CLSSY4UR PLIQLE cf th bai 1.sweet wormt 20. m~ cow 0~ Sunî'd, ae 27. QrÈ , tter nu2 Astrngent 3s. Flapsi 40WLuer du arile 44n SaICu 47U u 0f 1., --tringl pter ,arrowl 2i1' Wecp 22. Clhef 24. MnI 33. Geek *pa.tier 30.',CurKmg LAST W'-KS ANSWriEt i EZ 37. Mistake 38. 1: ge-ts 42, T::mber 45. Tr-ansigrýen l8. lCdney, ibean ... . .... . .. . . ........ ... ....... -à- L A P l_ýý

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