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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Mar 1966, p. 2

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ORONO OR#IONQ WEEKLY TIMES <Auàiorized u scodCa~ iipost OfficeDprtet Ott avva Publis;Ie-d evi-ýry Tirnrsdzay atth off ice mb at MaIn $îree-, Pnon,,e 10, rono,unao Es~ahIise n 19'38, by R. A. Forrester RoyC. orrste -Editor and Manager Supports 'Cardin RiEPORT FROM OTTAWA iing Shakespeare. "'Man, proud Russell C. Honey, M.P., Duirhamn man, dressed in a littie brief auth- Justice'Mnister Lucien Cardinority, most ignorant of What he's is a slight (130 pounds)ý, short'most assured." (5'6") personable 416 year old! On another occasion the Con- lawyer from Sorel, Quebec. Born servatîve heaped ridicule on Mr.1 ir the United States and educat- Cardin describing him as a "wolf ed at Loyola College and the Uni-,parading around in clothing in- versity of Montreal, the Minister herited fromn a giant." is perfectly bilingual.j The Justice Minister fought Ur. Cardin served in the -Royal baeck, we esi,"o h CaainNavy during World ýpast 141 years I have sat in this War Il. One of my Port Hope house and 1 have watched the bion- neïghbours served with him, and ourable member (Mr. Diefen- recalis"Je Cardin as being a baker) pummel away at a chosen fine fellow and a good sailor. political opponent, heaping abuse, 1Those of us who have known ridicule, scorn, accusations and Mr. Cardin for some years would!!insinuiations, of ail sorts uponý him probably say that is only fault with evident delight." 11 is an excessive moadesty, and a The touigh littie Justice Min- hesitanicy to assert himnself. ister concluided bis assessment of Tt bas been comm-on knowledge Mr.' Diefenbaker's attack bv sav- on Parliament Hill for the past îng . . . ',it wouîd seem to me tnontbs that Conservative Leader that the right bionourable gentle- John Diefenbaker was gOing to man (Mr. Diefenbaker) has un- "ge,' Justice Minister Cardin. fortunately attainied a degree of Hie almost succeeded. But hie did political conceit that every time not calculate accurately tbe tougb he decides to make loud noises fibre of the sailor turned lawyer- he expects the government, par- - politician. liament and everyone in it tO Mr. Dienfenbaker chose the jump. Well I refuse to jump.", Spencer spy case as tbe club with The time spent in the debate which to deÉtroy Cardin. This Re- could better have been devoted port is not about the Spencer to the consideration of the, na- matter. The Prime Minister, at tîon's business. Parliament. and the conclusion of the debate, or- the Canadian people are the los- àered. a judicial enquiry into the ers wben the time of Parliament question of whether or not Spen- is used. as a vehicle to advance cepr had been fairl1y dealt with. a personal vendetta. 1 was one of those wbo j elt that ________________ this action sbould have been takn sverl onts ao I C therefore wvelcomed the action ofH C plan ýxür wua .. thie Prime _Minister's decision whicb recognized the right of The Hi-C is planning several spencer to0 an impartial hearing. programmes for the future. On Ttiat decision, how;ever, was somne- Sunday( March 27, we are having thing apart fromn the Diefenbak- a guest speaker and a film. Also er-Cardin feudi wbich' 1 want to weaepanngabstpt describe in this column. ;Ottawa during tbe Easter holi- During the debate, Mr. Cardin days on April Il and '12. We will dïescriibed the real motives of Mr. be staying at the Lord Elgin Ho- Diefenbaker when he said. tel in Ottawa and bope to see "lthe real issue is not Spencer. mïany ixteresting sites and it This is merely an excuse to0 put, should prove edutcational, into effect the execution wbich We are planning a car' wash I the honourable miember (Mr. to raise meney for this project. It Diefenbaker) bas wantled to car- will be held at the Fina Station rýy ouit for quite somne time." âMr. south of Orono. Also coming up is Deebak-er launched his attaç.k a Hi-C rally in Oshawa April 22, on the Justice Minister my quot- 23, 24. EARLY SPRING REQUESTED t Consuit your sale bill forI the miany Bargains in our March, Sale frorn l7~th to 2,7th IADDITION WE ALSO HAVE- Full line E aster Candy Goodiles,j Easter Bonnets, Gloves. j Seeds, Vegetable, Flower, Rulbs,,A ayls JArtificial Flowers, Peat' Pots, Pü.nch 'N Grow Flowers and Tomatoes. Chîina Cupsand Saucers 3 for 79e I aster Cards, Greeting Cards, Etc etc., etc. Orono 5Cto lýPHONE ORONO 1922, Best test of medical insurance plans.. COMPARE THE BENEFITS anidyou'll want this* one! Tlirough 20 years of service, it has been a iid policy of Ontario Medical Co- operatives to keep ahead of other mnedicaf, plans with an extra margin of protection benefits. to offer somnething more for youir money ini a personalizeéd, Iocaliz-ed mi.ediçal care program. à - - - - - - - - Durhamu Co-operative Medical Orono, Onta rio 1'Pleuse #end détails of yow fates ed covarage to: INome ................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ... I.............................E I Th : rqe--- - flot -b-i-ae-me -n-a - - - -- Today over 200,000 people ini Ontarîo are already enjoying fr-eedom fromi worry about doctor's biUs '... and today you too can share the expanded benefits of a proven plan that includes mats>'such 'nargin.a1" coverage items as chiropractic treatments: annuel 'check-u s' (even if you have1 no' illness symptoms)ý,a id up tq 80% coverage ofdrugs, hôme nursing'. am~buance services, etc. Yes, itpays to be careful in the selectioi of your investment ini security and peace of niind. Mail coupon for complete inform- ation and the location. of your County Medical Co -operaitive. *CO..OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES FEDERAT10N with 31 C, nur, M2dic8I C-opïtveý thî Ou îOLI- 1966 UORGANIZATION MEETINGS FOR DURHIAM-COIINTY 4HAGRICULTURAL CLUBS' An invitation is extended to ail young farm folk in Durham County ivho were 12 by January 1, 1966, and not be 21 by December 31 , 1966 to join one or more of -the following clubs at the organization meetings listed be- low. Saturday, March l9th - 9:30 a.m.- Bethany Town Hall ' Millbrook 4-H Caif Club, North Duirham 4-H Corn Club and Durham 4-H Pô- tato Club. Saturday, March l9th - 1:30 - Orono Town Hall - Durham+4H Dairy Caîf Club, Durh'am 4-H Beef Caîf Club, Durham 4-H,,Poultry Club, Durham 4-H 'Corn Club, Durham 4-H Barley (Grain) Club and Durham 4-R' For- estry Club. Monday, Marci 2lst - 8:00 pr..-, Ontario De- ~partment of Agriculture, 14 Frank St., Bow- manville - Durhamn 4-H1 Swine Club and Dur- liam.4-H Sheep Club. Tuesday, March 22nd - Welcome United Church - 7:30 p.m. - Hope 4-H Caif Club Monday, March 28th - 8:00 p.m, - Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, 14 Frank Street, Bow- -mavile.Durham 4-H- Engineering Club, If yctu cannot attend but wish further information, contact Exten- sion Brandi, Ontario Departmnent of Agriculture, 14 Frank Street, Bow- manville, Ontario. 0

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