ORONO WE2EKiY lTIMES,;THURSDAY, IMARCH, lth, 1966 FRAZERVALE FROZEN COD 24 oz. pkg. Fis h andi Chips, 59C iUfE"T BADFIROZEN HJALIBUT 20 oz, pkg. Fîhand "Chips 65C HOSPTALIY -Save 10e. k (à Famaily size KRAIWT CRACKER BARRELL (4c. O)FF) 16'oz. wedge EUMCEEE69c TABLE-RITE 'GRADE A', CUT UP Chickeri ï> a Biasket lb 45C LEGS,& BREASTS lb59 MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS SLICED1 poiuid fiat SIDE, BACON ]b 9 9 C LENTEN FEATURE TASTY COOKED 1 ound pkg. Breaded SiMELTS lb,43c TULIP PARCHMENT COLOURED MARGARINE2lb 55c EASY TO PEEL JAFFA Size 90 ORANGES doz 59C PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, Garden Fresh BROCCOLiI garderi fre3sh bun-ch. 19c PIRODUCE 0F U.S.A., NADA NO. 1GRD NEW, CABBAGE 2heads35 PRODUCE 0OF MEXICO, CANADA KO. 1 GRADE GREENPEPPERS IGA Chielild RD re 15 oz. Tins 2for 39c 'Van Camp - In Temato Sauce 15 oz tins Beans-Pork 2 for 37c' Ayhner Tom-ato S 3 for 29o 10 oz. Tins )oup 8-99C Fancy WJiole Kernel Corn 14 oz. Tins NIBLETSý 4 te 75c Craion Evaporated 2talI tins 31c Chase & Sanborn - 16e off lmb ba«:%g 79c TISqSUE Twm Pcks Kendal Mr. n Mrs., Don Walsh are hiappy to announce the arrivai of a son Leighton Oliver 'in Bow, manville Hospital on March. 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster have returned from the sunny south. On Saturday merning last this area was sheathed in a coat of ice It centinued to rain and freeze some ail day. On Sunday mporning the only traffic was toW- trucks- going to pull cars out ef the ditcb. Church was attended b)y the villagers only. However the sun carne out at dinner time and the roads became muddy. A carn- ival planned for the day on the Ski Hlli was impossible. We hear that the 'Harper Car- scadden Farms have been sol4 to Mr. J. Marvin who ewns the -Robbins farm at Leskard. Congratulations to Mrs. F. Brimacombe who celebrates her birthday on March 17. Her many Kendal friends send greetings. 1The, Kendal United Church, Women met at the home of Mrs. E. Couroux on Wednesday even- 1 ing. March 9 with the president Mrs. R. Elliott in the chair. The opening hymn was "Jesus Shall Reign Where E'er the Sun Does his Successive Journeys Run." The devetional part of the meetin g' was taken, by Mrs. H. Foster. After th.e minutes were read it was decided to purchiase the water heater for the churcb kitchen" which we have been renting. Cost $107.90, carried, Plans for the Masonic banquet will ,bc made at our ne xt meeting April 6. The topic was then 'given on ormi.sîenary work in Trinidad. this wearueîfui country wlicre s0 miany more workers aire needed. Thr hav been at least w otrasof raoies around Ken- dal. A eeg owned by Mr. Laur- ence Farrow bit the littie Bren- nan girl and Mrs. Farrow was also bitten when putting it in theu shed., A dleadl fox with its nosu full of porcupine quilîs was rsee-n north of the Village. ChI-amber (Caotntied from page 1) petitions for home beautifications dcean-up, and fix-up campaigns% tree plantinigs, fairground dlean- up. beard growing contest and' mierchants dressing inu-1880 attire all as part of celebrations for 1967. He aise said that a date sbould now be set for celebratiens ln 1967,so that propcr prepara,- tions could be made. It was aiso moved at the meet- ing that the secretary write the Orono Police Trustees neting that the lights at the Orono Cenotaph were out and that the Town Clock- was net keeping proper Teachers ,Fromi page i, eus offcial openngs was very dis- appeinting. In reply to a request by Mr. Lycett of the Orono School in respect te transportation te the Peterborough Music Festival it was stated that the Board had no pelicy. Each school'provides its own transportation and its owa expense. Mr. Lycett requested direction as teO the raising of the Safety Flag at the Orono School. This flag was'donated by the Kiwanis Cub of Bewmanvilie and bas net been flown at the scbeol, Mrs- Barlow, stated that Constable Cor- nel had approached ber in con- nection wtib the subi ect and had Isaid that the flying of the f lag had a goed impression on the youniger students in respect te safety. The Board 'directed that the fiag, be f1cwn. A request for new readers' by Mrs. W. Bailey, grade 2 and Mrs. D). Staples, grade 3, Orono scbool was left in the bauds of the sec- --tr- Bot clsse in- roo ad 2packs 45c T Z -7-77-77.7 --l ýj mi