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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Feb 1966, p. 1

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iioLUME ?,S, NUMBER 3 Iidget Play otfs i e Crm» 0 larke Cc IThe final public speaking cou- I IrI Itest for the public schools iu the 1 Hava U4 ~ ~yidi Towvnship of Clarke was held on t1 U D M IIiî diQ iuesday evening. Four contestants N ew W e con'peed iu the contest wbich de- termined a winnner to represent _____ ___________ The Orono Midgets enter the the T1ownship Schools lu the Dur- M TMIH A playdowns tonight (Thur ham County Semni-finals. These ,;Iay) when they play in Millbrook semni-finals will be held at the Ho- Tient Universit y Si The series is the best of three ward Jordan Public School, PortI railles and wvill be cornpleted be- Hlope, on Tuesday, February l5th. foýre te e ekend is series1 Michael Carman of the Orono Co 111MnUnty leg The second gamne ofthse Public Schooi and speaking on the wlIbe played at the Orono rink subject 'The History of the World' o-n Friday night commencing at wvas chosen to represent Clarke President T. H.1 B. Symïonsý of :3.if a third game is necessarv , :schooIl at the Port Hope semi- Trent University annoujmcecl re- iwill aIso ho played in the rono finals. eently that the University fully rink, the following evening, Sat- The Clarke Township finals were 'j supPOrted th& c'effor-ts of the Citi- ua t 6:00 p.iu. held in the Orono United Church zenýs' Commiittee for the College Comce ot and support this local with Rev. B. Lonlg acting as mas- of Applied Arts and Technology to cl'ub i n their efforts. iter of ceremonies. I hve one of the proposed new col- The Orono Public School Gîce leges established in Peterborough 'LI¶'E NL OURA 'NT Clu, dlreeted by Mrs. M. Lunu, or the Trent Valley area. Presi- provided< a number of mnusical se- dent Syzuons was the guest of the XTOMS l ections. Other musical îouinbers Conimittee at a hincheonan t which Thie Little NUIL Atom tourna-1 were provided lsy Karen Lowery, hie reported that both the Selate ment will be held this Saturday, piano; vocal solo by Molly New- and the Board of Governors of Febr'uary 12 at the Newcastle Ar- trman with piano aecompaniment byTrent Unilversity have unaulumous- ,(ni, Eîh teanms are enter~ed lun John Duvaîl, arcordian sol o by ly passed resolutions fornially en- >1,e,e uta ~4 n- Liida McLaren and a piano Solo dorsiing iwko the omit ton, nc- ',],c4 oK eene, by David Gray. tee. The Presideut gave to Mr. Ne~a$LTittle Brt- Those comipeting in the contestI Stewart Daniel, the chairman of -êÀlland were Lamna Richardson of Lock-ithe Citizeiis' Cormmtttee, a copy 'lTee' i igumi-e, called for hart's school speaking on the Ber-lof the resQlutiflf adopted by thel z:30 a.m- eaueste entrfre f rom lin Wall, Caroline Johnson of the 'University's two goverxtlug bçdies ,urono and. Cnningtafl. lOrono school speakîng on 'Marie1 which read:1 )uncil, Appoints, i4f are Admnît ao îupports Drive For .e In Trent Region IIog ProduCeý-,rs Learu 0f Trends About 26 memnbers of the Dur- hum Cotinty Hog Producers attend- ed the annuai meetin-, of the local association Thursdlay'ut the O-dd- fellows hall, Orano. Those pres.enit, repmosenting just a sminl pr-oportion of the neamly 800 heg producers lu the (cauntv, were adIdressed by Erie Aldlerson, manager of MticLeod Purin t Aurora. Mmr. Aldertou, an aiifhnritio The Council of the Townshïip of Clarke, dluring,,, the past nonth., has met on two occasions lu open session. It was duringý thèse mneet- ings that Council appointed theiýr R oad Clerk, Mr. H. DeWith, aiseý as Welf are Adinistrator and Public Sehool Attendance Officer. These latter positions were pre- iously held by the Clerk, Mr. H. E. Milîson. A esolution was passed by Councîl seeking subsidy from fie Departmnent of Hlighways oun~ purchase lu 1965 of one FWD Truck at a cost of $4,6"5.00. It was Istated that this piece of equip- ment is operating efficiently fr the Township. The Township of Clarke Recre- ation Committee was appointedi with the following members: Mes- srs. Wm. Wadie, Lavemue Boyd, Homer Brooks, John 'Hendersan, Roy Foster, Mrs. ilerothy Sta,* and Mrs. H. H-. BarIeiw. Deputyý- reeve Lamne Perrauflt and Couuiei- ilor Lloyd Lowemy represnt ceun- cil ou the committee. PEE WEE TURNAMEN CurookêSdre alekin on c "The Senate and ]Board of Gov- the hog ?roducers indiustry, sok iBy ibY-Iaw Pope anld GOehele Croe re col pa igo on "'trends of the Hiog Industry ichartered accountauts, wer~ e'r.- 'nie LffXie NH Pee Wee touru-,'Caffee" and Michael Carmian of enors of Trent University en- 'Gooan a.'ltie bthTwsiptan-- mient 15 to bc edinê luOakwood on the Orona Publie School speaking dorse and comntend the endeav- H old the prad" tatht ina ebhe wns725-0t0a 'February l9th witli seveli teamns on the 11istory of the Earth. Miss ours bein.g made ta establish a ~'tWlePau~stitb~na e f$2.0 entered. Teêms wll bo frei Mill- Johnson was the unuer-up in the cellege of applied art-, and tech- hne l h agidsr1SSt Rates of remuneration Yvere sot ýbroo, Orno, eene Blakstok, n lu intbe Trent Valley region" ecd ta take place ouly twô ao- thrcee for utembers of Council and eotn- tmok Oon, ~en, laksoccompetitien. y.as1uo, nd the industry bed 1inittee chairmen. Thiese rates w6re~ -Can-ointn, OaJkwood and New- Ail contestants received1 a book tls eoeatuynainlI salse by by-law and are aï ,7astl. 'Oi-àuo is ag«ain entered f Jugsfo ieCanecmpt- President Syniens was oeeofatlsbemearuyniollu#tbihe t-he opening game with Millbroek. tien were Lyle MýeiMahan, M.figss the authors of the report pepared soe olw:Ree 600;dpt Thi~s gane is being called ta start znuMocot ad limt bY the Comimittee of Ontaria 'Un- Hoe forecust that the important rhevmmand c oadils anti Bmud0a uýt 8:00 P-m. Hèeald, ai1 af Bowmianviîie. 1 versity Preýsideuts lu 1964 which part of the mnovemeut shouldfl fn- Caraio od n rrgýr adised fihe goveramnitt ta estUlb- alIy produce a national swine as well as chairin of the in cal- i aouncirk othismnyearcl- .ling Committee' and aise Pire & e.hs h rno r o fcOnari. 1unity hsyer.1Protection Committee receive' an lege thrughut <»tailo.The council's main tasks will bec-dWjoal $100.00. Chairinan of L 'cal Tale 1 nt laRes P t a tmu l anà? civerv esitable 1v~ts "dr~ h fhed )onOf these colleg1es should mnsoii idsmrt insuemittee recelv,,es ail additional $15. that anc t~~~hey are al goiig ta the sie Tecckwsismce apo b1e cstablishied lu Peterborough or direction, arPe 1Te a ckwb-aw ortepoin Trent Valleyadt ea, mci- To diagnose probleins of the mn ffeRa ueitnet S w e et A d elinae c onc ert nt;ýed. "Mr. Da'il n te induseturserc tnsl enoth ew officuein ten1 bers of this committee are render- .:A~ by-law is also ta be preparcd to ing: an jimportant public service in teepolis e I lwofc nteTv-1 number fUrinOrona attcnded several dance routines ait differI- vworking ta h1ave a collegce of thlis thee pmolems.ship of Clatrke, that ofDpu- The resenltfian of the iBack lt ines and sho can not onlýy do sort located in a-ur communrsity.' oronistob- teR-R-R1oring £ýTw7euties by ithe jsaine clever rout*ines herseif but gran wil hae ta h eiifnt-skedta 111ti oiin. OsaaCh-apter of týhe Sweet Ad- hals showýn hem u Ioyt train well Peidu Symnons sugete c by a levy of two orthme' cent elines, Satu-rday vetýniug Febmutary A lot ?.)f time andi womk paiîd offiiita leeo plidat n on eachi ho-g sold acmoss Canada.IAb-a poitn h lr 5 thhfie MLuglnColleegiate thec performance Sutirday ihtlehnlg woufld be an important On the question of the labor fo)r the Townsip of Clarhe wavqs iOshawa. jThe ý musiiefor this dance nmornwingrediont lu the educational markot rcgaTdenghog production, gven two moadings The Sw,ýeet Adellues preser.ted ,was paydby .GldsBowoyti of te area. "Occasionaîly Mr. Alderson advocated it is high their parmta a fulli house and 'and se lso led forte Banjo 1i heur it said that there mlay et n shoswr stu apo-rqetd h oni t e pa Îlromn ailreports itws fuillyo-nmes Not on1ly Orono, 'but a in cou-flict betweeu the inter-vd tr courses !n training of a1, op tinfor ithom for 966 jýoyed by ail. The costumes for, the wid area of the surroundlingý vic- ests of the University and a com in- hog ra eiists bat fone s T i asreerdtahePpey -fepicted ema, wec ovely and the inity h las enioyed Hec piano play- mniycolee" osaid, "but 1adtp rd eeac o.And FiineCmit Mm. Alderson also reviewed de- Aptto eusîgsdwl c-;oour wus weli brough,,t out by ingý of tis very talented and ver- certainly doIo tinthtt his(Continued a n page 5) cosrtinlNetviêwa 0he lig1htiugTehucins The chior- sýatile artist, for l a number of years wih h the case. On the contrary, referred ta thle Road and Brid!ge (is work by the Sweet Adelines and this writer knows aut the 1-0. t he two institutions will comple- conmmîttee. 'wsexcellent, us Iwas the'quartette mn of rio other player for many ment anc another and they should ed." Con ! abled a requesi for ïte -wo0rk of the ladies. The mnaie quar- ilies thiat cýan toch em l)lu em wark tagethor in every way pass- Mmr. Daniel commeutedi that the jap)pointmnent of a Centenulal1 Local, tette aissistin g f or the cv eniug paricular f ieldi. Youi could certainl- ible ta meet the overali post-sec- comittçe very, much ai ppreciated Comte- and also reC.q ues te ,vas well reccived and they were ly tell by the applauise, how mu1-cil ondary nccds of the regian. I amn the itrs and tLe encourage- amiieudmiients tth le Rsmc Ar- ,a viry nice addition ta the pragrumn these numbers werc enjocyedî. sure that theme1 will ho many ment of Presid!ent Symons and ou e By-l1aw whcwere rcmcd with their costumnes also of the asi hca omntco-jtespotwilTintUvr-ledbteOtro twenty period. Mauy hours- of 'swveat and tours ' wy uwihcmuiy cl h uprtwihTetU ives db-h OtmaMnc PB d Speial mntin l tis apr g ino god erfrmaceandloe and Trent University may ity is giving tao the wark of the Counicil to out miemrbershipn 'shoul certiuly o unae of l oeur 'that it is thorouighly on- ~ prt atebnfto h omto.(otnc ae8 twa ladies from Oproa whon- oydand aprcatdmke lp pbiad nwtatteUi t'.ributedi their talents and certain- for, ail the heurt aches and heud v- t il an t iv th e j12DRETRSEECE ly did Itheir part ta makeý the ev- aches leading, up ta the evnulassanetat it cnt hs h euig hesuces1t wus. The eightj of presentatian. Hats off, ta tho ie wriM a ae Pmuit the suHcgsrroducerI girls in the dance lino wemec train- two ,Orono girls foýr thoir coutrj, aîegohoe. Futher, the Univers- M 1dy Mrs. Kay Guster and a vemy butiîon ta this fin-e evehgo n-_t w look fomward ta giviugal Iexpert job she did. Kay has donc asianehtitcnate coîlege once i h has been establish- e ce iv e d $ 7 MVemibers of the Durhum Cauuty !a prograni. K eW *ý,-, C hn a 11- l ý, Mf eVGhog prducers elected 12 directors ClGae Curtin,vi-caruno K e e vv u ~ u ni Âu Thursday ut, the annual meeting the Ontaric oL{ag Marketing Board held ut Orono. praised the producers for- th-eir v1wle Thev', b',,lud: ao* +wrieh* Mur- pffot.. A iýr 1... iel- Jum Wîor of Kee-ne povided ai- terod in the toumrnanuýent beungý ter. snast a onie-man showx las' Saturday fïrmKee Millbrook, Newasle Te Newcastle boys won the at the Orono rink whou ho h was Orona, OhaaSi. Marys and Osj- cnolto series by defeatiug unost instrumental lu issisting bis î aa MaiplJeLeafs. îibok6-3. IB. Wagar and T. !aioth tn oiiqeu-t jEbbywere promiînent for the team ta the A taun To Thain Inutheap'inQam f thc r Keene teaun i pîayiug two ainumaent Omonio wus badily de- ecateery sced a totloftngoleih eated by the Oshua MappLe Loifs Kenelu taking the Champion- oI wvhich weme off the stckaIJim r, 12-1. Ted Rbno scored the iloue sli"p of the t1 ournment fimst de- Wien10 ,rono goal. Iu the second ginfated Mibmoo'k 6-0 and finaliy Wir.plyed1 by Orono they were auin O shawa St. Mýary%'s 4-2' While Keene took" the Champ- kfeated'by the Newcusle AtomnsI The Oshawa St. MUary's club iu iouship, Newcasýtle came in ta o byi, a score aI 7-1. Ted Roisnuvnigta the finals defeated The consolaion wlinner. aaucietth rsueIteNecstle 11-0 and OshuauMaple Atotal of six teains w'ere on- Or(roosudwith 1thle single caun-Leafs,7-3 ray Byers, Walter Wight; Manrvers, Organization is mally inmvn, Fl7oyd! Stinson, Lawrence Staples; ho iiesuid. "We thave the bct ln Ho e, o Gray, Howard Quantand agýricuItural organization Lu il;E Clarke, Don Staples, WlimCnd. Aluin; Dar-linigton , Lewis Wood,- Ls v aegat ý Keith Craga; Cavan, Ted McDow-, <"LasOrfjtn ye we mad legrants o el, usoî Knedy. !Ucl-to(Id obesthie Otario- Elote a dretos t argo f-lCg Marketfing Board ha'd enlt-re-d womo, VHerb MroMeIbourne-, Morton, IHoward AMalcaliJn, Jack I itoa fie- ebase wi-th t.he Broa, BiE Ferguson and Balfour sicituas Mome a stable yard. Durhamprdcs are planning Mm. Curtini attrbuýtvCd the cu-r- tspansor anlother 4-Hsmine club ment good h6g prices ta high laboCr ths yeartA encourage the qualitylcosts uhich are forcing saine pro-. ')f gîlts. Memnbeshiip is open ta duccr ta abandon the l'og indus- anyoue between ages of 12 and 20. tu-y ta go ta w-ork lindsty Saineinembers eprcssed coucmu ilalsa ta the offshore shipinents of

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