ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDA,"Y, FEBRUTARY 24th, 1966 btUvW1FTS FEATURES Swifts Premium Rindless SLICED SIDE BACON Swifts Premium1 WItNERS Swifts Slieed BEEFLIV£.SR lb 99c lb vac pak lb 53c lb pkg 6S Prem - Save 14e LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz 40.,c Can. No. 1 Grade N. B First oftù- Season FAFFAPORANGES Produce of VS.A. -Can.No. 1 Grade. Size 24's JUM.9O CEILERY eaIk 29c Produce of Mexhco-Caa No. 1 Grade CI1~RYTQIMATO.ES pt 29c Cani. Eïxtra ýFanýcy Grade B. c' Red De1iiouis APPLE~S 5 for 39e 1eluz Faucy -Sv e4 oz. Tin & TO AT JUIC E 2à911c SAVE TMESEXý. KTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS OREATON SAV THSE ERCHANDISE CERTIFICATESO RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 TAPE.WITH o.Sz g,%nI SFEE Fleecy 64 oz Sz gRECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WITH nQUAKER OA1TMEAL, R.T.S. Pkg. of 10 gORAý,NGE JUICE- Saico 48 oz. Ting gRCVEAN EXTRA $4.00 TAEWP g VANXIRKCIPITS Choc, or Butterseoteh 6 oz. pkg.g g CATAUCHEESE Plain 8 oz. size g RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2,00 TAPE WITH cl SARA LEE CAKES - Frozen Ail varietiesg SKINLESS PR SAUSAGES - Swift Rrookfield 11h. e CELLO TOMATOES - Produce of U.S.A. Can. N.1Gae14 oz Prices Effectivý,7eîFeruary 231, 24, 25, & 26 WTe Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Save 32e - Beef or Beef & Grav PARD "'DOG FO3D Swifts - Save 12e - With Meat Balis SPAGHETTI 24 Save 17e - Beef or Irish SWIFTS STEW, Swifts - Save 10e B.EANS & WIENERS Jewel - Save 15e SHORTENING 21i1 15 oz. Tins 9 tins $1 oz tin 39c 224 ûS. Tins t ins 89c 24 oz. Tins 39c b pkgsà 69c Swanson Frozen- 4 Varietes T.V., DINNERS %il-oz 2pkgs 7l9c Save 35e - All Colours Sweet Treat - Sliced or Tidbits PINEAPPLE Topping - DREAM WHIP Ajax LAUNDRY DETERGENT Swifts - Save 5e SILVER LEAF LARD - 2 Hospitatity - Save 10e APPLE & RHUBARB PIE IGA'CHEEZ SPBEAD Hairdressing BRYLCREEM Twin Packs 4for 89c 20 oz. Tin 129e 4 oz. pkg. 57e Giant, Size 89e 1 lb. pkgs. 49e Family Size 45e 16 oz. size 53e large tube 69e, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton attended a party in Orono on Surdav afternooi to' ceilbrate his, mother, Mrs. John Morris's birthday. It was a realfamily re- union. Mrs. R. Elliott tauight Crooked Creek scliool on Mondav so that Mrs. Garnet Rickard could at- tend the f unýra1 'of lier neighbour I Mrs. Ken Wer-y. Mrs. Werry wilI be --i'eatlv, missed in lier home but a'ço in the wider field of the United Church Women's work in our presbytery. Due to the extreme cold on Sunr'ay, Feb-uary 20, the church * service was withdrawn. Tile Wo""rn's Institute met at the io-ie 4 fM's. E Couroux on Feb -uary 16 with the President Mrs A; Low in the chair. It was decided that we give five dollars to t.hi-' Heart Foîîrdation, The .mat -a' for- the new qti1!t was paiC for-. T-e rneeýi ig took the form of a deril ý 'n.The subject "A Heat"-, Di 'rer." Th'- roll eall 'My fa' ourite di n-r, first and seco-" ' P'),rse.' Molto - 'Good Pool Cookedi Right.' T',en the Home Ecopomics con- venor demionstrated how to pre- pare a Dinner-in-a-skillet and lat-, er Dutch apple pie. These dishes were enjoyed by tlie ladies, The next mpeting will' lie in Kendal Mardi 23. There passed axvay in Black- pool, England, Kendal's oldest citizen, on February the seocnd~, la the person of Mr. Frank Stok.- er. He fouglit in the Boer War and in the First World War. In 1920 lie puirchased the Stoker His which he farmed, north of jMr. Arthur Thompson's farm. and the home in Kendal west of the General Store. In December 1962 lis second. wife Esthier nredeceased him. Su in 1963 he solId his Kendal prop- erty a",d "'tto îve "ith bis sistfe'- in Bakol England.' On l',( aflI rnool, of M\/arch lst Miss Ray, Our Home Economist, is giving a talk on Kitchen plan- ning in Orono. some of Our ladies wish. to, attend. Therefore our United Chiurch Wompn are to meet on Thursday afternoon at two p.m. at the home of Mrs. E. Couroux, Mardi 3rd. Sorry to report Mr. Wes Tebble is in the Bowmanville Hlospital. COBOURG ARENA UNSAFE CLOSEII FOR REPAIRS Mayor J. A. Ijeenan airnounced late Wednesday afternoon that the Cobiourg Memorial Arena would lie closed immediately. The decision to close -the arena was made affer an ail day meet- ine by tlie rirk board to, study an extensive series of reports suli- niitted by a consulting engineer- ing firm, a safety engineer and the local town engineer. Mr. Heenan elaborated stating that the main cause for concern were the cernent blocks which make up the sides of the arena and the ends which are partîally bearing walîsý. Part ofthe report stated that a noticeable differ- ence in the condition of the walls had taken place since last Satur-, day and that drnstic change in i temperature or a henvy vibration miglit resuftit l a wall collapse which could cause death or in- jury to any persons in the rink at the time. Population F I Ex los NQ;in 25 lb 89C Size 9015 d oz 69c CHIPS' A oz79 FISH & CHIPS 24oz5 ce ~1,