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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1966, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, FEBRUARY 17th. 1966 PakUNIT No. 6,UCW ro QU ee n s On February Itsxenmm bers of Unît 6 met at the home of Shirley Williams. The meet- A1e C rruhr M.P.P.,, Durham, 6. Will the cost of sncb insur- ing began with the Study Book from which ail meknbers took Consrvatve tatesmen, it is personnel? itrsraigwt usin n s.aid, are( those who wish to con- Government will be able to con- dursraigwt usin n zveýc ii*--~n cu i so- tribute to badly needed medical dsussions at intervals. This ciet; werea th onositon esarcbin he earsahed9 hapter dealt with the Power of parie wh o eplcethm th ari h e rs jr ed God. b ýpaetemwh These ae ) ,'efacts opnedtheDe ~ohr.that should receive careful con- 1Jyce Cowan oee h e sideration, in reaching a decision 'votional with the seriptures by 1 cano' -,"Ith his.stae- .n this important piece of legis- Jo Ann Hutton. il.parties 1 rcrmly oe- lieve hiave as their objective the commoýn good, and it is only in lhe paths that are followed to reach those objectives that dif- lation. The next meeting of the Unit is to be held on the second Tues- day, March 8 and will lie held at the home of Joyce Cowan. feecsoccur. U CW News A tastv lunch was served by Shirley assisted by Anne West qlt , a'o firmly believe, and1 and Lois Cox. ~i'Llitat experience wiIl bear UNIT No. 7, U.C.W. me nttha -e must bie more on Unit 7 met Tuesday afternoon UNIT No. 3, U.C.W. g pou aua'd wenthegvyn's purFebrusary lst at the borne of Mrs. Unit No. 3 met Februar-y lst in p- eo-apat'pupe 5Ollie Cooper. In the absence ofth oeauirum fteO- 4~~'r'~"cence. ~Mrs., Johnston, Eiieen Billings elorauirum fth Orj presided and opened the meeting 'mo United Churcb. Mrs. Edith The Robants1ý' a,,îriiniFt,-ation -ithÎ- a short poem. [Sberwin opened the meeting with I a go)vernment sponsored,1 words of we1corne. '.c'î~ar, edialinsuras ce plan Tlie Aevo{io-a1 was given by The devotio-al service combin-g p w'gfree coverage for ail Elsie Hoar and the Mission study ,lwt irstd okwa 1.hose in receipt of welfare a!- hl; M'-ý C ,o¾"o There were -Il u-der the guidance of Mrs. lowa ances, and reduced premiums Il memb'ersw enDrummon.d. Mrs. V. Rlobinson for those with lirnited taxable in- The study book, God and His i -e a brief outline of the "Con- corne. Teopposition parties, on lv o~ a- iv-n by ,Mrs. Bill-!version of Dr: Grenfelý!' Mrs. the other hand, favour a compîl- ings. Tickets were distributed Logani and Mrs. Quinton, assisted uveÏnnuL pertedpla fo th Hvi-ocooingderon-in reading several passages of simi'a - to hat 110w i operation !stration to be held Tuesday, lst Scripttire !Il Sakatehewan, where the in-1 of March at 8:00 p.m. Tbere were thirteen members dividualI pays a basic premium Lunch was served and a social and one visitor present. with the balance of the cost met lhait hour enjoyed. through taxation. UNIT No. 1, U.c.w. I Regadles ofthepoliy t beUnit one met at the home of Regarwdles the pot us lti t i Mrs. C. Miller. Mrs. Fisk, the lea- . folowe tP cst ustnîima- VuUder introduced, and welcomed ely h' etb \0 adbym, h pn .0W? -Doris Wannan, a new member of tiumle txpayr. f page1) the 1g-oup. The devotional was (Comnue frm pae 1 byMaeAllen and the Stndy There is, however, a principle I bok by Mary Milier. -involved, a principle, which we as Mr. Kellow is a director of the Twelx e members ainswered the -members of a democratie society Ontario Chamber of Commerce Roll Cal eth the name of a ,miust corsider carefully. We must and manager of Personnel and Spring fiower and ten visits weref wedee te dys hed wbther Public Relations of the Quaker reported. Steila handed ont the we re repredto uredertheOat.s Company in Peterborough. list prepared by ber comnnittee j privileges of individiual ehoice, and independence of decision, in return for the promised secnrity "Man's progress begins in bis r_ n'_--'n!ce of a paternal owni mmd and ends in the same - g'ovi'rnmeiit. lm-ind", stated the speaker. ThisK ry is also true of a comniunity, be said. Your Chamber is the rnid 1 arn a firm believer l socialoftecmuiyadtasos justice and social security, In the no thercornnnizty an i asedoes The, Febrnary meeting of the Tapidly cbanging tecbnologîIýcal se-oUother organîzationtrepresent ciety' of today, the right of all al tacets i the commnnity to UCW a eda h h*c iziizes t afai stndrd f lv-form a collective nmind and opin-1 on Tuesday evening, with nine- cîtiis totpro-fion.-tTheîChambei, be said,-is teen ladies present. ,duties of govecnment jst r-1 esii îng is. a must, and oiîe of the ey seni. The president, Graýce Reid pre- vide the, framnework within wl'ich sided and Ruby Bryson was or-~ the iîidividual can attuin that, Mr. Kellow traced the bistory ganist. standard. ~of the- Chamber of Commerce Th Std Bokwsten y back some 4,000 years and as ThRSuhrfod ws aenb sucb bas deep roots in the a-Mary Rterodand Lila Cliap-I TPe eek didsep eea ae fth ol.Tesekrman gave the devotional . pore pe~s f lgilaio ~ stated that the Chfamber was welI Our group is invited to Orono (r1ued anidehtd on established ini civîc, industrial, 'for the Worid's Day of Prayer. f twerty tepLaeblsh and agricultu rai affairs along recive frstredi g Tcee wllwith promoting sound legisiation Ani important feature of thef gfor.earJ tte Stadin o- from governing bodies.,xmeeting was the presentation of -ni tee on Pi; ate lisfo is-r a cup and saucer to both Doris usinand rcmedtos Wannan and Jean Goode. TPie speaker cornnended the A tasty lunch bronght the 1?e ee cdd it teGov- Orotno Chambter o Com ee meeting to a close The next meet- Mdedical Insulrance Billttng ta ter cmmite ing will he beld on March lSth. ' dirnmsinntnd s hstructure xvas realistic. The Or- Iti n une isc ssmioadewitho oo('hamber has set up Finance, ________________-." jusrnet 1 li trm n odertoRetail, Civie, Tourismn, Centený tak adantgeof the Federal niai and Industrial Committees W oeYo'IJi tovenm)tsofe oshr H5% e thon pointed ont advantagesI ot te cst.for local Chambers in beionging even if:I to the, Ontario Chamber. H1e poin- --yon've been too busy to I RiTt in he tvDe f é* riiedcýal incu ance which wil ,eterve iIe people of Ontario. ii' T- s iget that we give some -tbough-to th te following ques- teu out tmat comrnlrl-ee ormed by the Orono Chamber were al Drovincial matters and that the Ontario Chamber was ciosely as- sociated in the, provincial scene. Mr. Kellow then outiined, the i. Doe5,a serv ice sncb as medi- work that the Ontario Chamber 'ca belthi ~n nce become free undertakes sncb as making subi- -ipybecause the Government, missions to the Government on Cans bll? a numbe'- of items which present- ly includes a work on1 Regional iWl the cost of compulsory Gos crnrnent. This, he said, is go- 'Governme'it medical insurance ing to aff ect everyone in the Ine7icase the lar-ge Goverament Proyince and also, in bis opinion, dieticits which have risen from Regional government was corning. 48 million ins -1958 to $4,695,000,- "You cen express your. views 000 In 1964? througb the Chamber in this mat- ter,'" he said. 11e also referred 3. WPa-,t guarip tee is there that to liason meetings betw ,en the the cost of state medicare will Ontario and Quebec Chambers not increase drasticaliy over the which, he said, is proving most years as it h as in England and, resourceful. Sweden where the cast over the1 past 14 years bas risen by 500%? The speaker also reterred to the recent Provincial tax in- 4. Under a Goverment con- creases. "More and more of your t'rolled compnlsory plan what will moeey is going to provide more .àappen to the existing gronpI government services," be said. -plans, many of which are part of "'You shonld have a voice that sinion contracts? yonr money is being spent wisely ). Is iýt practical at the present an eesrl. hiime to initiate sncb a plan w,ý,ith- 1Tesekrwsitoue ýont fir-st making provision for1in- Tesekrwsitoue ic-rcased fa.cities and mdc~ and thanked by Mr. Chas. Arm- MCU Uup. OR .you're not interestedl in saving money. OR -you neyer have to borrow n¶oney. You Can't Afford to Pass Up Memibership in the Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man-, Angus Loucks Phone 4r10, Orono CR P ENTRN REPAIRS AND REMODELLUNG - Free Estimates- Call: F. (Sain) Bruton Phone' 1395 Orono of the programme groups for day, February 28th. the year. Mterdsuso the 'Secret The date of the next meeting Sister plan was adopted. A Val- of the Unit was changed to Mon- entine lunch was served. FOR POg'%NTU'lAC - B~>ICK and 0DO0WL L US ED0C AR S THIS WEEK'S SPECTALs 1964 Chev, Biseayne Sedan 6 cyl. automatie transmission exceptionally dlean Lic. 161690 -$1,795.00 1964 Ford Ceuntry Squire Stat-on Wagon V8, automatic, radio thoroughly reconditioned gnaranteed. Lic. 42460x- $2,145.00 Contact AT àANEPONTIAý,C PEERSTREET, PORT HOPE Phone Res. 623-7166 Bowmanville lBns. 885-2445- Port* Hope Township of Clarke CLERK, TREAS;-URER i TAX COLLECTOR, Sealed applications will be received. for the- Position of clerk, treasurer, and tax cýol- lector. Applications must be in applica.nts own hanýdwi iting, giving persional data, experi- 1 e nce, education and salary expected. Liberal fringe benefits. Applieations ýto be clearly marked and received by 5 p..n. February.28, 1966, at thef Office of 'the Township of Clarke. Leeýve J. W. Stone, Orono, Ontario, TEACHES THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: 1. The oneness of mankind. 2. Independent; investigation of Truth. 3. The foundation of ail Religions is one. 4. Religion must be th e cause of Unity. 5. Religion must be in accord with science'and reason. 6. Equality between men'and women. '7. Prejudice of ail kinds must lie forgotten. 8. Universai Peace. 9. Universal Education. 10. Spiritual solution of the economie problem. Il. A universal language. 12. An International Tribunal..i Would you like to know more about this Universal ]Religion ~ - or about any of the above principles? For Free Literature Please Write To Oshawa Bahai Commnunityi 293 Glenview Ave, Oshawa, or Telephone Oshawa 723-3281. Nobody'will caîl on you unless you request it. so,. *(, -.o C- ------------000 foe 1 gm&mlag au

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