ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, THURSDAV, MARCII lotit, 1966 Thy foot He'II fhot let slide "Hec7 will not suffer thy foot to, kept hlm from faiiing into temp- be moved. -Psalm 121: 3. tation. Taken from a sermon preached 5. But there remains the one by Rev. D. Arscott at Orono Un- great safeguard against our fail- ited Church. ling into temptation and that is to he (as Paul says in bis letter In Jamaica, the land, fromi to the Phîlippians) "in the 'Lord" which I corne, there is a saying iAlways to remember Jesus that "life is strewn with ripe ban- Christ; aiways to waik with Hlm; ana skin." There is ini ife the; always to feel fis presence with cûi1star,, pssibi1J4xr of siipping us. and faiing, almost inadvertently, When ei ugsin oew into temptation. ci ugsin oew Imust instantiy recaîl that we be- In our text the Psalmist is long to .Christ, and are safe with thinkilng of 1f e as a perilons and lIim, and make swift prayer for slippery pathway full of the most heîp. dangerous pitfalls, and he says of God:, "He wiii not let your foot Dr. Leslie Weatherhead gives slide." us an excellent illustration £rom bis own experience in Mesopo- It is not possible that we should tamia during the first Worid War, escape ýtemptation.ý We have a He, and others were riding fast nature and we inhahit a world on horseback in the desert. They which makes temptation inevit- had left the tracèk and were quite able. But in the very structure of unconscious of the fact that in life there are strong and preclous front of them, and indeed, round things which wili, if we ýrememberI thern on thrce sides were sorne th.em, keep us from slipping and ,nost terrible quicksands, which failing. wonld have sucked in both hors- 1. First, there is the memory les and riders, and there wonld of our traditions. When the temp- 1hv been littie hope of escape. tation cornes to us to take some suddenly an Arab seemed to lift unworthy way we should be hait- himseif ont of the sand and ai- cd by the thought that we bear rnost at their feet, and with ont- a name as Christians to which we stretched arms and1 wiid eyes dare not bring discredit.ý, We are nieaded with them. to pull up. flot our own. We belong to God. And Mr. Weatherhead comments: We beio'ng to a Church to which "I have often thought that that we dare not bring shame. Wc is like Christ. 11e seces us riding, serve .a Master whosc honour on riding fast in these days sur- earth is. in a certain sense, in rounded by quicksands of temp- our hnds.tation. Hc calls ns in fis urgent 2. Further, there is the thoughtl of Our own self-respect. If we stoop to something mean, low or unworthy we may hide it from others but we cannot hide it from ourselves; and life becmes an intolerable thing when a man does sornethin« which his own conscience. condcmns. 3. -But stili more personai and more compeliing - there is the mcmory of those whom we love and of those who love us. When a man is tempted to "dishonouir and to sin suirely hie shouifd ask him-self, "Is this thiing going te bring pain and sorrow to those I love?" Someone once wrote a parable like this: "<A man sat by the door of his house. His neighbour sat beside hlm and tempted hlm.' 'You are poor' said the neighbour, ', and you are out of work. Here is a way of bettering, yourself. It wili be an easy jobi and it WÎii brin- hn money. it is no more dishonest than many things that are donc, today by respectable people. You'Il be a fool to throw away sc a chance as this; corne with me and w wil settie the matter at oc. And the man1 listened. Just then bis young wife came to the door of the cot- tage, and she had her baby in her arms. 'WHI lyou hold the baby for a few minutes', she said. 'H1e is-fretful, but 1 I ust get on with the washing.' ýThe man took the baby and heldhlm on bis knees; and as he held hlm the child looked up,' and the eyes of the child spoke. 'I am flesh of your ïIesh' said the chiid's ýeyes. 'I arn soul of your soul. Where you lead 1 ýshall foiiow. Lead the way father, for my feet corne after yours.' Then said the man to bis neigh- bour , 'Go, and tempt me no more." 11 This man was kept from falling by the consciousness that, though he might not care whether or not he brought disaster to hirnseif, he could not brîng disaster to those he loved. 4. But this very thought goes bcyond time. and stretches into eternity. Not only does the thought of those we love on earth keep us from faiiing, but also the memory of the unseen loud of witnesses who compass us a- bout. Robert Moffatt that great missionary to South Africa when he came near the end of bis work for God upon this earth told of the mernory of bis late mother which sustained him. WThcn he was ieaving home as a lad, she said: "Robert, you are going out, into a wicked world. Promïse me that you will begin every day with God, and close every day with GCod." Then she kiss,'ed3hlm. Mtoffat said thti wa, that kiss that made hlm al M,~i av.It was the promise way, "Back, back on your life; there is terrible danger ail round you.,, Jesus knows the broad way. and H1e knows that ail round thîs complacent, respectable if e of ours there are pit-falîs and sinking sands of sin which would suck the very substance of our soul. H1e implores us ail to ýý,o back to the steep, narrow path which is the Way of Life, steep and narrow, but a road - the road, where the feet do not slip. Ilere is our great. safeggard and our defencè. We have the nresence of Jesus; ail life is lived in it. Blut we have more -r we have Ilis strength and His spirit;, and when H1ecornes to dwel within our hearts He can give us the victory which He won Him-: self. if you seek to meet life alone, the seduction of the cvii influ- ences from outside you, and from withi*n your hcarts is -bound to be too mucli for vou . But, if you i meet Elle vith Christ, if you ai- low Hirn to take possession of yothen, guided by Hlm, You will neyer lose the way, proteet- ed by Hlm., vou wili keep vur- self unspotted by the evil of the world; upheld by Hlm, _you WilIi not faint or faîl. "11e w-111 not suffer thy foot to be moved." RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE r WITH YOUR HELP + -------------- EXERCISE 'UiNIfEALTIIY' DOCTOR SAYS If you are a businessman you. can stop running around the block every morning to get 'fit', unless you need the starnina in vour everyday life. This is the advice of Dr. Gerald Machinik, head of the industrial safety and health section of the South African Nursing Journal. Dr. Machinik says 'exercise makes one fitter for only one thing - more exercise. "Contrary to common belief, !ganized exercises do not pro- long your life span, do not in- crease resistance to disease and do flot make us heaithy." To be 'fit' he added, means to "have the ability to 'cope with the demands made upon you at, work and in your leisure"1 THS YOU 111E BAHA'I WORLD FAITH TEACIIES THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: 1. The oneness of mankind. 2. Independent investigation of Trutit. 3. The foundation of ail Religions is one. 4. Religion mnust be the cause of Unity. 5. Religion must be inaccord with science and reason. 6. Equaiity between men and wornen. 7. Prejudice of ail klnds must lie forgotten. 8. Universal Peace. 9. Universal Education. 10. Spiritual solution of the economic problemn. 11. A universal language. 12. An International Tribunal. Would you like te know more about titis Universal Religion -or about any of the above principles? For Free Literature Please Write To Oshawa Baha'i Comrnunity 293 Glenview Ave, Oýshawa, or Telephone Oshawa 723-3281. Nobody wIlli eau on you unless you request it. .eaaa~eoe ~ofboecnonoo PLESEWELCOME YOUR,,CANVASSER, M.ýý,RCH 1 m 4- 18 B wAâN VILLE AND 'DISTRICT BRANCH CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY O ON OCanvyass Captinmilims. Win. Crady Branch Campaign Chairman, Mr. W. WValhce, Bowmanville EA8-TER leeDON'T DELAY SEND YOUR ENVELOPE TO-DAY Mau, SEALS