ORKONO WEEKLY TIMES, THULRSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1966 ~asting influence of the doctor on1 "at's future. Here is a mystery story that -,s so much superior to the run- -4-the-mill childen's mysteries. This tale of 'down-to-earth people -nolded by their lonely, hard life ,)ri a rough, remote island is juiv- "ile reading of a verý high cal- 4b'Ïre with a touch of excitement, - jqDnse and, good character ,h-tches. "The Coriander" takes place o n a small island, Inishgillan, off the And 1Quote- Galway coast of Ireland.- The The cup of Ireland's misfor- people there are always on the ±unes has Ileen overflowing for alert for wrack fromn ship-wreck- centuries and' it is not full yet. ed vessels. When a ship called -.Sir Boyle Roche.1 the Coriander smashes against the Art Galery- rocks, the ship's' doctor is res- We were quite interested to cuel by two island boys, Pat and hear that the- Orono Public Lib- Roddy. The isianders regard him'raryýqq display, of e~intings by' as a gift from the sea; they have local artists bas drawn enough long tried unsuccessfully to per- attention and enthusiasm to re-, suade a' doctor to serve their is- suit in sales for some of the land; and thus they hold him ixhibitors. against bis will as they would any___________ ____ other piece of valuable wrack. TWO CALLS Entangled with this central theme of the Coiander's doctor,, TO DEPARTMENT is the mystery ofi the disappear- ing sheep, the feud with the The Orono Fire Department people of -Inishthorav, and the have, within the- past week, an- swered two fire calis. The first caîl was to the Spur I Service Station on Highway 115. I e~A L asouth of Orono.Th ubros I caught f ire. It was quickly ex- i f h. rs. o ad t-,I tinguishied by the Department. The second cail came Tuesday afternoon to the McKenzie a- partments_on the Main Street of Orono. Clothes drying too, near a' gas heater caught fire. Within minutes the department had the fire out- RED CROSSU IS ALWAYS THEý-RE WITH OUR HE',P + NOW AT VOUER DX STATION HWY. 35 ani 115 - Jnst North of Newcastle FEATURING PREMIUMry QUALMT PRODUCTS AT THE MOST REA-,SONABLE PuICES STOVE "IL May be picked up l 9c Pe" in any quaatity , gal ATTENTION-FARMERS & TRUC KERS SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON GASOLINE AND DIESEIL FUEL j PRECRPTON Interest that's for your healthI jThe first interest of your Regisiered Pharmacist ls te compouwoij your dotor's presriptonswithproessiOnal .eiso . . te Ssafeguard your ealth. I'MR e%. ïp ORNON, 8 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis have returned from a.three wcek holiday at Naples, Flonida. Mrs. 'Wilbert Powers from H-aney, B.C. is visiting with Mrs. Lina Cobbledick thîs week. Mr. Terry Graham, Queen's Un- iversity, Kingston spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gra- ham. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLaren -and' UNIT NO. 2, U.C.W. Tuesday, March 8th Unit 2 met ini the Upper C.E. Auditorium. 1 The leader Mrs. Duvall opened the meeting wvith a reading, "The life that counts", followed with the Lord's prayer. Roll cail was answered 'with a verse of scrip- ture by 13 present. Our first hymn 494 "ISoftly and Tenderly" was sung. Visits to hospital were 38 and to s.hut-ins 39. Mrs. Lina Cohhlleike na the family leave to-day for a months 'devotional, reading Matthew 7; trip to Mexico. verses 1-8, " Judge not that ye Mrs. Ronnie West is a patient in be not judged" and a very, inter- the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- esting paper on this subjeet. ville,.Ilymn 345 "0 -for a Faith thM- u7il11 Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson ri ed home on Tuesday'aftera to Florida. A most enjoyable evenînî spent on Saturday evening Unit 6 held a dance in the ment of the Orono U-ni ted CI The evening wa.s attended1 couples representing the membership and the Orono C Club. The basement was tasti decorated in a St. Patrick t] A bouffet lunch was served conclusion of the dance. NO, DISMISSAL, (Continued from page CouncI is to meet with the ning Board and Trustees of to consider the application building permit for a comm, building at the corner of Mil Milîson 1Hi11 Drive iin the of the Village, > UNITED CHt QrGino Pasto CHURJliCH SERVICES Klb -945 a.m. SUNDAY SCHJOOL- Orono 10n'm. Leskar - 10a.m. Kirby - il a.m. ceturn-1 a visit g was whcn base- hurch. by 23 Unit ýoup1e tefully heme. at the Plan- not Srink' was sung. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn took the study book "God reveals Himsalf as One." Psalm 14. The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God, they are- corrupt, they have donc abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Mrs. C. Winters read a portion, fromr Exodus, 3rd chaptev. Some questions and a discussion followed. The, offering was received. During the busin- ess period arrangements were made for our part in, the banquet Wednesday, March l6th and some plans for quilting. The meeting closed with the benfediction and light refreshments were enjoyed. uÂu 0<r>ono. o..o,,e...l<o,-~ for a iercial Il and I o5TA north 6 1 O EA .IC' Savlngs AccountsPaid A and Compouuded Quarterly , ë Investment Funds Estate Planning FOUNAINEAD Executors & Trustee 966 0 EVC fOpeni Friday Nights and ail day gaturday i CE NTRAI ONT A RIO TRUST e& Savings Corporation I 19 Simecoa Street North, oshaa7352 23 King.Street£ Wesit, Bowmanvile 6322 1' M MEN'S NEW SPRING COATS TOPCOATS Well-tailored coats of lam- inted or iridescent, water-re- pellent materials, fully Iined with rayon. Two styles - one with round collar and fly front, the other with lapels and button front. Grey, blue and beige. Sizes 38 to 42. Priced from $17,95 to $19,50 CASUAL JACKETS Several styles and materi- als in men's new ýSpring jackets styled for action with f ull roomy eut, raglan sîceves. Grey, blue, beige, toupe and black. Sizes 38 to 48. Priced froni $10.9' to $13,95 BOYS PANTS, New! Ban Press Pants - neyer need ironing. Well-tailor- cd of polyester and cotton, guar- anteed to keep the. sharp creas- es in and remain wrinkle-free for its' entire if e. Black and green. Sizes 14 to 20. Price per pair - $7. 95 'BOYS JACKETS A few boys' jackets, guar- anteed water proof, zippered front. Navy only. Sizes 10, 12 asd 14 years. Sale Price each - $1.39 flof*a,.o ,t~S mW.~5 i<b ' oOofubln <>ooeos. .e 4 > e o Z< Bqhmnd The Orange Curt iin The Corander - An Irish Settingj Els Dillon is an authoress noted for hier tales of "Irish"' life (Inish is the Irish word for an island). AJ±hough intended for a juvenile audience, her stor- les are presenteil in such a ma- ture and finely written style that ýan aduit reader would enjoy sharing them in a read-aloud ses- sion with a youngster. 1200 Winners Announced in, McCULLQCH Sweepstakes Over 1,200 wlining numbers bave been drawn lu the McCulloch's giant TWIN WIN SAW DRAW sweepstakes. En- trants have the chance of win- ning botb local and National prizes, including a jackpot of 9 prizes; a new Pqntiac Temp- test, outboards, chain saws, cameras, watches, etc. 1Anyone who entered the contest between September 15 and Deember 15, 1965, should bring their entry blanks i ' nto- day to see if their number was a wrnner. Ail winning num- bers are posted on a gant ban- ner in your dealer:s store. Von may be a winner. WATSO.NS Marine éd Cycle Orono, Ont, Phone M4 Orono-Distriet Credit Union. Rnd learn of the many ad- vantages of obtaining mon- ey froin the local organiza. tion. Orono District CREDIT UNION. Treas.-lWan, Angus Loucks Phoné 4r10, Orono ON wemýý 1, 1; e W.11 Zlýýýl