4 Mil l ORONO' VOLUME 29, NUMBER 9 WE'EKLY' ORONO W'EEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, 14d 7th, 1966 Boaaldteacer in n Thle te'achers of Clarke Town- slipi Public Schools have rejectedt a proposal of iees to their wage schedule. Mrs. Barlow re- ported to the Clarke Tawnship Plublic Sehool Area toard that the increase of $100.00 in ail cat- 'gories for minimum and maxi- niuml plus the annual increment of $200.00 diUd nat meet with the approval of the majority off teach- ers in the, area. The teachers, she -pointed out, are asking for an --rease oi $200.00 to the mini- mumî' and $1000 to the maximum in Class Ï, Plus the annual in- cement. Increases in other cate- glories rag fra-n $300.00 to $5Ù00.00 to the minimumi and $1100.')00 to $1300,00 ta the maxi- On motion of MIessrs. Wml. Wan- an an James Low,ýery, the Board Ppprvd the $100.00 increase ndasked that it, be taken b--ack two the teacher-s. Mr- WaInnan'- stat- ed îtha the Clarkem wage schedule asabo)u t the ame as neighbour- ing" municipalties. Mr. Lawrence rOeenwood f et that teachers were- certainily nlot overpaid as ofUIces -were offering similar a- fanounts with no extra work need- ,Pd inuthe evenings. The CIarke Township wage îshduel as foilows (this does noýt irilurle the proposed $100.00 Mi n. C 1sa~...2$000 2 -$3700.00 3 $4000.00 4 $30.0 Max. $46000 $4900,00 $5200,00r $5ý500,0Ôl Principals receive an extra 't150-00 p)er classrfoom. The teachers request wouald es- tablish the mfinimiumn for Clas at $S3600.00 and the m, axim um at ýMD6O)Û000.Ciass IV wouid change t$4800.00 toaa maximum of Mrs. iBarow aisa informed the Bloard that agreement had been establiýshed] for caretaking, the Nepwtonville Sehlool, 4 roomis and auditorium, for a manthiy sal- ary of $1410.00. The Board ap- prov.ed the agreement. Ia the correspandence was a capy of letters ta the County Cauncil fram)i the Tawnship of Clarke akigthe Co'unties ta pass aiby law ýýta dissolve the Ujnion Schioalseto f Marsh schooi and Nwakaho.With diaso7,lvn thesýe 1two union sec- tion andadWitianal aý,ýssaent of $13,00.00Will be added ta the ClrePublic Sc-hoi Area. The major portion of this assýessment $132,0u0.00, camnes fromn Mosport' and area. Mr. Greenwoodl stated that he had met with the County, Consultative Committee on this matter and that, agreement had been reached betwcen the variaUs utunicipalities. Mrs. H. H. Barlow and Mir,. Bpest are to attendà the Ontario Sehool Trustees conference later this month. Mrs. Barlow feit there was much ta be gained by attending these canferences. The resignation of Mr. Gary Ellis, grade seven teacher at the Orono Public Schoal was receiv- ed. It was also statedl that two teachers would be aeeded at the Rendal Schoal. M.fi. Best, secretary-treasur- er, reported' a banik balance of $15,724.22. fie. alsa repcated an aggregate attendance of 740 with a percentage attenidance of 95.2. -Ja iscussing whether or nct an officiai opening shiould be heid for the additîinlat the Newton-ý ville Sehiool the mnajority of the Board appeared ta favour such an openin, late in June. M.,rs. Bar- lo~w feit that an off icial openlng inay be la accord due to school pidie anid would possibly creaÀte hetterreltions. Mr. Çreawood ,stated that attendance at previ- (Ççmitinuied page 8) Tonight1ý at the Oddfellow's iaill he Newcastle Lionettes are sosrn a Card Party ln aid of thec Orono Artificial Tee Fund. Further to the Card, Party there will, be a' Bake Sale and a draw. A muilti(tude of prizes hv been obtained for the evening to be dfistributed for various accomrplishlments. The Lionettes raised a sum of $170.00 recentiy in New- castle for 'the Newcastle lce« F'und by a similar evening. NatuValGus For Orono Conumea'Gas Company anti- cipate inistalli¶ng gas mains la the Village af Or'ono this year. This information as provided by Mr. C. fIL Worid, Manager East Cen- tral District ofa Consumers, Gas Coiiampay, Oslhawa who was la Or- anao on Mvonday of this week. The Compa-),ny la ta file a re- quest for a franchise from the Township of Clarke which they hope wiLl be, considered by Coun- cil at their April meeting. If the franchise is granted the Company work on the ýproject could com ncel the month of May. O r olnonchai ber Co mit e Present Many Proposais TheÔon Chamiber of Com- area cauld be estabiished on the mnerce, at its regular mneeting at site of the present dumip. The thie New Duteli Oven Restaurant dump is tLo be cieaned 'up this; on Monday evening passed a mo- year and is naw owned by the tion authorizing the Chamber of Township and is under the jurîs- Commnerce -Finance Cammittee ta) dictioni of 1e Centeninial Com- mnonthily ra.spok-en ta thib chairman of the Cenltenial Colinmiittee and there Monthl Drawappeared a£ good possibility of The proposai is to seli two hun- turninig this area into a. campsite. drced tickets for a mionthîy draw The Chamber Committee la to of $100.-00 and a grand draw in meet wt the Cente-nniai Com- Decemnber of $500-00. The month- mittee when they next meet. At 1), draw is to be heidj for the this time they hope to discuss the nine month period ta December possibiîity or arranging a camp- with tickets beng sold ia advance ing area on the present dumnp for this period.,Tickets are to be site. -Mr. Norton said toilets $2.00 a month with a $1.00 charge W benddadth sm to enter tlhe draw initialîy. It wuld abe eddand that sfom e la through this draw that the manennay bre aalal ro h Chamber intends to finance tîheir Cetnilpoet projets dringthe ear.Mr. Norton also stated that projects teduringwthin:year. -Mr. R. Dickson, chairman of ths1 h nywyl hc th 1e Fnane Cmmiteestaed to,-uriats can be attracted to the the~~~~~~~~ Fiac omtesaedvlage. that the bank balance was $295.75. Centenniai Repýort Tourst ommiteeMr. H. Partnier, Chairman of Mr.J. Norton, a memiber af t1,e Centen,,nial Cammittee, re- the Tauist Cammittee, praposed ,1ported on a number of prajects the establishment of a camping which the committee praposed area ta attract touriats ta the Vil- may be undertaýken. lage. fie suggested that a camping In connection with beautifica- tion he, suggested hanging flower baskets from the hydro poies and 'People are youlr atbath etace no rn flower bed. On the latter Mr. Partner said the ýCurvply Woad reatest aûsset' the piyw.oad oand thato Mr. H. tePraducts anffd taMu.pH. The Orono Chamber of Com- fiorencli had affered ta construct nerce mret on Monday, evening the twelve foot flower beda. sith fourteen members present. The Chamber acted on the àfr. Ed 1-iaynes of Cobourg was hanging flower basket' proposai he guest speaker who outined giving the committee authority :he benefit-s t thecommunity ,,f ta 'proceed ta obtain permission touriSM and also outlined. the from the Telephone Company ta work of the Great Pine Ridge use their paies and on receiving 1Paurist Assciation in promoting this permission ta praceed ta con- aurism n t his area of the Prov- struct the baskets. ince. Mr fHaynes is president of Mr. Partner also suggested cmi-, (C'ortinued, Page 6) (Cantinued page 8) ti ti 'i tc ir 1Candace Dolny, 8,yea~r old mno- de], received a dîiploma from the Walter Thoraton of Canada Limi- ted Sehool of Modellîng la Tocronto an Friday, February 25th. By rea- son of her attalamnents, Candy was entitled ta the highest honours of the school. Praud parents are Walter and Lesia Dolny,, of Mosport Restaur- ant, north of Orono. Prospose 120 anre ortïigfil lake for the Township f Cark It. was learn'ed from Mr. Ray Foster an Wcdnesday that the Gan- araska Conservation Authority has approved plans for a conservation and recreational area consisting of an 120 acre artificial lake la the Township of Clarke. Approval was given ta have acrial photos and en- gineering plans.campleted for the, project. The develapmnent of the arti- ficiai lake would serve as water conservation and a conservation and recreational area. The plans for the acheme were startedi ast year RnD were placed la Mr. Foster's hands on Tuesdayý. They were prepared by the Department af Energy Resources. Mr. Faster informed ýthis news- paper that two plans have been drawn up.. The fîrat plan outlines an artificial lake af 120 acres while the second plan outlines a 40 acre lake. Coaýt af the larger develapment is estimated at $170,000-00 while the lesser one rangeA around $80,000.00.. The developmeîpt as accepted by the Ganaraka wili be locat- ed on the Graham Creek betweea the third and fourth, concession roada la the Towýýnship of Clarke. Mr. Foster points out thatýt there la good accesa ta thiïs areaX over Township roada and that a bridge on tlhe Morgani's rond which needs replacing would be the site for the dam. The bridge and dam would be incorporated as one uniit. Lt was also pointed out ta the Times that such a de- (Continued on page 6) o ls isaof Twp. cI rk Following a meeting in Comn- mrittee on. Tuesday evening the Council of the Township af Clarke is ta take no action la dismnissing their Clerk-treasurer, Mr. fi. E. Milîson. The meeting on Tuiesday evening was a resumptîin of the March mneeting wh'ih hadi been recessed, The major portion of the session was la commnittpe of the enir council, their solictor, E. R. Lovekin and the clerk-treasurer, H., E. Millson. It bas been learned that no ac- tion af dismissal is ta be carried out. La this regard the clerk-trea- surer was authorized 'ta answer those applicants who had applied for the position of cierk-treasurer as advertisedi by the Towwnship. A letter wvas received by Council stingtat a hiearinig will be heid on Tueèsday,ý, March 29th as request- ed by the tomm of-.-Poat Y-ope to consider posible changes in thedî vision of costs of the Durha ii- trict, fiigh School. The meeting is being held in Port fIape under the direction af thte Ontario Municipal, Board. A request for a franchise ta lai- staîl gas lines in the Township af Clarke (Orono) was referred ta the Township solicitor for stuody. A request from the Police Vil- lage of Orono ta increase the (log tax within the Police Vîi1ag-e was referred tai the Finance Committee for their consideraton and possi. bility of extending an increase in- to the area of the whole ofl the Township, (Continued on page 5) Thougbt for week A tiny seed can fali, And a big Oak- wili grow. The sort of seed, the sort of tree it'll be. TlaIMES,