ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRÙARY 3rd, 1966 -I v Prices Effective February 2, 3, 4, 5 We Reev ieRgtT 2mtQatte ,UALITYREC Tasty and Nutritious, Sliced i Royal Guest 'Rindless Sliced!J R M PORK LIVER lb 3cJD AO lb 75c< IGA. -Save 6c APPLE JUIICE 48 oz. Tin IGA 29c COFFEE Stokely's - Save 19e Honey Pod -PWA 15 oz 3 for 49c Save 8c Royal Guest Lb. 79e Save ne 75e Kleenex -Save 10c AH.Colours TOW ELS téwin pak 43c California Sunkist Navel Size 13'ys GýRANE S doz9 Prodtsce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade Bunch Carrots 2 f or 29e Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade Good Size Heads California Cabbage ea 19c Canada No. 1 Grade Biicgford Grown Cello Bag Frozeni Federal Gyrmt Inspected - 40 Fathom C oo SOLE FILLETS lb 49c Reeves Standard Slieed MUll SHR'ýOOMS BeeIstUD OE LIQUDHOE Thonzpson WH,-ITE BEANS Jello Instant PU JLDNGS 2 tins 59c 116 oz 29c 32 oz 290c 3 ireg pkgs 45c SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES Receive An Extra $10.00 Tape with IGA Instant 3 lb. Powdered MILK box Receive An Extra $6.00 Tape with t Brights 15 oz. tin APPLESANCE 2 Thrift - size SANIFLUSH 34 oz. size )kin~g Onions 3 lb, 15e Robin Ufood ROLLED OATS 5 lb bag 63c Hospitafity PULMPKIN PIE family ëze 49c Kraft Regular CULEZ WHIZ 16 oz 61c PepsdentFamily Size TOOTHPASTE î83c SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES Receive -An Extra $4.00 Tape with Yellow 5 lb. bag SUGAR Receive An Extra $2.00 Tape with Tablerite Sliced 16 oz BOLOGNA vac pak Frozen MeCain 2 lb. FRENCH FRIES bag Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade TOMATOES 14 oz. Armstron g'9s KNendal During, the first week of Janu- ary -Gord,,# Sinclair was remind- iniz us of this wonderful banana beit in which we live*4. However Che last week of January was the other extreme with very lowr temr- i ~ainesOn Thursda-, January 98 tbe winds were so high witti h'owi'Pr ,row that the buses toak the children home from school at 2 p.m. On Saturday cars were gPttinËý oiit too far on the shoulder ne of the roads and sliding into th~e -ljfphps. On Sundav blowing and ,riftin.i snow, made the sixthlie impassible in late afternoon. T1'ose -11o had grine away hiad to star awav ard visitors from a Alistaice had to remainovernight. )n Mondv there were no school '~~ro bread and no mail. Mr, Ralph Greenwood walked to O)r- nio and home again. Tuesday the <i'-st of February was a fine, sun- vdav, a welcome change. On February lst, Etta Boyd pas- ied away in Peterborough Hospi- tai. She was the youngest daught- or of the late M4r. and Mrs. Wiï. Boyd. Sympathy is extended te i those who imourn, Mrs. McMuIlen could not get through from Janetville on Tue3- day morning so Mrs. R. Elliott taught the Junior. room in Kendia. Mrs. 'John Maartense of Kendal left Malton Airport on Sul¶day by Jet to visit her mother in Holland. Kirb The first meeéting of the UJ.C. W. for 19663 was heldi at Mjrs. Stanley Chapm,-an's. Mrs. Reid whc so willingly offered her services for the year as president, presided. j ltws decided to hold thie next imeeting at.the-church on TuLesdiy February-15. There were twelve ladlies present'. Congzratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cofrdon Alldreadj on thie birth'of a daughter. MerrýiI Graham bas started his ten weeks courpse at the Institute jof Traies, Toronto. Brian Copping is homne after spending a mnonth in Oshawa hos- pital. Th~e weekend lias given us a taste of what winter weather eau be. We can't say muchi, for we- have it comkng to us. Many skieri toolk advantage of the snow. 320 Teachers <Continued from page 1) purpose." 'He said that teachers miust also present more purpose for their assig-nments. in givinig anr assig1nwent, he said, "we (teachers) mnust first review the assignment." "We must then mi- tiv,_ate th student through f irst givi,g directed reading lessons", ,ife said. H1e felt that sucli lessons should have a definite framnework andi suggested pre-teaching of un- famniiar words . . . providing backgoundinformation . . . gen- eral survey of assignment and queistions that may arise. Students shouîd thien have a sense of antici- pationi and thus purpose, he feit. H1e hoped that such directed reading lessons would lead the ,students to form their own frame- work for reading. This would in- clude a brief survey of headings which should arouse questions. The framework should also in- clude a scan of the work to, ob- tain a general idea. This would Ai be done before reading which would be followed by reciting and review. There should also be, he said, a great effort to explain and com- ment in one's own words... not by using the text of the work. @-mg# iý l 1 M M ý !im