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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1966, p. 1

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Oran-o VOLUM1E 28, NUMBER Fir-t Birthday Celebrating lier first birtliday on Idarcli 6tli is Cheryl Annette M'len, 'daugliter of Terry and tioreeu iAfflin, Orono. Her grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen and Mr. and Mrs. James Wtafifield, alI _of Orono.,Her great ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1966 F .5 Apply For rI 11188 Cle'rk Position Educa tion Ievy to jOump by 14 Milis in Clarke T wp g, andpare11ts are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Palmer, Trenton, great graudmothers are Mrs. Margaret Allen, Orono and Mrs. Irene Mercer of- Kendal. Her great great grandfatlier is Mr. Walter Rogers of Trenton. Propose New tocudtion. for Orono Post Office Followiug a mneeting witil the rooPoiice Truistees the De- partment of Puiblic Wtorkýs are to re-opn mtlie loca-tion for a Post office lu thie Village of Orono. Tw-,o representatives' of the De- partnetl discu-ssed the location of a PostL Office lu Orono wlien they met witli the Trustees on Monday eveniug. Tlie represeuta- tives stated tliat tliey would like to resolve the location and get on, ','th the work. E, R. Woý)dyDrd stated that lie was not lu faveuir of placing the 'Pont Office on the 'Waddell prop- eryon tlie east side of Churcli Stret. This was agreed upon last ye-ir between tlie Trustees and heDepartmeut. 111 Simpsoui stated that lie did not wýaut to see it in the middle -,f a block nîl by itself but that possible locations were runniug 'eut. Four possible locations were discussed by the group, including, thpe ea st portion of tLhe liotel block, and old barn; thie Orono Garage, Mr. Dent's bilding and the Orono Municipal Buildling. The Departmet is first te investi- gate the possibility of pnrcliasing laud fromn east of the liotel block from Mr. K. Lycett. Tliere was hoWever, some doulit as to wlietli- er or not tliere was enougli-land available in this block for botli the liotel and the Post Office. The 'Orono Garage site was~ ruled out as too mnucl iflîl woud be needed on the west portion of the property. Failiug to locate a building site for the Office the De- partment will investigIate olitain- ing rentai property haviug from 900 to 1000, square feet. Mr Dents property on Main Street lias the uecessary footage for the, Post Education levics for property ewners in the Township of Clarke are to take a substantial jump this year. The Township of Clarke Council received notification from the District Higli School Board that they are requesting from Clarke n sum of $138,096.25 which is an increase of $41,613.90 o zor that of last vear. This incrense will mean a miii r-ite increase of approxirnntely t-n milis in the H-igh Scbool rate a1one. The Clarke Township Public ýýchool Area bas also complctcd their requirements for the year which notes another increase lu an arnount of iround four mills. The total education mili rate in- crease will come to fourteen mills. Council of the Township of Clarke donated ia surn- of $75.00 to the Orono Public Library. By res- ilution Councîl appointed Mr. Lyall Lowery as Warble Fly In- spector. A resolution of Couincil was passed settiug up a Co-ordiuatiug Committee to consider a Road Needs study lu Clarke. It was eonsidered that such a study, es- timated to cost- $8.060.00, would give a better indication of where rnoney shonld be spent on roads lu the Township. The Road Superintendeut ask- ed Council to consider their rond bouudary agreement with Hope Township. At the present time, hie feit, Clarke was doing road work on a Hope Township road. 'Lie Rond Commnittee is to dis- cuss the agreeiejit with Hlope. Couinci 1 he Orono Police Truistees are te meet inComm it- tee this Friday eveuiug 'at 7:30 concerniug resolutions, presented to Conucil on many matters con- cerning the Police Village. Township of Clarke Vouchers were passed as follows for Feb- ruary: (leneral voucher - 1748.13 ]Rond voucher - 13,062.15 Welf are voucher' - 1,966.00 Reeve Stone said lie would like to see some action lu formiug the Centetnulal Cornmittee and that to date tliey had ouly one appoint- ment. Ail organizations lu the Township sliould be represented ou this Committee, lie said. By resolution the pump aud pressure system ns advertised was sold to Mr. Ralph Green- wood for an~ amount of $42.00. A request for a saiary of $4500. by Mr. H. deWith was referred to the Road and Bridge Commit- tee as was an increase in pay for Township road employees who asked for an increase of 4 5c an hour. b y haif am The Orono Police Trustees on' Monday evening set their budget for the year which will increase the Village miii rate by an esti- mated haîf mili over that of last year. The Trustees are asking the council of the Township of Clarke to collect a sum of $850000 on the Village assessment. The increase resulted when E. R. Woodyard ,proposed an addi- tion to the prepared budget of a sum of $350 00 to assist with a new dump. Mr. Simpson, wlo had preparedl the budget feit that the sum could corne from the miscel- laneous account and thus not in- crease the Village levy over that of last year. The $35000 was add- ed to the prepared budget. Rt was reported that when fin- ai figures are received that a sur- plus of at least S2200.00 will exist from 1965. Expenditures included in thie budget are: Water pavmnent $1000.00 ance and repairs 2,000 00 Street Iig,-htiing20.0 New streetlglt1000 Garbage collection--- 1860.00 Beautification __ -----500.90 Library - -- ------ 750.00O Fýre Departmient . ?'.00 Trusteesý and clerical 600.06 Side-walks 750.00 Tree plantiug and removal 300.00 L.O.D.A. 60.00 Planning 300.00 Garbage dump 350.00 Miscellaxieous 1500.00 Total $13,520.00 Futher to the local budget the Clerk aslks for heariugi1, Counciln noves A resoîntion passed by tlie Council of the Township of Clarke on Tuesday calls for the dismissal of Mr. H. E. Milîson as Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collect- or cf thu Township of Clarke. Mr. Millson's duties expire on March -31st, 1966. The resolution was moved liv Councillor R. Chater, seconded by Deputy- reeve L. Perrault and carried by Councillor L. Lowery. It gave ne reason for the dismissal. Following the passiug of tlie resolution Mr. Milîson presented Council witli a letter requesting a liearing due to the decision by Council et liis dismissal and due te thie fact that no reasouable ex- planation was given te hl.m. The request for the hearing was made auder provisions cf tlie Munici- p)al Act an~d is te he ~hel Stur- day, March l2th at 2:00 p.m. lu presenting the letter Mr. Mlison said that lie was sorry te have teo corne te thîs "but you have given me ne other alterna- tive. I was lioping that something could have been settled," lie said. Followiug the opening of five applications for the position of Clerk-Trensurer as advertîsed, Council was about te recess/,,tle meeting te another niglit. At this peint Mr. Milîson nsked te spenk te Council. Mr. Milîson stnted that he felt that Council lad been keeping him iuna difficult spot since Feli- ruary l4th. Can you give me a decision in regards te rny posi- tien, lie askedl? "I ar n ncornfort- able and so is my fnmily '. . '. I wishi yout wou-ld mrake a decisionl." Reeve Stone feit Council should think it over. fair te have te carry on under the present conditions. One thing is certain 1 will have te overcome a black mark on my reputation, lie said. "You have saîd yen would explalu your position." Reeve Stone lu the discussion, said lie would present a letter of recommendation for the Clerk. "I would lie glnd te receive it and one frorn every member cf Council,o- snid Mr. Milîson. Mr. Milîson repeated thnt lie was nsking Council te give sorne reason for their decision. ."I arn nsking you te make a decision to remove me from the position 1 find myself in now." "If lie wants ont then rescind the by-law", said Deputy-reeve Perrault, "tis is what lie is ask- iug for." Reeve Stone asked thc feeling of Council, Councillor Chater said thie y would have te have tirne te, con- (Continued page 8) Above are Mr. aiidMs Ter- and Mrs. John Ferren, Orono a nd rence Allen Canleton who were the groom thc soni of Mr. and Mrs recently married in Bowmiauville. The bride is the daughter cf Mr. Ray Carleton, aiso of Orono. 0 lllil, Mil Five applications for the posi- tion of Clerk-Treasurer and tax collector for the Township of Clarke were received hy the Township of Clarke on Tuesd-ay, Applicants were:- Mr. Gerarders Verevey of Bow- manville recluesting a salary somewhlere around $5,000.00. Mr. W. Graliam Dallas, Hamp- ton, presently treasurer of Dar- lirpo .4 Township requesting $7500 00. M,'. Gordon Simpson,, Orono, former- se'-retary Or-opo Police T oçutees, requesting $5300.00. lUir. Donald M. Tofflemiere, .indsay, 16 years in the field of a se.»sme tt, requesting $6500,00. Mr. J. Naorski, Fort William, a oe ',niri t witb municipal ex- perience. Trustees are to ask Council of the 'rowo-shin of Clarke to arrange a -oari budget eof.$7,500.00 of which. $4.500,00 is to be for new con- struction.. In discussing the Village ronds and -drainage Mr. Woodyard re- ferred to the great amount of wnork to lie doue and sugggested the possibility of going to deben- tîi es ln order to do most of the work at once. He also stated con- (Coutiuued page 8) 300 Attenmd Three hundred ladies ftrm the ceînmunity atten ded the Outarîo Hydro Showtime held in Orono, United Church basement on Tues- r1av' eveuing. The evening was snIOInsored by the U.C.W. of the rhuirchi towic over tliree hun- dred pre-sale tickets were sold, The evening includled the show- le" gof a film out11liniug ýZconditiOnS to be followed in butildingI Gold Meclallion! homes. A fuil course ove -n neaI. was prepared along xvih dsserts. The demonstration anid film proved most interesting. SA numnber of luicky draws were- held wîth the following win.nersý: Mrs, Bonnie Reidl and Mrls. Ray- mound Chapmnan, electric blankets, Mr s. Russel Major, electriec dock Mrs. Mlarge Lowèery, egg cooker;' Mrs. ILyle McMahon, sandwich toaster; Mrs. Orley -Chapman, a heating pad aud Mrs. Olive Heu- derson, student's desk larn.p. Entireproceeds frorn the show- tirne will.go to the Orono U.C.W.

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