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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1966, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMEIS, THIURSDAY, FEBRUAR1'l1th. 1966 ted fýo be leadiers in the Christ ian Chuircli. We are called f0 produce 0 Cr te ( nt£ ministers now! We have been T1aken frin a sermon preached ter we have had every protection,tinfralgogtme by Rev. Baqsil E. Long. theni we' talk abouit living in Wehv bencvnigou fait-h. We can get a good job, Young people that the best thing Süriptuire Lesson - Luke 5: 1-11. live in luxury and hav ' m ifieisf e a dcfint The Psalmist, a deeni ply . ploymenf insurance. We have po- make money, fo have a good tPelfnt drugs to keep us well and hue ctae ofadeey ti mn is seain whamz-the nmosf skillful doctors f0 care fhing man desires. God is felling in inigt no life and relafing ýfor us and then we talk aboutushatisionv aflvng if 0 te sa.11espeksof hos Ifaith. Rf is good and wonderful Teutmt st ufltepr who gio down ti o fhie sea fo do 'ýeutmt st ufltepr busrvssingr a '~erS. The to have ail. those things, but God pose for which we were created. wave on he sea are offen iff- would f ake us;_ far beyond these 1 challenge the Young people! Do rcd ýp lhigh to the1, heavens, then rhnsif h de xeine not fhinki. lightly about the cal th touh etee tewaves o ieadi ksfihf rv of God in your life whether you tsesf o j owý.n fo the veryelan tha oe ats. Aseindividuals re a girl or a boy!' He can send dephs Pope horide on the an sacnrgainaew o you into the deep waters and H1e sua~~~~~~~ arife adsrs ste ng business in greaf wate-rs? Atcnueyui nbawyta are caused to reel to and fro fimes there have been indications vu iebcmsacanlo likea dunkn ma an soe- hat we have a faith thaf does vu iebcmsacanlo tims bouht o hei wi'send rlead us info the deep, but quite His greaf blessing to other people "The," ays he salmst,"they'often we falk f00 easily about if. ID o e lo epesi o 0 Soofte we ay hat t canotshort and- make you fhink that cry to 0 te Lord in nth eir o offen we aetha fcanntthe hest in lfe is tb Pet a good tr-ouble and 11 brngs a cî.b on bnw aefcdwiho n ake, a lot of money. I 1eb ing lfem f0 thePir desired the challenge of the bigger things deal with people who have no haen"that are ouf of the ordinary rouf- end of moýiney, beautiful homes, ine, cars, cottages, boat s and ail the Anthr ncdet f real sig- Tbink what happens when our other things, and some of themn niicne s 0bu on nteaiiyi de oalo cannot find a thing f0 be happy, New TesetLeson whe n the apower of Goddwhich 11e pomishesabout. You will not be happy powe ofGod hic He romsesunt il vour life is dedicated f0 fiheme ad rou ghf their in Jesus Christ! We are a people Jesus Christ and H1e is the centre boat upto he hor. Jsusask- Who can be equipped fo do bus- o orwoelf.1ei h cd Smon ete if 1e muhtuse mness in greaf waters and we maycomngodfrevrhi. hi bafan g nta itfi wyask the furtber question where 1Uî i heaswrfo if (n ttalk fo theppe . Wh1el 1He are we doing business as a This ih whe nwersfr to do bu waat ouogtalig1e adf church? Too offen if is in the iesi ra aes Petr, Nowtak yor bat ufshaîîows. Too offen we are it res gefwaes nefs ~a- dow f0cach om fis"ng fo pamper the pompons or What is salvafion? Salvafion is Petr sid, "Mater we hve cater f0 the'caffy; or we are grov- losing oneseîf in Jesus Christ. "I fished i ghn aob h-e ing f0 the grouches or trying ain cone ta ek and f0 save that ing bu ifyousaysu e wîî comforf the complainers. That whichwa lot" Thaf is the work go." They let down,, their nets is nf thebsns fte cburh.of he chc - not pampering and tecthwsget h uieso h hrh1 people; nul trying fo make excus- the salvation of souls. If is not fou, es for thei weakness and com-f Chrsiait i aroffr f o-lafe for us f0 rualize the great plaints, but being broughf f0- in biness in greis at wtersofai- calling of the Christian church gether in a fellowship thaf is- re- thh th r is su m tersch al and the Christian individual f0 deeming, that sends us ouf f0 re- totiglitbr i - mi that is launch ouf info the deep. flect the beauty and the love of su"perl icial aI dsfllow ý,associat-Chit "' ,,d wifh it ane. mmgine trying But what is salvation? Many to aunh n oea lier n Peu1 cannof believe it is just The resuit of doing bsns Dond or frvinf0 sto wimII hI two safety from the terrible heat in greaf waters is peace- not that inches or water!Rdou! Nori from the hale in the ground peace thaf allows us to sit in an dof you liv1le a ighiÏIty life forîcle hell. The task of the easy chair and say, "Let the qod] in the ordfinary way of life, Ifosae s ord ak aofisf"Nt -onitent with wdn along the church in salvafion is osvuwrltaeceofief.Nt shoe. ou aveto ef uf nt from ourselves int o lf e. Jesus Chat -if is a deep down peace. týhe dleepi things of life if your poinfed ouftChat the greafest sin The ocean is offen rough on the wan toseethewonersandthewas the sin cof selfrighfeousness surface, so teinpeslttOýssed thaf powr f od Werear w d- hich is the sin of, putfing our- boats are destroyed and lives ing« business as individuals" Do selves first. The great work of lost. But away down deep in the wle get out into the deep? 'Flow this congregation fis to be s0 as- water, underneath the storm much do we undertake 1-n faith? sociafed in Christian Fellowship Ithere is peace and calm. Life is Each onie has f0 answer that for that we feel God Playing on our!not easy for a Christian or for himself. heartstrings and we feel a change anyone. There wiIl stili be the coming over us. The business ofstorms of life and we have f0 We seem f0 have a wrong un- every congregation is f0 produce face and fight them, but under- dJerstanding, of what faith is. Af- people who can be especially fit- neafl itifail there is a peace Chat Report fro m Ottawa, Russell C. Hioney. M.P. - Durhami The third perspective, said Mr. ; "Our poliicy" Mr. MTartin c'on- ing taenestiaes obe Mnidr %artin, is the fact that we cannotftinued, "has been directed to- Pahimet asbenok a the situation in Vietnam "ýaC heiping f0 brîng the present miie of Extenaloffahesepart- iin isolation. 11e referred to at- coaflicf from the baftlefield to men ofExtrna Afa;isthi&s fackýs made by the armed forces the negotiaig table. This hias week, affordiag an opportunitfy North Vietnam' against armed aiways been our position and if for al parties fo express their forces of the governmenf of Laos. remains our objective." views on flhe foreiga affairs JJol lan ortheastern and soutbeasfern ! icy of the governmneat, generally, Thaiadteeaetebgn D euylae ai and in relation to such t rouble -aln hr r h ei- NDP euy lae ai spots as Vietnamn and Rhodesia in inngs of the saine kind of terror1 Lewris* took a eritical veiwpoinf particular. ~which marked the firsf phase ofof Canada's plc nVenm insrgig l Sofh iefam We11e foilowed the N.D.P. line of The debafe was ýhigýhlighted must consider whether or not this condemning the United Sftates b)y a. running verbal baffle be- pattera deveioping' in neighbour- a'nd gave some support f0 the tween the oraie and' N.D. imng counfries is part of a programf Communisf interprefation of the P. paiei(s over Amnerican policy of permanent revolution Mr. war in Vietnam. This drew fire îin Vietnam. Forei-ýgn, Affairs Matin The question we from the Conservafives. 14. . the Minisýter MUartin outËlined the gov-, must surely ask, ourseives hie mosf subtle piece of Communisf emrnmeat's position and then sat said, is "Can we ignore the chai- propaganda I have ever heard hack as the Coniservatives and 'P"ge, of the aggression by these sinc, I came to this House," said N.D.P. forces sniped at each Commuaist liberation fronts la John Mlntosh (PC-Swift Cur- other from po;sitions, taken oný Asia?" rent-Maple Creek). Eldon Wool- eýitber side. ilîams, righf wing Toryfrom AI- "We ustaskourelvs,"theberta charged thaf "some of the MNr. _Mýartin pointed ouf thaf the F"egn ust ask oursteives,"the members of fhe New Democratic situation lan Vietnam aeeds Io be lud, worteig ffis îistreroftia yseem to me sympathefic fo viewd fom bre searae pr- ud, wha th fainr ofthethe viewpoiafs of fhe Commfunist vieed lIr) tre searae pr-Uaited States efforts n Asma1rpgnit cosheoury spectives. First, there is the mat- wouîd mean f0 us as weîî as topragnisacsshecury terof ntenaldisentinSouth that counfry. We'must ask ou-whereupon Reid Scott (NDP- Vter n of l interna dissent a' Danforth) accused Woolliams of Vietam.Suclinerna-di sesuves what if wouid meanato In- oxists fo a grea1te-r cdegree mn a haýMCrtys saa ac country like V ietnami because of dria, f0 Thaiiaad, the Philippines. tics.,) th e .inervnton ron Ihe utide Ne w Zealand and Australia. We theintrvetin fom heoutide Imusf ask ourselves wbat if would This ln fura mnakes if impossible !mena to many couatries in Asia Colin Camneron, leffist NDP for successive goveramenits *in idAriawihafogh criti- member from British Columbia th af country fo layv a recognizable !cal of the United States, would opened bis speech in the debate basis, for polifical stability.1 be deeply concerned over a by saying, "I have no particular Secoiyi, saidMr Martin, is Communisf victury la Vietnam." objection fo being calied, a Comn- the factor of outside intervention. niunist I have been called a Commminist on many occasions." "Whaf1 is happening in Vietaiam Mr. Martila then went on to Jack Bigg, a former Mount le, may not be aggressîon n the clas- 1 j,,hbsa) si i a sical sensu of the term buti sofieteplc f aaawf P aak)s ird ohe w aggression carried ont in this respect f0 the Vietnam confiict. 1 "'geffing awfully trdo e Decri- ,:,lafts peddling the Coin- cas uder thle guise of a war of l'le reaffirm-ed the statement of mun11isf ulne" and offered f0 join hiberafion. The aimr of that ag9- Primne Minisfer Pearson thafthtle the Am-erican Army fo help fight g-ression is fo establish in Southi goveramnent bas ao intention of Com)munism. Vieaama or ufpoitiai r-sending Canadian forces to Asia And 0if' ef fe he ganîizaf[.inwhich wehave nO ev- uis usatt nolgt n ý et he idence to suggest nht the people unesprun 0 nQigtlt ays of debate the estimnates of cý South Vietnam would f reely under the Charter of tihe United thfie Depatmnent of Foreign Af-1 tJcýiosefor iheteyp_? NatiSns. iswreapyd Eastern Breeders Meet InOrn The annual meeting of The Eastern Breeders was held Wed- nesday, February the 9th in the Town Hall, Orono, with a very good attendance. Counfy director and expresident of E.B.L., Mr. Russell Osborne, acted as chair- man and Mr. O. Dairymple, Ag- riculfural Representative as sec- retary. Dr. MacLuan, manager of E.B.I. gave a falk on~ the bulîs owned by Eastern Breeders also the fin- ances of the association and bus- is a peace thaf is beyond under- standing and if is the peace thaf God gives in Jesu$ Christ. "Take my yoke upon yvou," said Jesus "and learn of mne. For I arn meek and lowly in hieart and you shahl Dr. Wilson, Veterinary Consul- tant for E.B.1. gave a talk on sterility and herd management. The winners of herd conceptioît compefition, for Durham County rwere: 31 cows or more, Mr. Stan Mihîson, Enniskillen 76%; The DeJong Brus., Nestiefon 74%. 15 f0 30 cow berds, Mr. CifMord Sfallow Bowmanviile 91% and William Darch, Enniskiliun 88%. The election of officers was conducfed by Dr. MacLean. Mr. Russell Osborne declined f0 ]et bis name stand as county Di- recf or. 11e expressed bis wish fo retire having served as an official for a numbeýr of years. Mr. J. H. Jose, Newcastle was elecfed as County Direct or and the meeting adjourned at 4 p.m. Announce Grant' I Th anser 0 abndat liing Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P, Theanser o bunantlivngDurham, advises that. appova. findpeac fo you sous." has been given for a provinciaý. ris taking the yoke of Jesus Christ granit of $4000.00 to the Centra, upon us, Iauinching out into the Lake Ontario Conservation Authý deep to do business in deep wat- ority for çapital improvement ir ers. Itca only be done ji the the Enniskillen Conservation Ar- Power of Goa. ea. HWY. 35 and 115 - Just North of Newcastle FEATUIIING PREMIUM QUALITY > PRODUCTS AT TUE MOST REASONAB-LE PRICES _ATTENL~ONRMERS &RKR SPIECIAL DISCOUNTS ON GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL LAUNODRY TIPS ELECTRIC HEATINIG PIz E S Corne to Hydro Showtime ..a Iively 2 hour show ... packed with ideas on Modern Electrical Living at: ORONO UNITED CHUROH TUESAYMRCHlst 8:00 pm ATT--ENDANCf PRIZE Pmmsented 1», Orono Hydro System and QOntar$ io [yr uliderthe surgcim for uoo Unite4 d Liu*cb Woaeui

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