- -~ -.--- ORONO WEEKLV TIMES$ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th. 1966 seconded by James Lowery. The of the use of the building by the ICANNINGTON WINS 0motion did not carry. It did howE- school for a fee of $5.00 a day. Cali i n Te d r Fo ever carry after she changed flue The request had been made for original and final motion also The Atom tournament held a included the payment of the $1.0oo the Orono rink on Saturday Iast OO M uuUIIOfl classroom fee.MrGenwo qusied' was won by an entry from Can- I the teachers would be so interest-,ningion. The tournament was to ed if they had to set up a pro- have been held in Newcastle but ThePubieScholBoad f te btanedata cstof nedolar A request from the Orono Pub- gram from which something due 10 the warmn weaiher was Township of Clarke were inform- which would allow 10 or 12 books lie sehool for the rent of the Or- could bc gained. Mrs. Barlow held in Orono on artificial ice. ed o Tusdayeveingat t ' tobe tkenon oan or achono Municipal building for use poinied oui thai physical fiiness regular monthly meeting held in classroom. is a gym was turned down by of public sehool children was ________________ ,I-e Board, The secretary stated causing concera and said that, the Newtonville school that ica-1 'ai the requesi was made by the no such program of physical edu- request. it was also stated -that adrsnýo wou wbecasfo" henw rs arow mve ta the týtaff and studenis of the school. cation was carried ont -ai the tiiere was some doubi whether adiinoftocasrosand Board donate a sum of $5()-()()to The Oro îo Police Trustees la a school during the winter months. jail the teachers at the sehool a gym room for Lockhart's school the Library wiih the motion being 'letter to the Board had approved She felt there was ment lan the were in agreement of the plan. this Mond3ay. The information was presented by the architeci, MnvI. F. Reid who is a&so the a r- echiteet for the Newtonville ad- ~diion. In com-nenting on tIe work ai the Newtonvile school he said thai woek to date was safisfact- ory. He also reported that it had been stated that the work would be completed within two weeks. T1,rders for th e new addition ai Lockharts are to cose on the 14th of Mardi. The architeci also presenied a -dhang.e order for the work ai N Twionville to cover the addition ,of two windows, placed between the principals office and thne gyma room at a cost of $250.00. Mr. W.* -Wannan asked who had author- ized the- change to which Mn. L. Greenwood said that he had. Hie also said thnt the change had to -bc done la a hurry and felt that it was a good move. The extra ,charge was authorized byr the Board. It was reported that a meeting iiad heen held with parents and staff of Browns in an effort to eliminate problemns with the lime of opening the school, re- rnoving of outer foot wear be- for entering thc classnooms, the sopply of chocolate milk and -p'ayground supervision., h xas siated that some dissaiisf action stili exîsis. Mrs. Bruton la a lé;t- ter to the Board outlined anm- ber of negulations thait were be- ing carnied out by the staff; hall open ai 8:30. classnooms at 8:45, 10 minute 'recesses, playgnoundj siot divided, no chocolate mlk and students must continue tO take off outer footwean la. the hall. The Finanec commitiee of Mrs. -Barlow and Mn. Robinosa report- ed tic payment of $300 an day for extra supervision at the New- tonville schooi whieh siarted ai 'elghin latic monning and went to 4:30 la thc afiarnoon. A payý ment of $2.00 was also recom- mended for tic KXendal school. Mrs. Donothy B onbinson, speak- lng on behaif of the Orono Lib- rary, asked for- fi nancial assist- ance ia onder that they could carry oui their present progn,,am lor children and also that ithey may extend the pnogram .*She outlined the pnognam of school visits ,purchase of maierials and arranging and having class visits to the libnany. She feut the Onono -Library is an extension of the school libraries and could b e ev- an a greaten service to many of tie schools. She said that the Library was willing and anxious to supply books on boan to any school in the Township. Ia re- tur she sait the Board would ask ihat a classroom card bel le -di n ~'r '~1 tV-i ~A ~Bï~NS Save 4el Red & White Peauut Butter 16-oz. Jar 3 9c Opr~'n~ Today! ( --t ~ FV. & fThe -~ _ oodm~ers lIn tnalEd., 1f -~ 31 eIW mc Ont. n _____________ u SUNSHINE FRESH! z4- Crisp No. 1 California Ice')erg ea INutiiosNt1Fao-No 1 -1J lb. p.lybag Frshan ener-No. 1 Bunch CCLI1 39c uif - r Z)e ~ hI 32oz. Size B1S BUY! Save 25c!- Aylmer bpecïaiy Vc -i-alue Ch-c k'd -Boneless, 5 to 6-lb. Average Tender -Juicy -WcllTrimm-ed -Brauded. uselFrBolng hi~ hiiOt-Iprc 10 -os. Tins f L1J P ~E3TBUY Sae 2! -Gree Gint 4-o. Tns EES' i. r~ iiI~c -Lbby's Faney Quality 48-os, Tins *ii~T 3IJ! Sve c!2-1b. Decanterr l~ET Il! Svege -Pkg. of 60 Ton B ags C~t ~n9s -i in hEaeh Pactage [E ' Y'- ~ ' - V st-'or Coloured BES BU! Sve 2e!- Witeor oloured -Twîn kPack rolls$ FROZEN FOOD FEATURES!, Save 13e! Stokely'sF 15-os. Tins Kiddics -Wil? Love Ne- Libb 7c COUPO- O 15-os. Tins Save 12e! -6c Off Pack!1 BLUE BONNET COLOURED - 3-lb. EeonomDry FPck Save 16c! Laundry Giant Pk-g-------------- Save 30e! -,14cE f01, a INSTANT- 6-oz. Jar ------- ------ Save 9û! BETTY "7F, hI LAYER STYLE - o Save le! CI'eerios - - utn Trix - Coco Pl SL Save 17c! - Morton'"s -Ail Varieties B'_____Fatre SUPREME BRAND GRýEEN PEA'S ........ 2-1b. Cello Z,31c c- 's. Canada Cee Grade MacIJ SOLDn NTTOSH 6 quar ~fl Olla - 'gc CMPLETE AUJTO SERVICE 24HR. N-A-L. TQWINlG i