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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Feb 1966, p. 4

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-~~ ~~ -ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRUJRSIAY, FERUIARY 10th, 1966 ______ Local Boys Active In Hockey During the past week hockey ac- tiori for the five Orono hockey clubs has been op the .inerease. AI] teamis are sceing action~ with with some wins bein'g registered. PEE WEES The Oropo P'ee Wees Thuati an Oshawa Club just too mich to coatend with and were defeated by a score of 6 to J. Robin Winter was the ]one goal getter for Or- ono. Those p)layingý for Orono were Donnie Allite, goal; B. Gardîner, B. Black-, N. Breninan, R. Easta. brook, F. Andrews, J. Partner, a Mloffaqt, R. Tennant, P. Todd, Winter, D. Cox and W. Gifford. BANTAMS The Orono Bantns took a 6ý-4 viktory over the 2Bowranville FlIy- ers last weekend. Stevea West scored three of the .Orono goals aloag with B. Foster scoriag two and B. Rohinson one~. The Oroxne club carne frorn behind to wici this event. So the wold is dvidewL Th4re, "The iO >t'ho>-r Felfrôw ere those wo- ttusistially, Sér ture Lesson - 1 Timothy, lin the first band of Christian dlis- there are those who say, "No, each1 chapter ý 4. ciples and bas been there ever imlan is responsible for him-self." Tkn from a sermon preached sin ce. But where we becorne a- Pte'swJhheblecd- by Rev. B. E. Long. ware of it, surely î1t can be re- sciPéter follJoin Jeus aned id In, a crnersation with Jesuis mvdOridg etswihwe "What about th1ss man?"' Jesusi pass are in discordance with God's I Wit st 11te ntiedJohn close by and ove. They are incomplete and us- said "ha i hat to you? You1 of Jesus, "Wliat about this ually distorted by prejudice. icernw e."aou te otrbfellow a man~?' , Jsus said, "What is that to en aotheüerflwas you? ollow mie." How aotteohrfloI an individual in a positive way,1 yenabou th othr fflow Tabrý7igirig' conrpanionship, fcllow-! Regardiess of what promnptedithe OId Testament, Cain, having 1hp teghadisiain u this question we sec a concern killed his brothier Abel, suggests not curious where we are looking elosely rclated to one of the corn- that hle is not his brother's keeper. frfut.W uh ob u mnon past-tirnes of h«niy l the weords, ifA egotinthe h rother's keeper in such a way "What about the other f ellow? " ît way cftewao euei a that we do not become jealous if is good wheni people are sincereîy Abel's fault because Abel should lehsaWhrpsto ri i ifterested andi turn to someone Ih ave kept out of his way. Arnm h a1 hge oiio ri i newy arivti ad ay,"Whre y brother's keeper? "No," say ilighit shine's iore brightly than1 id you live before? What is your the people who stand by and letohr i fhugrwehri ojur owen. Weought nlot tonpass uarne? Do you like living here?" ohrca o ugrwhte udgementdo nourhafe llwtme a e- It is not idie curiosity because jndia or Canada. "No", say the cuew onthv i h at ther is siceredesre t bebreweries, "Our business is to pile ýnor dIo we have the ability. Cer- ornetia psitieela reatonsi up profits and if we can encour- itainl3' we have to assess life and îo that person. But when people age people to drink it is not our ne obnftfrmtemsae àsk questions so that they may rcsplonsibility what happens to the o oit u eneintctgr corne up with sornething starýtlin.glindlividual." "No," says the gossip), ize people. Ia our relatioashipl and( hastea off to other persons -1 arn not respoasible for the mal.wthoerweaeoudegt and tell it, that kind of curiosityi icious words T speak. It is my main inotube nls kpor 15 evil. ~~source of cntertainment and ex-eysoChit we d pas jtigmen oncitement"1 "No", says the car- Jesus wvas syn oPtrta That ecops ueetn ouser, "Let us eat, drink and be aigt Ptrta Eaâch other is very eommon from nerry. It does not matter to m day, "Peter, (Io not be concerned thethigs e earandse evry e with these things. Love yourfl thethigswe earaa se evrywhat, happens to the rest of the day.Peole ithi th felowhip orl. "houfool! sys od. low mcn, go out anid preach the1 ilay Peplewitin he ellwshp wrld l'houfoo"! aysGod Gospel, but remember that you cf the churchi ofteni say, "What 1 have lot al you can do to foiiow is the matter with those people What about the other feIlow? inme." That is the challenge to ev- that they cannot sec the value of Arn 1 ry brother's keeper? "Yes," eyne of Us. Let us keep our Chrst n teirlivs ad lt ~r5 ays Jesus. This question called eyes fixed on Christ; let hirn fi hgh sme n he cormurt forth the story of the Good Sarnar- our hearts with Ris love and seek through thern" Other people on it a, and infrhrrenrsh the ýjood of all men. Then wc wiIi theoutide felig tatcriicimsaid, "Go thou and do likewise." 1 be drawn into the greatness of wilsay, "Well, 1 don't go te YOlr 4Yes" says the Christian Church. redeeming feliowship in Christ, church because there are se nany ",We exist to serve, not to. please avoiding the tragedy where we hyprocites there." This is also an ourselves, not ti glory in our owf l ook for tig that the wog mr.icatîon of wrong. pre-occupa- righteousness. The need of alo hog eluyo npjde tio abut adiotlr. henwemen is our concern and respons- mns asn adhpadalc talk of hyplrocites we can turn ia ibility." "Yes", says the medical of harmony. àAny direction and if there is a scientist as hie devot'es hris strength person we are looking at one be- which defeat the palin and misery Te i e 1 ~ i hîhw r cýauseteeisoein fhe and skill to dîscover the things not responsibie for our fellowni. hpoiein each of us. of man. "Yes", says the social Often peo,ý,ple have tried to brin Ouùr curiosity about others can worker who is dedicated 'to help Christ 1to othe ýrs and they feel th ey be constructive or destutive. those who live in poverty and waat1 have faiied and are greatly wor- Our jealousies can only brinlg dis- land who labours for changes which ried, but the Bible indicates that harm-ony and darkness amongglis. will help to lift man to dignityieverv man shall givýe acc-ount of Otn te strength and fellowship and respect." "Yes," says the re- fhimselfand every !a s rsos cf the church is weaketied because sponisible 'oiiin I caunotib'fohsow feYtnth of iea1osy among us- It was with- chioose for my own satisfaction," broader- setrs, the fu Bihi 1e, iie MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO o. 0..c,Ùo.c, .oac~ 0 00 .0 .>fOfObl<,.fO<,,,000, IJ like this al.rmieýiair banking" Banking by mail saves time, travel and park- ing problemis for customers of a chartered banklll. 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Models 1-10 & 2-10 T ïrda Febrg y1 j ALL DAY j Als f uili ne of powerful direct diesaws factory representative in attendance. Specal rveduced pri('ceS on unt i9 Ic i s re yl

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