_ - ~-~--,- - ~ -I ~ .-~~iai~ - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY l7tb. 1966 ORUN WEEKYTI (Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Ottawa) Office Department, Publishecl every Thursclay at the off icF of pubi catiur Main Street, Phone 109, urono, u)nLrîo Eàtablished inl 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. F orrester - Editor and Manager Moral Obligratio Wîfhin the nof too distant future Parliamentarians in Oftawa are to be given the opporfunity fo eifher abolish or retain the death sentence. Tt does appear that abolishment will probably suc- ceddue possibly to the moral approach that will be em- phasized as the basis of the issue. With this basis no, de- cision other than aboliton is likely to succeed. Furftber, lthe abolisbment of the death sentence will cause very few bardsbips vor will the financial aspect be momentous. The majorify of John 0 Public will be satis- fied as long as Rf does nof affect fbem personally or fin- anciaily Russell C. Honey, M.P. for Durham, in -a stafement to the Examine r, is reported to feel that the scaies are fipped toward obolfition. lie Is also quoted;that "bis Christ- ian beliefs make if difficult to reconcile fthe taking of n buman life for another."d The moral aspect, we believe, will bc all-deciding. b There are bowever other mural oblig~ations for John QPublic and bis representaýtives. Althouugbnot directlv connected -ct - ~oaboition issue it dops ha've a relatior sbip, This obh'igton is in the field of rehabilPton fn those in ourpna n4utos bofli Provincial and Federal. e Canladai, a conntry baving une of the bighest sta-i" a ards of living, as literally turnaed its back un rehabilfati on, Its recu I i une iche worst ln the worid. 80 percent o0 thoseleavng p ral isiutions .return. In al our in sttuios ul 2 00 caad women wbose lihtha ~aac bt srn o ficshoulder. The 'misfiti- f f t e country are beineplace behind prison walls, ou' of siglif l and mind of socic'-,i ad -unr governuients. Stati»stie,,s show the ldelflorable record for Canada's b penal instýiutionrs in, reblabililation. If was also evident ab tbroughout a rcetducumentary pi esented by This Hour a] Rasiý Seven n s eant reports on flie neighbouring Mill- a brookReoaor also appear fo point un fallacies in our Penal Institutions in accomplishing notbing in rebabili- gi fation.D Tt bas been stafed by tbe Ontario Minister of Refor-m fi Institutions that fthe Milibrook Reformatory would not. if being buit today, be placed in Millbrook . . it lacks the servicesý physicai and mental and is ont of the way. Tliis political p-11z-i of a few years ago, will bear iittle fruit for itsits and for society. A similar reformatory is to be eon1te i the îsolated area of Warkwortb. Reform- atonies bveoo often been proposed for destifute areas to bolst (,,ilicoomy rather than for the good of the Governments cannot alfogether be biamed for this bight. Socicty, as a whole is quite satisfied to close the door on our prison inmatas . f0 t keep tbem hidden away. If there is a moral obligation to abolish the death penalty there is aiso an equal moral obligation to better our record of rc1îabilitation. This is possible as sliown in other countries and also by an institution in Montreai wbere only 6 percent are repeaters. Goveruments must accept flic responsibilify and es- pecially in flic Province open fthc way for unbiased scrut- iny of its institutions. Ail too olten tbey proteet their rep- utation as administrators of this public service. Society aiso has Ifs obligations in reblabilitation and must become aware of fthe probelm and give rehabiiitation general acceptanca within ifs social structure. Letter toito Box No. 98,î support was taken for granted. Parliament Buildings. I have been associated for the Torouno 5. ntao i astfew pielzcwith the Port of the Plort Perry Skating Club. Ann,-e, diaug- hter of Mr. and Mrs. larold Foirder of Oshawa and Richiardi, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephens. Port Perry, have been skating together for the past thre e years. IVIILU i, ilLll, ldb IU WU-A WLIILIC ý-ITh ofl wnte165C - Febuar 1, 166Hope Council and interested thleOtao e wnic 1965scenmp inemersof hat ommnit inance lîmit the amount tbýaf theý ildifor, promoting a sîmilar coliege for' ionsbip. The same cear tbey aise the Port Hope arca. -1 tbe Tam 0'Shanter C1ub Thie Onono Weekly Times, f itle. Orono, ntario.If ws my privîlege. this weeki )rnOnai.to join wifli representatives of IA n re and Richard are being Dean Sir: tlie Port Hope Council in present- touted as fthe two compefifons ing a bncief0t officiaiso h e mosf likely f0 retain infernation- An ediforial cntitied "Who parfment of Educafion in this jai fame for Canada Should We Support," appcaring 1 coanection. __ in flic hast issue of fthe Times1 cefers to support by me for a1 Trusfing this will clear up any! communnity coliege fo serve the isnetadg.C a if d A d Bay of Quinte Area, iudrtnig Iý-,Iz Ai-thougli myame did apêà"ar AUTIV-AL [n flic lisf ofsupporters inth bi -ic, af no time'did I give per- mission for ifs use in this re- spect. If would appear fliat my Yours very truly, Alex Carnufliers, M.P.P., Durham. Lap',se Looses G.ame For Juveniles A twenty minute lapse by flic ORONO MIOG7ET S OUT- Orono Juveniles on Wednesday CLASSED BY MILLBROOK Iuring their first period of play osf flic opening game for flic ln a seriets of O.M.H.A. play- ocal boys. The game was flic1 down-s befwecn flic Orono and firft of the best fwo ouf of fbree 1 "îbOk Midgets flic neigb- ;îcing pla red bcfween Liffle Bni- bouing team proved fan super- ain and Orono. Litt le Britain1 ior taking flic series in two vo ' lic ame 4, traiglif games. lInflic two games The second game will lie pîayed Vi'lbrook. scorcd a total of 17 in- Littfie Brifain on Saturday 'goals cornpared to fwo by Orono. iight and a third game if nec- Tie girsf game score rested at 6-2 essary lu, Orono on Monday niglif.i in Orono and lu Mil .ibrook 11-0. Litfle Bnifala scorcd six un- Pnswered gu4ýls in fhe firsf fwe- yminutes of flic game whicb vas jntfoo mucli for the Orono lOý s 0 verco)me. The local boys aciedcbckng skating and a-j lie-sise '-iay hi ficperiud. lu the seconid. priod fthe Orono) boys oufscored Little Britain by' ascore of 3 - i and added a fur- ingle couaf lu flic third. During Li isffw pnod ficOrn Lastw eexkAnna Forder, 14, and boys more than hld their own P1 a' tpen,1, cpue s they began to skate, check fic aa nJnorm'dfil nd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a plybetrpoiio.ef lcnational skating champion- John Maflier scored fwo Orono 1 hips -sbcld lu Peterborougli. goals wifli single goals by Gordon j Dent and Ted Starki. ;"'is pain have during thc past The Orono team sported uew fweyars perîormed as, gucsf sweafers donateýd f0 fliem by flies ar atflicOrono Figure Skat- irm of Curvpiy Wood Producfs. I îg Ciival. Tic pair skate ont 0f Holstein Caf f e, Swine, trac- for, baled hay, grain, etc, flie property of Mr. Kennefli An- drews, lot 34, concession 6, Hope Township, bal mile easf of Shi- lob churcli. Sale fo bc beid wltb- ouf, neserve on Safurday, Febru- anv 26tb. To commence at 1:00 Pi.. WANTED Pýart or Full finie Real Fstate representative for Orono and area. Excellent Çommission. For. confidentiai interview eaul 623-7472.1 P E. Gravelle, Real Est afe, 28 Division St., Bowman- ville, a-c Anyone inferested in a bus trip to the, O'Kecfe Centre to vis- if flic Annual Garden Club of To ronfo's Spring Fiowcr and Garden Show Mardi 8fli fo Mardi l3ti, fi thteme fils ycar, 'East Meets West', f eafuring Japanese Gardens along wîfli films aronnd the~ world, plus speciai music. Phone Carl --lj îd. 354i, or Orville ChliHd '31, nu 'lafer flian Fcbruary 2f.a-C LISTINGS WANTED We b e througýh uv Turonto of- fice an,-d 'US. contacts, an ever increasîngc demand for homes, cot- tages, lots, farms, acreages, bus!- ne.sses in fis area. If you are confemplafing seilîn g ecuber now or laic hefuture, please contact, ROY FOSTER Kendal ,Ont2rio Plione Orono 321 HL KEITZI LTD. REALTOR, 181 Eglington Ave. E., Toronto 12, d-6-c ..~rrI ~ ~' 5:1 : j, -r,~ i ~ci~ A CRIOSS 13. li 21 atrus 25'. -Icjx :,- 28.Lai 3. B ro 33 Vnec travais 34. Orienta 36. il 'se 41. Ali -atry 42. MRvpili: 4. PLair» IIOWN 1. Lethr-y 2. Covercd v-ira bask:et le-'ropn cura 3.Ms fur- tuaes 4Proufý- reader's directioni 5. Iadistiînct 6.Gerrn&n theulo3-a 7. Conîplalan S. yîigher 9. One of a card suit 19 Boring S - 22. Stop 23.TÈhere- L- I ~ ' clama- tiun 25. Thrashes 30. Mamo- 26. Valu- Ïadums able 33. Eescch fur 35. Chi&ef - 27. Dreaded. 37. Consteilla- 28, Bastow' flou 29. Shuas 39. Firmnament '31o 'm--4z Ei.7z1w-ý -- 20:l: PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS I-lFI - Ste-eo Recud Playttrs Anrtennas -£uwers PAX Syst-n for rent Xi'P parf.- a.d lbour guaranteed Phone 1731 Orono Ccilyour Jicensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contractfor who SeIS, instalis a-nu guarcintcs PLUMBING-HEÂLTING PHTONE 143