ORONO WEEKLY TrIMES, THURSDAY, IWAV 121h, 1466 When 1is A Chril 5 Readl as the Famiiy Sunday Mes- P ~aein the rono Unted Church.a Take a father and a mother ..,t Take.a son and a daughter..1 And what do you get? Four peopie - Two big -- two not so big. Put themn together in a -bouse, and let them wander in and out. Label them with the same name Put themn on chairs around a table witb fo-ks in their bands. Sprawl themn out before a T.V. set, or pack tbem iu a car that the bank bal owns. And what do you get? They cali them a famîly. But when is a family REALLY a famiiy?. A family is a family when you can bolier loud without beîng Éhrown out, b ut also wben vou waut to LEARN not to bolier; when you can bave a room or a corner ail your owAn , . . but also wheu you have the thers ýalways "thereý." A, family is a family when you dad rubs your head wlth bis great bcig baud, when your mum is bakugý just when you corne iu starved. A famiiy is a gamiiy when you trarnp thro ugb the woods single file, or hold down a table loth on tbe grass for a picnic on, a wiudy day, wbeu you take up haîf the stools at a restaurant lunch bar for Saturday snack on a sbopping trip. A family is a family when you can bring homne news from- the world outside, anid you talk it over;, and try to see it ail in God's way; when you can gýo out witb a good feeling of beiug put to- gether riglit, and corne home, kuowing full weii, that at home ïs love and understaudiug, more than enough to beal bruises of your day la the world outside. A family is taik, and smiles and laughs, and frowns and sbouted protests, and bugs and" kisses, and somep more talkng. Because this is one place iu ail the world wbere you cau do ail these things, because you're heard and listened to, you'r e hugged and kissed, youtre accepted and respected, you're loved with the opeuuess and freedom that makes you feel bigg er tban you were yesterday., A family is wbere interpretiug happens - wbere 'you're helped to uuderstand yourself - where you're helped to judge for your- self - wbere you're heiped to discover and to believe for your- self. A famiiy is when you're trust- ed, and when you trust . ; because you CAN trust. So a famiiy is when you trust God, because trust in your faiiy opens tbe way. A family is a reservoir of trust and love and power, whicb is always there . . . neyer forced upon you, but always th~ere. 1A family is when everyone in it .admits be, bas somne growing to be done and looks to everyone else in the famiIy for belp )- when eve-ryone in if i!- 1~ito discover who he is and wbo be cau be, because he lives ini bis family. A family is when a picture of man and womau that really counts is being painted, when you can see what the possbilities, and limitations of. being grown up really are. A family is when love is more important tban law, but when rules are important within love - when kinduess and care are more important than manners and tidiness, but wheu politeness and neatniess are expressions of tbougbtfulness. A famiiy is wheu fith is learu- ed from the WAY PEOPLE, ARE, not mnereiy fromi what -tbey, say1 or bow many answers they know. A famiiy is TtEALLY A FAMILY Mben it's a CHRISTIAN FAMILY. And wheni is a Cbristiau family. A Christian f amily is when tbere's fellowship, acceptance, re- spect . . . a feeling of commun- face, and acceqt!ilg it witii con- stiaut FamiIv? <' ri~r the nroh 1i'q I if. Its ace-oting pain with for-, )utting back together again, cre- ý'iveness: it's alwavs, know!ii ating something new - taking tha1t. bovrver much vou crucifv the stuff 'and chaos of broken re- vour farnilv. vou 'wili alwavs be Iatijonships, incomplete ventures welcome aInd forgriven and loved. and new possibilities, and togeth- é4 Chriqtian, familv is when er creating newness: by forgive- 1.hfere's REBIRTH: when accept-I ness, love and, freedom, to let, ance and confession and forgive- him try, by imagination, skill andJ ness give new, power to your 'lIv- willingness to give. It's being jing, and you know that God bas made in the image of a creator- acted to make vou new - through God. them. A Christian famil-y is a col- ony of heaven, where two per- A Christian famiiy is when the sons begin another part of the CROSS is accepted: facing evil story, of the people of God. A squarely andi handiagit with Christian farniiy is> what oae love, meeting suffering face to mnan has cailed "a warm structure Il Commerce financing and banik services helped thîs farmer buy a new pick-up truc k. Are you Planning any purchases? Corne to thÏe farmer's bank. CAN1~IANlld~î A>~AKOF COMMERCE of -,love and powe~rin whibs ycou rýeaily feel you belopg . . ." From tbis base yQu can go out and make a Christian differenee in the world . . . as from none other! Thank God for a Christian faiiy... and be one! i(Taken from the Order of Wor- ship prepared by the United Church of Canada for use on Christian Famiiy Suuday.) FIRM EXPANDS ITS OPERATION Woodland Produets of New- castle has purchased the T. Eaton Company Ltd. warehouse in Peterborough and wili begin man- ufacturing furniture next month. IAbouit 50 persons -wil -be e - pIoýyed bey the end of.,tbe yeaz, Woodland owner Donald J. Mur- ray said. 1Mr. Murray îs pres ideut and mai ority stockholder of Donald J ,Mry Associates Ldabb ing company whicb owns Wood- land Products. The firm is one o Canada's largest manufacturers o f occasiOnai furniture with 42 it- ems ln its .product Uine and com- pany owned distributors in il 10 provinces, the Yukon and Nortb West Territories. The decîsion to locate iu Peter- borougb was prompted by a fire last faîl that destroyed one of the Newcastle 'plants. 6the modera .....a...y9... for just pennies & fa day 1 A Superîor Water Heater delivers Mi hot water 4 ~~imes faster Sautomagicalliy ~COS less to ~1 operate too Cal your Superior maý, heil explain the features of the, Superior Wat6r H eater RlentaI Plan. Autornagic Temperature Corntrol.- 25 gallons of hot water per hour. . Clean, fast, low cost .- . Free installation . . Free automagic fuel delivery . .. Free service.. Now enjoy oceans cf hot water 'the modern way. PROPANE LTD., Victoria Street E. WHITBY, ont. - 6681328 S"UPPORT AND TAKEPA INT1 Campîgn n ORONO Duri*ng May SPONSORED BY Orono Police Trustees, Chamber ofCnnr. Junior Gardeners, and Horticultural Society MAKEý ORONO THE BEAUTIFUL BfAUTIFUL SPECI ý%L GARDAGE PICK-gUPi FOR SATURDAY, MAY 214. Place refuse at curyside for pic-up Why Pay More...... lr v A EON PRE-Miumc SAY] Ici QUALITY l g FUEL OIL PIIONE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DXFUE:L OUL Serving Orono, Newcastle and District r \1 %wé