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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Feb 1966, p. 8

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M., - ~. ~ & ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, TIIURSIJAY, FEB1UJARY 10th, 1966 - ~ 11 Kendal Fjor easp omtig at the eherkouts onlY coluplete dollars wilîî be doubled, for extplef if your cash register tape totals $18.64 you receive' an additional 4 $18,00 iii Bonus Tapes FREE! Double Tape Days is just'another reason why w7e say you always get a littie more thanyou expeet at IGA2 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0)F DOUBLE TAPE DAYS TO- CLA1MGW-TS F4ýSTER. 49c ALE Robin Ilood - Save 12e FLUR I5 lb 49e Ilaspblcrr-y or Slrawberry - Save 10e 24 oz. Jar IGeeJA JAMS 419C Scotties Facial - Save 16e TISSUES-« Hfuints - Save 14c CATSUP Pkgs. of 400 pkgs 49c 3 btls 49c IGA POTATIO CHIPS 14 oz. Pkgs. A4&- LOIN ROAST OF PORK Rib T"d 9oi Portion ILAPortion 3 lM. Avg. u ' lb. Ag Centre Cit ROAST riHOP lbJ8c BURNSlWIENERS lb vac pac 53c i. Lba.Tray Pal- BU NS JPORIK SUAE l Rhafdiess SUced BlUSNS SI-DE BACON lb 9 9 Shirrff I staSav 1 Purian nac Pak -Save 10ec Libys eepBron .save 10e IGA Chken NooýDie -ave 13 LOUPwMIX IGA Choice - Sae PA11A 4Es 12, oz pkg 49c 3 oz. Tins S 4for 49c. 2.0 oz. Tins 2for 49c 5 pkgs 49c 2 t15 OZ. Tins tins 49c Bruniswick - Save 6e LiSARD INES 5 ,Çàtins 49c Nesties Save 8c QUJCKnlb 4'.D,49 IGA Mildi 12 oz. Wedge COLOURE'ýD CHEESE 49c IGA Pink Lýotion. -Save 10e ,D -T ,ERkG E NT i24 û2z 49c Frozeni Farmhouse La.rge Family Size APPLE PIE 2 for 79C Caadiea Né. 1 GradeP.I 101 lbbag 49c SUNKST ORANGES Prodce f US.A CaadaNo0. 1 Grade EMPRORGRAPDES CaaaFancy Grade B.C. Red APLE PIE Family Size 39cn doz 49c 3-l1b49c 6 for 49c Lotion or Liquid - Reg. $1,09 Gt. family size Cuirad LUSTRE '%FCREAM 89e BANDAGý,"ES E con. rack 7 9c Mr. Brue Hancock had an op- eration for appendicitis in Bw mnanvilie Hospital last week. Mr. andé Mrs. Robert Carruthers, Bowmanville entertained her fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster. Wayne an d Paul, on the occasioa of Mr. Hlatcher Foster's birthday On SUnday. Mrs. Ami E. Foster, his mother, was there. Russel Carruthers. returned home with his gýrandparents for a visit in lKendal. The Uniýft Church Women mnet at the 'home of MArs. G. Cathcàrt on Tuesday., February 8th withi ;'en 1adiefnr- ntMiCatherine Stewavrt took the president's place, aidC Op)ened lthe 1meeting with hlvr 235. Mlrs. J. Stapleton took the devotiolal part of the meeting, basedi on Meditation, Psaim 30 The roll cail was answered by a verse Of seripture that gave af :comflort and hope. Mrs. Keith- !Wood read the minutes. Thank- -on rotes were read. It was nec- tressarv fo postpone the purchase a quotalion on the price from the ilydro. it wAs nmoved anid, seconded that -we nav the balance owing on the new kitchen. Re.R. C. White led a disqcu!s- silon on a chapter fromn the study' hook whichi was inost interesting, Thle meeting closedj with the hymui 'lO MNaster let mne walk with 'Thee'. Lunciiih was providled by Our host- esses Ms R. Elliott and Ms A. Low The next mieeting will be IMarc'h îst in Kendal. THE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION O0F SCIIOOL BUSINESS O"FICIALS The 23rd Annual Conference of Thle Ontario Association of Schon, BPus'ine-ss Officiais takes place ït the Shierato r PBrock H-otel in Nçiag.. ara Falls, February 6th to OUit, 1]966. Bulsiness Officiais from Ptb- 'land- Separate Schooi Boards,, acosthe province will attend this me Ing o bc presided over byv Do)uglas C. Hendierson, Presi- dent of t.he Association, and a bus- iness Officiai of the Etobicoke Dr. MJarcus Long will address, the m-ceï-bers and the Depity-Min- ister of Education, Dr. Z. S. Phiin. ise ilpresent certificates to th 1r t grduates of the Associ- ation's cure in school Business Scilfeatfures of the confeýi- eneincludýýe panels on educational tesing of mintnnean utd ial aeras as -weïl as the sî- nifcane o te Canada Pension, Plan. Thee wllbe workshops cover- ingai pasýes of school business adminiistration, inciuding account- ing systems, purchasing, computer applications, budgeting, sales tax, egstiegrants and secretarial comprised of ikey peýrs-onnel who administer scolboard business operations. Thuere are 500 embers of this ed- ucatona oraization who believe tî hat te1 asc'-rpseof the Asso-. cainis to imlprovec efficiiecy in0 shobard(1admainistrationi adto hJelp al members attain a mxmm effectiveness ln their roles as school buinssnficials. Attendînig the conference from Durhamn Couinty Disýtrict High Schl Board is _Mr. M5,. A. Mac- Leo>d, Adinîistrator and Secretary Tresrr

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