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Orono Weekly Times, 12 May 1966, p. 1

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Promote 'The mnonth of My has been d,elared Clean-up, Paint-up, Fix'- u-p month by four Orono groujp. uring this period it is týhe inteni- tio-n of the local groupto e tý al ot,,tenitidn to thecmag ofr PITMVAN ATTACKS SYSTEM Interestdin M r. Walter Pitman., assistant egistrar of Trent Uiestpre- sented his view,ýson thie present affairs at Ottwa along wlt ont- lïning the objectsI of Trenýt Uni- 'ïrers'ity, when headdessd he members of the Orono Chýamber ,r4 Commerce. Mr. Pitnr spoke tsixteer members of ther Cham- »er o- Tvonday evening9 at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant. Mr. Pitnaan was introduced by n.S. B. Rutherford 'as capable of controvensy. Mr. Pitman has Iaught in seconidary e_,ducation a- long with being a former 'NIT. for Feterborough. He is-,nowý associ- n-,ted with Trent University. One cannot look at Otftawai to- 'day, said Mr. Pitmian, without .,,ondering where We are going. lIe added, "lYou get exactiy what jeu deserve." The speaker suggcested that lirst1l w must deal with the structure of Parliament itself. The present system was developed in an Agricultural period and has nieyer changed even though the ,ol of government has incleased ýO to 40 times. He feit that the use oýf committees would have to eom-e into existancue. Unider suich a, schenrie thi e house, hle said, would bc dividied into com-mittees. This wouild reducwe the poclitical pxessure and allow mirembhrs tfj ýst down and dilscusaý with rýeason. -AMr. Pitmian also stated that it w;.-as tim-e to plan and prograin wokat Ottawa. Today wr carc- ries on until somieone calis a hait. lesuggeýted a pojssibiijty of 3 ihree-month sittingls ith the In e Seven teacher resiýgnatioýns were- read out at the mnonthly m-eeting oýf the Clarke Township Public School Board on MIonday eenng T-he mreeting was held in Lock- -loat'SsSchool. Cntrcio S un- derway at the schiool wivth the ad- dition of two classroomsw, at an Approximiate coýst of ,$3!.ùo0 eachý and a gym at an appýroxmtecs Df $217,üG.00. As of the meigon M onday evening there were seven vacan- dies to b-ihl i the vnos sehools in the area. One or two possible teachers were expected to sign Lontracts to teac h for the Board., Ail Bardý members voicedý( con- ,ern bin etn ecesadpoin,- týed to ara t sho'rtage iin this, man oif the Board, spoke of thq la&ck of interest by teachers to teach lii the hge-'ae of the PublicSchoos. "Mntion teach- ing, four grades anid its Go-od bye', h-e said. The B3oardl is to contin- ue to advertise for teachers. Mr. W. Wnnnstated that the Board may yet have to cone iup, tethe $400000 miimumiir as have othen Boalfds. 7Mn. Best said that itwas ossi y Ito taa tohave rnuc afectas ostteacîhers had nlIreadysgndcontracts. A representation fromn the lo- cal Board visited Peterborough's Teachers College and had no suc- cess whatsoever- It was pointed out that competition in hiring teachers is; most comnpetitive and when other Boards are fferingc 40.0to $50.0 ore It is aI- most imi-possible to comIIpete. 0f sonlue 231 ona-1 rstudOentls a)nd 40 2-yearsuensati etr borough oly a few did not gaini jobs. ther1 ono. beautify the Village of Or- Gnoups participa9ting1 in the pro- moinar.e the ,Ononoý Police Trus- tees, thie Orono Chamber of Com- A 'new feature is to be addad to the, annual fire wourks display this, year. it is to take the form of a kite flying contast and the 3ponsoring group, the Orono Cham nber of Commerce, are hope- fui of seeing somle breaze on the evening of Monday May 23rd. SPrizes for this competition were offer-ed on Monday evening at the Chamnber meeting by Mn. Armstrong. Arrangements for the competition have yet to be set out. Mn. A. MeILaren,, who la in charge of the annual fireworks display -statec. that the Ono-no, Firemen had been contacted and that this group will again assist with 'the display. A charge at the gate will be made for the even- ings anterbalamenelt. work weil-planned. The speakerý strongly fait that there was a need for a more National press. The press picks Up th~e screamlingl- from what he called the 'nut crew'. There is not enoughl reporting of the solid tacts a4 f-events, that reallv matter. The speaker -was cntical of the political parties at Ottawa who were in effect ceting the ad- verse cliniate within Paliament.. Th-ese parties have fait they couid (Continued page 3) Village to eneourage a general merce , the drono Junior Garden- ers and the Orono Horticultural Society.1 The Junior G ardenens have already enitered the scheme by placing posters throughout the Acci dent Cordon Japczyan esçaped, ser- beus injuny Tuesday 'when the tractor ha was driving want off the noad a nd pinned hlm unden the machine, It was necessany to caIl a tow truck from Onono to raise tha tracter offthe driver. Mnr. Jna was rushed to the Bowanvllahospital whene lha isnwin stisfactory condition. The accident occured arouind noon oni Tuesdlay on the, Nickson sida road Just off the bounidany road of Clarke and Darlingý-ton. It la understood that Mn. Jançz- yan was pinned under the tracton for fifteeii or twenty minutes be- fora heing dfiscovanad by Mn. W. Johnson and Mn. H. AllUn. The two men tried to raise the tractor with a jack but wene unabla to do3o. Mnj. Ailun drove te Orono te suimmonü help fnomn the 0one varaa' til heir tow truck. The tow tnucki, ad the tracton frea- ing jý Mnanzan liquid fertil- izen tank wý,,as attached to the trac- ter a', thie time of theaciet 1Mn. Janýczyan la employ,,ed by J. mar Farms Leskard. Mn. Johnson la foreman a( the farm. Yd of tea ch,.e rs NEý,W SCHOOL BUILDING A letter and a f orm was receiv- edr from the Public Scho.olInspec- ton, M\r. Hloimas, nequesting that the f orm -be fiiled out and return- ed to him. This f orm with its in- formation wiil then be sent to the County Consultative' Committea and later to the Depantmenit. In- formation requestad la to give soma guidance in the building of funthen school accommodation lu the Township of Clarke., It ap- pears that the Board la consider- ing both an addition to the Içen- dal two-room scheoo and a new schooi north of Onono. it has not been decided, apparentiy, which pnoject is to be first undertaken. The information requasted is hoped to give some direction ln this matten. Mr. K. Lycatt was appointed to the 1Orono Library Board by the Sehool Board. Mn. Lycett is to re- place Mn. Rickaby who is ieaving the area. Mrs. H. H. Barlow is to attend a Spring Conference to be held in ,in dsay. other members of thle Board flt that they dîd net have thie time and Mn. Wannan said tha)t such conferences were of littIavaue It was raported by Mn. Wannan thiat soma Kirby, school children were riding the bus who had no right to be doing an. It was recommended that the bus o)perator be informed of this fact. Mn. Best reporteil that the final c-traci price foir the Newton- ville addition was no* at $90,947 0f thiis amiount $16,288.70 hadý yet t'o be paid. Tha Propenty Committe wera athonized to look into 1.nsuae costs în which they feit thene ex- isted too great a difference. Mns. Banlow asked what use was being made of the gym at the Newtonville Schocl' No one knew. This miatter came up for discus- sien when the Board was discus- sing the cost of hcating the gym and the two new classrooms at this school. It was feit 'that the cost was too highi, over $10000 a cam paign. spring.p clean-up. Thie four groups ask the co-op- enation of the, Orono residentS and th e Oýono businessmen to as- sist in making this project a suc- TI E IURSDAY, MAY lZth, 1966 To HId ite lyig Cote3 besuggeshted tha-eutsach bus besalism_eton ain St. bsiness sbin fron onisprMiSseeer ineda ftoayth 'pee graeers picked Up in this particular area. O O EEKLY VOLUME 28, NUMBER 17, OROINO WEEKLY TIMES, TU 1Picturad balow la a section of the catwalk which has beau 'constructed acress 'the marsh just nonth of the Onono Miii pond. The catwalk is part of a nature trail which Is ha- ing establisehd south of the Orono Park. Work,15 aiso under.- way on the construction of two bridges 'te cross the creek. This' la part of the Cantennial project establisihd by the Township of Clarke and being carrIeýd out by _tha'ir Cenniai Committea When completad the projeet will include ever twenty acres, not including the present park area,- and wvill stretch from the mili pond ini the south to the northern extramity of the Orono business section. The Orono creek is within this area. Jimmy Partner of Orono proudly displays his fine cateh, a 27-inch nain- bow trout. Jimn caught the fishi on his fathen's, property thnough which a tri- butary of the Wil-mot Creek flowvs. The propýerty las just west of Orone. dean-up; 7 ton of paper The Orono Boy Scouts and Cubs colleceted over seven tons of sw aste paper last Saturday in the VîIlage of Orono. This was one of the larges t pick-up of paper n the- Village in recent years. Revenue from the sale of.the pap- er will be used for Scouting and Cubingl,. On The Ground. There were no takers on Mon- day evening for a one-day trip to Kimberly, Wisconsin. The trip by chartered plane was offered to the Clarke Township Public Sehool Board by the Ontario Hydro. In the correspondence, at the, School meeting a letter was re- ceived fr6m the Ontario Hydro in which Tlydro offered to fly two memrbers of the Board along w ýith thetr' archftect to Klimberly, Wis- consin. The purpose of the so- journ was to. view a new venture in Public, Sehool construction which also featurerl elecrical heaýing. Hydro is flying represefrtatives from a nmber of School Boards to W\,isconsin to view this. new feaiture in School construction. T'he local School Board was also given the opportunity to take part in the trip at no cost to the Board. The school to be seen is a windowless school featuring el- ectrical heating. Under the Con- struction f eatures of thi new schiool it is stated that heating costs are greatly reduced. month. The next regular meeting of the Board is to be held in the Cowan- ville School on June l3th. Consider Te Orono Chamber of Com- merce hed their monthly meet- i"'ý on Moiday evening with six- teen members present. The mothly Chamberof Com- -e-re dav for mne hndred dol- 1as was won this month by rsa Joan Sutcliffe. It was reporte&i tht most of the two hundred tickets have been sold for the draw which will feature in Dec- ember draws for $10000, $200,00 a-j $500.00. The meeting gave approval, for the sponsoring of an Apple Bloi- Som Tour which would be fed mapped. out for the area. A comi. mittee is to be set up to make the necessary arrangements and to promote the tour. Although final arrangements have not been made it is likely that the tour would include or- chéards along the thiri l ne of Clarke and in some sectionsIý of Darington. Consideration will ai so be given to extending the tour to the Provincial Tree Nursery in Orono and possibly that et Mospont. The mapping of the tour route wouid also include some of the scenic sections of the area, The Department of Agriculture in Bow manvil'p and the Orono Tree Nursery have been contact- ed( and both are willing to assist1î in, e -op eatn g hi s uc h a v n ur ' Apple bossoms in this area are generally out aroundth twenty-fourth of May weekend- However, due to the cold weathei'c it may be later than usual tisî year. Mr. C. Armstrongý of the Re- tail Merchants; committee rpn ed that the committee had flmet and that they were endeavouring to have ,established withIn the, Orono Business section a uniformî- ity. of Open hours. Aise he re- portedi that ln the future it WaS the initention of tlhe comnmittee, to have advertised thOe store hours duing I,,holidays.' The cRetail Merchants Committee is also seeking aI source of gar- bage container, which could beC use,! on the main street of the Village. The Chamber passed ai motion allotting a sum of $150,00l for the Committee's Use. A site (Continued page 8)-

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