ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES, THULTRSDAY, MAY 5th, 1966 O,.RONO WEEKLYTE'IiMESRemens eovl0 A hrzdas SecondCan mail, Pontý Office Departm-rent, eo m n sR ov lu1 Publlsbed every T.ursday ai tire office %f pýýblicati4y Mai ~tee, niie 10 .C9, urono, vr-nano RlyC. Forrester - E.dtor and ManagerUnsd Sho Bulig Take lime To 'Enjoy Every season of the year has something of interest Po offer and Spring is no exception. It is a period when nature is awakened and on the move. It is allabout us and 0oes furnish many facets of amazement. One certainly wonders at the inner instincts of our hirds who seek out nesting sites, such as the Oriole builds, iriaenests uising no blueprit or special tools. Even the niest of th.e Robin, using fine grasses, is an achievemnent both in skil and patience. Our biennial flowers sprout through the g-reund en- coýuraged by the warmi sun. What appears as tender shoots haîs pierced th)e earth and broken a hard surface crust to proceed through their spring and suImmer cycle of life. Ilhe budding trees are another source of curieus wonder- metas young buds unfuri, into blossom and leaves. What appears as a barren waste springs into iife as no man coulçl create, t is ours to enjoy and ours to proteot FearfiIyWCe Hesitate The State of New York last week passed a bill thatý Senator Arthur Roebuck believes (and we hope hie is right) will encourage Canada te si milar reform. New York has been almost as backward on the subject of divorce referm as Canada, maintaining adultery as' the sole ground for divorce (in Canada, of course, Quebec and Newfoundland dû flot admit even this ground). New York has now, after 178 years, cone into the modern world where divorce is concerned. Divorce there, after September of 1967, wili be granted for crueity and inhuman treatmrent, desertion after two years, iniprison- ment for more than three . years, adultery, homnosexuality, and living apart fer two years after first obtaining a court separation decree. The bill passed without--any opposition from Roman Catholics. As Senator Roebuck pointed eut, eight private bis îe reformn the Canadian divorce law - onie of thernihis - aýre now before a joint Comnions-Senate comnittee that is î-Iuyrýthe mat6r. Hisb, which is pattevined on thre Britlsh systeni, would allow divorce fer desertion of three years, adultery and cruelty. Somne of thre othier bils would vdd other grounds, ang themù imprisenmient for a Ln period and mental iliness. The Senator added that in Cn adia, as in New York, ne opposition bas arisen on this oc- i-,Lsion fromn RomanCatholies. There is certainly ne longer aniy doubt that the nlajerity of Canadians favor extension of the grounds fer ivorce. May the New York examuple prod thre cemmittee into speed with its study, and the production of recommîenid- atwous for reformn tha~t will at least include as divorce grounds, in addition te aduiteury, desertion after a certain period ef-time, cruelty, sexual perversions and incurable insanity. -TeGlobe and Mail Mr. Jack Brough, O30rono wishes to announce his Retirement and Sale of his Custom Fencing Business t4I%,ý Wil<lia'%m A. Hooeylw 0 FORONO0 The Township of Clarke Coun, cil on Tuesday rece ived a letter from the Township Public Sechool area board in which the scbool board stated that they wisbed te, seil by tender the ene-room -Ischool buildings and land at Oak Antioch and Lakeshore. The coun- cil has recomniended -te the Board of Schooi Trustees that they tender for the emoval of these buildings. A letter fi-Gi the Ceunties Hielith Unît confimmed the ex- tension te September lst for Mr. Bruce Myles. for new premises for his donut operation. The Unit stated that they hoped suitabie accommiodation ýouid be, obtained by this date. A letter fromn Jean E. Perrin concerning1, drainage at" Lot 19, concession 1 was referred to the Ttoad Superintendlant. The letter aise noted the possible' increas- ing drainagle probleni due to the fact that many heuses were te be buiit in this area this year. A letter from Mrs. S. Hamilton referred council te concern. by some of ber clients over reduced fîre rates in Orono due te the in- stallation of a ,vâter system. She asked that council send in the necesary report te thre Canadian Undemwriter's Association so that ja decision could bc made on thre rates. A letter froni the Cbunties re- femm-ing te Mr. Robemt Stephen- son's applicatîôn for a salvage yard noted that residents within 500 feet of the location of .thre poposed salvage yard must be notified of the intent. Objections te the yard, if any, muIst bc in writing, and miailed te the Couinty Clerk, in Cobourig. i A letter froni Mm. Alex Car- ruthers in co.nnlection wîth piles o>f eartb aiong- the road ailow- ance by the 'Mr. Jaynes prepe1rt, was refeirted te.ue Rad S5uPer, intendant. A contract,, ur!ont approval of the Department of Higbways. will be awarded te Ganiaraskad Bridge- for th,_e construction of a bridge nortir of Les'kard. Tifohlowrîng vouchers ,were1 psed for, paymnent, general $8,- 150.33;1 Roads $14,534.38, Welf are I1 $748-28. A rnew, fire by-law was given tbree readfings along witb there parssing of rules and reglatiens for- the operation of the fire de- 1partnmeit. By b-]iaw a IM'iuiciPal Cemletem'y Board was established. T'his1 Board wl look aftem thre follow- ,ing cemeteries; 'Christian Churcir Lawrence Baçk, Churcir, McNeili and Neiley, Nay and Staples, Lawrence, White Churcir, Mc-Neii ipmopety, Bethel, Brown Family, Gifford, Smith and Elliott. Th rec readingsq were given te Ian amendment te the Resicted ArUea By-law 'w,'ich, in affect deletes Mr. Bruce, Myles' pmopety from, the original by- law. Tis allows Mm. Myles te construct bis cmmercial building o n bis property in Omone. The Road Superintendant was autborizcd to prépare pl ans and obtain pricés for a sidewalk in INewtonviile. 'USES TV AERIAL AS, SIGNAL POST A Red-beaded Woedpecker found a new use for a cressbar on the TV aeriai atep the editor's bouse iast Saturday. Througheut the day the Woodpeckem was oh- servedi perchedý upon the aeriel. Atintervals the bird, weuid shriek euit a (-a.I and foilow up with a rat-a-tatt-at on the hollow, crossbam. Fromn across the holiowI the bird wud~e an answer, The bird would l ueav, its peméh at, bines only te re,-turn te again im- provise its mating cal This "s the secýond yeair that the nerýialba cm into use by a ýWoodpecker te dmum out its mes- sage. SIX PUBLIC, SCHOOL TEACHERS STILL NEEDED The Clarke Township Public Sehool Area has had nine resig- nations wbich are to take, ef-I feet as of the end of the sehooli term in June. 0f the nine vacan-~ cies three have been filled leav- ing six teachers te be obtained. One of the vacancies is for the principalship of the'Orono Pub- lic School. Mr. Lycett, the pre- sent principal, has, accepted a po- sition with the Scarborough Bd. of Education. SMany , f the neighbouri ng' sehool boards have this year in- creased their minimum starting salary to $4000.06. Clarke starting minimum is four hundred dollars lower, at $3600.00. Callyour li1censed Plumblng &. Mechanical Contractot who seils, lnstczlls eid quarantees CARMWAN PL UMBING AND HEATING Phonie 143 Orono ÂVIdSICI -a3% Nauffina~ '309 sJ~iXIV 3dTOH JMOc méVJl rPVuu 9flOIaolëEV aImoWNI -l"'.idal O9.0OOZIlý Ste Our Mother's Day Gift Counters g 25c. to $'7-00 Your Choice jWe also offer the following selectios- jVinyl-coatecl Work Gloves, per pair ... 79e iJtility Storage Can withCover,' .. -ea $2.33 I iose Nozzles of Solid Brass, each .. 69t TV'Tables, Marbelized designi, eachi ..'$1.95 ;5atin Lined Sewing Baskets, each .... $1.98 jJewellery Boxes is' black, gokI, or beige $1.49 I 'oaster Covers of Turkish Towelling ea* 98e Nylon Dresser Scarves, white, pink, blue 1.95 Lawn and Garden Flaniingos, per pair $3.49 SSpiral Tuniblers 2 for 29e Pla-ce MatSet $2.98î Ladies' Zippered Front Jeans, Wrangler, sîze 14 ýto 20, priced ........ ...... $4.98 Ladies' White Plastic Beits, regular and j 1 extra large, each................ . 9C jWoveu Vinyl Luncheon Mats, pack~ >of four f or only............«.....0 Ladies' Brief s' mediumi & large, 3 pair $1.00 j Little Boy's Jeans, sizes 4, 6, 6x, per pair 88e I Misses and Ladies Sneaker Socks siîzes 81/2to.11, pair for............ 53C î Phone 122, Orono I I-i"WHE7RE VARIETY PRIEVAILS" q7