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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Apr 1966, p. 1

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~tI1~tL~~. - -~ ORONO N1,UE28, NUMBER 15 WEEK'LY TIME ORONO WEEKLY TIMESi, ITURSDAY, APRIL 28b, 1266 SOrono U.C.W. Receives Bowmanvifle Invitation' Ethics 0f Procreation And Sex Wa "-Iter Must Be'Sepuate States Rev. Stewort CouLrse Rev. Gordon K. Stewart, a ýuember of the Board of Evangel- ýý,Ym anid Social Service of the Un- ~tdChuirch, ispeakinZ to th e 1fqsDiscussion Group on Thursý- i-uimak-ng a clear division be- wenthe thic of nrocreatfion mdthe etliic of sex. This need. ~'esaid. hAd neyer been so urgent Procreation. said thbP qseaker, a profonnd act rqiigthe deebest ethical consideration. Tt ;,here that peon1p rmud realize -he great responsibiliîtv of parent- ood ,îWe must decide when we Iogh te ave procreation. There is aiço a neeâ. stated Rev. Stw'tof an ellice for sex. "We (ut ecirle what it means to rtiacve a Chrîstiani view lu this matr"The s-neak-er said that roýntrol of sex should not beý bas- 'ed on fear of pregnancv or dlis- -nase. Surh attitudes sbould be nue ut. Sex experience, stated 7Xev, Stewart is an intense experi- e-nce.' Procreation ethics and sex ethies shouý_ld net be in the same Rev. Stewart, speaking te -the oalgroup on the theme of Pop- ulIation Explos io, stated that' such idii exist Ilu the world today. T(qe pinted eut that it is explod- ingý unequally threugheut the, e:ord. The greatest increases he ,noted were in the- developing eo1nris wbichi increase was ,-riich faster than that registered ii, the developed counitries sncb asCanada. Rev. Stewart said that the pop- ulation ex_ýplosion couid reach a ,atFstron! c--itation ~ eeal 2ý.2cï's. It too'k1 115 years for bbcu- poplatonto re-ach tobi'llion pýeopl1e. he said. Tor, each the c blre bllonmark i eurda 'dditional 35 y'ears; 4 billion lu a-1 urtber 20 years, and f ive billi mn a period of 13 years. 'l'le problem of the population, explosion, he said, should be seeni from ail sides. The ratio of peopfle to resources was stated Ja realistic evaluation of the prob- lemn. In speakingý of resoures Rev. Stewart pointed ettha nany aý,reas cannot increase their re- -sources te their needs. Howiever, in Ontario agricultural produc- tion, he said, could be increased by 100 percent within five years. 3u the bigger problem even tliuhthis production can be 1ncreased in Ontario, is a mnatter 7'f distribution . . . . geting it to thbse areas which are in tieed. Rev. Stewart suggested,- as deoes thre United Nations, that coutntieS such' as Canada give 1% ",of the Gý-ross National Product to Exter- nal Aid. Presently Can.adaý allets, 49% of lier GNP. This hie feit, was a meagre gift in a xorld wibh we much need. The speaker peint,[ed out that lu Trade the balaince was ever swinging toward theý "have" ceun- tries. The "have nets" or under- develeped countries are dropping fartber and fartber bchind in the matter. of trade., These de- veloping countries must have trade te boîster their economy and te allow them 'te develop. "I cannot emphasize tee much. the importance of tracle te, these ccountries." Unfortunately we are prof itin-g from're their' low priceýs for mnaterial for our own proý- dulction and profit, he sald. in [fe(in )tethe Criminal Cj-ode of Canada he fe-it that chang- es were needed. RPecogniition must be iven te the rights of a per- soýn teobttainj available bîrth con- trois, and inlformalliti. This p art -)f the CriiaoCde aIse hiampi- ers thlevwork1 of Calada'sUN r.epresentat ives in the miatter of Liirth control miethodls and in- oration handled through th1ese orga7nizations lu other parts o the world. ta ke a s tand, staed Rev. Stewart. "We may hv to make a sacri- fice ini ouirsadr of living."l He aso fit hat e shuldbe putinag pressuire on ourgve- nsý on these matters. Duiring thie couýrse of the dis- cussions, Rev. Stewart, -in coin- menting on the number of child- reni for adoption, said that-some figuries may be misleading.. He n)oin,ýted out that we were now in the postwar boom of teenagers, Also hie said that ladopting par- ents are generally in their thirt- les and this group isn't aslag as it would have been bad lb net been for the war. Presently the trend is to have! the young mother, if at ail posý- sible, keep ber child. An endeav- our is being made, he said, teý grouip four or five mothers te- gether soI that tbey can care for their children and aise work to p 'lid te financial means. 0f grt! importanne was the acceprb- ance of thes:e mthers hy the commrfun ity. canivas- So-metimeý during the April vyen w.ill bc ask( ribuwte 4(jte cCanadfi Seciîety'sýç annu-ýal drive Eaehn dollar cotribute, spent as follows:- Resi sePrvice te, Patiertýý and 25r, Genieral Overh'!ead ou-r serývii- c te puien duS, dress'ings, hoe home nn!rsiingç;servicçý nroiiamme.patient tnýl aur1 lodge acceî Wc work oulv on bbc the Faniily Docter ai Health Nurses. The Bowmanviflc Bna under tbec Oubarie 'Co -iwhicli covers a large crîug fron thbbc wcstt ville ilu bbc cast and no hao- Canuingt*on. h l there is hjusb one pidi the Cancer ýSocicby, a seccretary at bbe Unit ers, The Little Red Doo St. East, Ohw.Al and Brandi officers su( idents, s1ecretaries, wome's service chair picity and educaien drivers and canvassers Iy of their time. Ail ai most rewarding experie Wc hope, this luf orn be of somne assistancec b bbc canvasser calîs at- The Bowmanville Camr was licld ou Monday A Monday April 25th lue village of Newcastle E Meuday, April 25th areas bbc merth cf A .Your belp is neede bbc Eewamvnille Bna the patients ln bhs are viballJ- importapt servi Tee-gro fete Twenty membex s,, of Artificial Ice Commi guests, of the imanagenx New Duli Oven Resi Wedncsday eveniug. The group were sern dinner in appreciabsor w.ork and efforts lu Arblficial Ice t tbbc0O Mr. Tim Cox e:? tbanks of bbce local Mr.n.m Sorbre Dubch Oven Restauira: ulabcd bbc Or-no groit endeavours and also lie was pleased te be tertain bbcm on this oc moubli of cd bo con- ian Caucc'r f'or fns d w ,iL be- catc-h 65e. EdVucation 5c Cam1- el is ii' rmeodablon. advicc of nd Public anch, comes ouuty Unit arca, Pick- toe Newton- orbh te Wa- n this area member of 11111,timeý Headquiart- )r, 85 Athol other UniÎt Lch as pres- The Orone 'Watcr Safety Club met lasb week te elcct officers and te prepare for bbc comin 1g sumer easn.Attendauce at bbc metin wa disappointing with onfly very few preseut. Thefollowing officers werc re- e lected: M'n T)'-'ldTonnant, president Mrs. Keibli lVlInDald, secret- Mr~.Dougat Alentreastirer. A"'I ihfou(r (directo s. Mrs. TI. 1. Bar1ow. M)rs. Don Evans,, 1lfsW.Grady ý-and Mrs. Donald Stanlý);es. The gr pias decidéd te, carry onm bbc Water Safety Pregrant a- g-ain this yvear u-thbbcOrono Swimy- migPool. The program will be beld d(uriug the miouth of July. Mrs.Shirey eynOlçls bas again heen engagcd o te bcadLiup the pro- gram aud iv, theistuio. For Ibis servicé MrIs. Rnrolds is te r-eceive $4ffl.00. Othier assist- aince is te be l fughe ep with bhe program. ' The foIIo-winug is bbc bauk bal- ance for the yent-\r1965. CaýIhou b'auid Jan. ', 1965 $13847 Collcbed from focs .757.50 Grant from.i Rec. Ceim. - 100.00 Bank Inbre-st ----- - 2.61 rxpENyASES Rerit feý .r o l -'--- 'Wage cs: Ren Smith Balanc e in Bank----- $998,.58 ------ 34.00 42-50 105-00 16'2.00 C0.00 8.24 $784.14 -A $213.84 The General Meeting of U.C.W. was held in the Main Auditorium at 8 p.m., April 21 with 26 mem-. bers, Mr. Long and Mrs. Duvail, Mrs. Chater and Mrs. Newell of Leskard in attendance. President Mrs. O. Chatterton welcorned everyone and asked us to sing the hymn 'Near the Cross' Receives 25-Yeur I.O.O.F. JewlI An enjoyahie meeting of Orono Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 436 was held on Wednesday. April 2th, The, third degree was conferred' Membershin certificates were presented to Bros. W. Dan, Hall, Milton Aas Ken Adams and OrvilleMcngt A 25 year jewel was also pr)esented to Bro. Fred Yeo. Visiting Brothers were present fromi Bowmianvîlle, Port Hope and Cobourg Lodiges. Odffellows and Rebekahs of Orono and, district will attend di- vine worship at St. Saviour's An- glican Church Sunday, Mýay lst'at 3 p.m. COUch Wanted TheOrn Junior Girls Soft- bal teami is in need of a man- ager andcoh this year. This greupý ofgil have played in a local IeaIgue for a mnmber of vea alid haveý rfthéuý g~ iolishlip over thie past two yas ï-,onew isin tb assist these girls this year are asked to con- tact Mr. Jack M.Voffat, Orono, Gcrbage treasurers, Mlr. A- Pos met with the Orono meni, pub- Trustees on Monday evening chairmnr, stating tiat wben he took the job give free- ýhe understood it was for only gree it is a kitchen disposai. '11 have been mncc. getting everything", he said. He nation wil also complained of the amount ýyou wben of refuse from commercial estab- your home, lishments. ýFurther many resi- npaigu wî dents do net have proper contain- pril 18th- ers, he said, and garbage is lit- ýlusive. The tered about'thestet Mr. Simp- Blitz Night, son said some peple1 were taking and Rural advantage of the seýrvice even te prii. the Peint of putting eut such lb- d te hel ems as eld h d springs. Mr. Wood- Lncha, s yard stated that it appeared that _a lh-týre it 1-ad 'otteri eut of hand. He cited parts of bhe Carbage by-law whicb states that garbage must bc plac- ed in a mebal container with a proper lid and must aise be prop- LII> erly wrapped. The Trustees are te prepare a sheet of instructions containiug rertain sections of the garbage by-law wbicb is te be mailed te the Oronoecvery resident în tbe Village. ttee were This sheet will aise, contain cer- nent of the tain information pertaining te the aurant last water operation ln Orone. ved a steak At a previeus special meeting an of their tbe Orono Police Trustees had establishing passed their approval for the plae- )roue rink, ing of a new Post Office on the nortb west corner lot at Church ,ressed the s;treet and Centre -street. This committee. lot is back of the Lycett apart- of bbc New ment block Iu this regard a let- nt cougrat- ber was received fromn the Count- Lp on their lýes' Heailh Unit. The Unit stated stated thaM-t that the area was inadequate for able te en- sewëýage disposai for the Federal easion. Building. Aise the letter peinted She then read a piece dealing with our theme of the post Easter period. The devotional period was taken byMrs. Long apd ber unit 5 ladies and began with the sing- ing of "In the Garden", the solo part taken by Mrs. L. Bowins. The story of the Post Easter events wasread in parts bv Mrs. E. Mill- Pron. Mrs. O. Challice, Mrs. L. Bowins, and Mrs. R. Rutherford. Passages; from the bible wvere read h- Mrs. E. Couvier and the de- votional brouglit to a close with the, group singing "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" and prayer by Mrs. Long. ,Mrs. Chatterton tbanked Unit 5andý introduce d Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. G. Carson and Mrs. R. Chap- man who sang "Have you tarried in the Garden". Mrs. M. Staple& was planist for the evening., Mrs. Rairstow of Leskard, as- sisted ýby Mr. Long 'showed a very interesting film on Trinidad. Mrs. Chatterton thanked al who helped with the banquets, Hfydro Show, Timie and the Woin- en'sWorld' Day o if Prayer. At the conclusion of the busýin- e-s period Mrs. Chatterton an- neunced thaf a bale of good usodl clothing (neo shoes, bats or 1prus- es), would be packed et the cburcb on Mondýay, MJay 9th at 2 o'clock. An, invitation to attend a For- sythia Tea was received! fromi the ladies of Trinity Church, Bowmn-i ville. The tea wîll be betl froMrn 3 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday- Apid 2'7th. A notice from the Bay of Quinte Conference aýsked that anyone i, terested in attending Camp QuÀ'in- Mo-Lack this season please re- ister by June 1. The nex-,t General Meigwl on ie ùJ' àc e16 w1her Ut7 wiiprepare te pegam nt After the repeating of teMz pah Benedictioi~ unit s6ve lunch. Service te possible surface effluent frem the apartment block if part of the present ile bed was eliminabed. Mr. Woodyard stated that in this report the Unit was net aware of the fact that the Post Office was te use a pump eut tank. Aise" he said, rearrangement for the tule area for the apartmeuts couid be made te aiiow -sufficient, area for sewage disposai and aise park- ing. A letter was received frem Mr. A. J. McGiIlinluwbich be referred te bis dismissai from the Oreno Fire Deparbment. Under te terras ef the hy-law lie requested a bearng hefore bbe Trustees. His dismiîssal, be said, was verbal wbich is net lu accerdance to the existing by-law. Fnrtber' Mr. Mc- Ciii couteuded that the records proved a lack of leadership. The Trustees were te give Mr. McGill a bearing Wednesday af- ternoon. The meeting was aise informed that the engineering firm of Tot- ten & Sims are. preparing plans for a system of storm sewers te service Church, Main, Centre and Park Streets. Mr. E. R. Wopdyard was auth- orized te contact bbc Ontario Wab- er Resources Commission te ar- range a meeting witli the Com- mission. At tbis meeting the Trustees are te discuss matters lu regard te the operation of the Orono Water System. Mr. Simpson asked what pro- gress was being made lu connec- tien with increasing the remua- erabion for the Trustees. Mr. Weedyard said lb is te be consid- ered ln the near future The Orono Fire Chkef, Ro_ýss Mercer, is being requested tex suibmit te the Trustees awrte report on tbe pressures of ail thie fire hydrants lu Orono. 1A letter was received ifront Curvpiy Wood Products -ilu which the' Company iuformed the Trus- tees that bbc nortb plant would be cennecting te bbc Village waber mains this summer. A letter was aise auitherized te b-2 sent te Gaffney Construction reýquesting' a meeting with bbc 'irým lu Oreno te discuss certain matters lu connectien wibh the water installation., The, Trustees passed a resolu- Leun lu whicb they agreed te par- ticipate wibli the Orono Chamber of Commerce in a cleauup week lu Orono. Mr. Woodyard reported that he badl been iuformed verbally that the parking regulations for the b)usiness area had been approved by the Department of Transport.. However, be pointcd eut that tins word hiad, yet te, be received of- ficially. The Chairman, on ciosiug the meeting said lie wanted a break. "I don't waut this work te be ail ue way," he said. He speke of the number of meetings tbe pre- vions week whicli he bimself had attended and asked that consider- ation be given lu arranging fur- ther meetings. The Orono Hydre meeting was net heki on Monday. State- Abuses To

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