ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, THURtSDAY, MAY 5th, 1966, "THE BBLE" f theSStudents to PaY Tàkï;frm srnonpracedWord in the person ofth on1 Io ost books 'b Rev Colin R. Rudd, rep- of God. r2s4l the Canadian Bible ihsolsudn w oe Qý or Jet their teYxt books be destroy- <when wve look at the Bible like ed are to be charged two-thirds of gave the Word, that we begin to realize that it is the value of the books it was de- m .N great was the company of those more than a library of books cided by the Durham Dt.trkt1 that published* it." Psalm 68: il. with a decidedly eastern flavour. HighSho As we consider this text there We begin to realize that it ismetgh Sehol ard at a centl mmeeting ataClarke HBghkSchool Sreally two parts, to be co oenhna-are ok hc Books are written off as to cost a~ee.First, there is what God is, read in our churches Sundayt every three years, If students id, and then secondly, what man by Sunday. It is a record of how 6J- hias done with what God has giv- man throughout the years, hasjose or destroy the books they will, r en him. been brought face to face with pay two-thirds of the value de- nding on how old thebooks are.- The Word which came fromý a God who is lis Creator, his Bor members and principals A 7 God began in the dim gropings Judge, anld hisRedeemer, felt ýthe practice would tend to of a man who found himself in The, poet Coleridge once said make students realize the value the midst of a pagan society and 'that it is an historical fact that of their books which they receive who was not happy about it, who the Bible has been the main free from public funds. felt that with ail the advantages lever by whidh moral and intel- Books which are given to of this pagan socety, and it was a lectual character in ail nations students have a value of $30 to ighlly civilized society, there has been' raised to its present $50. must be something better. 11e got height. And ýwhen we sometimes The meeting was told that los- out, not knowing where he was dlaim that the moral and intellec- ses of books are actually minor. going and went to a land of which tuai standards of our day have he knew, nothing because some- dropped considerably, ,we may Ia'ylv. where in his heart there was the it entirely at the door of the fact "h od gv h od consciousness that God had prom. that peolehhav notobe, ren-et gre pn oros ised hlmn something better. The, ing this book and have not been geat was thecmayo hs man was Abraham. And one may hearing what God has to say. that published it." llow can we oa'ulrsmt -sa3 that the whole of this Word become part of this company? S.T o Pulroanesmange of God whic'h we have began just Bible Society agencies are iný First by sharing in the cost. Sec-SpeirPoaeans there at that point when he first ahl pa rts of the world'and have ondly, by s;tudying the Bible fetrercessed tops to give your feltin hs hert he eourslve andtl-,rdl, bypublsh-kitchen "bujiit-in-beý(auty". Your Superior range isý fei i hs har te aîl of God. Ithousands of colporteurs and Bi-,usle n hidy ypbih designed týo ay mrore beautiful with exclusive chip Later on it was formulated in- bFle women who are going fro'm sng it througiiOur lives. resistanit pore apotection. to a social systemn by the .inspir-1 house to house, street, to street,7 Now coîgard baking can be fun. Superior auto- ed leadership of Moses who drew!city, to city, through dangerous magic controls cook, bake, simmer or br 'oilfoods the people into a conselous social and difficult places carrying the perfectly . .. the cleart, economical propanle w unit with laws of their own, with Word of God. The Bible Society This month your Superior dealer is featuring an Exciting a systemr by which they could is the greatest arsenal ofth SA VIN6 $ Trade-in plan.. He will give you up to $50 for your old live an-d with the belief that it Church's weapons in the mission T worn out stove-(no matter what condition) oni the came fromn God., field. But the thing of which we j rhe Credit Union is not on- pucaeo1agemn ewpoaerng.Rmme In time the understanding of should be conscious today is this 137l the handiest place to save tflere's no money down .. . just $2. a week .and you whal God was trying to- do question of distribution is tlnt j your mnoney, but it pays can start cooking themodemn way, through them was given breadth there can be no, perm-anent con- didnsIsl'dorbttr - thaný other places to save. and, depth through the vision of quest of secularism, of athieism, Ask abouit the hf e insurauce44 mnny prophets and seers. Some of, or of. communism until thieir proVld1ed without added whom were primitive minded, challenge is met by -the printed charge tfor eligible savers, not at ail sure thnt what God hnd Word of God. We can tnlk ail even if: said to themu was the kind of we like, about bnllistics, intercon- thig tint they wanted to, have inental ballistics,. missiles and Ororno District. said, but which was brought more ahl that sort of thing, but there " and more' into the great inspira- is only goini to be one answer', CREDIT UNIONVcri tE tion of men like Isaah, Jeremiah to the problems' of manikind anci Treas.-MaOnt.A-gus8-o3e8 and 1tes that is tînt men come to the kind Phone 4r10, ron s- Fnly here came a Living of iifý, ti2t God would have themi16- cffp thigs oupon -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- I PER GALLON OjN POWEflLRFUL Take this coupon to1,uyour P*-t.j rgh_ -gallon and 75 cents off everyq,-ar-t Paint deaier.You car 75 off canof top quality Pittsburgki Paints. the suggested retai, r cievery fHur ry! 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