-v.-- '- - ~ s g ~ -: - - ORONO WEEKLY UIMES, THURSIJAY, FEBRUARY 1-Uth 1966 Aylmer Choice TOà T E 20 oz tin 29c Aylmer Choke 15 oz. Tin FRITCOCKTAIL 29c Aylnr Chice15 ôz. Tin BAR~ET PARS 29 AlerCream Style - Save 6c 15 oz. Tins CHOIC CORN 2 for 35c A>"ýï InrChoice 15 oz. Tin PEA 1"ýS e& C A R,,ýOTS 2 f or 3 5 Alylaier Boston rowiin - Save Bc 15 oz. Tins BEANS & PORK 2 for 35c YVoung Gr-ade "A' redlresse-d Table-Rite Sie Varieties 6 oz. Vac-Pak Alpine- Primro;se -Triangle ShosysIntan SndwchSliedboilableI bag 2 oz.,kg Corne eef4for89 ICE Valley Farm Froen 9 oz. Pkgs. FR E NC" H FRIES 4 for 49c Ingersol CHEESE SPREAD 16 oz. Size 59C SHROVE TUESDAY 0 [J illsburly Rleg. or Bteml 32 oz. Pkg. Panc e Mie29c [Old Tym,ý 16 oz. Jng lSyrup29e, Aylmer Choice - Save 9c 15 oz. Tins eC HALVES 2 - 49c' Aylmer -Save12e PA Aylmer -Save Se 15 oz. Tins 2- 27c il oz. Botties 21 btls 35c Ready foi- the oven 5- 10 lb avg lb 4bc 21 b 25c ce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade ne Riîpe TOMIATOES lb, 29c ce mf U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Gra4e ,BURI%"G LETTUCE ce of U.S.A. Can. Faacy Grade LNJOU PEARS Hlospitality CHERRY PIE famîly si Hospitallty HOT CROSS BLJNS 8f Weston's ASSORTED MALLOWS' h e ad&Z9 c 5 far 39c ize 49c for l1% 39C oz. Pkg. 39c SAVE TI-ESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS OR EATON MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 TAPE WITH DUMAURIER CIGARETTES - Reg. or Kmng Size MODESS REGULAR RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WITH PILLSBURY MOIST CAKE MIXES AUNT JEMIMAPANCAKE MIX - Reg. or Buttermil< PILLSBURY APPLE TURNOVERS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 TAPE WITII GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00'TAPE WITH MIDI LOOP TOE NYLONS - Lite or Mcld. Shades BIRDSEYE FROZEN AWAKE DRINK 2 SWIFT BROOKFIELD PURE'PORK SAUSAGE MEAT MeINTOSH APPLES - Canada Fancy Grade Ctn. of 200 Pkg. of 12 18 oz. Pkg. 31/ lb. Pkg. 14 oz. Pkg. 5 lb. bag 2 pair 10 oz. Tins 1 lb. rol 3 lb. Cello Bag Kendal Miss Catherine' Stewart went te Malton on Monday evening te see her niece Miss Jeannie Loft- bouse R.N and hier girl friend a Scottish nurse Miss Morag Grant, leave by Jet for Wishaw Scotland to Miss Grant's home bctween Glasglaw and Edinborough. They ffan also to visit En gland and France. Miss Stewart attended the semi- annual Women's Presbvterial m eeting in Albcrt Street, Church in Oshawa on Tuesday. Mrs. C. Thompson is visiting hier sisters in Cobourg. 1On Wednesday, February 9tJa, the roads were so icy in the mora- !ig that the teachers couii not -f ~o ~th-Ir choolqand the buses wcre late. So rather than drive to Orono over the ice the mail was Dhoued In. We apologize to Mr. Bruce Hancock for stating hie was ini ho'rnital. It should have been Mr. Bruce Cathcart had an opération for- appendicitis. Gordy Taft says the weekly -ermon is such that some rise from it greatly strengthened, some awake from it greatly re- freshed. Mr. and Mrs. Kavanaugh and family who were burued out in September have moved from hbis brother's home in Bowmanville, to a place of their own at En- terprise, north of Kirby.- They wiIl need help to'get started, per- haps you may have some extra furuiture if so Idt Mrs. W.. Fost- er, Mrs. G. Cathcart or Mrs. J. Stapîcton know. Now is the time our Ontario apples are at their bcst. It has 4eci pros eu that an apple a day kecps you healthy. Eat themn ra* or serve them cooked. BOWANILLEMAN, 50, KILLD IUINGBIKE 7ret '- Jones, 50, of RR 6, Bwmïa- d (ied at the Osh- aw Gnra ospital carly Mon - day frm t 'ries sustained Sun- daynighl hen the bicycle he wasriin was struck by, an au t,)o-on Manvers rd., south of TauntUon1 qrd. Mr. Joncs was returu- iug home after attcnding service at the Peutecostal Church Bow- imanville, 'when the accident oc- currcd. The Bowmanville OPP officiai said Mlr: Joues was riding north ou Maniver rd., when his bicycle was struck by an auto driven by Harold Glenn Yellowlees, 23 of RR 1, Enniskillen, who was pro- cccdiug iu the samne direction. Mr. Joues was taken to the Bo-,n-an-oil1e Memorial Hospital and later transfcrrcd to Oshawa, The deceasedl was a fifelong resident of the Hampton area. GOV'T STUDV MA Y START DURING 1966 A study of local governments In ail or part of Ontario County may be undcrway by the end of 1966. Bowmanville and Darlington Township lu Durham County may also be included lu the study area. Warden Wilfrid Gould of On- tarioý County, MNayor Lyman Gif- ford of Oshawa, Mayor Ivan Hobbs of Bowmanvillc and Dar- liugton Township Reeve Arthur Blanchard have alI expressed in- tes-,t lu a study. Cost of the study,,about $75,000 is split 50-50 by' the province and participating municipalities. The province assumes the enire cost initially but upon completion the local mnunicipalîties reimiburse thýe province 50 per cent of the <actual cost. - --- - ----- ita Brand ANANAS