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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1966, p. 1

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..~~~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. . . l iiI i ,ý'ïMER COMITTEE SUBMiHTS BRIEF Parck-Ingman onen orOrn The :Orono Chiamber of Com- meewith 1twenty-five members penton MNonday eveninig en- jirseýd three recommendlations prpls 5 y th e Civic Coittee. hegroup aIse passed a1 reselu- ~lion to formulate a submission to l",e presented to the Ontario Chami- ber of Commerce seekingl support Th nextenision of studfent !oans byý ond the four-year maximum. PARK~ING TOPS LIS,ýT The Civic Commîttee of the Chmechaired by Mr. F. E. The artificiai ice plant at the ,Oronýo rmnk went into eperatien tclatter part of last week. bhog the operation of the polant. it was possible to miaintain ,ce diuring the mild period over -lhe weekend. The cots of the plant and work aýsseciîated with the installation ýof the plant and pipes is estimiat- ed at $1,1000 t the present time ail thebui hae been re- .ceivedl. Monies s crbdte the fund plus afwpledgeý,s includ- iLng a piedigeo f $1000. fromr the Ojrono CIhamber of Commerce a- menunts te areunrd $8900.00. This jeaves a. sum of $12M0.60 yet te be j-aised te meet the present esti- 4 atedl costs. Fuý-rtiher cests wvill ar ise in !th eneihbouirhoed of $2300 0.0M te lay." a Cernent floor somI-etimne in the future. A few miner robesstîiliex- ïst with the plant but these are eigcorrected as soon -as Pos- sible. Lycett and with mnembers of 0, W. Rolph, P. M., Lunin and K. Lycett, presented a report of the Commit- tee meecýting oni February 8th wth prop-tosais to 'improve conditions in the business secltioni of the Village r.Lycett outiined the purpose ofthe commnittee which he said was to promote interest in matters relatîng to the good administration of the cýommnty and to be pre- pared to study andl make- recomn- mendcationis and assist local gov- ernfing w,ýhere it mwas felt that such wouid be helpful and appreciated. The CivîecÇomnmittee reported unanimity in that the most urgent matter was the need for'improved parking on the rtiain street. Also since a good supply of water was now availabie that the front street' be washed down periodically. The Committee also feit it, should be possible to estabbish Qff-street parking for businessmen and Main street residents' cars so that fac- i lities wouid be availabie for cus- tomer parking inthe business sec- tion. The Chamber as a whole en- dlorsed three recommendations made by the Civic Committee: 1) that the Chamber request the Orono Trustees to proceed with ail expedienciy to implement the plani for parking on Main Street that was adopted by the Trustees in 1965 (parraîlel parking on the west side, angle parking on the east and two hour parking tîme limit.) 2) request the Trustees to ar- range with the Pire Department OI4JE 28> NUMBER 5 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, FEBRUARY 17th. 1966 Competilipublic sekn SIGNING OF 01FICERS AILE AMED BY SCHOOL BOARD Prepacring for âHigh Schoolexaso Durham District High-'School Board this week, named its sign- ing officers for 1966. They are: W. C. Keyes, chair- man; D. A. McGregor, finance committee; Garnet Tubb, fin- ance committee chairman; and L. A. Parker, board member. In other business the board: Authorized its solicitors, Honey and Books, to notify and, forwardl the required cheques accoding te the expiry dates of the option on three properties on Liberty St. in Bowmanviile. The three prop- erties are owned by J. C. Ail- dread Mrs. Horstman and Robt. Miss Carolý"ie Johnýson (left), of radle eight, Ooo public Scelhs advainCe to th testfinash as Cone o0 fv teG bé chosen aýt port Hopeo, n 1~uedayto epresenït east Dur- ham in-tle finals. The final con- ,est ibe lheld ini the Orono $215 taken from hydro Office A% sum of approxiately $215. was takzen frem the office o the O'rono -H-ydre Q> o Thursday of last 7eý?k, The money was takn dur- i sort priid at noon when -he 9ffice ivas emp1ty. The mogny, inbil3i, mw taken lrjom the Hjy4ro sa#e Iire it had' beeh placed from th~e tIl -Mien the eoffice was vacant at poon. The safe was not locked at 7he timý. The Ontarioe Provincial Police ar-e investigating the theft cf the aieny "mon adMichaIel!aran of 'then Oronlo Scheoi !compectèd in th e cont.est iast Tuead evening. The Orono Sehool Gleýe Club will assist vitlh the pormthis cum- ing, Tuesday. Mr. M. S. Kellow in speaking, to the memnbers of the Orono Chamiber of Commnerce on Mon- day evening stated that he felt very strongiy that smali Cham- bers were the backbone of both the Ontario and Canadian Cham- ber of Commierce movements. The speaker aise pointed out that smali Chambers, had a equal voice in the Ontario Chamber as did Chambers with memberships up te 1000 mnembers. (Continued on page 6) Wright. Prior to 'delivery of cheques, soul tests wili be taken on the preperty. Agreed to let Mr. Alldreadl re- tainpesin of the property until Nov. 1, 1966, on condition that he aiiow the, board access through to the property until the transaction is completed. Authorized t-he advisory, voca- tional committee te, act on the app lication of an extra $4,500 to beapie on commercial equip- mient for thie new Courtice voca- tina wng. hi covers the dif- ference nee betwreen the ai- blowance for, an electrical typing room fromi a m-anual typing room. Ye~~~ASr Laurence Savery, principal of Dr. S. J. Philbip School, Oshawa, cabîs quits to a 40-year teaching and eduncational administration career this summer. H1e. has been principal of the school since 1955. Mr. Savery joined the staff of the Oshawa public schooi system in 1941, taught one year at Rit- son Road School and the next 13 years at King Street Sehool with the exception cf one year when lie was assigned te special duties. After graduation from the Peterborougli Normal School in 1926, he taught for three years at S.S. No. 9. Darlington Town- ship and for J?2 years in Newton- ville, where he was born. Mr. Savery graduated f rom arts at Quiee-n's University In 1948 and wvas aw;arded his Master of Education degree froin the University of Toronto in 1958. 11e lias served as a member cf the McLaughlin Public Library Board for the last 21 years and the last three years as chairmnan and was recently reappointed for a further three-year-term. Mr. Savery is a miember and fornier directer of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club. H1e is married andi hias two sons, Elgin, a mechahi. cal engineer at GetneràlI Motors of Canad~a Ltd. and James, whe represents the Wood-Alexander Wholesale Hardware company in the Breckville area. Hlis only plans whlch he cares to reveai at the moment for his retirement are "te- keep busy." ,In speaking -te Mr. Clark, who jeet, he peînte-d eut that the plant now using 4,5 horsepower ceuld be easiby stepped up te 60 herse- power. Extensions can be made has enigineered the Orono pro- te the present plant te increase its capacity if further area was te be added te the ice surface. Shown a,ýli beve are Farl Tayier, Bruce Tennant and Georg-e whoalog wtha lot cf oftheIr loclhep hav\e compfleted tie -il ice planit at the Oro rink. Ingenu;ý.,ity aind ou2rs po hourïs cffrýeelbu has brought te Ornàrtfcaiieand thýus, an etnson t th winer por.ts cf' the ea to wash dowÀn the street, of the business section periodically. 3) request the Trustees to iýn- vestigate the possibility of' ob- taining the use of land betweeý(n Mercer's Garage and the Old Flax miii for a parking lot. BPUDG)CET NEED $2,000 Mr- P, Dickson. chairman of thle Financ,(e Committee with mem- bers Gleni Tennant and Win. E. Reid,.~ore a need of $2,000. thisyea- to eet the commitment of $L,000.00 to the Artificial Ice Funld and $'1,0000 for the stud- ent loan. The Committee recoin- m-ended a monthiy d(raw, for $100. on which, 200 tickets would be sold at $2.00 apiece. The Coin- -fitte was requested to study teproposai fuirther and to, sub- mit thE cmlt plans at the net eglar meeting. SEE FUTIIER AID FOR STUDENTS Mr. S. B. Ruthferford referred, to the great need of Dentists and Doctors epcal in rural ar- eais. 11eý said thait the School of Denitistry and Schiools, of Medi cine were nlot attractingý an ade- quat nuberof students. He feit thiis was mainly due to the facltat student boans termin- atedc after a period of four* years while thie fLI terni of schooling extýend!ed far beyond the four year maxium. By resolution the Orono Chamber is to seek the sýupport of fthe Ontario Chamber who are being., requested to mnake a submrissýion to the Ontario gov- ernmient to extendff the boan per- iod to the full terma of schooling. SEEKS AID A - letter from the. Orono Lib- 1ary eein finanicial aid, if pos- sible, aiso referred to the fact that the Library ,was an asset in thebuins section ofthe Vil-. ag.R. C. Forrestrfsated tha thle Library had certainly heen dloing w6nerfui work, especiaiy for the yvounger -readers. The let- ter was referred te the Finance Comm-ittee for consideration. Thought for week Sniile and you'1I see a smile on the face you meet. Supports OPronlo ice fund The following letter was receiv- ed by Mr. O. W. Rolph showing the interest of a former resident of Orono. Toronto, Feb. 4, 1966 Dear Mr. Relph: 1 had a copy of the Orono Times in, which they were campaigning for artificiai ice in the rink. Il broughit back miemories of trying to put on our skates at the Wad- dlel pond, and by that time we were, nearly frozen, but always enjoy,,ed ourselves. Would yo, please accept the ,,en- clsdcheck to help, in a emall wain memiory of the happy tim,,eýs we a-Il had together. Kindest regards to yout ail, Sincerely, Olga liooper Barstead. Mr. Clark aise stated that a FIREFIGHITERS 50 herse power plant was capable DONATE S50-00 of producing ice when the outside temperature reached 60 degrees. baiu.Ieeto o h x TheOrn plant should under Teanalectofrthex normal conditions produce ice ecu'ýtive cf thec Orono FLirefiglt- wvhen ouitside temperatures range ergs Cluib\was held at the mon- in the mid forties. The Orono thymeig Fbray9 Me plant, M..Clark stated iwouild -ati a lce rsdn producýe ice for use from earîy fýor tlhe foliowing year with Jack altolate spring if it is desired, Wa ts on being eiected Vice Pres- Sola coditens dehowver ident. Russ Major. was retuirned avsoeeffeet On the oPeratior te position of Secretairy-Treasur- cfapln. akg is, it was poin- er. ted eu!t, is net aninttaeu It was deci ded unanimously te donae $5.OOte t1he Artificial (Cottue pge8) Ice Fuind. FUNUS ?4EEDED The big >reeze is on

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