ORONO WEEKLY MIMES, TBURSDAY, FEBRUARY l7th. 1966 Bebipd TeOrange Curtain, Whn1 try to skiate, to Canlada. My f -et are so wary They settled in Oakville, Ont- T ,,v rit and they grate: ario where the eider Jelinek A"lthen T watch Mary started a cork factory. Otto and Fasly, gliding, Maria earfiestly began the sport I 4e an ice-fairy; of figure-skating. kimncand curving, After many years of prepara- Out and in, tion, they entered the North Wlith a turn of her head, American Pairs Competition, in And fla laminfier ey, 1 derto bc eligible to enter tbe a ý7eam n hr ev, ,World Competition. They gained And a twirl and a spin. ýa itrhe. From "Skating" by Herbert vcoylee Asquth. The next day the American Asuih team on their way f0 the World Have you a "Mary easilv glidirg Champibnships in Prague, the like ani ice-fairv" or perhaps a Jelinek's city of birfli, were kili- Don't sit back a Il winter wifh tlie ed in a plane crash. The finals attitud-e that skating is stricfly were cancelled, but in 1962 fhey for theý youngsters. Follow the econtinued, In Prague, Otto and exampl;e of the many parents in Maria achieved their goal. They Orono wliho have sharpened up were World Pairs Champions. their rstyblades f0 jolfl their i children at the Arena for sm Nomr they appear in fleicTee exhlirtin exrcse nd intr apades. In 1966, wlien tliey re- toehertngexecsead itetire from professional skating, tgtees.Otto will enter the business1 You may ask, "What has this ix.orld, and Maria plans to finish to do with reading?" Despite flic ler studies at fthe University of fact that we persistently urge Munichi. peoplIe to read more, we do not Their wonderful skating lias bélieve thaf one should spend1 broutlit tliem fame and universal flic winter booli bound lu an easy!acceptance. chair. A keen mind is af ifs best Glenda Tennant in a heaithy body; cosying clown New Books af fthe Library with a book is mucli more enjoy- Life on flic Mississippi - Mark able after brisk ex'ercise' in flic Twain. crisp wînter air. 1 Life in Elirzabethan Days - Wîl- ilere' are some bookish sug- gestions' for affer, skating. Your pint-size Bobby Hull wifl enjoy Scott Yovng's "A Boy at flic Leaf's Camp", aud ail those budding Barbara Anu Scotts will bce inspired by Hlenry Jelinek's "Ou Thin Ice". This week, Miss Glepda Ton- nant, will review the afore-men- tioned book. Gleuda, the daugli- John roughly racing fo flic puck? fer of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ten- nant. is a Grade 8 pupil at Orono liam S. Davis. The Massey Family Mollie Gillen. The Incomplete Canadian - G. R. Stevens (donated by T. Eaton Co.) Mices Adveixtures Under- ground - Lewis Carroll. Dorothy Robinson GLORIADALE SHORTHORN SIRE SOLD TO SOUTH AFRICA Public School, and a member of Roy and Gloria Philp of Glori- the Orono Figure Skating Club. adale Farms have achieved a first Being a regular visitor at the in' beef breeding circles. They Library. she is an example of have been successful in selling a the' belief that the readers arej polled beef ' Shorthorn sire to a the top studen)ts b-cauýse Glenda's buyver fromn South Africa.' scholastic record is, excellent. We Mlr. M. Hockly of Cullendale, are pleased to present he1 e Bedford, C.P., South Africa, pur- count of this biography.. D.R hased 'Gloriadale Captivator' for ON THIN ICE a price of $4,300. It is under- This is the amazing story of stood that this is the first time the Czechoslvakiani-Canadian Jel- sucli a sale has been made to inek faily. South Africa. In order for the W)ien the Gestapo. and Iter sale 'to be final the sire had to the Commu.iinists occupied Czech- pass certain tests required by oslovakia, due to Henry Jelinek' export regulations and did so Sr's quick-thinking and, courage- easily. ous character, he removed b is j The bull was the top selling family to Switzerland and lafer Shorthorn bull in the Gloriadale by YA RD L EY Exciting new White Lavender is a modern, light, ingering fragrance. A fragrance you can wear anytime, anywhere. Use it gzenerously and delight in its lasting .1oveliness. Cologne $185, $250 Spray Mist $300 Cologne Stick $1.65 ST uT1T'S Pharmacy Local News3 Little Donna Colvin youungest daugliter of Mlr. audl Mrs. l'arvin Colvin was taken tf0 flic Sick Childrenls Hospital in Toronto on Saturday niglit and remnains in a serious Condition. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne llooey, Toronto spent flic weekend witli Mr. and Mrs. HTorace Best and Ron. HI-C NEWS Due to a 'hockey game on Sun- day nîglit a complete H1-C meet- ing was unable to be held, how- ever we did have a short meeting. We decidcd upon February 19, 1966 as a good date for sleigli and ftobo',gan party around flic Gan. araska area. Carol Gilhank and Idso Rein- stra will lie giving us a discus- sion on Toc-Alpha af our next meeting on Sunday, Fc'hruary 20 1966. We closed fthe meeting with a liglif lunch. Please feel free fo attend our next meeting as everyone is welcome! Sale on October 23rd 1965 at Gloriadale Farms near Port Hope Ontario. 'Mr. Philp and bis wife Gloria sfarted tflfarm as a hob- by in 1952 and since then have been successful in raising some of flic top polled shorthorns in North America. Gloriadale Cap- tivator's pedigree includes world famous sires and dams. UNITED CHIURGH Oirono Pastoral Charge M injater Rev S. E. Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1966 CIJRCH SERVICES Orono - 11:15 a.m. Leskard - 2 p.m. Kirby -- 9:45 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL' Orono - 10 a.m. Leskard- 10 a.m. Kirby -1ila.m. 1TO 5 YEAR G.LC.'s Sa'vings Accounts Paid and Conipounded Quarterly 2 FOL)NTAI NHEAD 0F SERtVICE Investment Funds Estate Planning Executors & Trustees Open Friday Nights and ail day Saturday CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 23 King Street West, Bowmanvilie 723-5221 623-2527 flfO.OfOfOfO..OOfLoeo..O.eO..o.O4,OùeOOO.oasoS~b SPECIAL ON WALLP AP ER Spring decorating special on plain papers by Sunworthy, ready pasted. Shades of beige,' pink, blue, aqua and off-.white. Now is the time to do your Spring decorating with substantial savings to, you. Per single roil 69ec WAiLLPAPErSR Bundies of wallpaper containing from 3 to 15 single roils patterns suitable for every mont in the house at HalL Price or Less * O e O O.>f O G O O OfO .Of fO O O O b O fO Oà*% ~ ARMSRN' OYAL 623-5589 THURSDAY, F1IIDAY, SATURDAY-FEBBUARY 17, 18, 19 (COLOR) The Beatles- also Herman's Hermits So1diLer in the Ramî (Steve XcQueen SUN. - MON. TUE~S. - WED.'- FEBRUARY 20, 21, 22, 23 B V7nyLake iS MiSSio Laurence Olivier, Carol Lynley Aduit EnterWaLument OPONO, ONT. PÎIONE leu