s: '~ -'s: ., -~---" - -- -~ - ~ ~'-~-~----~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, FEBRUARY lOth, 1966 Behind The Orange, Curtain With Vaentine's Day 'comning on AT THEBOARD MEETING- this seems an appropriate Trenwmmesjie h im ôrecali two of the literary Trenwmmesjie h lov&ei~f Victoriani times - Eliza- Orono Public Library Board this beth Barrtt Browning and Ro-, month: Mrs, Lorne Perrault, Mr. berf rownn1ý-James Rickaby and Mr. Edward bertBrowing.Woodyard. Meeting after a correspondence iýoncernin- their w7ritings, this ad- Two new officers were namned: mniration ripened into love: an at- Mrs. L. Perrault, secretary-trea- tachment that was frowned upon surer and Mrs. G. Robinson as by her tyrranical father from chairman. whiose homie on Wimpole Street, irculation for January totalled Elizabeth wvas .obligýed to elope. After 15 ,ears to-ether in Flor- -ence, Italy, Elizabeth died; Brown- ing returnedl to London. Years la- ter, a, play and a movie, "The Bar- rett's of Wimpole Street" drama- F-zn.'od tized their romance. FSavenc! High Elizabeth is noted for her "Son- Haddoclk nets fromn the Portugese" a groupFihSc' of love noemns named from Brow- iFs ning's pet namie for her - the!8-o' 1'itle Portiiuuese" becauise of ber g.t" Aark complexion Supreme Brand The, poet Shelley once called French Fries poetry t he record of the best and 21.ýf!ý happiest moments of the best and « 1happiest minds. Surely the follow-1 a hing poemns of the Brownings werle inspired by their "best and hap- BS U!Sv piest momnents." BS U !-ae S;ONG The year's at the spring AnId the day's at the moril; Mornings at seven; The hill-side's dew-pearled; BST BUY! Save 16 The lark's on the wing; 'The snail's on the thorn: 4ý B a ,God's in his heaven -R,04e;- e Al's, right with the world! -Robert BrowningBET UY Sa HÔw Do 1 Love Thee ETBY Sae9 ?Row doI love thee? Let me count the ways. -p 1 love thee to the dePth and and breadth and height ~MY soul can reach, when feeling BEST BUY! Savc 5 out of sight For the ends of'Being and ideal I love.te otelvlo vr-M x e 1G],oe.te otelvlo vryI CA*fW i day's I M4ost quiet need, by sun and can- BEST PUY! Save 2( dle-light. 1 love thee freely, as men StriveT for Right; 1 love thee puirely, as they turn froui Fraise. BS U!Sv 1 love thee %vith the passion put to BS U !Sv use'y old griefs, and with miy T ls a childhood's f aith. 1 love theewith à love 1 seemed to lose BEST BUY! Save ,with my lost saints, - 1 love thee with the breath,Ox Cu Sniiles, tears, of ail my hf e! and if God choose, 'f shahl but love thee better after death. BEST BUYI Save -Elizabeth BarrefttBonn, Shine As You Du st SAVING, $ $ rhe Credit Union is not On- ly the handiest place to save your money, but it pays dividends as good, or better, than other places tosae Ask about the lire insurance provided -wthout added charge for eligible savers, even, ifi Orono District. CREDIT' UNION Treas.-Mafl, Angus Lnueks ]phone 4r1Û,0l01ron f TE O I * COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 24HR. N.A.L- TO'WING s e * e e LLL ing. Noble Grand ,Sister Lola Ken- Rebeah L dge nedy, presided and extended a warmi welcomie to ail in attendance Heather Rebekah Lodge held its Colour bearer, Sister Laverne regular meeting on Tuegday even- Barrabali escorted by the Warden __________________ ______and 'Conduictor presented the flag of ourý country. One officer was 1147 books. A1 grant from the Or- absent when the roll cail was tak- ono Police Trustees of $759.59 en. was announced. It was decided that unnecessary duplicates of Sister Jean Wood read her re- books will be 'ý.weeded out" and port on the sick and wished a sent to the Bowmanville Memor- speedy recovery for the shut-ins ial Hospital for the book-cart ser- and sincere sympathy to the ber- vice. jeaved. Tuesday, February 22nd Dorothy Robinson will be the date for the next meet- c5c Off Economy Pack 3-lb. Pkg. c! 8-oz. Pkgs. 3c Off1 Pack Baf Cheese F2ui59 )c! 24e Off Pack Instant Coffee 10-oz. IHouse sl3 .c! Fancy Quality 48-oz. Tins miato Jiilce 3o97c ;C. 24-oz. Jar With, Pectin Strawberry AJOUA -I a i or Raspberry £m 5c! So Nourishing Beef or Chieken Pkgs. of 12's 2 R69%IC With61/2-oz.- Aerosol Tin 'PLEDGE 179;c lng of the Lodge when Maybelle, Rebekah Lodge, Port Ferry, wil confer the Rebeknh degree on four candidates by initiation. We would like to have all members and of- ficers at this meeting. Ther'e wiIl also be visitors at the meeting, from other Lodges ln the District. Birthday greetings wcre sung for Sister Violet Dunl.op. L Lodge closed in the usual pro- cedure afterwhich. everyone wns invited to the banquet hall where* lunch was served and a pleasant tirne speiit. vvonaierland Features ~~~~e~La ~ eOf c Mpe Les 1-oz. Jar Sac 35!2Gff Pack! Govl't lnsp. 15-9z. Tins (hium dDeg Food lO1for99c Save 20c! Pork Shoulders 11/2-lb. Tin Maple Leaf 'Pici*c $1.59 Save 5c! Maple Lcaf 1-lb.,Pkzgs. Tenderfiake Lard 2for49c. Sve 26c! Haniburg- - Hot Dog Bar-B-Q 12-oz. Heinz Rlshs3 or 79c Save 18c! Pea or Vegetable 28-oz. Tins Habitant Soups 5 fr$ Save 5c' Layeýr SyeCk ie PILLSBURY 2 p'kgs c Save 4u! General Eos14-az. Fkg. ,MINUTE RICE 4C Save 6c! Acrosol Tin Jet Spray, Bon tAmi ;63c Save 6û! Sweet Mixed 1-o.Jar, HEINZPICKLES 29c Canned Pop Ca^se of 'Z4 - $1.89 (Lrush or Royal Crown 6.49c Christie's Pg Save 6c! - Pkg. of 60 Weston or Sunbeam RED & WHITE OId Fasbionca Pkg. of 15 Graham Wafers 37c TEA BAGS 59c O'fatmeal Cookies 31lc Specially Selected - Plump - Young - Grade 'A' Avg. Tender- Youni3g Whole Cut-TJp (hic ken ïin a aiskeàt 45ei Maple Leaf - Four Varieties - 6-oz. Vac Pac L nchon Mets 249. Economical - Nutritious - No. 1 __________________ Eu - SOLD onlyat C rnisbâge 50-lb. Plotatoes $1.89 Sweet - M.i!d Flavoured -Sipanisht Sunishine Fresh Produce Sweet California Sunkist (ýý rîGE S dioz. PU-R.E SPRING Gingerale 6 la rg e 9 Plus D2pcsit