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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Apr 1966, p. 5

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-.-'! ~-,--- -- ~--~w-~ ~'"'.'rr'm' ,,r"-~ ~ - AV 4V 4> - aan. a <rr. 4> r t EVELYN MVAUeH Waugh -,as acknowledged as aL r9reat aitist of satire. Following o a bris death on April 10, I read is rovei "Bridesliead lRe(sitd" Mr. Peter Goldring of Whitby (the oniy Waugh book at the Li- bas accepted a position with brary) - This story opens with the Roipli Hardware. hero, a World War Il officer, setting up headquarters in an old Mond ay night's cornet not only English countryýhouse that bas jaroused interest in parts of Can- been, taken over by the arrny. ada. and the United States but ai- He finds binself on familiar so In Orono. Within minutes of territory because the estate caîl- its race across the sky, local citi- ed Brideshead played an import- zens were reporting flying ob- ant part in his early' life as a iects and were quite definite in ,tudent at Oxford. It was the itbeir view. family home of a fellow Oxonian, The fact of the racing abject a member of the wealthy,, sopb- iwsso salibdMna v îsticated landed gentry. . ening as a cornet. In tracing 'the disintegration Of, Mrs. Jas. Wannan, Kirby bas this particular family, Waugh 's been 'staying for several weeks lamenting the decli ne, of a wbole witb bier son Mr. Wm. Wannan, class in England - a class that Alrs. Wannan, and Ross. be admired and approved of v eryý rnuch.1 Mr. Sid Hughes is a patient in Perbaps readers are more fam-i Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, iliar witb bis well-known satire I where he is to undergo surgery. on the modern funeral business, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graharn spent "The, Loved Ones" since this book the weekend in Hawkesbury witb bas been popularized by a Holly- !Mr. Bud Burnett, also visiting Wood film version. itheir daugbter Mrs. Burnett and SIR "ERNEST GOWERS i new baby granddaughter Patricia On April 17, tbis 85 year old1 Jane, in the bospital. wriýter died. He speciallzed in Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boyd of Or- books on good Englisb that stress- illia visited with Mrs. Ken Garnsby ed simple language instead. ofon tbe weekend and attended the high-flown, cornplicated Jargon. funeral of their little niece, Dar- Wby iuse tbe pbrase "in tbe con- lene Marie Boyd, On Monday. templated eventutality" instead of- the plainer ."if so", Ris1 books against, jargon were ters were given by Mr. Matthews. "Plain Words", "ABC of Plain Reasons were given by Mr. Gary Words" and "TPhe Comaplete Plain Jeffrey, our club leader. Our Words." number work shieet was taken up For 8 years bie worked at re- and tbe placing wýas given on the vising FoWler's "Modemn Englisb c]ass of oats. Tben an, interesting Usage" wbicb is available at the Italk was given by Mr. G. Jeffrey Library. Ion the care and handling of young AND 1 QUOTE- ichickens and on tbroughi the life Proper words in proper places of the cbicken regarding feed, make the truc definition of a water, bousing and litter. A per- style. -Swift. iod of time wàs givén for quest- NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY ions and the -meeting was ad-' Adult ,journed.. Roy Tbomson of Fleet Street - lrian Knox,, Hampton, Pres s R. Braddon.Reotr Sixpence in hier Shoe- P. Muc -_ GPune and the Pil i H.MilIs ~ N-E HR Juvenile Annie Oakley -Garst. Oromo l-Pastoral Wizard of Oz- F. Baum.- Dorothy Robinson >' P-oultry Club The first *meeting of Durharn County Poultry Club was. held April 12 at 7:45 p.m. It was open- cd by President Wesley Lane by saying, the 4-H pledge and rol. eall. Mr. Clifford MattheNs, our assistant Agricultural Represeta- tive, handed out the information books. We judged a class of oats. Poin- Miister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1966 CHURCH SÉR VICES Orono'- 11:15 a.m. Leskard - 2 p.m. Kirby - 9:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono 10 a.m. Leskard- 10 ar.. Kirby - Il ar. yLBowmanvîlle0 0 TIIURSDAY, 1 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 29 and 360 DO NOT DI[ ïS TU(R B 0DORIS DAY, ROD TAYLOR (C;:rg SUNDAY TO WEDNESAY, APRIL lst to APRIL 4th 1 0 MARCLLOMASTROIANNI, VERN: LISI (Col:ur) .0 Adls$.0AmttneRÉrce ORONO WVEEKLY TIMES, THURISDýAY, APRIL 2gth 1966 cc CJILDREN'S RUNNIN G Cood quality canvas Shoes for boys or girls. Navy, red or mul- icolor with white trim. Sizes 6 to 3. Priced - $1.95 to $2.69 LADIES' SNEAKERS A good stock of Canvas Shoes with rubber soles, made in Can- ada. Sponge rubber insoles for comfort. Washable. Black, blue, white, red and grey f Ian nel. Sizes 4 to 10. . ... $2.9â to $3.50 LADIES' SHIELLS A variety of styles and colours in Ladies' Sleeveless Shelîs and Poor Boy Tops of sof t Orlon or Boucle. Wear thern with àlims or skirts. Plain shades and pat- terns. Sizes S, M and L. Prîced from. ..,. $3.95,to $7.50 BOY'S ATIILETIC BOOTS Canadian Made Running Boots sturdily made for active sports. Black or white canvas uppers with white rubber trim. Coin- fortable sponge ruhber insoles, ventilating, eyçlets. Sizes 6 to 10 ..--per: pair: $245 Sizes il to 13 . per pair $2.75 Sizes 1 to 5 ..... per pair $2.95 GIR12S DRESSES A new stock of Girl's Cotton Dressëes, :attractively styled with or without sleeves. A good choice of colour. Sizes to fit 2 to 3X yeors, 4 to 6X years and 7 to 12 years . ..... $2.19 to $5.95, AR M,,STRONG'Sj AVAILABLE ONLY AT Centrai, Ontar.,o Trust GUARNTED IVESIMENT CERTIFICATES iACCUMULATING fr that yield Per Annum over 10 Yerra - No Income Tax to pay untl maturity and then ut an average 3-year tax rate - An authorized investment for Trustees - Can be used as collatral for loans -Redeemable annually upon the request of yeur Executor -Ternis available - 5 to 20 years Central tOntario Trupst Accumulating Guaranteed lnvestment Certificates are especiallyinteresting te -People who want to save on Income Tax -People who need a cornerstone on which to build an investment pro- gramme at -People who want te save and invest at the best possible rate witb a feeling of securlty and a minimum of bother at -People wvho will retire within 10 - 20 years -People who want to bnild up some Capital at -People who are unsure of the Stock MYarket - People who want to provide for Estate Tax and Succession Duties ut -7/o Yield per annum over 10 years For GUARANTEED Savings at GUARANTEED Rates corne in týoday to FOtUNTAINHEAD 0F SERVICE CENTRL O --AIOTRUST & SAVINCS CORP AI 19 Sirncoe Street North, Oshawa - 723-5221 23 King Street West, Bowmanville - 623-2527 Contact Mr. Wm. Taylor, Mgr. Bowmanville Office Longer Hours Monday to Thursday 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Saturday 9 to 5 (Bowrnanville Closed Rcedplr Guaranteed Investment Certificates are also avalilte at an interest rate of 6%e annuniàý paid haif yearly. WyP.aY Mr... ON PREMIUM QUALITYA PHIONE NLWCASTLE 987-4215 Serving Orono, Newcasle andt District

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