ORONO WEEKLYTIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1966 ORONO W.LEKLY TIMES 'From Queen's Park (Authorized as Second Class mail, Pos t Office Departmient, Ae Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham si Ottawa) Thie budget submitted to the Publislied every Thursday at the office (Yf puihcatiOtaj Lgsitreafetay . Ma!,.n 8treeL, .Enone 10û, uronu, ontario ao ias beec nid Dvlp abl~ed n £98 b R. B'rreser ent B'udget" by the Hon. James Roy C. Forrester - Edtitor and Manager N.Aan PrvcilTese. In the- minds of many other citi- o zens, 1 amn sure, other tities have NO BASIS FOR DECISION seen'ed' more appropriate. Last week the Clarke Township Public School Board 1 Like the farmer wh.o hit his turned down a request by the Orono Public School to make muleý over the head to get its at- t use ofý the Orono Municipal Building as a gymnasium two Lention, F believe the budget lias afternoons a week. The request by the sehool was well with- resulted in a realization on theiW in reason and one which, we believe, should have gained the part ýof -the people that- there is g support of the Board. no such thing as free services. In speaking with Mr. Lycett, principal of the Orono If we are to enjoy the best of sehool, we learn that ail teachers at the school were in hig-hways, schools, hospitals, and accord with the program which was to be carried out at the ther s ervices then we must be Municipal Building. This differs fromn a statement at the prep)ared 'to pay for them. Board meeting, that some teachers on the staff disapproved There is. also the realization of students taking physical education at the Municipal that in o rder to maintain oui Building. high standard of living, we must In connection wth physical education at the Orono produce and the level of produc- School during the winter months it lias been learned from tiity mst keep pace with rising the principal that it consists of some exercise within the sadrs classroom at three different intervals during the day. This, An examination of the estimat- we must say, is a limited form of physical education and ed expenditures for 1966-1967 in-j would hardly have the glamor for students to that of using idicates that increased productiv- a gym. i ity and deveiopment is the pol- It is baffling to understand the lack of interest by icy of the Robarts Government. the Board to obtain the use of the Municipal Building for 1 The largest expenditures are the Orono sehool when the saine Board is spending somne- býeing dîrected itito those areas where around $20,000.00 to build a recreation or gym room of the economy that will produce at thefour classroom school in Newtonville and a simîlar new economic growth. Education, amount for another gym room at Lockhart's sehool. These an investment in the future, willi two expenditures certainly must place the policy of the receive some $847.5 million, and Board in favour of physical education for students at our highways which,* in providing av- public schools. If the policy is against physical education, enues to resources and links for then the Board is wasting money iu building gym rooms to commerce, are producersý of these two sehools. wealth, will have invested in Placing thie cost of a gym room at $20,000. and them $373.3 million, an increase spreading the cost over a period of 50 years, even with no of $36.5 million over .1965. înterest, the yearly cost would amount for construction Provincial aid to municipalities, alone at $40000 a year. This is further broken down to a School boards, and other local classroom cost of $10Ô.00. lauthorities, will amount to $772.1 The proposai for the Orono, school would have'cost million, an increase of $127.1 the area for a period of five monîlis the grand total of million over the previous year. $200.00 for ail seven classrooms. For this price the building This assistance will allow the was also to be heate'd. municipalities to relieve the1 tax There can certainly be no argument that the Orono ioad on the local property holder. cost was exorbitant. The increase in schooi grants of It is true that the use of the Municipal Building $52.4 million wi]l have a simillar as a school gym wouid create some inconveniences but the effect. samne building has prevîously been used as a gym by the Carfui consideration was giv- Orono Public School and also by the High School, when it en 10o sucli a policy, but examina- was locatedi in Orono. tio'n of the proposai points up Since the Board is presently building gym roins, rnany weaknesses. its policy n'-ist favour physical education . . . then why not (1)- Without price and wage in Orono? controîs the corporation simly _____ - ___ ____ ________adds ther increased tax to the shoud povie or adiecesprice of the product and, in the hild an exceptoal veaugdien-slong run it is the average citizen tertainment. who pays.i te reen Separate Tables, a drama. by AI of intst ithe fact t 2) -'ý,oAn inea inth preset Terence Rattigan is the play fln-,the cat iludessvr new- 527 n corotitaeains tineut all chsen bv owmnvilecorners. Piaving .dramatic roles cf teprovince into jurisdictions Drama Club for, spring produc- are Stu McTavish, Ken Hockin,j with îower tax rates. In. the Un- tion. !Jean Evans, Peggy O'Neal, Karen ited States corporation taxes are Lowry, Hlda Ferbeck, Stan being reduced to stinrulate dev- 0f special interest to our Payne. lpet friends in the Bowmanviile area, eloenthebde.ctal lc is the fact that we have been Regular club members on stage Dostebde1atal lc fortunate enougli to obtain thei are: Doreen Kitney, John Ames-a nutfe udn o h help of a guest director for this bury, Elsie Raikes, Ede ,Cole, Wyn actress and director from Toron- Wonnacott and Margot Samuel.i to, seen in a recent Seaway Series Ail are looking foreward to play. Billi Tyas, a professional working with Mrs. Tyas, and feel on T.V. lias agreed to direct the sure that tihis experience will play considered by many to be mean even better dramatic en- T. Rattigan's best, and under'tertainnient in future for this Mrs. Tyas's capable direction, area. i i I i PAl T WALLPAP i f I i I SUPER KEM TOW~ Colours $2,50 qt $7,75 gai f t à KEM GLO, Colours ow-r income group? The follow-i (5) The one, cent increase in ing facts should perhaps be con- thle gasoline tax to 16e brings sidered in arriving at a conclu-, this tax into line with ail but. sion1 three western provinces. (1) Regardless as tri where a1 (6) The expenditure of, $58J:' tax is levied, it will affect every-'million to meet the cost of the body in proportion to the use Medical Insurance Plan will pro- nade of the varlous services, ývide coverage without charge ta (2) The increase in the sales those receiving assistance under tax, to 5% is stili less than in some welfare legisiation, and assistanceý ther provinces. in the formn of reduced premiums, (3) Food and children's cloth- to those in low income categories.. ing are exempt from, the tax. (7) The assuming of the total (4) The application of the tax1 cost of Community colleges-by to long distance telephone cls the province is ln the interest of> will affect the higher income]the lower income group for they- group more than others. will derive the greatest benefit DEMO]NSTRAIOiN LIG3HTrING HINTrs LAUNORV TrIPS ELECTRIC HEATING PRIZES Corne to Hydro Showtimne ..a ively 2 hour show... packed with ideas on Modern Electrical1 Living at: 8:00 P.m. ATITENDIX-,NCE PRIZi-JS Pres ented by Oroiio HdÉ System and Ontario ilydro ulpp. lprte tn of Oronn United cbur-l' w0mer $2.95 qt $9.95 gai EXTERIOR WITE priccd per galion .$4.95 INTERIOR LATEX WHITE Fiat, SemiGlss Quart $1.'09 or lli-Gioss Enamel Galion $3.59 off ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 143 Orono, Ont. A- --.---~---- -. ~ - -w May we suggest a Save-for-the-Little-Thirigs- you-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? CANADIAN îMPEUïtAL BANK 0F COMMERCE lo