ORONO WEEKLY TDIES, THURSB)AY, FEBJUXAF #~.LA.HILTON HARRIS prtESIDENT Kepoýri From OttawaO 0ATHR Ànxut2 flaIoan f û RselC. Iloiey, iV.P., Durham ments. The %weather in Ottawa this week, lias been h-overing, well below the Many old age pensioners need zero mark . .. and on three want $S"00. a 1o1.1 oe0ftemne ofvotes the govern- more than $100. On the other band mient narrowly missed being tos there are some who don not need any, extra payment. The Canada1 s;ed out into the Cold! Assisý,tance Plan is desiîgned to as- On Friday iast, the N.D.P. mo- sist flot onily the pensioners but tion received the support of the as the maniy other Canadians Conservatives andl Creditistes. The witoar aSo ini need, such as the minority govern-ment was saved blndfisabled, those otherwise from defeat by the fîve Thompson handicapped, widows and deserted Sýcia1 Creditors. The vote was 126wie with young chiidren, as welI to 117. On Mondlay the N.D.P. and als those who are living in candli- Credýtistes combined on the Con- t.on-s of degrading poverty. Young qervative motion and the mnargin Canadians must be educated to was narrowed to 134 to 126 in give themi a reasonable chance of favour of the government. In both mkn their_ way in this highlyý votes the Social Creditors meant cmpetitive and industrialized so- the difference as far as the gov- ,ciety. Ail of these people, and en ntwas concerned. If the many mnore, must be kept in mind oceshad voted agalinst the Iwhen we are distributing the Lb asit would have mieant the 1funds avalable for social nieeds. defeati' of the gcovernmnent and a Fctr my part I hate to sec old next constitutional question as toagpeiosmdthobetfa whether Canadians would again go aepofsositicalefoeobll.Woera to the ols or the ove"rnor Gen- cdees it stop? Each election there cralwoud cal o Mr.Dieen-is a bidd'ng for the votes of aur baker týo formn a governinent. sno citizens. 1 think it hias g6t Thie DP Party askjed for an ýjie late increase in the old Ige pensionl to $100. a monthlfor a11 a5 years of age and over. The caitincossWoold be paid by incrýea-ed taxes, they said. The touservatives asked that the aid aep.enision be increased to $100. nmonth. 1Under the Canservative Flan the additional cost WOUld be Obtaiedfrj athe andaPension Plan Fund. tstop and it has to be replaced bya souind anxd responsible pro- gram, for deflîng with the total social needs of our people. I think we can work, this program out and I hope that the Canada Assistance Plan il be a responsible and re- aitcapproach to ail of, these problems, including that of the oid ,age pensioner. yýears' service with the Ganaraska Region Conservationi Authority, %vas electedt chairman of the auttb- orjty at the gýeneral meeting held at the Port Hope Town Hall. Mr. Hlarris 's the representative on1 the authority from Hamilton Townsýhip). 11e succeeds William J. Austini, a provincial representative who has been chairman of the authority for the past two years. MIr. Harris was one of the original memibers of the authority when it was formned in Toronto in 1946. Elected to the position of vice- chairman was Victor Wilson, also a provincial representative who has been on the authority for six years. Mrs. J. F. C. Hamn was re- elected secretary-treasurer. Named to the advisory commit- tee were: Hilton Harris, Victor Wilson, Elmier Scott and A. O. Dal- rymple. HIGH SCPIOOL CLOSED DUE TO 'SUNDAY STORM The Clarke Hligh School1 was closed for the day on Monday. Ti-iity-fur istudentls from the Vil- lagze did however turn up or classes in the mnorning as one bus did make the run ta the school. The students retuirned home at noon.q A numiber of the rural public schoolsw're-, ~dfnr the' dav The Orono Public School was inf Tt seemsr to me that it :is illogi r f)pieration as usual. cal and indeed consttitioal d ff ln______________ îripoçsible to take the addiinll ~ Ii roj ot of the( Canada Peninloaing under the Orono banner. Plnon d. Thou are three main- This is especially truc for week- Plan und.Ther are"" jend sessions., Assistance is nced- objections. FrtyCnd a no otributing- to the Fund iin UOi1l ed for the Bantam group and also the expectation that the monles AJ the M i go ea a will be there to bu, paid Out toAnocwsigtgveahd ter hnte eoeetted. )O0MDESMay contact Mr. Jack Moffat. themwhe an n hy ecmett thRe OMIDET1jMIDGETS DEFEATED BY Secndy, ilamedm~t o he Hockey playdowns are soon to BOWMANVILLE .2 Canada' Pension Plan legi.siatiOnlb h re ftedy od a h rn igt l da 7so as to pay aut thiese fUndýs could!b hBrdroohwdy-odwa h rooMdes lyda be adeonl wih te cncurere ,receîived this week that the Orono exhibition game with the Bw bef made onl with the conureîA)tnce Mliidgets will first face the' Midget mianville Midgets on Tuesday 'at af~~~~~ t.-hrs fteprt 1ptn tcamn from Millbrook. This play- the Orono rink. Although O-rono prvne.It is unlikely that thisi' concrrene wuld e gven ownseries must be COMPleted carried the play in the first per- Thrdyis te fcttha esumanb-,by Februray l2th. iod they -,ý,re ontskated in the ly- the increase proposedi by the ORONO JUVENILES tormjigpros ConservativeS woid be as pald IThýe Orono Juiveniles are to play, The twa Orono goals were by taç pensioners in Quebec. _As Que- the winners of the Coboconk- Garry Black and Neil Alun. bec is not a participating- provinee Little Britain series. The Orono INTOO OCKTO AURAEN in the Canadla Pension, Plan the series must be completed by Feb- I Gn AORONockeSySTurDaYeti people in the other urne provinces rue~y l9th. being held at the Orono rink this woare payinig into the plan COAf)CHES URGENTLY Saturday commencing at 11:00 oudbe paying for the pensions NEE ..Tî 5te yugs g a'the senior cîtizens of Quee Teeisa retned for Piroup in shoce yoanoftnpro wh7'ile Quebec taxpayers would cacebfr oe the teamsn vides eentetain n hockey.otnpo -nking, no contribution. eh fo oeoth em vieenran*ghcky The inecase in pesosPro- poýsed by the N.D.P. ourtcos 855 million dollars this year No !TO Propose -'owntown one denies the very urgent needa ofmany senior citizens but. il -- t, tn. w hvto t1r Ae tee m e ncw iv IM ",.. ai bit of care in the matter of the diistribution of the tax manlies available for social needs. The Can- ada Assistanice Plan ta be intri- duced in Parliament shartly will put somne order into the matter of spendfing on social serv.icezeuie t Town Mall, Orolno g 1:3 p.M. Anrea btucly In Cobourg A motion callinig for study of a redevelopment plan for down- townî Cobourg will be, considered by town council. In expiaining the reason be- hind his motion, Coun. H uskilson said that expansion Is spreading Mhe tawn over its boundaries. He foresees the town's popula- lanr doubling in the next decade, "Where will we be if we just let the downtown section-the core of the tawn-rot? "What we need is planning for Parking and beautification. The mnain objection ta bis pro- posai will probably be council's feeling that downtown parking is the responsibility oif the mer- chants. "We (council) are sticking aur heads in the sand and pretending it will just go away. It won't go away and, like cancer, this prob- lem will spread, said Coun. Hus- kilson. "The argument tlhat it is the merchants' responisibillty is wrong. Council also has a responsibility ta the rest of town, The entire town would benefit from such a plan. If we do not do something now we are simply neglecting aur responsibility ta the taxpayers. lbrook Cit e C h os Nee ALoa? for isolation The pravince's only maximum- were it being, built today, would Ifa5, first , onact he fsecuirit;y reýformPatorv was estab- flot be iocated at Milbrook, "anc Orono-Distrieýt Credit union is,hed at M,1illbrook because of' the cannat avoid reaching the. conclus- end jerîi çý the inisolation- of that cammunity about ion that the location was chosen i"d ear oftheman ad 15 miles southwest of Peterbor- because af its very isolation." vantag-es of obtaining -mon- auh asAanGomn, i- ey fromn the local or-ganiza- !ist,,er ai' reform institutions. The minîster added, howevcr, tion. "that even though Milbrookl is Mrý. Grossman -,as commening somewhat removed from a buiit-up' in the legisiature on an Angîcan area. . . less t han five per cent OronoDistrct curch i report an the reformatory 1 aof aur inmates are kept there. tht ai illbrýook "by location, j We do have programns'for cor- CREDI UNIN isunsutedt a pragram ýof re-j rectianal officer.s," Mr. Grassman Treas.-?Man., Angus Luk omadrhblttn for pris-1 said. "These are detailed and cf- Phone 4r10, Orono onr-fective, but we arc constantly im- : Ifesaid that although hle h as 'proving and rcorganizing ta im- __________________________saîd puiblic1y that the reformatory iprove their cffectivcness."1 1! CLEARANCE SALEI g ALL PRICES REDUCED ON 1965 MODEJJS Boaits, Motors, Trailers 1Lcxwn Mowers, 'Chain Scaws g rSEJE THEM AT jWatsonl 'à armef &cycle MlL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO NOW AT YOUR DX SERVICE XSTATI ON HWY. 35 and 115 - Jusi North of Neweastle FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCTS AI'T TE MOST REASONABLE PRICES May be piki' p 9 er ATTENTION-FARNIERS & TRIICKERS SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON GASOLINE I AND DIESEL FUEL IFOR iPONTIA1-C -BUICK IACADIAN J CARS andi GOODWIL USED CARS Contact EARL 1 McQUEEN a ~(Formnerly of McQueens Motet',, Bowvmanv.ille) O at o KANE PONTIAC PETER STREET, PORT HODPE i Phione Res. 623-7166 Bowmanville Bus. 885-2445 Port Hope J ANNUNCEm&ENT ME. P. E. GRAVELLE WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F 1H1S ,REAL ESTATE OFFICE X1f. Gravelle has had extensive experience in ail phases tof Real Estate, having entered the field inl 1959. 2.8 Division St., Bowmnanvjlle[ Office: 623-7472 Evenings: 623-7304