r - -, - -- r r~r rr~.~-- - ~mr~ ~ - -w - - -- - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1966 01(o II~1I N S *UNIT NO. 41. LC.W. genct!y tunder the iron., embraced it and neveir left it uatil the 'fron tit4 of thec U.C.W met on meited u~ndr bis irrestible influ- February lst in the main hall at ence. Likewise, love works wben ,q pm. ith six rnembers present. aIl else fails. The devotional period, the tbemie being "Love", was opened by Mrs. f Mrs. Reid continued with the Porter readeing« the sripture les- m1ission, stuidy of Trinidad and af-, ,,on, 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. ter a short, bushness meeting, Ama then gave us examnples of luinch was served by Myrtie Reid different fornms of -love and its and Aima Mitchell effert on those directly and in- directly invoived, taken froin the UNIT NO. 2, U.C.W. book- "That God is Love" from the1 Tuesday, February lst Unit 2 churcli library. H-yn 281 was mnet in the Upper C. E. Auditorium then read and Mrs. McLaren con- with 7 members and 2 visitors- tinuied the themne by reading from presett. ReîId losed this part of our mneet- in- bv readinvý the followind ro the church calendar. Love Works Best '11 master you, said the axe ,i a pi:ece of iron as bis blOWS fell heavily upon it. But every blow made bis edge more blunt until the axe ceased to strike. "Leave it to me,"' said the Saw but soon al bis teeth were broken and fell aside. "Ha, ha!"ý said the hammier, "] knew you couldn'ti succeed. l'Il show you the w7ay."ý But upon the f irst blow, bis head fell off. "Shall I try?" asked the soft, smail fIame. They ail des- pised the fiame, but lie curled <Continuied from page 4) i1egeda 3-2 in on1FrIdalight. The gamne was hr fought with 9rono0taking fivýe of thle seven pnalties lhanded out during the Rick-y NeTal, Eric-Duvail and R. estheuse wee the Orono Scor- ers with Frank Hendry anid Gary Forget scorîng for Newcastle. JUVENILES The local Juveniiles were de- feated by th-e Bowmiianville .H-.A. entry on Fridlay nlit by a score of6-2 Johin Taylor lead the victors wibtwo of the six gýoals. The Oron-o goals were secred ,)y Ted Stark and John Mý,athers. At one tme in the gaine the local club hiad a two man advantage but lacked the power play to take full advantage of this opportun- ity. A num-ber of the Bowmanville goals were scored on break-away plays. Sunday night the Orono Jtivcn- iles notched a decisive win over an aggressive Pontypool teamn by a score of 7-4. John Mather scored, three goals and assisted on one. Gary Parks, another aggressive centrie, scored one andi gained two asit.The other Orono goals -were by Doug" Mo1ffat, Tedi Stark and Earl Cobbledick. Ron Richardson scored two of the four Pontypool goals. Bob Lutnplayed a steady gam-e in the Orono nets foiling at least twvo - break-away plays by the Ponitypool boys. "Take Time" was our theme and the leader Mrs. Duival opened the' meeting witb the Lord's Pray- er being repeated in unison. The roll cail and minutes of last meet- ing were read and our first hyn 500 'Take tume to be Holy,' was SUDng. Mrs. C. Winter was in charge of the devotional, reading a portion froni Eacleiastes and giving some examples where giving a little tîime can mean a lot to yourself as iwell as the one you belp. "110w Great Thou Art' was sung and thie offering received. The study 'book 'Gàd and ýHis Purpose" was given by Mrs. Grant, The Christian Lif e'. Jean and Etta thanked Mrs. Grant for ber very inspiring talk, The General Meeting wiIl be held Thursday, February 17th. The, World Day of Prayer Friday, Februiary 25th at 3 p.m.. The Presbyterial U.C.W. will be held .ait St. Andrews Churcli, Osh- awa, February 15th. Tickets were distributed for ilydro Cooking demonstration sponsored by U.C. W7. to be held Tuesday, Mardi lst in -Main Churcli hall, iThe meeting closcd with the b)enediction, after whîch liglit re- freshments were served. Trends (Contnued from p-agýe il velopmients over tlie past year'in quiity standards, breeding, health and! manag-ement. HoTg1 production in Durham County grade A hogs was 43.9 per cent tie members were told. A total of 31,185 hogs were pro- duced in thie county lin 1965, a dle- crease of 9.9 Per cent froni 1964. M.Alderson said lie didn't ex- pect a decline in the price of hogs prodlucers w-ith the current higi at least unil the faIL. Onle of tic problenis facing hog- trend of hog prîces. is the arrivai of many new faces in the industry. Ho,, produicers who depend on the- induistry as their only means of income, compflain that many part time producers, wio are wvorking in induistry as a regular means of emiploymnent, are comning into the marke,ýt and will eventu- aliy rufin the market for the pro- iliducers who dépend upon it. FOR THf AT SPECIAL SOMENE GIVE SMILSmN iraCccCKLEi ST TSh Ar c O<WONOI ONT. PHONE leu, j L&ý)aI News M~r. and Mrs. Russel Van, Horne of Whitby spent Saturday witb her niother Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mviss Marion Brown, Oshawa'-is spending several weeks with her parents, M~r. and Mrs. J,. D. Brown, having haJ the misfortune to fal and break ber right wrist Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crydermian of Enniskillen and Mrs. Harold Pascoe of Solina visited with Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie 'Lunn and Mr. anid Mrs. Reg Sutton left for Florida on Monday. Mrs. C. A., Curnming, Toronto spent the we4kend with Mfr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Mrs. 0. W. Rolph wbo bas been a patient in the Bowrmanville Hos- pital for three weeks is now somne- what imnproved in heaith. Miss Carol Flynn, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flynn, Les-! kard bac] the mnisfortune to break two bones in ber left foot last Friday afternoon, when jumping off a shed roof. i MUSIC RESULTS The foliowing students were successfui in The Royal Conserv- atory of Music, 0f Toronto, Theory examination)s, hield recently in Bowmanville: Gr. Il Theory: Cbyrrell Coathamn lst Class Honours. Gr. I Tbieory: Marie Yeo, Don- ald McKenzie, Jobn Duvail, al l st Cilass iHonours. Pupils of Mrs. M. H, Stapies. Congratulations. SUNITED CHUPIRCH Oromo Pastoral Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1966 CHUROR SERVICES Oron 1115 a.mn. Leskard - 2 p.m. Kirb)y-- 9:45 a.mi. SUDYSOHOOL Orono- 10 a.m. Leskard . 10 a.m. Kirby -Il a.m. ROYlawAL Bowmanv'ille> 623-5589 IHURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEBRUJARY 10, 11, 12 T'IckIe Me Color ELVIS PRESLEY JOCELYN LANE Loads of Songs and Gais! SUINDAY TO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 to 16 m" THE çSAT A N BsUG Coloi C.eOEwe hMaharis, ]Richard Basehart, Aime Francfi Action ani Thrllls in Si4spenlseftu1 Yarn, ISale of Goloshes and Shoes 26 pairs of ladies' caîf and suaede pumnps, ciiban and high heels. Blacki, brown, tan and green. Sizes 6 to 9. Reg- uilar values to $9.95. Your Choice per pair - $3.95 19 pairs of 'ladies' leather shOes, high and medium heels. Beige and black. Sizes 6 to 9» Regularly $6:95 Your Choice per pair -- $2.95 Guoloshes 12 pairs ruibber Goloshes with fuir tràm, mgstlY childrens'. Regular valu es to $5.95 Your Choice per pair - $1.19 10 pairs ladies' hig'h boots, wa,,rmly lined, ove- the-foot style. Cuiban and flat heels~. Biýack and brown. Regular $13.:50 Sale Price, per pair -- $7-95 Ir 1ý>e, T 1k, MI oeil 6~ TO 5 YEAR G.4L0.'$ Saviugs Aceounts Paid and Compounded @uarterly 2I Investment Fundsj Estat. Planning POUNTAINHEAD Executora & Trustees 0F SERVICE Open Friday Nights and ail day Saturday CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 723-5221 23 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-2527