OIRONO WEEKLV TIMIES, THURSDAY, IMARCH l7th, 196,6 IMan's Treasure, From a sermon preached by 1ev. B. E. Long. Scripture: 2. Kings 20: 12-19. Joy Davidson, in her book 'SMOKE ON THE MOUNTAIN': asks the question, "What shape is an idol?" Her, answer takes vani- ous forns among which the the following:- "I worship a fishtail Cadlillac con- vertible brother, ail my days 1 give it offerings, of ail and polish. fours of my tirne are devoted to its ritual, and it brings me luck in ail my undertakings; and it establishes me among my fellows as a suiccess in life. What model is your car, brother?" "I worship my house beautifull, sister. Long and loving medita-' tion have 1 spent on it,,the chairs1 contrast with the rug, the cur- tains harmonize with the wood- work, ail of it is perfect and holyý. The ash trays are in exactly the right place and should some blasphemer drop ashes on the f!loor, 1T nearly dlie of shock. I live only for service of mny house and it rewards me with the envy ~of iny sisters, who miust rise up and call me blessed. Lest my children profane the holiness of miy house with dirt and noise, 1 drive them out of doors. What ,Shape is your idoi, sister-?" The seripture lesson takes up back many.hunlreds of years to the scene of a king's palaece. The political se tting is one of intrigeue and alliances. Hezekiah, king of the tiny kingdom of Judah, is flattered by a visit from messen- gers who have been, sent by the- 8tjJ *uo~qegjo Sui'- injiaod account has Hezekiah stating that he showed them ail of his treas- tires, the silver, the gold, the spices, the preciaus oHl, his arm- ory. Following the visit the king is confronted by the prophet of the Lord.: "Behold the days are coming when aIl that is in your house and ail that your fathers have stored up tili thlis dlay shall be carried to Babylon; nothing shall be left, says the Lord; and some of your own sons shail be taken awayr; anl they sh1-aih serve in the palace of the, king of Baby- Ion." -Then said IHeze-kiah ta isa- iah, "The word of the Lord which you have spoken is good."' For lie thought, "why not, if tere will be peace and secunity in My days." How modern was the king of Judah! H1e considered his treas- ures to be tbings hie could 'see and handie. He said nothing 'of. bis real treasure. God. Whiat hie ealed' his treasure was actualy his MIo. How modern he w'as in thinking that everything was ac- ceptable if hie was gain g toa hae peace and security in his qtfile while giving little tbought ino theý misery hie wouid leave behind. It causes us ta realize that Mr. Average Man of today bas bis idols nîso. Hie gives little thought ta the fact that be lavishes bis time and energy upon things that can s0 easily be taken awa,.y and can neyer give fuli satisfaction. H1e bows down ta tbings - bis car, bis borne. his prestige in the comrnunity;, If bie should be coný ducting someone an a tour of is treýasures he is flot likeiy ta Point out bis Bible or mention bis God. H1e does not seem ta realize that' because he worsbips, idois of one sort or another his familv is being swept into cap- tivity ta the false values and standards of aur time. Grave con- cern ougbt ta be felt concerning, the fact that we are raising a gen- eration of people wbo are willing ta accept almost anything. Moral direction is strangely lacking in rnany areas of the home, yet how can a man givý such direction when God is given s0 littie consideration. Jesus said, "Lay not. up yaurseh_1es treasures or n erih, bt l p teaure i goold income and that lie is k-eep- he is selling his failY into slav-i that we can drift writh the masses day is flot enougli. inge up wlth hjs ne hwin tHe ery - into the slavery of the coin-i and be right because 1wec are ini King Hezekiahý's treasure, was rac toacumuat thng. H jmon opinion tlhat we can live for!thie majority. silve~r, gold and armour. Jesuas' seerns oblivious of the fact that nothing and gain a great deal. Bowing clown ta' God on S,,in,- treasure is God. -What is yours? CANADA96 "-ou CANADAI966 EA ST ER s LS ENVEL0- O TO-DAY CANADA 1966 CANAOA 1966 Attention traders swappers, bargain hunters & new car shoppers! lt's time to g-et real drum-thumping values atyour A~~~~~~~~~ Ti Z T-T'E . ~~~ O MANI 169 KING. STREETEATPIEMA 3% IBO WMAN VILLE, ONTARIO 1 PIIONE- MA, BOWMAIN VILLg, ÔNTARIO