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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1966, p. 8

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ORONO WEýEKLY TIMES,' a great deal more responsibility, in the matter of studying ' Depart- mental estimiates andeamng thie details of legisiation beforeî ilý is finally adopted by the Hlouse of Commons. In the last session some changes in the rudes were adopted to over- corne thle abuses whichcl were pos- si!ei under the e xisting rules. In thie first day of this new Parlia- ment a queston lias been raise as. to whiether or not these ruleS wilcarry over into this new Par- liament. jEarly iindications are that the It as ee sad hatPariaentiProgressiv-e Conservative Party It ia ben ai tht arlamntwiîî want to revert to the old is nrow on trial. 1 think tis is es- ýrules. The Liberal and mino p <enftally true. Tt is certainly on i position parties have i n dircatedà trial in the public mind because ý that they want to continue the vhe Canladian peopfle are not pre- 1-ew streamlined rules in this new Par, t tolerate the rubiNg f Parliament. satinto old political wound S, Thy xpeet us to get on with th ntonsbusiness in ani effi- Tbe isue ,illhv to be s;ettledi cc-en and expeient ma-nneýr. One ýivith1in thie next few dayjýjs. if there ca sili be hopeful but after isamaocnfnttn over thie1 lhre days of the new Parliamientrue issue it w-ill lie evidence some grave doubts are appearing. that this Primn will probably regress into procedural squabbles, time consumîng arguments over lu the last session of Parliamnent pit fodradt~ohrpo sweigchanges were adopted *nies hc av et'e h the pro-_cedfural rules of thie House pIIast two Parliaments of minority 'Af Commons designed to inii- governmients. inize lepýetitiouýs speeches, squab-j tblinlg over futile points of order i _nd other tactices designied to , AlCndan od gh hopes thlwart the effective fuýnctioingfor the future of this new Parlia- of Parliament. These changes l ut,(1nthe jokeying weaei- .luded atime limit on questi but thent I o o keyto le a è p:eriods and provision for îimiting seen to date over the question of tdebtes by agreement among the :adopting th,.e new streamnlined Tparti.èýs l the Hlouse. The rules rules indicaes that we may not lsfeaturedi a complete, reorgan- lie ale to expect mIucli relief from ition o, f the Conmittee structure te rodra pobems which ogveParliamentary CQmmittees 1 pilguedl the las,,t two minority govetrnments.N Cotr9ntiàes1 The United Couinties couincil on W,ýednçesday last approvedth l-e re- port oif the strýik7ing conimpitte on týhe formation of six standinýg comn- mýïitees as fo"llows: Finance, Lorne A. Perrauilt, -hairmranl, Flex ciln, Merril Van Camp, Lloyd Hooten, ýD. Rl. TetElected To M brip D5ingwvall, A. L. Blanchard, Nelsonj Trent University lias been elec- Uýsher, J .E. Cochrane, G. A. Fin- ýted to provisional m-embLership in niie, Lawrýenice McGill, Jay Wht-the Asociation Of Universities and 1ington, G. H. Rosýs, Alvin Ander- Colee of Canada, Professýor T. sýon, K. Parr. S. Little, R. J. Locke, H. 13. Symons, President andï Vice- Mrs. L. F. Fishier, Mrs. E. R Cacloannounceýd recently. larke, J. E. Solomon, G. T. MoreInoertquiyfrme e- R., R. Burnhamn, L. Gibson and D. sblp in the Association, Trent Un- J. Cunningliani. iverîty was examined during two visîits to Peterborougli by a Comn- Road and Bridge, R. C. Everson ittfee Of Visitation appointed bv cýhairmnilan, R'. . Chatten, tfie AUCC. The Commrittee of Visi- Van Campi, D. Lang9, J. W. Stone, taio as chaired by Dr., L. H. Dingwall, H, I. C Mir E. ROddcy, Cragg, President of Mount Allison Cochrane, Finnie, William ea -University, New 'Brunswick and slip, Whittington Douglas McMVas- consisted of Dr. Cragg. Dr.' H. G. ier, Arthur Wartmnan, M. Wi1"ght, iThode, President, McMaster Uni- W.E. Fice, G. H. Free, _W. I. vrsity, Hamilton; and Dr. G. C. Thlomas,' Everson, Gibson and Andrew, Executive Director of the Cunningham. IAUCC. Legslaiveand by-laws: G. H. Freech&ran, cMillan, Chatten- .R.Hamniltoni, Hooton, Stonie, Vingwall, Blanchard, Ushier, Codil- mune, J. W. Bannister,Mcl, WhVjjttinjgto, MivcMaster, Anderson, care, . B 1oss, Moore, Burn- ha, ibson andCnighm As~esmef ai Inustral:L. A. Rooton, chaqii)mn MMila R. 1The Commnittee examined the :Tiv'er.sitY first during a visit in Je,1964, and then returned in O-ctober, 1965, in order to study the progfress and development of Trent since its previous visit. The rep-ort prepnred by the Committee followý,ing its second visit to Trent Particularly "commended and conraî;Ite~'the University on the progress that had been made in the period since its carlier visit. Mcuanin, Hacmilton, perrauit, Coch-1 As the resuit of the fa vourable ra"e. M111ir,' l Cairuth1erS, recommendation by this commit- Ban~'îter, ~ Whittington, j te of Visitation, the Dýrectors Freter, Wa rnka- îe, o f the AUCC unanimously elected Fre, Toma, Cark, SlomnTrent to provisional membership Moo"e Burnham, Gibson, Cun- in1 the Association. In order to nînghami. çqualify for full membership in the AUTCC, a University must, in addi- Agriculitur al: J'ay 'Whittigtn tionýto meeting the'standards set eha-ma~ &'~"~, MCan, any te Association, have a mini- Camp, Land, SozCcrnA 01anclhard, Ushier, Cartes A"desonPa~- 'ceLoce, isi ' airanMc-Millan, Chatten Pî "ceamilton- Muir, Roddy.ý, Carruth- er, DEverso'. -,MoeBrn er's, FniHesiWittington, Iiam Gibon ~ ~inham.Ros,71Wit, Little, Locke, Fishier, Eversonl, Solomon, Moore, Burn- County rpro"', Y: ArthurW'ar- hmisoand Cunningham, Re rt-rom Ottaw muni enrolment of 200 students for three consec-utive years. Trent enrolled over 200 students for the, first timie in the current academic year and will thus probably apply for full membership in two year's time. Trent University lias alr eady re- ceîved approval, granted during its first y-ear of operation, from the Canadlian Universities Foun- dation as an accredited 'univer- sity qualifiedl to receive grants from the Domninion Governmnent. MORTGAGE BURNED AT BEWD)LEY LEG(ION A mrgg burning cere-mony and installation of officers for '66 were' hýj"ilig-lits of a recent mneet- ing of the RylCanadian Legion oF the BewdIley brandli. .ThIe Bewdley Legion brandi was set up in Septemb-ier of 1958 with 90 miembers who-1 served in the rmdforces in the First and Second Worl.d Wars. Th'le Bewdley fire hall was used as a meeting place until the pre- sent building was built in 1960,. There are now plans in thie dis.- cussion stage to build a futrther ýaddition to the building. ln. winter, men are avoulable. Materials aire avoulable. And special off-season discounts are often avoulable. So, doesnt it mak e a lot of sense to have those repairs adrenovations done now. Not simply Constructi on and building jobs-but thý'ings like having the Iawnmower fixed and the screens mended; having FOR PONTIAC on BUICK J Stone Chairman Mr. John Stone, reeve of the Township of Clarke, has been ap- pointed chairman of the United Counties Road Commilssion. This position is regarded second only to the wardenship of the Counities. In many cases this position has been the stepping stone to warden of the United Counties. As the wardenship of the Uni- ted Counties returns to Durham in 1967 it is quite possible that the position of chaîrman ofl the Roadj Commission this year may place Reeve Stone in a favourable posi tion to cop the top position in W6 Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., for Durham announces that the Hon. ourable J. R. Simionett has grant- ted approval for a Provincial grant of $525.00 to the Ganaraska Con- servation Authority, for-prelimin- aryenierg of the Port Hope channn-ïiel in the Ganaraska River. O/O ITO 5 G.L.C.'s I Saviflg AcotatsPaid A and Cotnpounded Quarterly 42'C 4 investnent Fi.nds Est.-at e Pl1anmninrg 0 F SERV Open Fpriday Niglits anid all day & & avings Corporation i- 19 Simcoe Street xortil, Oshawa 7352 23ý Kingf Street West, Bowmnanville 6322 IVIrnlv wsmifo~r MpUiiigl the drapes cleained and the rugs shampooed; having the furniture r-u,pholstered ond the electrical oppliances repaired. Ali jobs which con call for ai long wait corne Springtime-but which con be handled quickly, efficiently and easily during the winfer season. What's more, g ove rnmen t-spa nso red, low-cost Home Improvement Loans are available through your bank, fa assist you în carrying out ail kinds a4 renovation jobs you've been meaning ta do- up ta $4,000 with up ta ten years ta repay'! No) doubt about if- winter is the best time fa spruce up your home or place of business. IDo if now! Everybocly benefits when winter work is increased . OIN266DFor advice and assistance coUl your National Employment Office. . byR. C. Honey, MI.P. for Durhamn Canada's 27th Parliamentd open- icd this week as those members ectdon Novernber 8th gathlered in, Ottýawa to observe the fne honioured rituals associated w;th the occasion. Three minority goverumentS in ies thn furyears has given Pol- Itics too mluch priority over poli- des. In the last tw,ýo Parliaments the threat of an early dissolution has hiad a tendeiwy to cause imany ,dehates to degenerate into politi- eal squabbles as each party jock- eydfor high round in theevn ï,f an early election. ACADIAN CARS GOWJWILL LJSD CARS Contact EARL hMcQUEEN <Formierly of McQueens Motors, Bowniiville) at KAN E POi GN TIAC PETER RRT 1O I OPE Phone Res. 623-7166 Bowmianville Buns. 885-2445 Port Hlope s ýà . DN-266D

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