OBONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY l2th, 1966 in Ecuador." Mrs. Duvail gave a V.C.W., UNIT 6 the bale for overseas relief ta be vast displays of bloom,' especi- It vry itereting stor on.thepacked at 2 p.m. en May 9th. Our ally the tulipo, etc., The picture Un t New s vey nteret aîn sto haveonte Six members of- Unit 6 met in unit, was asked for two, helpers tour otne t thrbay Jesus'. referring to Joseph Scriv- one of the Sunday School cîass to pack the boxes. spots alugrdnothn Tuesday, May 3rd Unit 2 met in en who is buried near' Rîce Lake rooms on the evening of May 3. lakes, autumni colouring, and oth- the'Upper C. E. Auditorium with where a monument is erected to ers most of the places shown hadl 10 members and 2 visitors pres- his memory. Our meeting opened with theè At the very kind 'Invitation of been personally visited by Mrs. nt. Mrs. DuvalI opened the meet- The bale of used clothing will Devtional - Joyce Gray reading Mrs. isk and t members of Fwîh arbrter. A oero. hak ing with a poem on the therne, be packed at the Church on Mon- Sripture - Psalm 8. Jean Heard jUi ,ormmes ln ihwsetne ohr "Love'. Minutes were read and 'day May 9th. A motion by Mrs. gave the Meditation and closed the ladies of Unts 4 and 5, had the roll called. Visits to hospital lTrwin seconded by Mrs. M. J.wt pae.Mh lain f et i e he were 21; to shut-ins 33, Our first Tamblyn, that we have a bake iihpryr the Maineasure omeeting oge Th evening was brought te, a hymn was 172, Love Divine. :sale at the General Meeting, in ýslides shown by Mrs. Fairbrother close with the serving of re- ýJune, was earried. A thank-you Minutes of the April meeting loi Newcastle. Entitling her trav- freshnients'by Unit 1, when a se- Mrs. Stella Carson gave the de- riote was read by the secretary were read, and fhe treasurers re- lelogue, "Rambllng Around Ontar- cial tinie wpas enjoyed. votional, reading a poem "The from Mrs. Wm. Robinson« port given. The birthday and anni- ib", our gnest took us to many Month of, May" and St. John 1, The meeting closed with the versary box was passed and the1 areas in our province, first to Ot- verses 12-17, showing God's love Mizpah benedietion. Light re- offering received. tawa, where we observed many The- next meeting will be on eor the world. Mrs. Irwin read freshments were served and a so- pons ofitret aril detJue7 tth hm oghem i story "Mission among the Aucas ciaI haif hour enjoyed. Announcement was Made of buildings, changing of the gad ag OMSiPenroliment period extended toMay _l6th Ontario IHealth Minister Dr. M. B. Dymond has announced that residents of the Province may stili -receive full Ontario Medicail Services Jnsuranoe Plan coverage and benefits by July lst providing they enroil ini the Plan before May l6th. 1 he, Plan is a success, declared the Minister. "The number of applications received already cover more than 1,100,000 of ourcitizens." Dr. Dymond added, how- ever, that a large number of residents had indicated they would join OMSIP but for a varîety of reasons had been unable to send in their application in time, The OMSIP open enrolîment period has therefore been extended by two weeks in order that t hese persons may qualify for coverage from the day the Plan goes into effect on July lst. "The May l6th deadline is final," added the uinis- ter. "This enrolîment dead- Une cannot be extended any further because it takes time to process such a flood of applications even with the most modern equipment available." The exte nsion of the open enroilment period means that those, reidents wlio have alreaýdy enrolled, and those who enroli before May l6th, will be protected by OMSlP ' beginning July lst. Onta rio residents who en- roll after May l6th will have to undergo a minimum threemonth waiting period before they are entitled to OMSIP coverage and bene.- fi ts, said Dr. Dymond. OMSWP head office is Iocated'at 135 St. Clair West, Toronto. Applications are already being processed by modern micro-photo metbods and computers. OLID AGE PENSIONERS Many old ýage pensioners have automatically been enrolled in OMSIP but most must fil in and submit an'application. Those who will get automnatie coverage are pensioners who are presently receiving benefit under The Ontario Old Age Assistance Act, or those pelisioners who have been declared eligible for coverage by the Ontario Departmnent of Welfare. These pensioners have already received their OMSIP registration cards. All other pensioners must complete and submit an appli- cation to receive OMSIP coverage. If you have not received an OMSIP registration card, or have flot already sent in an application formn, you mnust apply before May i6th for coverage when the Plan starts on July lst. Notification, of acceptance t. b. sent out sk«Uy People who have already enrolled in OMSIP S not apply a second time. Dr. Dymond stated that their applicationà ame now being processed, and their notification will arrIve ini the mail very woon, * OàMSIP BENEFITS OMSIP provides practically ail physicians' services es benefits including: " Doctor visits in the home, office or hospital. " Diagnosis and trecitment of Ilinesses an d îiuées. " Diagnosis, pre-operation care and treatment, surgery and post-operation care. " Obstetriccil care, including pre-natal and post- natal care effective from the dote of enroliment. " Anaesthesia and X-rays for diagnostic, * surgical and other procedures. " Treatment of fractures and dislocation s. " Certified specialist services at established rates when you are referred to t he specialist by ycçur doctor. " Certain dental surgical'services performed i a hospital. NOTE: QMSIP wiIl not pay for the cost of hospitaliza- tion. OMSIP is an additional: service, not a substitute for Ontario Hospital Insurance. You wil still require coverage by Hospital Insurance. OMSI? IS VOLUNTARY- APPLICATION 15 NECESSARY OMSIP is a voluntary plan and you can cancel your membership at any time ., The government, how- ever, can only canicel mem- berships in the case of mis- epresentation, misuse of services, non-payment of premiums, or 3 months after a member has ceased to 1ge a resident of Ontario. SIf you fIll out this appli- cation and mail it nowv, you wil be eligible for OMSJP coverage beginning July lst. Otherwise you will have to wai ta minimum of 3 months for your covemage to begin. Since these applications have to be recorded with a micro-photo machine, please print carefully and plainly with a bail point pen only. 5mu YomR CONPL!TApniAcA'lm 4FORM To OMSIP, Pi.O. BOX 1700, TERMINAL A, TORONTO if required, additional application forms are available from any banlc, or f ronm OMSIP, 135 St. Clair Ave., West, Toronto 7. YOU-R OM"SIP A PPLICATION IS ON THE OITHER SIDE 0F THIS PAGE' --------------------------------------------- 1---------------