ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lOth, 196 cCARD 0F THANKS 1 NOTICE Profe~sion~ 1)~reetory1 wish to thanjkDr. A. F. -Me, tctadwrpe o ________W___~V.. RANK . JA f~A. irLAXrÀN Kenziehnurses and staff, on the e Caïi .wE.Milefr rn.z : ~~~~~ ~ ~ Sugclfloor for their cheerful es alC .MleOoi 2ý HAL.EKNORONO BOOKKEEPING Ianid kind attention during my re- H ALPERIN ~ EA L E S TA TE SRICcent stay in Menoria1Hçpia ORSL Also Rev.Logfrhsknl Ma~~~ &C. g LIMITED Incorne Tax Returns Jrepared 1Visits, my famlily, relativesan A baby crib and a double si-e ChateedAcoutats 13 21KIG r.WET 3 rooBomavie0Osa 1 friends h cheered me, with bed, a four drawer dresser. 'WilI. 36arerKing contSt. . s2waGSTWS cards, flowers and gifts. Many sell reasonaïbly. fl KngS.E, saaTelephon.e orono 3RZ lthank s. aPPhone 2352J Orono. 725-591 Bowrnanviile 623-3393 ~VlaM ~a1-___________ __ K,ýing St., Box 245, Newcastle ____________ ITEM FOR SALE 987-4240: COMING EVENT Towinship of Clarke Wia.e lr.som.:CA Bake Sale and Valentine Tea, Tne Willam C Hal, B.Comm, C.. ~uPO ponsorel by the C.G.I.T. and Unirtalo WI Dr David G. Perkin, C.A. I~Orv~IIe Chatterton 1 LYC F1 day, F wiIl b. 2held 2: on 1 ur ip and Pressure Systemi J. Graham MacMillan, C.A. 0 3g Fbur 2hfo :0t Sealed tenders in writing, clear- [lp.mr. in the Lower auditorium ly marked, for the sale of unjïe __________________ IElectrical Contracting f Orono United Church. Duro Pumnp and Pressure Sysýtem Plumbing & Heating 0 Keep the date in mind and bring will bc received by the unders' g1î Electric Ileating 0 your friends. b-c cd up to and including February Ig Phone 33RII 28,1966. W. KAY LYCEI,e B.A.cý i td~rvc Orono,Onai PART TIME HELP ANTED The pump and pressçure systezn PHONE 245 OR 14 Civie niinded person having.con- May be inspected at the Town',ii Barite -Solcto0 104 0 fidence and respect of business Hall- rn ycnatn h 113arnftirO»roéo Ontarîo __=______________________people to make credit inquiries Ilnde rsino y onaci In the Offices of adsevasdsrcCoepo- The lowest, or any tender, wilI, ent.,ET;RDzBU;:;:i -Nnot necessariy b acce MAIN ST., ORONO Bre n ym~o e ai.Çe1 Tlpoe18Orono0 PLUIMBING and HEATING Address repliest: W*~i of Claref, ',24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE rer23Oon*ta. COýiNTRACTORS FOR Terminal 'A'____________ 0 BA FINANCING ~ Toronto 1, Ontario ~~ O Low Interest Ratesbc-NTC 0 M9ERRILL D. BROWN 0FeeEtiaes ûHame~ptonCO. 3.28850 AUCTIO Sal E , iiromn, their imonthly meeting on Tuesday SAPPLIANCE SLS a TrneC.3250 Auto al fliigo Febrwary lSth at 8:00 o'clock i BSA.B.:S :S: ' bedroom and kitchen furnriture; PROESSONA ~Prompt adGaate ear Wedgewood china, dishes, glass- teNwovlePbi col ENGINEER t i id of Electrical _______________waendectcaplnestea- <CivES iON l) 'alJ _ _ _ _ __ndecri apiace h 0Equipment and Applianees ______________ (Cvl estate of the late Mrs. Evelyn OtroLn uvYr Such at Metors- Water Heaters ,7l~f N Stevenson, Church Street,' Oroo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ~ntaio aRdSuneY 0 T.V.- Radios* Stoves - Irons WA UI iare Seîîing on Saturday, February 19 Ceresdiale Fertlilizers Limitr-sýz iz12 Queen St. Box 165913 at theat residence. Sale to com- quire dealers and sales n tù, 0J mense promptly at 1:00 p.m. handle products fromn new cust- Bowmnvile, Otari u BowanvlaendnarCyuclem Lawrence Harris, Clerk. omr-blending fertilizer plant. 1h 62-25 Cce ak0edActoee.Write Boýx 220, Newcastle,Ot Teepone 6[3-Orono0PJonk 14id, 5-ctiro. b- c= DldIIUIILU II 0 McCULLOCH BOATS Hae3 &t s,0MOTORS CHAIN SAWS L. i.SKAIE 13 Instiralice o Reairs o al makes of Lawu O .K sd C& Noesad 2 and 4 cycleU sa Servce ~OTACO PLOW POINTS 1964 CIIEV. IMPALA 4 DOOR HARD TOP charere, Acouant AN MACHIERYRadio, white wall tires, discs, Cameo beige, one 375 Water Street owner,, Lic. 1H53488 PETERBOROUGH 0Auto, phone 7142-5482 Fire ( U Package Policies l BUTYInG OR SELLING 1964 CHEV. IMPALA 2 DOOR HARD TOP 0I1VS engine - automatie, power steering, power brakes, radiei Il Fidellty Bond, I tinted w/,s, white wall tires, dises. One owner Geneal Il DEI E'TRTEIj 2, toue Maroon-white, Lic. 1H11829 g erlLiablity REA-"-L E uriILT INSURANCE Lf First Mortgage Loans SEE FRED LYCETT oSadie HamîIltono OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO U Phone 12516 Res. 20616 o[ ______________________ 1 Phone, 1-R-16 Orono [ JACKI -D 0 Li T a e Auctionieer and Valuatur Specialize in Farm and Box 133 MO. 8-3552 o FurnitureSales oj Consuit me for terlms and datesSafodB thr 319 JLimlted PHONEORON 319318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturera of TE IA,'"ýcSON C emetery Memorials Auctioneer and Valuatoi Dealers lu Conducts Auction Sales of ail Domestie & Foreign Grantes aizea and at reasonable rates and Marbies - Inscriptions Cut Comrnnicte wth hni a and Cemetery Repair Work Port Perry, Ontario- I Monu n Lts id W PUMPINO OUT Fml oil Our quality and service leaves SEY~IC TNKSnothing to U Je'sired Ask the person who bought frorn WHIT2E WASINGSTALES us, a neighbonr, friend or relative Bert T73 Ontari T Streot Bort ompkl73TheRU¶'fRio G'RATE Phone 786-2552 FORT HOPE men "Largeat D~iýbay lu Southera ontarb J A. J. McGILL' REAL ESTATE BROKER Phonos: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 [L - remodelling your present une, then contact PHONE 2191 ORONO 'em Bu;ying or Selling cal Representiag Jack tRâ,card REALTOR King St. E., Bowrnanvllle 623-2503 miber Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 1964 CHIEVELLE DELUXE 4 DOOR Big six engine, automatie, radio, white wall tires dises, one owner. Lic. H5391 1963 CHEVY STATION WAGON One owner, colour black, Lic. X10130 1962 CHEV. 4 DOOR STATION WAGON $1399ý.0U 6 cyl, std. trans., one owner, Lic. X9937 1961 METEO'R DELUX 4 DOOR17 SEDAN .. $95QA00 V8 engine, autoniatie, radio, ýean car-a, Lic. 1H40584 1961 VOLKSWAG;ON VAN TRUCK....$750.00ý Good condition, one owner, Lic. 19157B 1959 CHEV 4 DOOR.. Lie. 1154901'.....$395.0 1957 PONTIAC STATION WAGON ......$100 Lic. X10026 1956 PONTIAC 4 DOOR, S'EDAN,........$125.'U Lic. 1H55440 m Y ICH LS ýý OT RS LIIT CHEVRJOLhT - CHEVELLE - CHEVV i -CORVAIR F 85 )SMBL- CHEVROLET TRUCKS Serving the Motoring public for the past 40 years B 0 avil , - le Tel. 623.2556 Ted Miller-, Harold Mich<elson Courtie- Tel 728-A-2(é Ace Richards, I Y ilp ýe -, ýl 1 - ý -- - - - 1 1 M-i l -Il - 1