ORONO WEEKLY TEMPS, TIIURSPA)-Y, FEBURUARY 1Oth, 196 MReport711 From1 Ottawa ILselC. 11oîey, M.P., Duirham ~ a~"o~ s poe f John) led.~ ~ ~~fi apeiee a h ra ~ncbc~ a smakirgin arvla.d men ths ~ssin. ndobteiyCOMING EVENTS th ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 seçirpqmrhhphSIC- Gener ,l meeting of the U.C.W., ~1yand politicall, cipae vMin Auditorium, Orono United YT1e LTeadler of theOppost io is Church at 8 p.m., February l7th. d7ic 1qo bis moe.ecr .poitonlaUnit 3 will bc la charge of, the thV ea'rsî o'f the Progressive programn featuring the film "Car- Conervtiv Paty.pet of God". b-c Just a yéar a-,o no-,-thle Toryv DANCE Leaer as ietin ~f adeter-- Aaance will be held on Satur- s,èned bld from iivthiin his owa dav March l9th fromn 9 until 12. IPart ' to uin-eat hlm as, Leader. He, Musia by the Geraldo Band. Town unvvdthat, challeng,ýe byv a nar- Hlall, Orono. Proceeds for Artifi- row marg. ve,1hog he siur- cial Ice Fund. $2.00 percouple. vived h ýs posiion semdso tenu- eus that asirants 'begLani to line HOENVILG npý tO sucePed hlm ias Ihe, HontiNnVLLAG -L; a' - llo ee wich semedto lckS12,00, termis, 2 bedroom home, at- zry sem-rblanice of praac.jtached garage, landscaped, lot. avddrive. Contact Roy Poster, In eptmbe, r. iefabaerphone Orono 321. led is Prty nto n eietio ~'ii<4 m"v units preiced -TKEITH LTD. REALTOR. 181 v~ou1 resit i his assae ino Egington Ave. E, Toronto 12. a-é pifalobFivin. We ai1 nw _____ _________ ¶eresultq of the Novemrber th CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE ences. (3)Provision for the es- The Orono Chamber of Com- tablishmient of Rest Homes to ser- merce F ebruary mieetinlg wil be ive adult persons who require long held on Monday, Pebruary l4th at termi care and nursing services. thie New Dutchi Oven liestaurant l at 6:00 o'clock sharp. Mr. Chas-j sion of the Canadfian Chamnber ofl Commerce will speak on the smalli( businessman-and what the Cham-, ber can do te, assist hlm. Those intending to attendu are asked, to phone 1074 or 109 by Friday at 5:00 la order that- catering can bc arranged. a-c IEveryone welcomie. I ,LISTINGS WANTED We have throuigh our Toronto of- fice and TJ.S. contacts, an ever increasing demand for homes, cot- tages, lots, farms, acreages, busi- nesses in this area. if 'you are contemplating sellîng either now or in 'the- future, please contact, ROY POSTER Kendal ,Ontario Phone Orono 321 H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR, 181 Eglington Ave. E, Toronto 12. d-6-c ýeAection. The Tory Chieftan was! ~laed. .not because he had ,ýn ..but because he had avoid-1 , Report Prom Que-en 's Park ted a isastrous defeat, and indeedi ba srengthened lis position n by Aiex Carruthers, MPP, Durham rights to free assembly and free TTque ofComons nd i h" Seven hundred and one years speech. Mrtye IIQuse o Commonsadin g 1s alter the opening of the first Par-1 The Legislature commeneed, its Part. Tosewhower watin toliament in England ,and, with the work in a mood of optimism as reucceed îm unercstanpatienare traditional pomp and ceremony the Province entered its 6th con- mowreuird o eerisepaiene.that surround such occasions the; secutive year of the economic The performance of Mr. Diefen- fourth session of the 24th Parlia- 1 boom. With a predicted increase aerin thfis new Parliament has ment of Ontario was officially o- 1fr 1965 of 7% in the gross pro- menmore effective than at any nend on January 25th by the Hon vincial product, and prospects of kthne ince 1 hâve had an oppor- Earl Rowe, Lieutenant-Gover nor a further increase in 1966 the e- tuni'tv to observe him. He led off of the Province. . conomic picture of the Province thec Throne Speech Debate with a As the Lieut.-Governor and Mrs. ilooks exceptionally bright., reasor.ed argument, critical, but Rowe alighted from the open ian- The Speech from the Throne, ai- i-lvndirected at what he per- dau, in which they had been con- though not revealing any sensa- ~evdto bc the shortcomings of Veyed up snow-banked University tional legisiation did outline a TeGovernment. In 1962, whiie Avenue, they found the roped-off progressive and practical program, b-e was stiIIrme Minister, his area at the entrance to the Parlia- a program that may keep the ieg- -speech- in the Throne Speech De- -ment buildings lined with a silent, islators in their seats until the lat. hate was lnrambling, and at but respectful group of strikers, ter part of June at least. m.ies almost incomprehensible. whose gaudy placards expressed Icue ntepormaesv their grievances ,and their de-jeral pieces of legisiation which ISDeaking a, gain last -weeký, Mr. mands for Government action tolwill affect and interest the citizens 'Yiefenbaker took advantage of correct them. lof Durham County. The program %Q)uebec Premnier Jean Lesage's ac- Indeed it was a symbolic scene.1 to establish a comprebensive pro- tiio-n in scutling th FutnvThe Lieut.Governor representing gram of crop insurance will be of i-eaut Formula to verbal.ly rake Hier Majesty the Queen and some partciular intierest to the farmers fourmer Justice Pinister Guy Fav- one thousand years of historical of the area ,and shoul do much 7reauL from heaqd to toc. Animpar- tradition; the strikers representa- to maintain the f armers' economic alobserver ,vould probably h ave t'eo h ogsrggeoe 0 euiy Legislation to expand the ~srndeed f M. Fvreu.cu. years by the common people for pilot program of last summer to ' -rLly deserve all the crlticism" dernocratic rights and a free Par- meet the shortage of qualified ag- ahe t hi oBrver couldaone liament. The Lieut.-Governor as- ricultural labour will also be wel- LYarelath matru serting the right of the Crown, to corne news to farmers and tobacco e.,rve atthemaserf prnesent- be consulted to advise and to growers in Durham. ation of a w7ell documented and warn the strikers asserting their The proposed amendments to the spebypresented speecýh,whc' Securîties Act and the Corpora- ~sasn'redonlv by the unnUistak-I tiops Act as outined in the Throne îi1 race of personal animosity Houise of Commons gives littie Speech are designed to pro 1vide dietdagainst 3,r. Favreau. inspiration to those who aspire to better protection for the investing No vs70 years of gethesuýcceed hirn. For their part, Lib- public. To meet many of the re- ConeratveLeader laooks strong- 1erals can only suggest that Mr. commendations of the Select Corn- er physically than when I1 first Diefenbaker shoul d be permitted mrifttee on Consumer Credit, legis- obYserved hlm la Parliament in to continue la bis present position lation is being lntroduced to fur- 16.His performance in the a long as possible. ther protect the buying public a- gainst unscrupulous practices. The lakeshore communities will be lnterested in the legisiation to jexpand Water Pollution studies -to.cover the whole of Lake Erie, i Lake Ontario the St. Clair and De I X I II U 1- Itroît rivers ,Sections of Lake Hr 1 C E 1on and the connecting channels. As a result of a three-year re- view of labour legislation, propos- Becanseý of ain OntarloMilk Commission order to Oais wili be made to the Legislature uncrease the priýce of raw iuilk to the producer and ever with respect to the fours of Work inceai coest of pasteurization and distribution, we and Vacation with Pay Act. find it necessary tof present the following milk prices to I amn personaly pleased to note j be effectiveTedyFburlth196Thsite that action is being taken in con- onfy increase since September lst, 1963. nection with many of the propos- jals and studi es of the Select Com- Ï om Milk i qts, glass ............ 27e mittee on Aging. Included in these p~Si iki g ass f omntoes..e(1......... t i2reseth flomno ki27 Department of Welfare's share of S'I'ir- Idjk il g-as ony ...........21c captial costs to charitable insti- tutions on the basis of $5000 per i Buftterm-ilk in glass only............25e bed la place of the presentgrant Milkin ts...........3c Igrant of $2500. (2) to consolidate Choclateand extend the present benefits Choclat Mik i '/ pts........lc jof Old Age Assistance, Disabled Lereal Creani 18% 1/~ pts............ 30e ____________ Cereal Creami 18% qts ............... 90e n ~~rrn i Whlippi ng Creani, qts, .............3 I hpigCreani 'A, pts............ 40e orange Julce, 32 oz. carton.......... 43e Prices Eon orange juice subject to change at any time. I Orono, Ontarlo receipt of welfare aliowances will 'be automatically covered underý the plan. The program will be of particular aîssitance to senior cit- izens with limited inçomnes. Tnese are to be establisnhed 0" It was miy privilège to take ani the same basis as the Homnes, for aciepr.i1h rcednsa the Aged. (4) Establishment ofaChieairn the intrcestgroap Office of Aging (5) Legisiat...-Ion ton o heiteet r jon. Employmienti and the Elderly. amend the Medical Insurance The experience was not only an Act whereby standard medical cov- interesting one but valuable in the erage will be available to ail on a seilse that it gave 'me an opportun- voluntary basis. Free medical care ity of sharing the viewpoints of' will be provided for people with interested, groups and indivduals riot taxable income, and those in tiom ail areas of Canada W hy P ay M'or e. Ar... aA~7r'ON PREMIUM ~ZV k- QUALITY FUEL OILga PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DX 1FUE OI 1L Serving Orono, Newcastle and District MRt.E RVEL IHST ANNOUNCE N i THE OPENING 0F RIS REAL ESTATE OFFIC Mr., Gravelle has bail extens ive experîence iu ail phases I of Real Estate, having entered the field in 1959. 28 Divizion St., Bowmanville 1 Office; 623-7472 Evenings: 623-7304 T4ACE THEOfO04.ê.O.f000I.. >f C000 4>4 4> 1. Th0e nenessof ankind.00(0 2. Ineedn netgtoifTuh 3.THE BunAtIono igio RLDsne 4. Rligon ust c te cuse f Uity 7 . Thejuonenesof akind. utb frotn 9. 2. nielednviation o ruh 10.Srtuaef o lu tion ofailheligions is poe. 12 An.Ie raion aT ib une aslf. nty Wol 5. Relii o n stobe inaotthisciead Relion Fr rejudic e ofail kinds ms e forten.o Osaw U:ivers eConict 9.UlnieAveshlEuaaon. eehn shw 2-21 nob internation Triunls o eus t TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKEi APPLICATION FOR WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR Applications for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1966 wiii be received by the undersigned np to and including February 15, 1966. Appflicants to state remuneration ex- pected. Duties to commence March 1, 1966. H.* E. MILLSON, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 37, Orono, Ontario. REPAIRS AND REMODELLING - Free Estiniates- Cail: F. (Sam) Bruton Phone 1395 Orono t t E "VI 4%