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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Mar 1966, p. 6

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-~ -~ - ~ - ~r-~ - -r (MONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUROAY MARCW l17th, !ffl' D)URRAM MP. SEIWING ON THREE COMMITTEES Durham MàP Russell Honyi servingQon three stanigcom- mittees of the H4w1',e of Com- mouts ilu this sessioi of parclia-1 ment.1 The Po'-t Hope lawver is al memiber of the standing. commit- tee on Justice and legal affairs. Hie is also serving on the trans-1 portation and communications commiittee which is lookingý int0 thc matter 0f ,p#sseýuger, train service iu Çanadla at the present lime. Mir. Honey is also a memiber of the standipg cummittee oni agri- cul1ture and rural deveiopmnent. lu the last parliament the Dur- ham member chaired] this corn- mittee. Earlier this year Prime Min- ister Pearson appointed Mr. Hon- Gre'atest Asset (Con.tinued from pagýe 1) the Great Pine Ridge Tourist As - sociation and a dîrector of the Ontario Cham-ber of Commerce. The speaker stated that tour-1 ismi is becoming- the most im- portant inidustry in Canada which 1 lu 1965 ratcd third of ail indus- tr.Touirism lu 1967 will, nu doubt, be Canada's largest dol- lar earner, he said. Shorter work weeks provide greater time for leisure and this fact isinasg the importance of tourîim and its growth in dollar value. . Mr. Haynes said thiat thie Great Pine "Ridge Tourist Associaton coveréd an area fromi east of Oshawa to Trenton and north to Rie Lake. It is a group in- terested, in promoting tourisii the area and if youi should be in- teres ted in developîng Tourismn in your village you eau find ne better way to do so than through the Great Pine Ridge Tourlst Aa- soeciation,~ said Mr. Haynes. The Pine Ridge Tourist Ass-! ciation, said Mr. llaynes, is one Of thirty-two regonai tourist coutil cils set up by the Provîince of On'itario. F'inancing comnes from individuial memberships whc nowv, îl the Great Pine Ridge As- sociation numbers four hundred, The Provincial Goverument pro- vidc a i~tchng rant wýýhen a reg ,ver $.0.from loctI f'as mPember fees, saié ti- - The local Asso- on Mr. i{aynes.was ontof ç~ inthe Pr-ovince t-hat has' qualiified for the $5.000 grant This, he said, shIowed the activity of the Great Pine Ridge Touristi Association, as did the fart that this Asýsoiation had won the Menit Awvard 'and the Ail Caada Award ýin tourist promotion,. This3 Assciai, he said, was veryac iv l te area and doingÏ a good job. M fr. Hlayies distributed promo- Ucflouai aterial which is circu- iaed to promote the area as a tounist centre. In caýrrying out Tourist pro- moio o yor area, Mn. Haynes PO"nted ont, that first thiug was to forn' a determination that you wanIt to do0 something. The Most important feature of a commun- ity prograni is the enthusiasm with which it is undertaken, said the speaker. "Your peuple are your biggest assetý" Yoiu need team spirit and an informied pub- lic to carry any project to suc- ess, said Mr. Haynes. Instil A9 pide lu your community as weill ais enthusii.,ei in its projects. Tourists coming into a com- muInityv spend money to the ad- v7antIae of evenyone. This trade, lie said. is not a drain on your municir;.pal secrvices. l'nlo1 J-li said, the regionali I'o'iîst Asocition wouid as- ist lua' a possible to help the Orono Cabrof Commerce lu tounvistrmoin 1 20 Acre Lakce (Continued from page 1) veIopment receivýes an 80U percent subsidy from the Province. The Carke representative also I polnted! out that the great -use! madle of sucli recreational and cnervation areas. Here lie re- ferred to the large co-Wds that mna,'e use of the Garden Hill pro- ject. The Clarke project would j be similar to that iu Garden Hill with a 'possibility of it being minch lar.-er. ey chailrian of1 the governaent position does net permit hlm ta caucusiaain chair the standlpng Commit- The respensibility o1f this new jtee on agricultur-ie. I FOR j A PO NTIAC - BV>CK i ACADIAN CARS Il and UUUUVVILL UbtU UMflb t The BAHA'I WORLD FAITII ITEACHES THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: 1The oneness of manklnd. 2. Independent investigation of Truth. 3. The foundation of. ail Religions 18 one. 4L Reltiin xntst- be the cause of Unity. 5. Relgion!aï must be in acrcord with science and rpn 6. Equality between menanad women. i 7. Prejudice of ail klnds must be forgottemi. 8. Universal Peace. 9. Univeràal Education. 10. Spirtual solution of the economie problem., 11. A universal language. j 12. Au International Tribunal. IWould you like to know more about this Unîversal Rteligion g - or about any, of the above principles? jFor Free Literature Please Write, To 'Oshawa Bah.'i Cornunity I 2931 Glenview Ave, Oshawa, or Te1ephone Oshawa72-81 Nobody wilI cail on yonu nless you request it. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 1965 PONTIAC 2-DOOR HARD TOP 8cylinder, automatic, power-e quipped, low mile- n age, like n'ew. 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 2-DOOR HARD TOP à ~8 cylinder, automatic, power equlpped, one owner, j trade-in, immaculate condition. A good seleetion of other makes and models t* choose EARL'McQUEEN AT 3 KANE PONTIAC PETER' STREET, PORT HO0PE Phonie Res. 623-7166 Bowmanville Bus. 885-24,45 Port Hope, Attention,'Ca r buyers! lvWe planned Our, C'hev- OIds Dur choice of Models and options is at its greatest right now ... You're likely looking for aca that's particularly "you". A car that's designed to fit you to a "T'..We l, with aur wide Selec- tian of models in stoCk-you'Il find that we can probably match you up with the very car you wiant, right in our showîrootri. We firmnly believe that You wMI flot better our trade-in allowance . .. Chevrolet-Oldsmanbile deaiers have always been noted fojr high trade-in a lowanices. But, duýri ng Car Buyers' Field Days, you get an even better dea 1 an the 1966 model you choose., We can give you on-the-spot delivery on virtuaUly any model ... We've probably got the exact model you'd like. If we Pave - we'II Ikely be able ta deliver that new car ta you witU1iný haurs. ThatVs the kind of ser-vic-e you can expect throughout OUI Car Buyers' FielId Days. Wehave top used cars -the cream of the crop-and want you te know it ... We have mare of the best used cars in stock now. That means used cars that have the new- car Iook-with plenty of zip to match it. 'See us naw-during our Car Buyers' Field Days. just for you! We invite you ta corne in you could wish for-AND, and look over aur fine new BE SURE 0F THIS-we are Chevrolets, Oldsrnobiles or determnined ta give yDu the Epics. Our selection is truly deal of your ife durinig aur outstanding, delivery is ail Car Buyers' Field Days! CHEVROLET* CHEVEL LE.CHEVY IIl e CORVAIR -CORVETTE- OLOSMO BILE- OLDS F-85 -EPIC -TOP USED CARS AUTHORIZED DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE ROT NICHOLS- MOTOR LIM«ITED BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE: 7286206

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