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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Mar 1966, p. 1

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An f r The third and final Reading -Seminar Was held on Friday at t~he Clarke Iligh School when again a good attendance of el- ý'mentary and secondary teachers were present. It was concluded by the professionals that there is nao concrete.or pat answer to im- ,iroving reading but were of the opinion, that the Seminars had eýrved a purpose. The Seminars were sponsored, o)y the Durham County District Higli School Board. Dr. Eariy, in the elosing session referred to developmental read- ing which she said was for al students In ail grades. This type of reading begins in grade one and continues, she said, until learnîng ends. 111 endorse self- education," she sa id, "but we can make the process more adequate through deveiopmental' reading.'" Teaching reading,, she said, ouglit to continue after grade six with, added developmentaI reading classes to grade 13. Jiemedial reamding classes are for average n above' average 'ftudents'%whIoar of reading up to standard. Corrective reading crasses are an intensive effort- to bring students i4p to standard. Dr. Early ,stre,--sed the need in ementary schiools for standard. i7ed reading' tests grade by grade' which should be followed up with isdividual tests. Further she said ORlONO- WEEKLY lTIMES -OLUME 28, NUMBER il ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAUCH 31st, 1966 Trustees RciePa For North-West Village Area ,Wlar cnevto theme atmetn The SeniÏoriorticulitur11ai meet- ing was held in the church audi. that teaching was a lonely pro- fession as teachers spend Most of tl-'1i, tîme with tninds less ma- ture. "The-e a--e wavs to break out of this." she said. "A need exists to be able ;to relate with colleagues." ilere Dr. Early re- ferred to advantages in t&am- teaching. inteaching and in the sha-iný_ of ideas. She also, sug- gested the use of more than one basic readr hi a class giving a varietv of reading. Improvements in Public Scho')! Libraries would 5rin£g wealth. of material early. "I have noliced vl on r1'rn't know one another and I would suggest that you organ-ize so to be<'ome familiar with one another and to circuflate ideaq "I reconunend a five year plan laid out over the entire County in connection with reading,"ý said Dr. Early. "Readin g". Qaidý Dr. Herbert, should be taught in each subject important to add to staff some- one t- i""1 in reading skills to help teachers, in their respective classes -whethér it be science or hitryTt is one thing to have such a person available and- an, other to use them," he furiher commented. It was suggested that reading teachers and subi oct teachers teach together in the same class. Another suggestion was teant teaching 'by two teachers of groups in the same class and at the saine time. In ciosing Dr, Hurbert said there was no magic, special form- ula or pat answer ini teaching - 11- t iiil take a long time and each class is différent. We haý ê eplored a lot of ideas and thiese should form a basis for dia-ý cussion and, we hope, improve- ments in reading., ,Mr. A. A. Strike ýstated that thé Seminars had proved encourag- ing anidfhe was also encouraged that more readiin g and library time was becoingý-, available at. the secondary level. >Mr. Roebuck, of the Depart- ment of Education, stated that he welcomed recent advancement (Contieued' on1 Page 5) The Orono Police Trustees on Monday evening' viewed -a draft- ing 'of a plan submitted by e ngin- eerinç, firm of Marshâi1. Macklin and Monoghan for- an area' in the Village west of Main Streoet north.' ThA nIai showed a total of 114 biulding lots along with proposed streets. The Trustees are to take this, plan with the nilan -east of Miii Street to the Plan. n ing Board on Thursdav when they hope that consideraion may te given on themi. Mr. Woodyard expresséd his aish to see the suiggestled plans lor the Village comte to a point of ,,eing registered. Both Messrs. Simrpsonî and 'Nicholson expressed siiniilau desires. The nlan for the area west of Main Street was also -ùictussùd with MNr. Ochonski as apossible link to lits die-velop- ~nent farther west in the Týownshîp Also at the Thuirsdiay meeting, ,41t the Planning Board the re- ,ýpuasÊ bitMr. E-8,1yles$ to bui1d .a commercial buildinga at the corner (Af Mill and M9illson Hill1 Drive ito be considered, A budfget of $45(X). was estab- e _iished to operate t1he Orono Fire t)epacrment for 1966. This buid- ,get includes monies for the in- Jsaliation of 1the new fire alertingý Chairman Woodyard reported that lhe had obtained approval lroite chairmanii of the Cen- tnalComittee for an exten- 'lionj to uise the present dump site. àie also said1 that hie was investi- gat ing crie or tWo sites for a new dis,-posai area and shouid have this compieted before the end of the week. A letter was received fromn The Orono Amateur' Athietie Aèssociation are holding an Open flouse this coming Saturday ev- ening at the Orono Rink. The Open Rouse is being held in con- niecti with the recent 'installa- tion) of artificial ice in the rink. Everyonjie in the area is învited ,o attend this occasion which, is free of any admission charge, It is understood that publie ýskating wiil be the main feature of entertainment. However a broomb ail game has been organ- ized and some opening cerempn- les will be hi'd. 1 The Rinký will be open for the occasion at 7:00 this Saturday evenin.E, April 2nld. The latest fhnîires on the cost of tbe ice plant and its installa-, tion now amounts 'lb $11,911.43. ,Of thlis amount $9,286.97 has been ,subscribed by loc-al citizens and or£ganizations including $1,000.00 from the Orono Chamber of Com- merce. on the work donc to date a debt of $2,624.46 docs exist. It is nccdless to say,,that furthcr' ,donations to this fund will be grcatly appreciated. it is understood that this week- end will see the coigof 1the Crono 'Rnk for the sealson. Plant îto attuend the Open bouse 0on Sat-p utrday cvcnîng. ai Consumcr's Gas in connection with LIUHIirn~*na i0coa the installation of' gas mains in Poor ,?eaýther coniditionýs ac- the Village of Orono. Mr. Wood-, counted for a smaiiepr attendance yard said that a similar botter had than, usual but aIfl present enjoy- beeni received bv the Township ed Mr. Bunting's excellent films and that they 'had. rcferred it to on Water Conservation. This film their .9olocitor. Hie then sugestcd -w7#d to be very timcly as we that tl'r' Trustees be present at a ail hear about the water1 condi- meeting with Council when*fheir tions in the worl to-day, solicitor reported on this matter. Mri. Banting, in 'his address, Lt was also reportcd that, if ap- st.-essed the fact that there rcally proval is gained by the Cas Com- is not 'a shortage of wvater'but a pany carlyý in April that the in- very real tragedyl of the misuse stàllation would be complced by of it. the end of. May. Mr. H. M. Mercer is to, be con- A new feature of thec evening tacted tLo fix the Village Clock. was a literature table of ail kinds Resolutions wcre passcd asýking of gardlening hints, house plants the Township of Clarke to col_ and seed catalogue-s. A great ect a sum of $8,500. for the Pol- many people took adrantage of ice Village on thie Police Vil- thie freè bookiets. lage assessment and also to estab- There were 3 lucky dIraws for fish a road budget for 1966 of the eveni-ng, the winners Mr. AI- $8,000. 0f this latter amocunt fred Johnson, Mr, Quantrîl and $4500. is to be for new construe- Airs- Elsie Woodyard. tien, The Pr;esident MNr. Challice The chairman, E. Woodyard, thanked Mr, Butpting and invlted - oliftf1e4'd- n Pg 81o-ou Pae 8) Champions Appeaing A Orono1 A 4 A $13,QO OnRoads The Township of Clarke Coun- cil at a meeting on Friday even- ing passe-i by-laws sctting forth a road budget amountingto $130,. 000.00 for 1966. The regular by- law rcqucstcd approval fromi the Dera-tmient of Hlighwayvs for cx- pendiurcs of $78,200. on roads, $'3.000. on bridges and culverts, $1800, for new miachinery and $17,000. for superintendence and overhead. The sujplcmentary by- ditona $5CO onroalsad$1. Following recûnunendâtions by 000tion abr$5000.anrds and $15,- Couneilîor Chater, Chairmnan of 000 onbrige an cuvers, Roads and Bridges, resiiIutiona Mr. George Stapileton reqnested were Passed giv'ing ý 10 cent an- s'onIe einhý Cmcl ý iv iltes - odLm _____________________ ployees and $250.00te Mr~. K~ DeWith, road cletK- R llk o-iigitCounceil is to call 4tenders for a nlew 'kà-toni truck and for the con- struiction of a bridge at lots 30 and 31 on the cighth concession of Clarke Township. Through a resolution the Pol- ice 'Trustees of Orono wý,ere given authority to manage the Orono Water System until suicl time as a Public Utility is set up. two excavations in 'the Township on Concession one, eliminated. .He said thlese excavations had fil- led with watcr and -werc a dang- er to children. The deputy-reeve, L. Perrault, was authorîzed to contact the Building Inspector re- ferring him to specifie sections in the Planning Act which was thought te give control over sucli conditions as* existed with these excavations. Miss Anma Forder and Mr. Richard Stephenls, who rccntly won the Canadian. Junior Pairs Cham- pionshiip are cuirently appearing in the Orono Skatinig a-niva!. They appear to-night to again thrill their audience as they did on Wednesday night. Phioto cou4tesy Port Perry Star The Durham Farmers County' Co-operative through its members at their _xecent annual meeting declared a 3% 'dividend on 1965 member business and also a 1c1o dividend on iay ration and broiler member business. This dividend has a period of twcnty years te be paid, intercst free, SIt was alIso passed at the meet- ing that the 1961 patronage loans were to be paid off, The annutal mreetinig and ban- quet was hcld in the Orono Un- ited Church on Mardi l6th with memibers oýf the U.C.Wý,. catering. The mneeting commnrccd at 6:30 p.mi. Entertinmntwaývs provided by Jean Parr wýithi a St. Patrick solo ac!com.panied on thc piano by Mrs: Everett Crydý,'erman and aný accordian and electrie guitar dueit by AIma Frietog and Mary Smith. TPotal sales forthe C-o-operative during 1965 amount.ed teb $343,320 with a ne 't savings of $15,22P900 or 4.4%, Opcrating expenses amounted t>o $37,516.00 with cost of goods amounting 'lb $292,658-00. Tic, total sales is bbe iighcst on ýre- cord. Member equities now a- (Continucd on Page 8) T'HI0uHght fo'r we The bird with a broken pinion Cannot soar sýo high again. 1 Mrs. G. --77777 ýffl- 7-M

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