-'-r-- .. .-.- -- .-,---4a - ____ ORNAW E L TMS.T U êS A , MA Zhài i !66lIT hi IProfeàsùinaî Directory HALL, rERKIN, MacMILLAN & Co. ýhartered Accountants 3cL,ý King St. E., Oshawa 725-6539 King St., Box 245, Newcastle 987-4240 Partners: William C. Hall, B. Comm, C.A.1 David G. Perkin, C. J.Graharn MacMillani, gW. KM LCJ, .X Barster - Solicitor ! tu the offices of R., R. Waddell Q.C., g MAIN ST., ORONO t Telephone 138 Orono I MERRILL D. BROWN-o BS,.-B.A;Se: O:L:S: POESSIONAL, ENGINEERM ~~ ~ (civil) 151 onaiLand Surveyor IZ1I Queen St. Jiox169 Rowm anvi lie, Ontario0 Telephone 623-7251 0 L. .SKAIFE Chartered Accountant 375 Water Street PETEiRBOROUGHR Phone 742-5482 Ceneral INSURANCE FRED LYCETT OFFICE .'MAIN ST., ORONO- floue 12516 , Be& 20616 JACK REID Orono's Licenseld Àuciofener and V atuatolr SpeciJalize in Farm and Furniture Sales Conisuit me for ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 319 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WITWASHING STABLES lSt Touapkilsè Phn 186-2552 W. FRANK BLAL ESIAJE UIMITED . 21 KING ST. WEST g Bowmanvilie 623-3393 iOrville Chatterton Eleetrical Contractinz S Electri, Iand Service jPHONE 245 0OR 104 12 Oronui, Ontario Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds of Electrical, Equipment and Appilances Such at Metors -- Water Ileaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irore C=:ý> 0 "g Hamliltons 9oAuto, 9oFirt Insurance ç 'I Package >ervice, re Policies Fidelity Bond& LiabMity Life First Mortgage Loan.s ýSadie Hamilton" Phone 1-R-16 Orone Box 133 MO. 8-355W Stafford Brothers Llmlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, Ont.' Manufacturera of CenMetery Memorials Deaiers lu Domeutie & Forelgu Granites and Marbies - InseriptIonu Cnt and Cemetery Repalr Work~ Monuments a id Family M niorials Our quality and service leaves inothing to be desired Ask the person who bought trom us, a ne;ghbour, frîend or relative The RUTTER GRANITTE OOMPANT 7M Ontario Street FORT HOPE "lLargeut Dà,play lu 5ouûàra ouarw FOR SALE 1-1 1 Console Radio-Phonograph and 2 700-13 blackwail tuheless Goodyear tires, used 1 year. Phone 392W. b-17-p FOR SALE Various kinds of sprinig box plants, and Geraniumný plants in full bloom. Cail in today at C. de Mooy, North St., Newcastle. Telephone 987-4916. C-18-Pj FOR SALE Admiral TV, 21 inch $35.00. Phone 335, Orono. 1FOR SALE Ail kinds of boxed and flower plants; alsoi bulbs at: LE'AMEN GREENHC Station St. Oronc screen: a-C vegetable Gladiolus .OUSE n0 FOR R.C.A. Victor 430M Orono. SALE Television. Phone a-c FOR SALE 1960 Mercury ½ý -ton, 'good dition.' Phone 2235 Orono after WANTED An unifurnished bcd room wih a 'bathroomn, single girl. Phone between 12 and 1 or after 6 at 401W, Orono. con- 5:00 a-C sitting for a o'clock FOR SALE Seed Oats - Rodney, certif ied ýand commercial, 'cleaned and treated. J. W. Boyd, 3518 Orono. b-p APPLICATIONS Will be rcceived by the under- signed until 5:00 pim. May 19 for the position of part-time Secre- tary to the Princýipal of Orono Public School.. Duties to com- mene May 24. Further particulars may be ob- tained from Mr., Wm. L. Lycett, Principal, phone Orono 116 dur- ing scliool hourý or Orono 30r7, evenings. Reply in writing, with envelope clcarly marked as t contents, stating qualifications and salary expected. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be acceptcd. Horace, R. Best, Secretary>-Treasurer TS.A. of Clarke R.R. No. 2, Orono, Ont. NOTICE As of May l4th, 1966 the Cen- tral Communitv Telephone Co. Phone 421W. FEMALE HELP WANTED as follows: d-20-p1 Monday to Friday - 8',to 12 and fSwitch board operator. Applyj 1 to 5. Box 38, Orono. c-17-c Closed ail day Saiurday. and DEW WORMSI________ ____ Sunday. Dew Worms for sale. Notify Dpstbxo h rn fi4, Ray estJr.'Phoe 15J.HELPWANED door for anyone wishing to use A womau to help in the kitchen, this to deposit their account. A re- prepared t'ý do cleanirig also pie ceipt will be niailed to, them. ~ paration of vegetables; One girl- c-!8-c Cas full time waitress. Both per- tsons prepared to stay the full PENNY SALE 00 L C f f summer season. Kendal Women's Institute, Sat- O Apply ini person at the North-I urday, May l4th - 7 p.m. Hot 0 way Restaurant, 115 Highway. 1 Items:. Quilt, Wool Blankets, Plumnbing & at g a-c Pillow-Cases, Floor Mat, Aprons g etc. Touch and Take table. Phon 3311 ______________________ Lunch 25c. 0reqo Otrl uire lots of any size pro. Kndl rane al Orono, Ontarlo viing tey meet local build.1___________ b7p c~) WATSON'S Marine and iCycle Orono Phone 146 MIcCULLOCH BOATS & MOTOJIS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawu Mowers and, 2 aid 4 cycle Englue, OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PART-TIERADIO TV EEPAIBS -HI-FI - Stereo, -Record Players -Anitennas - Towers -PA System for rent Ail parts and labour guaranteed 1HABIT WIERSMA Phoe 17 Z Orono Yul ,nga liuse? or remodelllng Your prffe0eti1 mie, then contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE P.191 ORONO Real Estate When Buying or Seling eaH W,1I2 Haw ke 1r12 Orue, Represeftting Jack Ricard REALTOR 7~ I King st. E., Bowmanvfle 623-2503 Member Oshawa and District Real Eistate Boardi I ~5UIMUU~.CARD 0F THANKS ' Write - Harry O. Perry, The family of Carrne Tabb 46 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa lwould like to thank friendýs and neighbours for alI their kindness shown at the time of her death. NOTICE Many thanks to Dr. McKenzie and nuirses< on Medlical Floor, Memor- Dr. A. F.- McKenzie will not be ial Hosplital- for their -kind and in his office from May 14 to May' efficient service. Also the Bar- 24th, 1966. a-c low Funeral Hème, Mr. Murray _____________________Ta bband'Rev. B. Long for al NOTICE itheir kîndness. Many thanks to aIl. a-p -Meat cut and wrapped for freez- Thomas Tabb ers. Caîl C. e. Miller, Orono 2233. _______________ I CARD'0F THANKS We would like to thank our Wantd imeditel - Mi . family, friends and relatives for woman to supply consumers in the cards and gifts given to us on Durham County wjth Rawýeigh i the occasion of our Silver Wed- Products. Can cari $50 weekly ding Anniversary.1 a-c part time;- $100 and up full time. Sid and Toots Barrabali Write Rawleigh, Dept. E-306-336,1I________________ 1005 Richelieu,, St. Henry, Mon- treal. IN MEMORIAM WAITRESSES WANTED For steady employment at Royal Lunch, highway 115. Phone Newcastle 987-4215. a-p DANE'S MAINTENANCE Floors, Basemtents, Attics and Windows cleaned. Painting, Gardenhing and all odd jobs. Phonte 416W Orono. BUYI-NG Olt SELLING REAL ESTATE, A.J. MeGILL il1 1 Il REAL ESTATE BRtOKEPR Phones: Orone 1407 Oshawa '728-4285 ~Barnes and Byan 0 PLUMBING and HEATING Sacg and Service ù "24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEç SB-A FINANCING Low Interest Rates u 0 S Hampton CO. 3-228' Tyrone CO. 3.2650 In memory of Mr. Darcy Wil- son, who die:d May, llth, 1965. It broke my heart to lose you, But you didn't go alone For part of me went with you The day God called yoù home, Lovingly remembered by his wife. a-c IN IMEMORIAM BET-nloving memiory of a dear son and brother, Bob, w'ho Passed awvay Mlay 16, 1965. IOne -sad and lOnely year- has passed Since our great sorrow fell. The shock that we received that day No one can ee ei God gave us sl.rgth, to meet it And courage to bear the blow, But what it nieant ta lose you, No one will ever know. It's lonely here without you We miss You more each day, Fan life is not the same, to us, Since- you were called away. Sometimes its hard to unden- stand Why sonie things have, ta be, In His wisdomr, oci has -planned Beyon 'd our poýve)s to sec. Dearly neniembered and sadly mnissed by Dad, Mom, Anne and, Roi.,ý - TABB-At Bowmanville Memorial Hospital May 8th, 1966 Carnie Blanch Brown, wife of Thomas Hr. Tabb, Orono. Aged 77 years. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home,- Park Street, Orono for service Tuesday, May lOth at i p.m. Interment Bethesda Cornet- ery. JACK A'.,FERREN lucorne Tai Returus Prepared Oroo» .wmnvileOshawa TlpOe rono 392 efo. emm